Five years in prison for posting of fake news/putin's propaganda in DDR 2.0


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Communists show their true faces. Five years in prison for recite of RT quote on own Facebook page.
You betcha coming DDR's 2.0 Ministry of Truth will decide what is fake news / Putin's propaganda or not.

1. Anything from Russia or alternative medias is a lie and fake news.
2. It is criminal to recite their coverages.
3. Only Merkel herself and her socialists knows and tells the Truth.
4. If you do not agree with you will be thrown behind bar for five years.

Never vote for any leftists/marxist/liberal.
You will finish either in prison or cemetery.
Orwell's DDR 2.0 is the best evidence for that.

German judges and state prosecutors need to crack down straight away on fake news disseminated through social media platforms such as Facebook, Germany's Justice Minister Heiko Maas said in an interview published on Sunday.

Maas, a Social Democrat in conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition, has repeatedly warned the U.S. technology company to respect laws against defamation in Germany that are more rigid than in the United States. He told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper the principle of free speech did not protect against slander.

"Defamation and malicious gossip are not covered under freedom of speech," Maas said, just days after other top government officials called for legislation to tackle "hate speech" and fake news on Facebook and other social media platforms.

"Justice authorities must prosecute that, even on the internet," he said, noting that offenders could face up to five years in jail. "Anyone who tries to manipulate the political discussion with lies needs to be aware (of the consequences)."

German courts should go after fake news on Facebook now: minister


This guy secretly watched RT.

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