Five earth size planets found

The words "In our galaxy" may or may not be intended to promote funding for further research. The dirty little secret is that it is meaningless. We can't travel at the speed of light and if we could it would take....gulp....the time since the birth of Christ to get to the nearest earth like entity which might not be there when we get there.. The "discoveries" are pretty little lights in the sky and nothing more important than Native American Indians saw two hundred years ago before we poluted the sky with modern lights.

Actually Einsteins calculations allow for FTL travel. He hated the fact that they did but they do for all of that. Also we have actually teleported light photons, something that was left to the realm of Star Trek by most. I would love to see more funding going to astronomy and space travel than wasted on GW crap here on Earth.
agreed, but with one change

AGW crap
the earth is constantly in cycles of warming and cooling
CNN) -- Are we alone in the universe? Findings by NASA's Kepler space telescope are making that seem less likely.

NASA scientists have announced Kepler has spotted five planets about the size of Earth, orbiting stars in our galaxy.

These planets are orbiting in what is known as the habitable zone, which puts them at a distance from their suns where liquid water could exist. Liquid water is a key ingredient for life to form.

"In a generation we have gone from extraterrestrial planets being a mainstay of science fiction, to the present, where Kepler has helped turn science fiction into today's reality," said NASA Administrator Charles Bolden.

Kepler space telescope spots five Earth-sized planets in our galaxy -

you must be psyched to be headed home.

congrats! :thup:
If only we could get to the habitable planets. We could divide them up. One for the Abrahamic religions, where they can kill each other until one reigns supreme, one for Hindus, one for Buddhists, one for the remaining religions and one for Atheists and Agnostics where we can finally get some peace and quiet.
The words "In our galaxy" may or may not be intended to promote funding for further research. The dirty little secret is that it is meaningless. We can't travel at the speed of light and if we could it would take....gulp....the time since the birth of Christ to get to the nearest earth like entity which might not be there when we get there.. The "discoveries" are pretty little lights in the sky and nothing more important than Native American Indians saw two hundred years ago before we poluted the sky with modern lights.

Oh my, and less than a century ago, we could not travel from one continent to another in the space of a day. We could not communicate with each other in the blink of an eye, as we are doing now, at the time I was born. In fact, at that time the most advanced computer in the world was in use in England for decoding military codes.

When will learn to get around the 'C' limitation? I don't know. Some young genius may be right now penning the math that will allow us to do this. We know so litttle yet of how the universe works.

Less than a century ago we (Americans) were convinced that we were the greatest Nation on this God's green earth. In less than half a century the left has convinced a generation of kids that America is the cause of misery in the world and we are doomed to become a 3rd world country.
The words "In our galaxy" may or may not be intended to promote funding for further research. The dirty little secret is that it is meaningless. We can't travel at the speed of light and if we could it would take....gulp....the time since the birth of Christ to get to the nearest earth like entity which might not be there when we get there.. The "discoveries" are pretty little lights in the sky and nothing more important than Native American Indians saw two hundred years ago before we poluted the sky with modern lights.

Oh my, and less than a century ago, we could not travel from one continent to another in the space of a day. We could not communicate with each other in the blink of an eye, as we are doing now, at the time I was born. In fact, at that time the most advanced computer in the world was in use in England for decoding military codes.

When will learn to get around the 'C' limitation? I don't know. Some young genius may be right now penning the math that will allow us to do this. We know so litttle yet of how the universe works.

Less than a century ago we (Americans) were convinced that we were the greatest Nation on this God's green earth. In less than half a century the left has convinced a generation of kids that America is the cause of misery in the world and we are doomed to become a 3rd world country.

No, actually it was Reagan and the two Bushes lowering taxes for the rich that will doom us to being a third world country.

But thanks for playing...
The words "In our galaxy" may or may not be intended to promote funding for further research. The dirty little secret is that it is meaningless. We can't travel at the speed of light and if we could it would take....gulp....the time since the birth of Christ to get to the nearest earth like entity which might not be there when we get there.. The "discoveries" are pretty little lights in the sky and nothing more important than Native American Indians saw two hundred years ago before we poluted the sky with modern lights.

While news reports like the foregoing are made by the astronomers to stimulate interest by the public, the real value from these discoveries will come from the development of better theories about how planets develop in accretionary discs. This enables astronomers to refine their theories to ever more accurate models. But also, in pursuit of this type research, we are developing better sharper equipment. One thing which is advancing is to actually image the surfaces of stars. Twenty years ago, regardless of the size of the telescope, any star was just a point of light visually. With a "new" method called optical "interferometry" with which the surfaces of stars can be imaged, we have of late been able to even image sun-spots on their surfaces.

Here's an image from 2006 of Altair

This new method will be driven by the search for new planets that align periodically with their suns. Other types of imaging will be developed for those cases where alignment in a visual plane does not exist.

