FISA Court... Should we be concerned?

heh - the bulk of what i get here is:
FISA said obama and company was bad.
Liberals now want to trash FISA.

did i miss anything?

Yes, you missed the point where anyone that even remotely considers themselves a conservative could never support something like the FISA court

Sent from my iPhone using
I don't agree with that. FISA judges' actions are monitored by Justice Roberts. I don't see it as a partisan or even political issue, so much as a practical issue of "given the foreign threats against us, does the law provide the maximum safeguards against govt collecting information not related to nat security, and misusing that information to abridge constitutional rights like speech?"

Yep. Nothing wrong with it if you do not mind trading essential liberties for temporary safety.

Sent from my iPhone using
heh - the bulk of what i get here is:
FISA said obama and company was bad.
Liberals now want to trash FISA.

did i miss anything?

Yes, you missed the point where anyone that even remotely considers themselves a conservative could never support something like the FISA court

Sent from my iPhone using
I don't agree with that. FISA judges' actions are monitored by Justice Roberts. I don't see it as a partisan or even political issue, so much as a practical issue of "given the foreign threats against us, does the law provide the maximum safeguards against govt collecting information not related to nat security, and misusing that information to abridge constitutional rights like speech?"

Yep. Nothing wrong with it if you do not mind trading essential liberties for temporary safety.

Sent from my iPhone using
Well ALL individual rights are subject to being "infringed" upon. Whether one is a liberal or conservative is irrelevant to that. The Gunnuts contend "infringe" means they have a right that cannot be compromised, but no actual constitutional scholar agrees. Rather, the question is literally whether the restriction is as narrowly tailored to a really important government interest (or duty) as is possible to still allow the government to accomplish its interest of duty?

That's the question people can disagree over about FISA courts .... and imo more importantly whether the warrantless surveillance approved under both Obama and Trump (and by congressmen and senators in both parties) meets that test.
Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds' snooping

Established in 1978 at the height of the Cold War, the clandestine FISA court, known as the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, is located blocks away from the White House and the Capitol in a bunker-like complex.

The barest of details about the court and its oversight were publicly disclosed until the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when 19 militants associated with al-Qaida carried out suicide attacks, hijacking four planes and flying them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, triggering major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism.

Authorities began dramatically intensifying their espionage efforts, doubling the number of warrant applications. This prompted the court to authorize sweeping collections of mass data.

The FISA court approves more than 99 percent of the domestic electronic surveillance requests the deep state brings to its vaulted door, according to the Wall Street Journal

A 2016 Justice Department report showed the National Security Agency and the FBI made 1,457 requests for permission to the FISA court to conduct electronic surveillance in 2015.

While it is the sole responsibility of the FISA court to scrutinize every one of these requests, only one application was rejected by the government in all of 2015.

As for the rest, “FISC did not deny any applications in whole, or in part,” the Justice Department said.

The FISA court also issues subpoenas that intelligence agencies use to compel private companies to turn over personal data on customers. These “national security letters” contain everything from Americans’ billing information to their browsing histories.

Read more at Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds’ snooping

Ninety Nine Percent of the FISA requests were approved in 2015. 1457 requests approved, one denied. Does the FISA Court have too much faith in the FBI? I don't like those numbers.
Damn Right We Should Be Concerned!


FISA Court Selects Left-Wing Kook Lawyer Who Vehemently Denied FBI Misled FISA To Oversee FBI Reforms

Cover Up FISA Judge
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has triggered a wave of condemnations over the selection of Left Wing Kook David Kris, to oversee reforms of the FBI FISA process. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) presiding Judge James Cover Up Boasberg, appointed Left Wing Kook Kris, a lawyer that the Washington Post describes as “highly controversial.

Critics have objected that Left Wing Kook Kris writes for Lawfare, a left-wing, anti-Trump site, as well as shows like Rachel Madcow on MSLSD. Left Wing Kook Kris was one of the most public advocates for rejecting allegations of Crooked FBI abuse. Cover Up FISC went to someone who insisted that allegations of abuse were nonsense and should be rejected. If the Cover Up court was seeking to assure the public, it has added a new controversy for those who see a “deep state” response to reforms.

