Five True Lies Republicans Should Tell In 2016


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
One persons advice to Republicans.

It’s time to define the Democrats the way they’ve done to our people.

Our readers don’t really need to see another column, post, or podcast about how the Supreme Court and the Obama administration has wrecked the America we used to know, and we’re past the time where we wallow in grief about how the country is lost.

It’s not lost. The fight isn’t over until conservatives say it’s over. Are you really going to just sit there and let a bunch of high-school losers who found religion in campus cultural Marxism destroy the greatest society in world history? The Nazis, Bolsheviks, and Japanese imperialists couldn’t do it with guns and bombs and yet you’ll allow Jon Stewart to do it with a TV show?

As a greater American than me might say, pure applesauce.

But one thing is painfully obvious — the cultural and political rout the Right has suffered over the past decade (or longer) won’t be reversed with the same stupid tactics that have gotten us where we are.

Stop retreating, stop compromising, and stop acting like the other side is a bunch of nice people who just don’t understand the world as it is. The other side is a bunch of arrogant, hateful control freaks whose own lives are so empty and devoid of spirit that they can’t get fulfillment without interfering with yours. The other side practices tyranny as a lifestyle choice, and they’re so accomplished in their tactics that without a single vote of a legislature they can affect your consumer options or even what you can say.

Fighting these people in the culture, which as Andrew Breitbart rightly said is upstream from politics and therefore at least as important if not more so, is something conservatives have yet to fully engage. That’s a whole other column, if not several. But for our purposes today, let’s consider politics — and let’s offer a little bit of advice to the dozen and a half GOP presidential candidates who are scuffling for the right to hopefully avoid being the third flat-footed Republican to lose a national election to a wannabe socialist dictator.

A good rule is this — if you consider one of the Left’s cultural aggressions, and use your imagination to envision an extension of same into absurdity, you need only wait a while before the insane next step you thought up surfaces in a headline as the Left’s next cultural aggression.

Since that’s the case, get tough, and get smart — and hang these people with their own stupid ideas. Here are five things you can say about the Democrat nominee which will be vehemently denied but will stick anyway — because everybody knows they’re true.

ALL of it here:

Read more at Five True Lies Republicans Should Tell In 2016 The American Spectator
I think the GOP should continue its successful strategy of talking about negroes on food stamps; Mexicans raping, murdering and pillaging; ISIS on the border sending Ebola to Missouri; gays having sex with their dogs, mothers, and children; and all Muslims being part of a terrorist death cult.

And then claim Democrats are the party of racists and bigots with a straight face.
I think the GOP should continue its successful strategy of talking about negroes on food stamps; Mexicans raping, murdering and pillaging; ISIS on the border sending Ebola to Missouri; gays having sex with their dogs, mothers, and children; and all Muslims being part of a terrorist death cult.

And then claim Democrats are the party of racists and bigots with a straight face.

can you supply us all the links about that? thanks
and not from a bunch of LEFTwing hate sites
I think the GOP should continue its successful strategy of talking about negroes on food stamps; Mexicans raping, murdering and pillaging; ISIS on the border sending Ebola to Missouri; gays having sex with their dogs, mothers, and children; and all Muslims being part of a terrorist death cult.

And then claim Democrats are the party of racists and bigots with a straight face.
^ this
I think the GOP should continue its successful strategy of talking about negroes on food stamps; Mexicans raping, murdering and pillaging; ISIS on the border sending Ebola to Missouri; gays having sex with their dogs, mothers, and children; and all Muslims being part of a terrorist death cult.

And then claim Democrats are the party of racists and bigots with a straight face.

Says the far left drone!
I think the GOP should continue its successful strategy of talking about negroes on food stamps; Mexicans raping, murdering and pillaging; ISIS on the border sending Ebola to Missouri; gays having sex with their dogs, mothers, and children; and all Muslims being part of a terrorist death cult.

And then claim Democrats are the party of racists and bigots with a straight face.

Says the far left drone!
Says the far right idiot
Reminds me of lushbo's advice to accuse the Dems of what the Rs are doing because RWs are too dumb to know the difference.
It helps the propaganda machines a great deal that their followers have memories like that of goldfish. The media masters absolutely depend on this.

"President Bush Obama is spying on Americans. THAT BASTARD!!!"
Steph must've gotten a subscription to TAS by listening to oxyRush's radio show

As to the OP, it is absurd. You people take a :whip:in national elections because your economic and social platform is zany & unworkable
This article is the most despicable lie I have ever heard in my entire life.
You know, I can forgive my party for a lot of things, but the one thing I will never forgive is its complete capitulation of fiscal conservatism.

