Fixing Inequality

what do you think drives market prices Bombur....

The top 1% or the remaining 99%?

The fact that Richie Rich has billions should have absolutely no effect on your life at all...

Except maybe envy.

It is a fact that income inequality has an impact on all the things I previously listed.


"It is a fact. It is a fact that it's a fact. It is a fact that it's a fact that it's a fact."

This is literally all your posts have been. Why do you not understand that making an unsubstantiated assertion does not substantiate the PREVIOUS unsubstantiated assertion? Telling us that income inequality is bad, period, does not make it so, or prove that it is so. And then coming back and telling us that it's so ALSO doesn't make it so, or prove it.
Now...if you want to bring up an honest discussion for debate.....then why not go this way....

The issue is technology. Nothing more.

I used to need 4 receptionists to answer 100 lines.

Each was paid 30K.

Now we have voicemail and direct I only need one receptionist to handle the overflow....

It cost me 100K for the system, but I save 90K a year in salary.


Should I get to keep that savings.....or pay all of my remaining employees more?

And THAT is a valid argument.

Not this crap about the rich firing people to make more money.

Its about business owners growing with technology.

Ah yes the lovely technology of phone systems, such a joy. And then you lucky you get someone who speaks English. Maybe you haven't noticed but a lot of call centers are overseas.

Yes, they are. Do you know why? Because Americans think they should be paid $20 an hour to answer a fucking phone, something any high school kid can do.
Now...if you want to bring up an honest discussion for debate.....then why not go this way....

The issue is technology. Nothing more.

I used to need 4 receptionists to answer 100 lines.

Each was paid 30K.

Now we have voicemail and direct I only need one receptionist to handle the overflow....

It cost me 100K for the system, but I save 90K a year in salary.


Should I get to keep that savings.....or pay all of my remaining employees more?

And THAT is a valid argument.

Not this crap about the rich firing people to make more money.

Its about business owners growing with technology.

Ah yes the lovely technology of phone systems, such a joy. And then you lucky you get someone who speaks English. Maybe you haven't noticed but a lot of call centers are overseas.

Should there be a law that the phone centers have to be here?

Interestingly, more and more call centers are starting to be moved back here. Wasn't because the all-knowing government mandated it. It was because THE CUSTOMERS demanded it, and companies have responded without a single leftist to guide them. Shocking, I know, but true. It's like big, heartless corporations actually care what their consumers want, or something.
Ah yes the lovely technology of phone systems, such a joy. And then you lucky you get someone who speaks English. Maybe you haven't noticed but a lot of call centers are overseas.

Should there be a law that the phone centers have to be here?

Tax incentives to have your call center here would be nice.

Make up your mind. You either want corporations to have money, or you don't. You seem to have a different opinion in every post.
Labor is EVERYTHING. Everything you see around you is created by labor--every road, every pencil, every magazine, every CD, EVERYTHING. All wealth is created by--and ONLY BY--the labor of productive workers. It would seem fundamental, then, that labor should decide how the resultant profit is distributed.

And eventually, that will be how things evolve economically; remember, feudalism used to be the prevailing economic practice.

ALSO, the former USSR was a military dictatorship that talked of socialism but practiced totalitarianism. That is indisputable.

Which in no way makes it not a commodity. It just makes it a very valuable one.

And those who labor decide how THEIR SHARE of the profit is distributed. Please understand that, while YOU are unequipped to perform any labor more intellectual than what could be performed by a well-trained chimp, that does not mean that that is the ONLY thing in the world that qualifies as labor. There is such a thing as a intellectual and emotional labor, consisting of the intelligence, foresight, and training to plan and guide an enterprise to profit, and the willingness to risk one's resources in putting it into action . . . and then hiring menial mouthbreathers like you to stand around the water cooler while on the clock and complain about how you're the ones who REALLY make the company work.

Labor is unique in economics for a lot of reasons. Any analogy tends to have a weakness so why not just call it what it is?

Are you sure you took a class in economics, or in being vague?
Now...if you want to bring up an honest discussion for debate.....then why not go this way....

The issue is technology. Nothing more.

I used to need 4 receptionists to answer 100 lines.

Each was paid 30K.

Now we have voicemail and direct I only need one receptionist to handle the overflow....

It cost me 100K for the system, but I save 90K a year in salary.


Should I get to keep that savings.....or pay all of my remaining employees more?

And THAT is a valid argument.

Not this crap about the rich firing people to make more money.

Its about business owners growing with technology.

Ah yes the lovely technology of phone systems, such a joy. And then you lucky you get someone who speaks English. Maybe you haven't noticed but a lot of call centers are overseas.

Yes, they are. Do you know why? Because Americans think they should be paid $20 an hour to answer a fucking phone, something any high school kid can do.