Left Wing Kook Kris served under the Spying Obama Administration and was assistant attorney general for the DOJ’s National Security Division.

Left Wing Kook Kris was one of the loudest critics of the Nunes memo which mirrored the findings of the Inspector General’s report:
“The Nunes memo was dishonest. And if it is allowed to stand, we risk significant collateral damage to essential elements of our democracy.” He specifically denied the claim that he FBI misled the court about Christopher Steele – a claim that has now been proven to be true.

Left Wing Kook Kris also maintained that “These applications already substantially undermine the president’s narrative and that of his proxies, and it seems to me very likely that if we get below the tip of the iceberg and into the submerged parts and more is revealed, it’s going to get worse, not better. And it would potentially be dangerous to disclose additional information because some of this relates to ongoing investigations.”

He has also been a prominent critic of President Trump, claiming on Twitter that the “walls” were “closing in” on the President.

Amid the Trump-Russia investigation, Left Wing Kook Kris had written that Republicans had “falsely accused” the FBI of misleading the FISC in its wiretap applications to spy on the Trump campaign. He stated that “an allegation that was all but debunked by the special counsel’s report and the inspector general’s report,” the Daily Caller noted.


Left Wing Kook Kris, Lying on CSPAN​

Given that Left Wing Kook Kris was wrong the whole time, and always wrong in the direction of the liars, spies and Deep State, it is curious that Cover Up Judge James Boasberg thought that he was the best lawyer to assure the public that reforms would be faithfully and thoroughly carried out.
Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds' snooping

Established in 1978 at the height of the Cold War, the clandestine FISA court, known as the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, is located blocks away from the White House and the Capitol in a bunker-like complex.

The barest of details about the court and its oversight were publicly disclosed until the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when 19 militants associated with al-Qaida carried out suicide attacks, hijacking four planes and flying them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, triggering major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism.

Authorities began dramatically intensifying their espionage efforts, doubling the number of warrant applications. This prompted the court to authorize sweeping collections of mass data.

The FISA court approves more than 99 percent of the domestic electronic surveillance requests the deep state brings to its vaulted door, according to the Wall Street Journal

A 2016 Justice Department report showed the National Security Agency and the FBI made 1,457 requests for permission to the FISA court to conduct electronic surveillance in 2015.

While it is the sole responsibility of the FISA court to scrutinize every one of these requests, only one application was rejected by the government in all of 2015.

As for the rest, “FISC did not deny any applications in whole, or in part,” the Justice Department said.

The FISA court also issues subpoenas that intelligence agencies use to compel private companies to turn over personal data on customers. These “national security letters” contain everything from Americans’ billing information to their browsing histories.

Read more at Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds’ snooping

Ninety Nine Percent of the FISA requests were approved in 2015. 1457 requests approved, one denied. Does the FISA Court have too much faith in the FBI? I don't like those numbers.
Damn Right We Should Be Concerned!


FISA Court Selects Left-Wing Kook Lawyer Who Vehemently Denied FBI Misled FISA To Oversee FBI Reforms

Cover Up FISA Judge
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has triggered a wave of condemnations over the selection of Left Wing Kook David Kris, to oversee reforms of the FBI FISA process. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) presiding Judge James Cover Up Boasberg, appointed Left Wing Kook Kris, a lawyer that the Washington Post describes as “highly controversial.

Critics have objected that Left Wing Kook Kris writes for Lawfare, a left-wing, anti-Trump site, as well as shows like Rachel Madcow on MSLSD. Left Wing Kook Kris was one of the most public advocates for rejecting allegations of Crooked FBI abuse. Cover Up FISC went to someone who insisted that allegations of abuse were nonsense and should be rejected. If the Cover Up court was seeking to assure the public, it has added a new controversy for those who see a “deep state” response to reforms.