The bigots, liars, and hypocrites infecting the party are bad enough, but the spending like sailors in a whorehouse when they controlled all three branches of government is unforgivable. We were on track to not only balance the budget, but to actually zero out the federal debt, thanks to people like John Kasich in the Republican Congress of the 90s.

And then, out of nowhere, came these rabid dogs in 2001. Led by Karl Rove and Dick Cheney, with George Bush as the retarded front man.

Ever since then, the cancer in the Republican Party has metastasized. It makes me sick to see the state the party is in today. The lunatics are running the asylum.
Marxism, Nazis, Bolsheviks, and Japanese imperialists all mentioned in first two sentence. Well done.
1, 2, 3, and 5 might be the stupidest thing I have read all week. 4 however is right on the damn money. BOTH the lying scum liberals AND the lying scrum GOP establishment want to import tens of millions of poor illegals and give them amnesty so they can bribe them with government handouts to cancel out the votes of American citizens. Why? They are sick of being held accountable by voters which has been a real problem for both parties.
Usually when Stephanie posts something, you can smell the bullshit before you see it. I'm sure if she is within 200 yards of you, the same is true; you can probably smell her long before you see her.

But this one had a link to the American Spectator. In my youth, I learned from Grampa OD (he bought them for me for a few years) to buy magazines and pledge to read at least 3 stories in each of them. Then when the subscription is over, subscribe to another magazine. When that is up, you subscribe to a third. Basically you cycle your magazines, get new viewpoints, and then get newer points later on. Its much easier now with tablets and the like.

Anyway, AS was one of the magazines I subscribed to once. Upon viewing the link, I remember why I stopped and never went back.

As you may have read back when you were holding your nose in the OP, the title is :Five True Lies Republicans Should tell in the 2016 Campaign. Here are the five.

1. “My Opponent will eliminate tax exemptions for churches.”
2. Push a constitutional amendment to ban polygamy,
3. The federal government is going to destroy your neighborhood, and your property values, with Section 8 housing.
4. They’re trying to import a whole new electorate to dilute your vote and make you a stranger in your own land.
5. “My opponent thinks the Jews are the cause of all the trouble in the world, and Israel won’t be safe with him in charge.”

Read more at Five True Lies Republicans Should Tell In 2016 The American Spectator

I really do not know where to begin. If anything, most republicans I know are in favor of getting rid of the church exemption. For Polygamy...not satisfied with getting their ass handed to them with SSM, they seem to want to double down on having the public reject them again. As for 3-5; the facts are in stark contrast to the lies.

I get the idea of "true lies"; overstate your opponent's postion. For it to work, you have to be credible. AS doesn't come close.

I should have known better that Stephanie wouldn't recommend anything useful, thoughtful, or intelligent.
1, 2, 3, and 5 might be the stupidest thing I have read all week. 4 however is right on the damn money. BOTH the lying scum liberals AND the lying scrum GOP establishment want to import tens of millions of poor illegals and give them amnesty so they can bribe them with government handouts to cancel out the votes of American citizens. Why? They are sick of being held accountable by voters which has been a real problem for both parties.

If Blues Legend can see it, I'm sure anyone can.
The other day I asked Stephanie why it took so long for her to reply to me and if she was outside grazing. Now I understand why that upset her.
1, 2, 3, and 5 might be the stupidest thing I have read all week. 4 however is right on the damn money. BOTH the lying scum liberals AND the lying scrum GOP establishment want to import tens of millions of poor illegals and give them amnesty so they can bribe them with government handouts to cancel out the votes of American citizens. Why? They are sick of being held accountable by voters which has been a real problem for both parties.

the comments with the article more agrees with you I think. :thup:
1, 2, 3, and 5 might be the stupidest thing I have read all week. 4 however is right on the damn money. BOTH the lying scum liberals AND the lying scrum GOP establishment want to import tens of millions of poor illegals and give them amnesty so they can bribe them with government handouts to cancel out the votes of American citizens. Why? They are sick of being held accountable by voters which has been a real problem for both parties.

If Blues Legend can see it, I'm sure anyone can.

Thanks...:eusa_think: oh wait was that actually an insult? :laugh:
The right can continue to tell lies about us. We will continue to tell the truth about them.
The right can continue to tell lies about us. We will continue to tell the truth about them.

Can you give them an idea when you're going to start doing that? I'm sure they would thrilled tingles up their leg or something.

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