My own feeling on the subject of the discovery of new planets is that these discoveries really just prove what we, or at least the majority of astronomers already believed, that planets of all types are common. However, the number of planets which, aren't just in the "Goldilocks" zone, but meet the many other favorable conditions that our earth enjoys is probably so rare that there may be only a handful in our whole galaxy which would allow the development of higher forms of life.

One of those conditions is a sizable moon that can regulate its primary's gyroscopic motions. Our moon removes the tendency towards chaotic wobbles in the orbit which would cause extremes in global climate, which would periodically expunge life-forms disallowing critical advancements to higher levels of evolution including intelligence.

Interferometry: Off The Hook Astronomy - Taking Pictures of Stars

NASA's SIM Lite - AstroMetric Observatory
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If only we could get to the habitable planets. We could divide them up. One for the Abrahamic religions, where they can kill each other until one reigns supreme, one for Hindus, one for Buddhists, one for the remaining religions and one for Atheists and Agnostics where we can finally get some peace and quiet.

that's so deep
CNN) -- Are we alone in the universe? Findings by NASA's Kepler space telescope are making that seem less likely.

NASA scientists have announced Kepler has spotted five planets about the size of Earth, orbiting stars in our galaxy.

These planets are orbiting in what is known as the habitable zone, which puts them at a distance from their suns where liquid water could exist. Liquid water is a key ingredient for life to form.

"In a generation we have gone from extraterrestrial planets being a mainstay of science fiction, to the present, where Kepler has helped turn science fiction into today's reality," said NASA Administrator Charles Bolden.

Kepler space telescope spots five Earth-sized planets in our galaxy -
Let me guess, in order to find out for sure, they need more funding right?
Check for global warming before we bother.

If the glaciers aren't growin' we ain't goin'.
The words "In our galaxy" may or may not be intended to promote funding for further research. The dirty little secret is that it is meaningless. We can't travel at the speed of light and if we could it would take....gulp....the time since the birth of Christ to get to the nearest earth like entity which might not be there when we get there.. The "discoveries" are pretty little lights in the sky and nothing more important than Native American Indians saw two hundred years ago before we poluted the sky with modern lights.

Actually Einsteins calculations allow for FTL travel. He hated the fact that they did but they do for all of that. Also we have actually teleported light photons, something that was left to the realm of Star Trek by most. I would love to see more funding going to astronomy and space travel than wasted on GW crap here on Earth.
agreed, but with one change

AGW crap
the earth is constantly in cycles of warming and cooling

Your opinion is crap, unless you can tell us what's going to happen, if GHGs keep going up.
Actually Einsteins calculations allow for FTL travel. He hated the fact that they did but they do for all of that. Also we have actually teleported light photons, something that was left to the realm of Star Trek by most. I would love to see more funding going to astronomy and space travel than wasted on GW crap here on Earth.
agreed, but with one change

AGW crap
the earth is constantly in cycles of warming and cooling

Your opinion is crap, unless you can tell us what's going to happen, if GHGs keep going up.

You have that reversed my friend. Until you can account for the many, many times in the past where CO2 levels were much higher and the world didn't end, you will forever chasing your tail. You have to answer the basics first.
How much did it cost us to find out that there are planets orbiting a sun 2000 light years away?

Neat info

But what does this have to do with solving our financial crisis?
You have that reversed my friend. Until you can account for the many, many times in the past where CO2 levels were much higher and the world didn't end, you will forever chasing your tail. You have to answer the basics first.

Easy. They didn't have Al Gore and the global warmist sciencey gang.
If only we could get to the habitable planets. We could divide them up. One for the Abrahamic religions, where they can kill each other until one reigns supreme, one for Hindus, one for Buddhists, one for the remaining religions and one for Atheists and Agnostics where we can finally get some peace and quiet.

What do you call your special kind of hate?

Racism is taken. So what?

faithism, churchism, religionism?

I practice moronism, just so you know.
Actually Einsteins calculations allow for FTL travel. He hated the fact that they did but they do for all of that. Also we have actually teleported light photons, something that was left to the realm of Star Trek by most. I would love to see more funding going to astronomy and space travel than wasted on GW crap here on Earth.
agreed, but with one change

AGW crap
the earth is constantly in cycles of warming and cooling

Your opinion is crap, unless you can tell us what's going to happen, if GHGs keep going up.
no, you have your faith, i dont share it
How much did it cost us to find out that there are planets orbiting a sun 2000 light years away?

Neat info

But what does this have to do with solving our financial crisis?

Are you suggesting that no scientific work should go forward until we have resolved whatever still remains of the "financial crisis" and it is completely resolved?

Work done on projects like the aforementioned is not done exlusively by NASA, but in collaboration with University Astronomy and Physics departments around the US and other countries.