Left Wing Kook Kris served under the Spying Obama Administration and was assistant attorney general for the DOJ’s National Security Division.

Left Wing Kook Kris was one of the loudest critics of the Nunes memo which mirrored the findings of the Inspector General’s report:
“The Nunes memo was dishonest. And if it is allowed to stand, we risk significant collateral damage to essential elements of our democracy.” He specifically denied the claim that he FBI misled the court about Christopher Steele – a claim that has now been proven to be true.

Left Wing Kook Kris also maintained that “These applications already substantially undermine the president’s narrative and that of his proxies, and it seems to me very likely that if we get below the tip of the iceberg and into the submerged parts and more is revealed, it’s going to get worse, not better. And it would potentially be dangerous to disclose additional information because some of this relates to ongoing investigations.”

He has also been a prominent critic of President Trump, claiming on Twitter that the “walls” were “closing in” on the President.

Amid the Trump-Russia investigation, Left Wing Kook Kris had written that Republicans had “falsely accused” the FBI of misleading the FISC in its wiretap applications to spy on the Trump campaign. He stated that “an allegation that was all but debunked by the special counsel’s report and the inspector general’s report,” the Daily Caller noted.


Left Wing Kook Kris, Lying on CSPAN​

Given that Left Wing Kook Kris was wrong the whole time, and always wrong in the direction of the liars, spies and Deep State, it is curious that Cover Up Judge James Boasberg thought that he was the best lawyer to assure the public that reforms would be faithfully and thoroughly carried out.

The Nunes memo was misleading. It did get some parts right, but the section that was most broadcast by Nunes was proven to be a lie, that the application did not reveal Steele was working for a political adversary.
Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds' snooping

Established in 1978 at the height of the Cold War, the clandestine FISA court, known as the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, is located blocks away from the White House and the Capitol in a bunker-like complex.

The barest of details about the court and its oversight were publicly disclosed until the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when 19 militants associated with al-Qaida carried out suicide attacks, hijacking four planes and flying them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, triggering major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism.

Authorities began dramatically intensifying their espionage efforts, doubling the number of warrant applications. This prompted the court to authorize sweeping collections of mass data.

The FISA court approves more than 99 percent of the domestic electronic surveillance requests the deep state brings to its vaulted door, according to the Wall Street Journal

A 2016 Justice Department report showed the National Security Agency and the FBI made 1,457 requests for permission to the FISA court to conduct electronic surveillance in 2015.

While it is the sole responsibility of the FISA court to scrutinize every one of these requests, only one application was rejected by the government in all of 2015.

As for the rest, “FISC did not deny any applications in whole, or in part,” the Justice Department said.

The FISA court also issues subpoenas that intelligence agencies use to compel private companies to turn over personal data on customers. These “national security letters” contain everything from Americans’ billing information to their browsing histories.

Read more at Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds’ snooping

Ninety Nine Percent of the FISA requests were approved in 2015. 1457 requests approved, one denied. Does the FISA Court have too much faith in the FBI? I don't like those numbers.
Damn Right We Should Be Concerned!


FISA Court Selects Left-Wing Kook Lawyer Who Vehemently Denied FBI Misled FISA To Oversee FBI Reforms

Cover Up FISA Judge
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has triggered a wave of condemnations over the selection of Left Wing Kook David Kris, to oversee reforms of the FBI FISA process. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) presiding Judge James Cover Up Boasberg, appointed Left Wing Kook Kris, a lawyer that the Washington Post describes as “highly controversial.

Critics have objected that Left Wing Kook Kris writes for Lawfare, a left-wing, anti-Trump site, as well as shows like Rachel Madcow on MSLSD. Left Wing Kook Kris was one of the most public advocates for rejecting allegations of Crooked FBI abuse. Cover Up FISC went to someone who insisted that allegations of abuse were nonsense and should be rejected. If the Cover Up court was seeking to assure the public, it has added a new controversy for those who see a “deep state” response to reforms.