Yes high school graduates used to be able to make decent money. Now you need a degree to make what high school graduates used to. Now we have low paying jobs with no benefits or retirement. And I guess our current situation is what you think is good? I don't.
Ah yes the lovely technology of phone systems, such a joy. And then you lucky you get someone who speaks English. Maybe you haven't noticed but a lot of call centers are overseas.

Yes, they are. Do you know why? Because Americans think they should be paid $20 an hour to answer a fucking phone, something any high school kid can do.

Yes high school graduates used to be able to make decent money. Now you need a degree to make what high school graduates used to. Now we have low paying jobs with no benefits or retirement. And I guess our current situation is what you think is good? I don't.

Oh, spare me. What we have is a more technological society than we used to. You act like this is the first time that's happened, and the requirements of supporting a family have suddenly gone up. It isn't.

Do I think technological advances are a good thing? Yes, I do. Do I think the phasing out of technologically-obsolete jobs is a good thing? Yes, I do. Do I think there's something morally superior about your neo-Luddite, whinging-inspired perspective? Hardly.
Should there be a law that the phone centers have to be here?

Tax incentives to have your call center here would be nice.

Make up your mind. You either want corporations to have money, or you don't. You seem to have a different opinion in every post.

No actually I don't. I want corporations to create jobs here in the USA, and start taking care of their employees again instead of having the government do it. Corporations used to provide good paying jobs with good healthcare and retirement benefits. Now they provide poor paying jobs with bad or no healthcare and little or no retirement. So the government gets larger taking on these things for corporations. Now we have obamacare, now more people are on welfare, now more people are on foodstamps, more people need social security and medicare.... And the rich get richer and government grows....
Inequality is endemic to the species. Without it there would be no "dream"...only sameness. Embrace it and strive to come out on top. That's what God intended.

Doesn't god say help the poor?

Yup. He does NOT, however, say, "Form a government bureaucracy and take people's money against their will and give it to the poor so that they become incapable of taking care of themselves".

Contemplate why He didn't say that, and get back to us.

The bible is pretty clear about greed. You are obviously not very religious. Have you heard the pope lately?
Tax incentives to have your call center here would be nice.

Make up your mind. You either want corporations to have money, or you don't. You seem to have a different opinion in every post.

No actually I don't. I want corporations to create jobs here in the USA, and start taking care of their employees again instead of having the government do it. Corporations used to provide good paying jobs with good healthcare and retirement benefits. Now they provide poor paying jobs with bad or no healthcare and little or no retirement. So the government gets larger taking on these things for corporations. Now we have obamacare, now more people are on welfare, now more people are on foodstamps, more people need social security and medicare.... And the rich get richer and government grows....

So let me get this straight. You have this laundry list of things you want corporations to do: create jobs, "take care of" employees, provide jobs, pay good wages and luxurious bennies . . . but you don't want them to have any money? You rant and rail against "corporate welfare" . . . and then suggest that they be given tax incentives to open call centers (which have never been known as "good paying jobs") in the US?

Are you schizophrenic? :eusa_eh:
For ones like you wish to allow dependence on government.. instead of eliminating programs that lead to that very dependence, rather than having people keep to their own responsibilities and be forced to work them out all on their own.. this is not a job for the federal government, in any way, shape, or form

You do realize all this extreme inequality just leads to bigger government right?

No, all this extreme leftism does.

It's very clear that it does. You better go back and read some of my posts.
Make up your mind. You either want corporations to have money, or you don't. You seem to have a different opinion in every post.

No actually I don't. I want corporations to create jobs here in the USA, and start taking care of their employees again instead of having the government do it. Corporations used to provide good paying jobs with good healthcare and retirement benefits. Now they provide poor paying jobs with bad or no healthcare and little or no retirement. So the government gets larger taking on these things for corporations. Now we have obamacare, now more people are on welfare, now more people are on foodstamps, more people need social security and medicare.... And the rich get richer and government grows....

So let me get this straight. You have this laundry list of things you want corporations to do: create jobs, "take care of" employees, provide jobs, pay good wages and luxurious bennies . . . but you don't want them to have any money? You rant and rail against "corporate welfare" . . . and then suggest that they be given tax incentives to open call centers (which have never been known as "good paying jobs") in the US?

Are you schizophrenic? :eusa_eh:

Again, I didn't say I wanted them to not have money. Have you ever talked to a foreign call center? It's very unpleasant. haha
Yes, they are. Do you know why? Because Americans think they should be paid $20 an hour to answer a fucking phone, something any high school kid can do.

Yes high school graduates used to be able to make decent money. Now you need a degree to make what high school graduates used to. Now we have low paying jobs with no benefits or retirement. And I guess our current situation is what you think is good? I don't.

