Fixing Impeachment nonsense


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2016
Only amending our Constitution will have a lasting effect. Whether thru the convention of States method or the regular difficult process, these words should be added to the line about the House having 'sole power' to impeach: And no Person shall be impeached without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Save one word, this is borrowed from the Senate section regarding their 'sole power' to try an impeachment case.
The Democrats have now set the precedent for endless partisan 'Impeachments' by the party out of power. Your proposed change would ensure that Impeachment would have bi-partisan support unlike this disgusting partisan circus.
The Democrats have now set the precedent for endless partisan 'Impeachments' by the party out of power. Your proposed change would ensure that Impeachment would have bi-partisan support unlike this disgusting partisan circus.
And all that as well as Russian which hunting at American taxpayers
The Democrats have now set the precedent for endless partisan 'Impeachments' by the party out of power. Your proposed change would ensure that Impeachment would have bi-partisan support unlike this disgusting partisan circus.

It is my hope & prayer that some States will begin now to consider this or a similar amendment.
The Democrats have now set the precedent for endless partisan 'Impeachments' by the party out of power. Your proposed change would ensure that Impeachment would have bi-partisan support unlike this disgusting partisan circus.

I hope that when the next Democrat gets into office, that we have the full Congress and their first order of business is to impeach the president, a WEEK into his/her administration! Then impeach their VP and put our speaker in charge. We can call it 'The Schiff Option.' THEN we can institute your changes.
The Democrats have now set the precedent for endless partisan 'Impeachments' by the party out of power. Your proposed change would ensure that Impeachment would have bi-partisan support unlike this disgusting partisan circus.

I hope that when the next Democrat gets into office, that we have the full Congress and their first order of business is to impeach the president, a WEEK into his/her administration! Then impeach their VP and put our speaker in charge. We can call it 'The Schiff Option.'

Tempting, but I hope you are joking - that would guarantee real blood in the streets - another civil war. Must not follow the Dems who hate!!
The Democrats have now set the precedent for endless partisan 'Impeachments' by the party out of power. Your proposed change would ensure that Impeachment would have bi-partisan support unlike this disgusting partisan circus.

I hope that when the next Democrat gets into office, that we have the full Congress and their first order of business is to impeach the president, a WEEK into his/her administration! Then impeach their VP and put our speaker in charge. We can call it 'The Schiff Option.'

Tempting, but I hope you are joking - that would guarantee real blood in the streets - another civil war. Must not follow the Dems who hate!!

Right. Never follow the Dems. Take the high road. Ahha. That's why we have this crap in the first place! I guess you don't understand the natural law of counterpuncture. Most every animal in nature uses it as a natural defense.

You don't go back to bite a skunk the SECOND time because you got stinked the FIRST time.

You don't go back to grab a porcupine the SECOND time after grabbing him the FIRST time!

The only way you are going to fix this is to BEAT THE DEMOCRATS over their head senseless with their own weapons until THEY cry uncle, and agree to, BEG for, the 2/3rds law. They were the ones who drew First Blood. If left to their designs, they will now only draw second and third blood as well.
The fix is always in. All an Impeached President needs is 34 Senators and he could literally get away with shooting someone on 5th Ave.
Only amending our Constitution will have a lasting effect. Whether thru the convention of States method or the regular difficult process, these words should be added to the line about the House having 'sole power' to impeach: And no Person shall be impeached without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Save one word, this is borrowed from the Senate section regarding their 'sole power' to try an impeachment case.
We don't need to amend the Constitution because after over 200 years, a bunch of democrat numskulls got a hold of and tried to abuse impeachment power. It's an election year, the Electorate will deal with this in Nov.

Speaker "Crazed" Nancy Pelosi concedes that the articles of impeachment are just a low opening bid to get the game going.

“It’s not a question of proof, it says what allegations have been made and that has to be subjected to scrutiny as to how we go forward, but it should not be ignored in the context of other events that could substantiate some of that,” said Pelosi.​

That’s not how it works. The House is supposed to pass such a serious matter upon proof, not wishful thinking.

How will the Senate now handle this? Will it dismiss these deficient articles out of hand or allow this game to continue? Arguing for impeachment will be Congressional “stars” Jerrold Nadler, Adam Schiff, Hakeem Jeffries, and Zoe Lofgren.

Arguing against will be White House Counsel Pat Cippalone, Jay Sekulow, Ken Starr, Pam Bondi, Robert Ray, and Alan Dershowitz. (Dershowitz has stated he will confine his role to arguing the constitutional issues involved in proceeding on impeachment under the circumstances presented.)

Senate Republicans have warned the “moderate Republicans” that if they join the Democrats to demand a trial, they will call Hunter Biden and Alexandra Chalupa, “people central to the core claims behind impeachment” who were studiously ignored by the House Democrats’ investigations. Mitt Romney, a likely aisle crosser, has already seen a substantial dip in his approval ratings in Utah.

In the meantime, as this distraction gobbled up media coverage (almost 100 times more than economic news) the stock market booms, housing starts are soaring, retail sales are up, unemployment for all including Blacks and Hispanics is at a 50 year low, and two significant trade deals were signed this week, trade deals which promise to add billions of dollars to the U.S. economy.

Nancy Pelosi is willfully destroying her party, and her party is allowing her to remain in power despite her clear abuse of authority, so, they fully deserve what's coming to them.


Democrats are in for a nasty surprise!
Perhaps a compromise at 3/5? Otherwise, a small minority in the House could prevent a Senate trial.
Only amending our Constitution will have a lasting effect. Whether thru the convention of States method or the regular difficult process, these words should be added to the line about the House having 'sole power' to impeach: And no Person shall be impeached without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Save one word, this is borrowed from the Senate section regarding their 'sole power' to try an impeachment case.
:boo_hoo14: :CryingCow::boo_hoo14:

Trump is an idiot and got impeached -



Perhaps a compromise at 3/5? Otherwise, a small minority in the House could prevent a Senate trial.
Nope. Just let the voters handle this in Nov. You don't seem to have a lot of faith in Self-Government.
Only amending our Constitution will have a lasting effect. Whether thru the convention of States method or the regular difficult process, these words should be added to the line about the House having 'sole power' to impeach: And no Person shall be impeached without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Save one word, this is borrowed from the Senate section regarding their 'sole power' to try an impeachment case.
Our Congress is too partisan

We can’t pass an amendment
We can’t impeach
We can’t pass significant legislation
We can’t even agree on a freak’n budget
Only amending our Constitution will have a lasting effect. Whether thru the convention of States method or the regular difficult process, these words should be added to the line about the House having 'sole power' to impeach: And no Person shall be impeached without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Save one word, this is borrowed from the Senate section regarding their 'sole power' to try an impeachment case.

We need more impeachments and removals, not less!

The office of the presidency has become far too powerful. It's not what the founder intended at all.

The President's job should be to execute & administer the policies and laws enacted by congress. Nothing more and nothing less. If he doesn't do his job or exceeds his powers he/she should be impeached and removed from office quickly.

For a long time the presidency has been creeping towards a dictatorship, but lately it's sky rocketing!
Only amending our Constitution will have a lasting effect. Whether thru the convention of States method or the regular difficult process, these words should be added to the line about the House having 'sole power' to impeach: And no Person shall be impeached without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Save one word, this is borrowed from the Senate section regarding their 'sole power' to try an impeachment case.
I get your sentiment, but there's no substitute for integrity, and Democrats have none.
A reminder that Congress has no vote regarding amending the Constitution.

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