Left Wing Kook Kris served under the Spying Obama Administration and was assistant attorney general for the DOJ’s National Security Division.

Left Wing Kook Kris was one of the loudest critics of the Nunes memo which mirrored the findings of the Inspector General’s report:
“The Nunes memo was dishonest. And if it is allowed to stand, we risk significant collateral damage to essential elements of our democracy.” He specifically denied the claim that he FBI misled the court about Christopher Steele – a claim that has now been proven to be true.

Left Wing Kook Kris also maintained that “These applications already substantially undermine the president’s narrative and that of his proxies, and it seems to me very likely that if we get below the tip of the iceberg and into the submerged parts and more is revealed, it’s going to get worse, not better. And it would potentially be dangerous to disclose additional information because some of this relates to ongoing investigations.”

He has also been a prominent critic of President Trump, claiming on Twitter that the “walls” were “closing in” on the President.

Amid the Trump-Russia investigation, Left Wing Kook Kris had written that Republicans had “falsely accused” the FBI of misleading the FISC in its wiretap applications to spy on the Trump campaign. He stated that “an allegation that was all but debunked by the special counsel’s report and the inspector general’s report,” the Daily Caller noted.


Left Wing Kook Kris, Lying on CSPAN​

Given that Left Wing Kook Kris was wrong the whole time, and always wrong in the direction of the liars, spies and Deep State, it is curious that Cover Up Judge James Boasberg thought that he was the best lawyer to assure the public that reforms would be faithfully and thoroughly carried out.

The Nunes memo was misleading...
Oh, now that you have to admit it was true, you have to pretend that "while true, it was misleading". Nice backstroke!

The Nunes memo refuted the narrative being spun by his Democratic counterpart, Rep. Lying Adam Schiff who, in a memo of his own, made charges and statements we now know to have been entirely false. Two years ago, however, the Lying Schiff line was celebrated by Democrats, the Fake News media and Never Trumpers as a refutation of everything Mr. Nunes had alleged. Now we know he was right. As the Horowitz report explains, for example, the FBI did use the infamous Clinton campaign-funded, bogus “Steele dossier” as the essential justification of its surveillance of Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

Rosemary Collyer, currently the presiding judge on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, said in what has been described as an “unusual public order” Tuesday that Mr. Horowitz’s report “calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable” and that the FBI’s handling of the Page case “was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor” required by FISA.

Devin Nunes is owed an apology

Are you starting to get tired of being wrong on everything?
Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds' snooping

Established in 1978 at the height of the Cold War, the clandestine FISA court, known as the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, is located blocks away from the White House and the Capitol in a bunker-like complex.

The barest of details about the court and its oversight were publicly disclosed until the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when 19 militants associated with al-Qaida carried out suicide attacks, hijacking four planes and flying them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, triggering major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism.

Authorities began dramatically intensifying their espionage efforts, doubling the number of warrant applications. This prompted the court to authorize sweeping collections of mass data.

The FISA court approves more than 99 percent of the domestic electronic surveillance requests the deep state brings to its vaulted door, according to the Wall Street Journal

A 2016 Justice Department report showed the National Security Agency and the FBI made 1,457 requests for permission to the FISA court to conduct electronic surveillance in 2015.

While it is the sole responsibility of the FISA court to scrutinize every one of these requests, only one application was rejected by the government in all of 2015.

As for the rest, “FISC did not deny any applications in whole, or in part,” the Justice Department said.

The FISA court also issues subpoenas that intelligence agencies use to compel private companies to turn over personal data on customers. These “national security letters” contain everything from Americans’ billing information to their browsing histories.

Read more at Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds’ snooping

Ninety Nine Percent of the FISA requests were approved in 2015. 1457 requests approved, one denied. Does the FISA Court have too much faith in the FBI? I don't like those numbers.
Damn Right We Should Be Concerned!


