FISA's Two Hop Rule--how Spying on Carter Page was Spying on Donald Trump


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
It's time for you Bolsheviks-Wanna-Be's to learn WHY a FISA Warrant on a nobody member Trump's Campaign Team, Carter Page, was in effect a full license to spy on all of Trump's team, even including Trump himself.

The Two Hop rule means the FBI Crooks got to spy on anybody Carter Page talked to and anybody those people talked to. If Carter Page called Donald Trump, Jr. or Reince Priebus, and either one ever talked to Donald Trump---which of course they did---then Donald Trump comes within the Two Hop Rule and can be spied on himself.

"...the FISA warrant wasn’t limited to the personal communications of Carter Page; it only began there. To understand the “conspiratorial enterprise,” investigators and analysts have to follow up on all the entities Carter Page is in contact with.
And they don’t stop there. A conspiratorial enterprise is bound to involve communications beyond Carter Page’s first circle of direct contact, so investigators need to look at the next circle as well. They may need to look further, depending on the communications patterns they find in the first two circles radiating from their named target. But under current rules, it’s the first two that government investigators can routinely gain access to in order to “uncover the full scope of a conspiratorial enterprise,” without needing to apply for further warrants."

And it goes back in time:

"In the case of a subject like Carter Page, that means investigators who obtain a warrant in October 2016 can hunt through his communications going back several years before that date—and can use their “license to hop” to probe the first and second order of correspondents linked to him at any point during that period in the same fashion."


All these Carter Page Warrants have now been shown to be Illegal. Does that bother any of you Free Stuff Assholes...or do you just love anything illegal or not, as long as it is against Orange Man Bad?

Do you realize that such insanity destroys the rule of law and will bring down this country?

Do you actually want something like the old Soviet Union?

Obama and Biden knoew exactly what was going on.

Obama was the most corrupt administraton in history. The press is complicit and are an enemy of the state.
Can you drop da bomb and show us proof they were involved?
A vote for Biden is a vote to return to a politicized DOJ, State Dept, and every other federal agency. Including BTW the IRS. Think about it.
A vote for Trump means real criminals should get pardoned...

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