Flagship SS HillaryCare II


Sep 23, 2010
I make a habit of not listening to FOX liberals; especially Juan Williams because nobody on FOX ever calls him out when he twists and turns every issue into a defense of parasite ideology. Happily, Judge Napolitano is the exception. Move the cursor to 3:20 to hear the Judge nail Williams:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUDfsjXMkoo&feature=player_embedded]Judge Napolitano To Juan Williams ~ You've Abandoned Notion That The Constitution Means What It Say - YouTube[/ame]​

If you listened to the entire video you heard Napolitano say get rid of Social Security, but grandfather in those Americans who were forced into the system.

Juan Williams better go back to acting school and take a refresher course in “astonishment.” After trying to register amazement with his face he totally ignored Napolitano’s grandfather caveat.

The clincher was Napolitano telling Williams:

You have abandoned the notion that the Constitution means what it says.

Nobody on TV talks to liberals that way. The liberal view is sacrosanct and, by extension, liberals who spout the parasite ideology are supposed to be unassailable. Judge Napolitano broke the rules. He attacked the speaker.

Moving on

A Democrat attacking the First Amendment is standard stuff, but this next item is a puzzlement:

. . . Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel accused the news media of tunnel vision on the issue.

“I used to tell President Clinton. When it comes to the American press, the First Amendment is highly overrated,” the mayor said, during an interview at the Bloomberg Business Summit lunch on the future of cities in the global economy.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel says "First Amendment is highly overrated"

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel says "First Amendment is highly overrated" - Illinois Review

Emanuel must mean print press because the parasite class is where it is because of television. I can understand Emanuel being pissed at the way A FEW MEDIA outlets are reporting the truth about the ACA, but to admit that he told then-President Clinton the First Amendment was highly overrated before Democrats lost total control of the media is weird.

Assuming Emanuel meant television, too, begs clarification on the following points:

1. As hard as they try, Democrats cannot abolish the First Amendment without a constitutional amendment, but they can eliminate the tax deduction for advertising if the media is their enemy.

2 Why do Democrats want to reinstate some form of the Fairness Doctrine if the First Amendment is highly overrated?

3. Why do Democrats spend so much money in the media on campaign advertising?

4. Why are clips of the president on television all day long every day if the First Amendment is highly overrated?

5. Does Emanuel really think Democrats have a chance of saving the ACA from repeal without a lot of help from the media?

On a nuts and bolts level Emanuel can thank the First Amendment for giving a liar like Al Franken a platform to sell a brief extension:

Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) says he would be open to a brief delay in the individual mandate if the problems with HealthCare.gov aren't fixed by the end of the month, according to Minnesota Public Radio.

Al Franken: 'We Have to Consider Extending the Deadline for the Mandate'
4:24 PM, Nov 22, 2013 • By DANIEL HALPER

Al Franken: 'We Have to Consider Extending the Deadline for the Mandate' | The Weekly Standard

Every Senate race next year is of tremendous importance to the country. Franken is up for reelection; so I guess he’s portraying himself as a responsible legislator because he’s afraid he might not be able to get away with stealing another one. Let’s all hope the voters in Minnesota remember that Franken voted for HillaryCare II, higher premiums, cancelled policies, cancelled doctors, and all of the rest of the horrors —— now he's trying to save it.

The flagship

First off, if the ACA is the president’s signature piece of legislation it must be Hillary Clinton’s flagship. (The SS HillaryCare was scrapped before it was launched.) Yet Clinton is amazingly silent about defending HillaryCare II. A cynic would be justified in saying that Captain Bubba’s command to “Abandon ship” was an attempt to wipe the slate clean.

The Clintons scuttling HillaryCare II does not mean they are abandoning their presidential ambitions. In fact, Hillary is already hustling around looking for a new flagship (campaign issue) that will carry her back to the White House:

Hillary Clinton: If U.S. Doesn't Get Act Together, World Will "De-Americanize"
Posted on November 22, 2013

Hillary Clinton: If U.S. Doesn't Get Act Together, World Will "De-Americanize" | Video | RealClearPolitics

I truly hope she sticks with the de-Americanize gambit because it is already sinking. Should the world de-Americanize it will be because of the political agenda the Clintons and their global government pals are pushing. Proof: America began declining early in the last century in tandem with the growth of Socialism. More of the same only guarantees that the world will de-Americanize.

For someone who loves global government so much Clinton does not understand how parasites see the United Nations. To Third World parasites the United Nations is akin to a welfare office where they go to sign up for free stuff. Third World parasites will dump America the minute they stop getting checks. To the old harridan De-Americanize is inevitable when the checks stop; ergo, Clinton is saying America must keep the welfare checks flowing through the UN.

Frankly, I say let de-Americanize happen. Parasites are getting it both ways as things stand now. They get tax dollars while they tear down America. For all of Clinton’s de-Americanize doublespeak Communism and Islam are growing stronger while America gets weaker?

Parenthetically, Third World parasites always played the US against the USSR. So why did worldwide Communism grow in leaps and bounds after the collapse of the Soviet Union? This is not an answer to the question, but to me it looks like Hillary Clinton’s take on de-Americanize insures continued growth for Communism; if not pure Communism then certainly other forms of totalitarian government. I see nothing in her position that slows the spread of totalitarian Communism, or Islamic theocracies for that matter.

Finally, liberals are determined to abolish the Constitution. At least one Supreme Court justice, Ginsburg, has no use for the US Constitution. That’s not the end of it. Liberals hit upon the idea of undoing the War for Independence along with wiping out every trace of America’s first century of freedom. It started decades ago when they denigrated America’s Founding Fathers. All of those rich white guys owned slaves.
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