FISA Court Selects Left-Wing Kook Lawyer Who Vehemently Denied FBI Misled FISA To Oversee FBI Reforms

Cover Up FISA Judge
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has triggered a wave of condemnations over the selection of Left Wing Kook David Kris, to oversee reforms of the FBI FISA process. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) presiding Judge James Cover Up Boasberg, appointed Left Wing Kook Kris, a lawyer that the Washington Post describes as “highly controversial.

Critics have objected that Left Wing Kook Kris writes for Lawfare, a left-wing, anti-Trump site, as well as shows like Rachel Madcow on MSLSD. Left Wing Kook Kris was one of the most public advocates for rejecting allegations of Crooked FBI abuse. Cover Up FISC went to someone who insisted that allegations of abuse were nonsense and should be rejected. If the Cover Up court was seeking to assure the public, it has added a new controversy for those who see a “deep state” response to reforms.

Left Wing Kook Kris served under the Spying Obama Administration and was assistant attorney general for the DOJ’s National Security Division.

Left Wing Kook Kris was one of the loudest critics of the Nunes memo which mirrored the findings of the Inspector General’s report:
“The Nunes memo was dishonest. And if it is allowed to stand, we risk significant collateral damage to essential elements of our democracy.” He specifically denied the claim that he FBI misled the court about Christopher Steele – a claim that has now been proven to be true.

Left Wing Kook Kris also maintained that “These applications already substantially undermine the president’s narrative and that of his proxies, and it seems to me very likely that if we get below the tip of the iceberg and into the submerged parts and more is revealed, it’s going to get worse, not better. And it would potentially be dangerous to disclose additional information because some of this relates to ongoing investigations.”

He has also been a prominent critic of President Trump, claiming on Twitter that the “walls” were “closing in” on the President.

Amid the Trump-Russia investigation, Left Wing Kook Kris had written that Republicans had “falsely accused” the FBI of misleading the FISC in its wiretap applications to spy on the Trump campaign. He stated that “an allegation that was all but debunked by the special counsel’s report and the inspector general’s report,” the Daily Caller noted.


Left Wing Kook Kris, Lying on CSPAN​

Given that Left Wing Kook Kris was wrong the whole time, and always wrong in the direction of the liars, spies and Deep State, it is curious that Cover Up Judge James Boasberg thought that he was the best lawyer to assure the public that reforms would be faithfully and thoroughly carried out.

The Nunes memo was misleading...
Oh, now that you have to admit it was true, you have to pretend that "while true, it was misleading". Nice backstroke!

The Nunes memo refuted the narrative being spun by his Democratic counterpart, Rep. Lying Adam Schiff who, in a memo of his own, made charges and statements we now know to have been entirely false. Two years ago, however, the Lying Schiff line was celebrated by Democrats, the Fake News media and Never Trumpers as a refutation of everything Mr. Nunes had alleged. Now we know he was right. As the Horowitz report explains, for example, the FBI did use the infamous Clinton campaign-funded, bogus “Steele dossier” as the essential justification of its surveillance of Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

Rosemary Collyer, currently the presiding judge on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, said in what has been described as an “unusual public order” Tuesday that Mr. Horowitz’s report “calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable” and that the FBI’s handling of the Page case “was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor” required by FISA.

Devin Nunes is owed an apology

Are you starting to get tired of being wrong on everything?

Nunes got some things right. I said as much. He also got the central point of his little memo wrong. He got it so wrong it appeared intentional. He claimed the judge wasn’t told about Steele’s employer. That was completely false. Nunes owes the American people an apology.
Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds' snooping

Established in 1978 at the height of the Cold War, the clandestine FISA court, known as the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, is located blocks away from the White House and the Capitol in a bunker-like complex.

The barest of details about the court and its oversight were publicly disclosed until the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when 19 militants associated with al-Qaida carried out suicide attacks, hijacking four planes and flying them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, triggering major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism.

Authorities began dramatically intensifying their espionage efforts, doubling the number of warrant applications. This prompted the court to authorize sweeping collections of mass data.

