FLASH!! NOAA drives stake through heart of alarmists!!!

This is why I'm so disappointed. I started reading about AWG to learn about this hoax thing. And then it turn out that everytime I follow up on a report, it turns out to be either meaningless or straight up false.

And the thing is that it ends up proving AWG. Everytime they post, they add further proof that climate change is correct.

Then you should RE-READ the OP.. The USA temperature record has been tampered with for DECADES.. Not to accentuate the warming -- but to COOL readings from 80 years ago so that NEW RECORDS can make headlines multiple times a year. It's pretty undeniable that game is up on that.. Now if we could only do the same for Govt's lying inflation numbers and employment numbers --- that would be a start..
Why don't you see if you can find some data to refute this, cause I'm getting tired of posting it:


Explain what you THINK that means and it's easily refuted..

How much interpretation do you think this graphic is subject to? It's quite obvious what it "means" If you can refute it, do so.

But that has nothing to do with this topic either -- does it?

That global warming has stopped or the totally irrelevant behavior of temperatures in the 2% of the Earth's surface occupied by the contiguous 48 states?

Think he's gonna take some balls and wait for a full count? Or just swing for the fences?

Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk.
I've a better question. How stupid do you look if your name is Skookerasbil?

A lot less stupid than the cheesedick who can't figure out what that means.. :lmao:

FlaCal......funny as hell!! +1........:D:D:clap2:

How much do you love the whole 2% thing? I guess global warming somehow hasn't floated on into the US yet!! After a dozen years!!:2up:

All I know is.....here in New York, its almost mid-July and we have seen exactly 1 day of above 90 degree's. Very fucked up!!:wtf::wtf::wtf:. The standard joke around here amongst everybody is, "Hey....where the hell is all the global warming? I want to go to the beach!":D:funnyface:
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This is why I'm so disappointed. I started reading about AWG to learn about this hoax thing. And then it turn out that everytime I follow up on a report, it turns out to be either meaningless or straight up false.

And the thing is that it ends up proving AWG. Everytime they post, they add further proof that climate change is correct.

Then you should RE-READ the OP.. The USA temperature record has been tampered with for DECADES.. Not to accentuate the warming -- but to COOL readings from 80 years ago so that NEW RECORDS can make headlines multiple times a year. It's pretty undeniable that game is up on that.. Now if we could only do the same for Govt's lying inflation numbers and employment numbers --- that would be a start..

Wierd. And you have nothing to substantiate any of these claims.

And, that is the point. Your constant failure to subtantiate everything its dissapointing. And, what can be researched is constantly proven wrong.

What you do constantly prove is a complete lack of scientific fundamentals.
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I know. A simple task to demomstrate your grasp of science. This is easy. You can use Excel for it.

Get the data on global mean temps that Watt used in his graph thqt the OP is talking about. Do a linear linear regression, make a graph like the one the OP claims as proof, then tell us what the confidence interval for the slope is. That done, explain why the linear regression and graph are meaningless.

Prove you aren't a moron without an original thought

You won't. You can't.
Why don't you see if you can find some data to refute this, cause I'm getting tired of posting it:


Explain what you THINK that means and it's easily refuted..

How much interpretation do you think this graphic is subject to? It's quite obvious what it "means" If you can refute it, do so.

But that has nothing to do with this topic either -- does it?

That global warming has stopped or the totally irrelevant behavior of temperatures in the 2% of the Earth's surface occupied by the contiguous 48 states?

Think he's gonna take some balls and wait for a full count? Or just swing for the fences?

Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk.

We've done this 13 times.. Let's do it again..

What you WANT that graph to say is that it explains the sudden disappearance of your Global Warming trend.. What it ACTUALLY SAYS is that the deep oceans have been sucking heat AT THE SAME RATE for about four decades. There was no sudden change in the RATE of Ocean Heat storage. In FACT it DECREASED right about the time the "pause" became evident... It's not the EXCUSE you need... Besides, if it's SUDDENLY tapping heat from the surface -- there's no agreement on WHAT would make that happen...

Go ahead --- post it again...
This is why I'm so disappointed. I started reading about AWG to learn about this hoax thing. And then it turn out that everytime I follow up on a report, it turns out to be either meaningless or straight up false.

And the thing is that it ends up proving AWG. Everytime they post, they add further proof that climate change is correct.

Then you should RE-READ the OP.. The USA temperature record has been tampered with for DECADES.. Not to accentuate the warming -- but to COOL readings from 80 years ago so that NEW RECORDS can make headlines multiple times a year. It's pretty undeniable that game is up on that.. Now if we could only do the same for Govt's lying inflation numbers and employment numbers --- that would be a start..

Wierd. And you have nothing to substantiate any of these claims.

And, that is the point. Your constant failure to subtantiate everything its dissapointing. And, what can be researched is constantly proven wrong.