Oh, spare me. What we have is a more technological society than we used to. You act like this is the first time that's happened, and the requirements of supporting a family have suddenly gone up. It isn't.

Do I think technological advances are a good thing? Yes, I do. Do I think the phasing out of technologically-obsolete jobs is a good thing? Yes, I do. Do I think there's something morally superior about your neo-Luddite, whinging-inspired perspective? Hardly.

Ah the dream of the right. We have very poor and very rich with no middle class.
Doesn't god say help the poor?

Yup. He does NOT, however, say, "Form a government bureaucracy and take people's money against their will and give it to the poor so that they become incapable of taking care of themselves".

Contemplate why He didn't say that, and get back to us.

The bible is pretty clear about greed. You are obviously not very religious. Have you heard the pope lately?

::snore:: Shockingly, the fact that you have defined something as greed doesn't make it a sin . . . for the simple fact that you defining it as greed doesn't make it greed.

And for the record, I'm not Catholic, and therefore don't give a tin shit about what the Pope says or believes. He doesn't define sin, or "religious" . . . and YOU sure as shit don't.

So tell me, Billy Graham: exactly what are YOUR qualifications to say, "This is sin, and if you don't agree, then you're not religious"? Have you contemplated the possibility that I don't disagree with you because of a lack of religiosity, but because you're wrong?

Why is it that leftists are always so hung up on whatever "sin" is their personal hobby horse that they end up tripping over the sin of Pride?
You do realize all this extreme inequality just leads to bigger government right?

No, all this extreme leftism does.

It's very clear that it does. You better go back and read some of my posts.

Ahh, the final argument of every leftist: "You don't agree with me, therefore you must not have read/understood me." God forbid any of you arrogant lackwits ever consider the possibility that someone read every word you said, understood every word you said, and THOUGHT YOU WERE TALKING OUT OF YOUR ASS.

Let me assure you, there is no number of times that I could read your posts over and over and come to the conclusion that they're brilliant. You'll have to find a new plan of action.
No, all this extreme leftism does.

It's very clear that it does. You better go back and read some of my posts.

Ahh, the final argument of every leftist: "You don't agree with me, therefore you must not have read/understood me." God forbid any of you arrogant lackwits ever consider the possibility that someone read every word you said, understood every word you said, and THOUGHT YOU WERE TALKING OUT OF YOUR ASS.

Let me assure you, there is no number of times that I could read your posts over and over and come to the conclusion that they're brilliant. You'll have to find a new plan of action.

Well if you read them then go respond to why I specifically say it leads to big government. Your posts are filled with a lot of nothing. Bring something or just stop posting nothing.
Yup. He does NOT, however, say, "Form a government bureaucracy and take people's money against their will and give it to the poor so that they become incapable of taking care of themselves".

Contemplate why He didn't say that, and get back to us.

The bible is pretty clear about greed. You are obviously not very religious. Have you heard the pope lately?

::snore:: Shockingly, the fact that you have defined something as greed doesn't make it a sin . . . for the simple fact that you defining it as greed doesn't make it greed.

And for the record, I'm not Catholic, and therefore don't give a tin shit about what the Pope says or believes. He doesn't define sin, or "religious" . . . and YOU sure as shit don't.

So tell me, Billy Graham: exactly what are YOUR qualifications to say, "This is sin, and if you don't agree, then you're not religious"? Have you contemplated the possibility that I don't disagree with you because of a lack of religiosity, but because you're wrong?

Why is it that leftists are always so hung up on whatever "sin" is their personal hobby horse that they end up tripping over the sin of Pride?

Ah you know more about the bible than the pope now. haha Your posts get more and more funny.
If you think we need to lower wages to compete with China you don't know diddly about economics. Actually even if you dont think that you dont know diddly. You prove it every time you post on the topic.

I understand you have taken Zingers 101 but explain how we can make cheaper products without lowering wages.

When you come back with another set up 80's insults I'll know you have nothing

Do you understand what "unit labor cost" means? I know you'll have to Google it before responding.
How about "comparative advantage"?
Yeah I know there I go again throwing around those terms that sound like gobbledy gook to you. It's unfair.

So nothing...thats what I thought. Instead of explaining you just ask if I understand various subjects because you are unable to explain your point.

Its per usual but you think its clever everytime
It is always strange when someone accidently argues my point for me then claims victory.


Im not sure you understand your own point, much less mine.
For most of Bush's tenure undemployment was in the 5% range, which is generally considered full employment. I dont know what you would term a robust labor market if not that.

Real wage growth and jobs that have more staying power than temp construction jobs would be a good start.

During Bush's term things seemed better than they were but the writing was on the wall for a big downturn.

The current economic problems are not just about Bush or Obama or even Clinton. Our entire dialogue concerning economics is wrong.

Real wage growth? Explain that.

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