The FISA court approves more than 99 percent of the domestic electronic surveillance requests the deep state brings to its vaulted door, according to the Wall Street Journal

A 2016 Justice Department report showed the National Security Agency and the FBI made 1,457 requests for permission to the FISA court to conduct electronic surveillance in 2015.

While it is the sole responsibility of the FISA court to scrutinize every one of these requests, only one application was rejected by the government in all of 2015.

As for the rest, “FISC did not deny any applications in whole, or in part,” the Justice Department said.

The FISA court also issues subpoenas that intelligence agencies use to compel private companies to turn over personal data on customers. These “national security letters” contain everything from Americans’ billing information to their browsing histories.

Read more at Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds’ snooping

Ninety Nine Percent of the FISA requests were approved in 2015. 1457 requests approved, one denied. Does the FISA Court have too much faith in the FBI? I don't like those numbers.
Damn Right We Should Be Concerned!


FISA Court Selects Left-Wing Kook Lawyer Who Vehemently Denied FBI Misled FISA To Oversee FBI Reforms

Cover Up FISA Judge
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has triggered a wave of condemnations over the selection of Left Wing Kook David Kris, to oversee reforms of the FBI FISA process. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) presiding Judge James Cover Up Boasberg, appointed Left Wing Kook Kris, a lawyer that the Washington Post describes as “highly controversial.

Critics have objected that Left Wing Kook Kris writes for Lawfare, a left-wing, anti-Trump site, as well as shows like Rachel Madcow on MSLSD. Left Wing Kook Kris was one of the most public advocates for rejecting allegations of Crooked FBI abuse. Cover Up FISC went to someone who insisted that allegations of abuse were nonsense and should be rejected. If the Cover Up court was seeking to assure the public, it has added a new controversy for those who see a “deep state” response to reforms.

Left Wing Kook Kris served under the Spying Obama Administration and was assistant attorney general for the DOJ’s National Security Division.

Left Wing Kook Kris was one of the loudest critics of the Nunes memo which mirrored the findings of the Inspector General’s report:
“The Nunes memo was dishonest. And if it is allowed to stand, we risk significant collateral damage to essential elements of our democracy.” He specifically denied the claim that he FBI misled the court about Christopher Steele – a claim that has now been proven to be true.

Left Wing Kook Kris also maintained that “These applications already substantially undermine the president’s narrative and that of his proxies, and it seems to me very likely that if we get below the tip of the iceberg and into the submerged parts and more is revealed, it’s going to get worse, not better. And it would potentially be dangerous to disclose additional information because some of this relates to ongoing investigations.”

He has also been a prominent critic of President Trump, claiming on Twitter that the “walls” were “closing in” on the President.

Amid the Trump-Russia investigation, Left Wing Kook Kris had written that Republicans had “falsely accused” the FBI of misleading the FISC in its wiretap applications to spy on the Trump campaign. He stated that “an allegation that was all but debunked by the special counsel’s report and the inspector general’s report,” the Daily Caller noted.


Left Wing Kook Kris, Lying on CSPAN​

Given that Left Wing Kook Kris was wrong the whole time, and always wrong in the direction of the liars, spies and Deep State, it is curious that Cover Up Judge James Boasberg thought that he was the best lawyer to assure the public that reforms would be faithfully and thoroughly carried out.

The Nunes memo was misleading...
Oh, now that you have to admit it was true, you have to pretend that "while true, it was misleading". Nice backstroke!

The Nunes memo refuted the narrative being spun by his Democratic counterpart, Rep. Lying Adam Schiff who, in a memo of his own, made charges and statements we now know to have been entirely false. Two years ago, however, the Lying Schiff line was celebrated by Democrats, the Fake News media and Never Trumpers as a refutation of everything Mr. Nunes had alleged. Now we know he was right. As the Horowitz report explains, for example, the FBI did use the infamous Clinton campaign-funded, bogus “Steele dossier” as the essential justification of its surveillance of Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

Rosemary Collyer, currently the presiding judge on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, said in what has been described as an “unusual public order” Tuesday that Mr. Horowitz’s report “calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable” and that the FBI’s handling of the Page case “was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor” required by FISA.

