Fiscal cliff and terrorism


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2010
Fuck Y'all I'm From Texas!
After witnessing the damage done to our economy by 9/11 I'm extremely concerned about our current presidents record on national defense and his affinity for kissing up to the muslim world.
We get hit right now America is in for a shit storm of epic proportions that would make the 9/11 look like a cakewalk.
Now is not the time to cut military spending or sit on our hands until something happens.

And you can bet the terrorist know this.
There is no record for the President kissing up to the muslim world outside the conservative crackpot bubble.

There is a record for the military utterly failing to protect the homeland under conservative leadership.

[ame=]September 11 2001 Video. - YouTube[/ame]

That's true failure. Conservative style.
The military, at the President's direction, has been attacking the terrorists no matter where they are at, or where they are from. The leadership of the Al Queda has been decimated since our President took office. Bin Laden is dead, as are many of his followers.

That said, we cannot protect all Americans in every country in the world. There are many nations such as Libya where there has been recent war, and there are weopons in abundance there, and people who know how to use them. Look at the damage that Timothy McViegh did here in the US. In a nation without recent unrest. Then consider what such people as McViegh have available to them in places like Libya and many unstable nations.
After witnessing the damage done to our economy by 9/11 I'm extremely concerned about our current presidents record on national defense and his affinity for kissing up to the muslim world.
We get hit right now America is in for a shit storm of epic proportions that would make the 9/11 look like a cakewalk.
Now is not the time to cut military spending or sit on our hands until something happens.

And you can bet the terrorist know this.

In case you haven't noticed, it was President Obama who redirected the war on terror away from Iraq and into Afghanistan and Pakistan. US strikes have taken out the top Al Queda and Taliban leadership including......

Osama bin Laden
There is not a terrorist in the world that does not fear being blown to atoms at any given moment if they step outside, conservatives would be very proud of this accomplishment if they did not hate the president so much that they would side with the terrorists.
There is not a terrorist in the world that does not fear being blown to atoms at any given moment if they step outside, conservatives would be very proud of this accomplishment if they did not hate the president so much that they would side with the terrorists.

In spite of all the evidence to the contrary, they still spout the GOP dogma

Obama is soft on terrorism. See the OP
So your saying that Dems are pro military?
If so why do the majority of enlisted support Republicans?
Had no idea you guys were such hawks.
After watching Obamas reaction to Benghazi or lack thereof I'm just not comfortable with him protecting America.
But I'm sure the terrorist are thrilled.
There is not a terrorist in the world that does not fear being blown to atoms at any given moment if they step outside, conservatives would be very proud of this accomplishment if they did not hate the president so much that they would side with the terrorists.

In spite of all the evidence to the contrary, they still spout the GOP dogma

Obama is soft on terrorism. See the OP

Terrorists flourished during the Bush years, he gave them so much recruiting material and then pretty much gave up on looking for them that the ones still living must now look back on that time as the golden years.
So your saying that Dems are pro military?
If so why do the majority of enlisted support Republicans?
Had no idea you guys were such hawks.
After watching Obamas reaction to Benghazi or lack thereof I'm just not comfortable with him protecting America.
But I'm sure the terrorist are thrilled.

Military budget has been increased the last three years

We lost four people in the Benghazi attack, Our strikes against terrorist strongholds have killed hundreds

Terrorists are not thrilled, they are hunted down and killed wherever they are, their leaders are killed off shortly after taking command, they can't go out in public without fearing silent death from above...there is no place to hide
So your saying that Dems are pro military?
If so why do the majority of enlisted support Republicans?
Had no idea you guys were such hawks.
After watching Obamas reaction to Benghazi or lack thereof I'm just not comfortable with him protecting America.
But I'm sure the terrorist are thrilled.

Democrats are pro military, they are just not in love with it or the idea of using the military in a frivolous and wasteful manner or feeding the MIC ever increasing sums of borrowed money. I would prefer Our military be structured to meet the reality of the threats we face not continuing the cold war build-ups of yesteryear out of nostalgia.
So your saying that Dems are pro military?
If so why do the majority of enlisted support Republicans?
Had no idea you guys were such hawks.
After watching Obamas reaction to Benghazi or lack thereof I'm just not comfortable with him protecting America.
But I'm sure the terrorist are thrilled.

Military budget has been increased the last three years

We lost four people in the Benghazi attack, Our strikes against terrorist strongholds have killed hundreds

Terrorists are not thrilled, they are hunted down and killed wherever they are, their leaders are killed off shortly after taking command, they can't go out in public without fearing silent death from above...there is no place to hide

And perhaps even more importantly we do not have a president that publicly taunts them thereby supplying them with plentiful recruiting material. Few things have totally appalled me like Bush telling them to "bring it on", that kind of schoolyard childishness is best left to bad movies.
After witnessing the damage done to our economy by 9/11 - I'm extremely concerned about our current presidents record on national defense ...

After witnessing the damage done to our economy by 9/11 ...

you mean the excuses made by Republicans for the unprovoked, unfunded and immoral Iraqi war -

rest assured, the present Administration has little time for such foolishness.
After witnessing the damage done to our economy by 9/11 - I'm extremely concerned about our current presidents record on national defense ...

After witnessing the damage done to our economy by 9/11 ...

you mean the excuses made by Republicans for the unprovoked, unfunded and immoral Iraqi war -

rest assured, the present Administration has little time for such foolishness.

So you're saying the only reason the economy was damaged is because we attacked Iraq?
After witnessing the damage done to our economy by 9/11 - I'm extremely concerned about our current presidents record on national defense ...

After witnessing the damage done to our economy by 9/11 ...

you mean the excuses made by Republicans for the unprovoked, unfunded and immoral Iraqi war -

rest assured, the present Administration has little time for such foolishness.

So you're saying the only reason the economy was damaged is because we attacked Iraq?

Over a trillion dollars that was paid for with a tax cut?

Yes that damaged the economy
After witnessing the damage done to our economy by 9/11 I'm extremely concerned about our current presidents record on national defense and his affinity for kissing up to the muslim world.
We get hit right now America is in for a shit storm of epic proportions that would make the 9/11 look like a cakewalk.
Now is not the time to cut military spending or sit on our hands until something happens.

And you can bet the terrorist know this.

Don't worry. If we do get hit again, government media will hide it so that no one knows. Can't point out Obama's incompetence now can they?
[ame=]Bill Clinton on Fox News Sunday (Part 2 of 3) - YouTube[/ame]

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