Could nuclear energy and Einstein's relativity formula have been postulated had there been no prior development in the astronomical sciences?

Just saying to illustrate how new ideas come from research that seems to be without much useful purpose at the time it is done.
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How much did it cost us to find out that there are planets orbiting a sun 2000 light years away?

Neat info

But what does this have to do with solving our financial crisis?

Are you suggesting that no scientific work should go forward until we have resolved whatever still remains of the "financial crisis" and it is completely resolved?

Work done on projects like the aforementioned is not done exlusively by NASA, but in collaboration with University Astronomy and Physics departments around the US and other countries.

Could nuclear energy and Einstein's relativity formula have been postulated had there been no prior development in the astronomical sciences?

Just saying to illustrate how new ideas come from research that seems to be without much useful purpose at the time it is done.

You do understand that if there is a major collapse, there will be no money for any science?

Looking at planets will not help now, nor in the near future. Cutting funds to something like this only puts them back the time that the funds were cut, or, god forbid, they get money from private people.

Money for medicine = great idea
Money for something that is 2000 light years away = waste
How much did it cost us to find out that there are planets orbiting a sun 2000 light years away?

Neat info

But what does this have to do with solving our financial crisis?

Are you suggesting that no scientific work should go forward until we have resolved whatever still remains of the "financial crisis" and it is completely resolved?

Work done on projects like the aforementioned is not done exlusively by NASA, but in collaboration with University Astronomy and Physics departments around the US and other countries.

Could nuclear energy and Einstein's relativity formula have been postulated had there been no prior development in the astronomical sciences?

Just saying to illustrate how new ideas come from research that seems to be without much useful purpose at the time it is done.

You do understand that if there is a major collapse, there will be no money for any science?

Looking at planets will not help now, nor in the near future. Cutting funds to something like this only puts them back the time that the funds were cut, or, god forbid, they get money from private people.

Money for medicine = great idea
Money for something that is 2000 light years away = waste

Except sometimes inventions used for one field are found to be particularly useful in another, MRI for instance was originally developed to study the composition of chemical compounds. The higher the tech level becomes the more uses are found for it.
How much did it cost us to find out that there are planets orbiting a sun 2000 light years away?

Neat info

But what does this have to do with solving our financial crisis?

Are you suggesting that no scientific work should go forward until we have resolved whatever still remains of the "financial crisis" and it is completely resolved?

Work done on projects like the aforementioned is not done exlusively by NASA, but in collaboration with University Astronomy and Physics departments around the US and other countries.

Could nuclear energy and Einstein's relativity formula have been postulated had there been no prior development in the astronomical sciences?

Just saying to illustrate how new ideas come from research that seems to be without much useful purpose at the time it is done.

You do understand that if there is a major collapse, there will be no money for any science?

Looking at planets will not help now, nor in the near future. Cutting funds to something like this only puts them back the time that the funds were cut, or, god forbid, they get money from private people.

Money for medicine = great idea
Money for something that is 2000 light years away = waste

This is a non-sequitor. The Kepler space telescope is already in orbit and 23 months into it's planned 42 month mission. Time on the telescope is scheduled (timeshared) by universities, and wages paid to the university personnel doing the research is paid by the universities, not by NASA. The work we are discussing here is a small part of the daily work being done on Kepler; it is not its sole work. The scope is able to work 24-hours a day because it is beyond the earth's shadow.

If the work being done was halted the investment in the telescope would be lost, and the savings would only be the cost saved for administering the scope for the benefit of the scientific community.
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Are you suggesting that no scientific work should go forward until we have resolved whatever still remains of the "financial crisis" and it is completely resolved?

Work done on projects like the aforementioned is not done exlusively by NASA, but in collaboration with University Astronomy and Physics departments around the US and other countries.

Could nuclear energy and Einstein's relativity formula have been postulated had there been no prior development in the astronomical sciences?

Just saying to illustrate how new ideas come from research that seems to be without much useful purpose at the time it is done.

You do understand that if there is a major collapse, there will be no money for any science?

Looking at planets will not help now, nor in the near future. Cutting funds to something like this only puts them back the time that the funds were cut, or, god forbid, they get money from private people.

Money for medicine = great idea
Money for something that is 2000 light years away = waste

This is a non-sequitor. The Kepler space telescope is already in orbit and 23 months into on it's planned 42 month mission. Time on the telescope is scheduled (timeshared) by universities, and wages paid to the university personnel doing the research is paid by the universities, not by NASA. The work we are discussing here is a small part of the daily work being done on Kepler; it is not its sole work. The scope is able to work 24-hours a day because it is beyond the earth's shadow.

If the work being done was halted the investment in the telescope would be lost, and the savings would only be the cost saved for administering the scope for the benefit of the scientific community.
i fully support this type of research
there is no telling what it will find in the process

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