Devin Nunes is owed an apology

Are you starting to get tired of being wrong on everything?

Nunes got some things right. I said as much. He also got the central point of his little memo wrong. He got it so wrong it appeared intentional. He claimed the judge wasn’t told about Steele’s employer. That was completely false. Nunes owes the American people an apology.
Well, not really, it's the lying FBI's deception that requires the apology:

The FISA application included a footnote stating “that Steele was hired by an identified U.S. person” to research Trump’s ties to Russia and “that the FBI ‘speculates’ that this U.S. person was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit the Trump campaign.”

You really think the FISA court would have approved the warrant if it clearly stated that it was funded by the Clinton Campaign. You are actually going to argue that in Ex Parte proceedings that the FBI did not have a duty to clearly and fully reveal this information to the Court?

Further, the FBI didn't "speculate" that Clinton was looking for information that could discredit Trump, the FBI knew damn good and well that the purpose of the Clinton Campaign was to dig up dirt on Trump and they had a duty to state this CLEARLY to the court without the Delphic language that was employed to conceal information from the court. You folks view us as subhuman, so do not convey on us the full human right of all Americans not be illegally spied on by the crooked Obama Administration and the Corrupt FBI.

The inspector general found the FBI should have clarified the origins of the Steele dossier while using it in a FISA warrant application.

“Absent corroboration for the factual assertions in (Steele’s) election reporting, it was particularly important for the FISA applications to articulate the FBI’s knowledge of Steele’s background and its assessment of his reliability,” the inspector general reports states.​
Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds' snooping

Established in 1978 at the height of the Cold War, the clandestine FISA court, known as the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, is located blocks away from the White House and the Capitol in a bunker-like complex.

The barest of details about the court and its oversight were publicly disclosed until the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when 19 militants associated with al-Qaida carried out suicide attacks, hijacking four planes and flying them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, triggering major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism.

Authorities began dramatically intensifying their espionage efforts, doubling the number of warrant applications. This prompted the court to authorize sweeping collections of mass data.

The FISA court approves more than 99 percent of the domestic electronic surveillance requests the deep state brings to its vaulted door, according to the Wall Street Journal

A 2016 Justice Department report showed the National Security Agency and the FBI made 1,457 requests for permission to the FISA court to conduct electronic surveillance in 2015.

While it is the sole responsibility of the FISA court to scrutinize every one of these requests, only one application was rejected by the government in all of 2015.

As for the rest, “FISC did not deny any applications in whole, or in part,” the Justice Department said.

The FISA court also issues subpoenas that intelligence agencies use to compel private companies to turn over personal data on customers. These “national security letters” contain everything from Americans’ billing information to their browsing histories.

Read more at Super-secret spy court raises alarm over feds’ snooping

Ninety Nine Percent of the FISA requests were approved in 2015. 1457 requests approved, one denied. Does the FISA Court have too much faith in the FBI? I don't like those numbers.
Damn Right We Should Be Concerned!


FISA Court Selects Left-Wing Kook Lawyer Who Vehemently Denied FBI Misled FISA To Oversee FBI Reforms

Cover Up FISA Judge
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has triggered a wave of condemnations over the selection of Left Wing Kook David Kris, to oversee reforms of the FBI FISA process. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) presiding Judge James Cover Up Boasberg, appointed Left Wing Kook Kris, a lawyer that the Washington Post describes as “highly controversial.

Critics have objected that Left Wing Kook Kris writes for Lawfare, a left-wing, anti-Trump site, as well as shows like Rachel Madcow on MSLSD. Left Wing Kook Kris was one of the most public advocates for rejecting allegations of Crooked FBI abuse. Cover Up FISC went to someone who insisted that allegations of abuse were nonsense and should be rejected. If the Cover Up court was seeking to assure the public, it has added a new controversy for those who see a “deep state” response to reforms.

