Fixing the GOP Pt 1- Get rid of the Electoral College.

The intelligent, well educated, critical thinking ones think it serves a useful purpose. Is there a reason I should pick common sense, which tells me the world is flat, over the ability to think?

The intelligent and educated people think it serves a purpose,

I haven't heard an "intelligent" excuse for it yet.

The usual excuses are

"The Founding Slave-Rapers thought it was a good idea".

"Direct Democracy... bad!!!! D'oy!"

and the classic

"The big cities will decide everything". (You mean where people actually LIVE! The horror of it all!)

I suggest you start by reading Federalist Number 68.

Again, nothing said in the 18th century interests me all that much.

Not worth my time. Period.

Two sentences or less, tell me why it's a good idea.
The electorial college grants sparsely popilated states far more electoral votes than are warranted by the numbers.

So moving to a popular vote would actually make the DEMS stronger and the GOP weaker.

I don't necessarily buy that. Take this election. Assuming Obama gets Florida, he will have won 61% of the electors. But he only got 50% of the vote.

Again, taking away the "Change" aspect in this election, a lot less people voted than in 2008, probably because a lot of them figured their votes wouldn't count if they didn't live in a swing state. Make it a true popular vote, and they might. The votes could be there, if the GOP was willing to work for them.

Also, make it a true popular vote, people might figure that voting for a third party isn't a total waste of time.
There you go. Advocating direct democracy.

Which I really didn't do.

Not that it's some horrible thing, acutally.

Sure, until you find yourself on the minority end of an initiative with no voice. All kinds of terrible rights violations can happen in such a system. It does not protect those who hold any countering view to the mob rule.

Not that I expect you to see that.
There you go. Advocating direct democracy.

Which I really didn't do.

Not that it's some horrible thing, acutally.

Sure, until you find yourself on the minority end of an initiative with no voice. All kinds of terrible rights violations can happen in such a system. It does not protect those who hold any countering view to the mob rule.

Not that I expect you to see that.

None of that has anything to do with the electoral college...

But again, majority rules. That's democracy, and it's reasonable.
Many things have changed since the eighteenth century.

Simply going to direct vote of the president is not a revolution of the Constitution or the republic. That one act would not render the entire system a direct democracy (obviously; what a silly argument in the first place!).

It is really strange how many people think that the electoral college is a bad idea, and how none of them can actually say why.
Fixing the GOP Pt 1- Get rid of the Electoral College.

I was always under the impression that the Republicans prided themselves as the guardians of the US Constitution - from the liberal "hordes." The last time I looked, wasn't the Electoral College part of the Constitution?

Strange that there was no Republican demand for changes to the Electoral College back in 2000 when GW Bush won in the Electoral College but received approximately 1/2 million fewer votes nationally than Gore.

The weird thing here is that you think Joe is a Republican.
I haven't heard an "intelligent" excuse for it yet.

The usual excuses are

"The Founding Slave-Rapers thought it was a good idea".

"Direct Democracy... bad!!!! D'oy!"

and the classic

"The big cities will decide everything". (You mean where people actually LIVE! The horror of it all!)

I suggest you start by reading Federalist Number 68.

Again, nothing said in the 18th century interests me all that much.

Not worth my time. Period.

Two sentences or less, tell me why it's a good idea.

Nothing said in the 18th century interests you? Does that mean you aren't interested electricity, capacitors, or the fact that extinction of species is an established fact.

And you think I am stupid.
Which I really didn't do.

Not that it's some horrible thing, acutally.

Sure, until you find yourself on the minority end of an initiative with no voice. All kinds of terrible rights violations can happen in such a system. It does not protect those who hold any countering view to the mob rule.

Not that I expect you to see that.

None of that has anything to do with the electoral college...

But again, majority rules. That's democracy, and it's reasonable.

Actually, that has everything to do with the electoral college.
There's nothing wrong with the GOP.

There's something wrong with this country, the media, and many of the ingrates that call themselves citizens of this nation.

GOP is right

Everyone else is wrong

Got it
The Electoral College is the last defense against massive vote fraud because it encapsulates voting within each state. However proportional allocation of electoral votes might be a good idea.
Fixing the GOP

Zero compromise with "progressives" regressive agenda
Ruthless exposure of dems awsome capacity for stupidity
It is really strange how many people think that the electoral college is a bad idea, and how none of them can actually say why.

1) It disenfranchises most of the country...

2) It contorts the election to where the candidates are pandering to a few states rather than appealling to the whole country.

3) It makes people pick bad running mates in attempts to get electoral advantages.

4) It prevents third parties from being viable.

5) You could have a situation where someone loses the popular vote and wins the election.

6) It has an utterly retarded mechanism that throws the election into Congress (and this actually happened once in 1824!)

7) It runs the risk of "faithless electors" ignoring the will of the people and doing their own thing.

And here's the thing. Because I know how in love with the founding slave-owners you really are, this wasn't even their original idea. Their orginal idea was even MORE retarded, resulting in the silly election of 1800 and the 12th Amendment almost immediately following.
There's nothing wrong with the GOP.

There's something wrong with this country, the media, and many of the ingrates that call themselves citizens of this nation.

If the GOP can't win an election with 7.9% unemployment, after spending a billion dollars, then there is nothing wrong with the people or the media.

The GOP has been digging itself into this hole for a long time...
The same will be true for the DEMS, right?
The same will be true for the DEMS, right?

I would say that it is highly unlikely that they'll lose at this point. I think what has changed in the 8 years since I wrote this (thanks for ressurecting a Zombie Thread) is the GOP has gone even crazier....
Re-reading this series, it's interesting how much has changed, and how much as stayed the same. I'll probably do another version of it after Trump loses...

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