Left Wing Kook Kris served under the Spying Obama Administration and was assistant attorney general for the DOJ’s National Security Division.

Left Wing Kook Kris was one of the loudest critics of the Nunes memo which mirrored the findings of the Inspector General’s report:
“The Nunes memo was dishonest. And if it is allowed to stand, we risk significant collateral damage to essential elements of our democracy.” He specifically denied the claim that he FBI misled the court about Christopher Steele – a claim that has now been proven to be true.

Left Wing Kook Kris also maintained that “These applications already substantially undermine the president’s narrative and that of his proxies, and it seems to me very likely that if we get below the tip of the iceberg and into the submerged parts and more is revealed, it’s going to get worse, not better. And it would potentially be dangerous to disclose additional information because some of this relates to ongoing investigations.”

He has also been a prominent critic of President Trump, claiming on Twitter that the “walls” were “closing in” on the President.

Amid the Trump-Russia investigation, Left Wing Kook Kris had written that Republicans had “falsely accused” the FBI of misleading the FISC in its wiretap applications to spy on the Trump campaign. He stated that “an allegation that was all but debunked by the special counsel’s report and the inspector general’s report,” the Daily Caller noted.


Left Wing Kook Kris, Lying on CSPAN​

Given that Left Wing Kook Kris was wrong the whole time, and always wrong in the direction of the liars, spies and Deep State, it is curious that Cover Up Judge James Boasberg thought that he was the best lawyer to assure the public that reforms would be faithfully and thoroughly carried out.

The Nunes memo was misleading...
Oh, now that you have to admit it was true, you have to pretend that "while true, it was misleading". Nice backstroke!

The Nunes memo refuted the narrative being spun by his Democratic counterpart, Rep. Lying Adam Schiff who, in a memo of his own, made charges and statements we now know to have been entirely false. Two years ago, however, the Lying Schiff line was celebrated by Democrats, the Fake News media and Never Trumpers as a refutation of everything Mr. Nunes had alleged. Now we know he was right. As the Horowitz report explains, for example, the FBI did use the infamous Clinton campaign-funded, bogus “Steele dossier” as the essential justification of its surveillance of Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

Rosemary Collyer, currently the presiding judge on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, said in what has been described as an “unusual public order” Tuesday that Mr. Horowitz’s report “calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable” and that the FBI’s handling of the Page case “was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor” required by FISA.

Devin Nunes is owed an apology

Are you starting to get tired of being wrong on everything?

Nunes got some things right. I said as much. He also got the central point of his little memo wrong. He got it so wrong it appeared intentional. He claimed the judge wasn’t told about Steele’s employer. That was completely false. Nunes owes the American people an apology.
Well, not really, it's the lying FBI's deception that requires the apology:

The FISA application included a footnote stating “that Steele was hired by an identified U.S. person” to research Trump’s ties to Russia and “that the FBI ‘speculates’ that this U.S. person was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit the Trump campaign.”

You really think the FISA court would have approved the warrant if it clearly stated that it was funded by the Clinton Campaign, and that clearly stating that was not an FBI responsibility?

Further, the FBI didn't "speculate" that Clinton was looking for information that could discredit Trump, the FBI knew damn good and well that the purpose of the Clinton Campaign was to dig up dirt on Trump. You folks don't view us as human, so do not convey on us the basic human right of all Americans not be illegally spied on by the crooked Obama Administration and the Corrupt FBI.

The inspector general found the FBI should have clarified the origins of the Steele dossier while using it in a FISA warrant application.

“Absent corroboration for the factual assertions in (Steele’s) election reporting, it was particularly important for the FISA applications to articulate the FBI’s knowledge of Steele’s background and its assessment of his reliability,” the inspector general reports states.​

A FISA warrant does not name individuals that aren’t involved in the investigation. It’s done to protect people. Naming Clinton would have been an aberration of protocol. I thought you wanted the FBI to play by the rules?

This nonsense about “view is as human” is stupid. I’ve never said anything of the sort.

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