What you do constantly prove is a complete lack of scientific fundamentals.

What the fuck you babbling about Clyde? Prove "scientific fundamentals" ???? It's plotting a fucking graph and running a simple trend line fit on it.. DID YOU READ THE OP ?? It's a 10th grade pre-algebra homework assignment..

As for my claims above about the dicking with the USHCN data set in General, All ya gotta do is to use the Internet Time Machine and go back to read the changes.. Folks have been WATCHING the data get cooked for almost 20 years now. And Temperatures from the 1930s are STILL getting cooler today.. It AINT' science, it's detective work.. It's a freaking set of TEMPERATURES...


That's just the amount of dicking done between the 1998 version and somewhere about 2004.. The dicking goes on and the 30s are getting cooler.
Why don't you see if you can find some data to refute this, cause I'm getting tired of posting it:


You mean the graph that uses data that is so massaged that it is beyond the ability of the actual instruments to measure it? That stupid graph?:cuckoo:

I know. A simple task to demomstrate your grasp of science. This is easy. You can use Excel for it.

Get the data on global mean temps that Watt used in his graph thqt the OP is talking about. Do a linear linear regression, make a graph like the one the OP claims as proof, then tell us what the confidence interval for the slope is. That done, explain why the linear regression and graph are meaningless.

Prove you aren't a moron without an original thought

You won't. You can't.

I can't.. I won't.. Because it's not neccessary to abuse mathematics like you do..
NOW -- you've gone from BABBLING to ABUSE of mathematics. Why the GRAPH is meaningless? It's not. It WILL ALWAYS be a plot of US (not Global -- dummy) temperatures from 2005 to 2014.. Not matter how dirty you talk to it --- YOU can't change the meaning of the graph or call it meaningless. Secondly, there is no REQUIREMENT to test a TREND LINE. It will always be the BEST linear approximation to the chart. Lowest error bar fit to the equation F(X) = aX + b. Plenty of data points to make that determination. Knock yourself and weep and wring your hands about the variance of US Temperatures over time.. It won't change a damned thing.. It IS -- what it is... It's not a linear function that's for sure. So it won't fit.

Now why it's plotted to BEGIN in 2005 is mighty suspicious.. I suppose if you can "cherry-pick" a cooling trend line by doing so --- SOMEONE might think that's meaningful, because it allows them to state that the linear trend in temps since 2005 indicate a slight cooling for the United States. Guess they didn't want to start that graph EARLIER for a reason..

Enough honesty for ya Clyde?? Enough original thought? You just go on faking your math chops and pretending that the normal variance of temperature data sets has some significance in it that allows you to DISMISS a simple graph and trend line calc.. :cuckoo:

Then you should RE-READ the OP.. The USA temperature record has been tampered with for DECADES.. Not to accentuate the warming -- but to COOL readings from 80 years ago so that NEW RECORDS can make headlines multiple times a year. It's pretty undeniable that game is up on that.. Now if we could only do the same for Govt's lying inflation numbers and employment numbers --- that would be a start..

Wierd. And you have nothing to substantiate any of these claims.

And, that is the point. Your constant failure to subtantiate everything its dissapointing. And, what can be researched is constantly proven wrong.

What you do constantly prove is a complete lack of scientific fundamentals.

What the fuck you babbling about Clyde? Prove "scientific fundamentals" ???? It's plotting a fucking graph and running a simple trend line fit on it.. DID YOU READ THE OP ?? It's a 10th grade pre-algebra homework assignment..

As for my claims above about the dicking with the USHCN data set in General, All ya gotta do is to use the Internet Time Machine and go back to read the changes.. Folks have been WATCHING the data get cooked for almost 20 years now. And Temperatures from the 1930s are STILL getting cooler today.. It AINT' science, it's detective work.. It's a freaking set of TEMPERATURES...


That's just the amount of dicking done between the 1998 version and somewhere about 2004.. The dicking goes on and the 30s are getting cooler.

Interesting how these guys can ignore undeniable data tampering for two decades and still apparently say that there is no evidence of it even today. That koolaid must be some potent stuff.
Probably something to do with our superior and paranoia-free grasp of reality.
Then you should RE-READ the OP.. The USA temperature record has been tampered with for DECADES.. Not to accentuate the warming -- but to COOL readings from 80 years ago so that NEW RECORDS can make headlines multiple times a year. It's pretty undeniable that game is up on that.. Now if we could only do the same for Govt's lying inflation numbers and employment numbers --- that would be a start..

Wierd. And you have nothing to substantiate any of these claims.

And, that is the point. Your constant failure to subtantiate everything its dissapointing. And, what can be researched is constantly proven wrong.

What you do constantly prove is a complete lack of scientific fundamentals.

What the fuck you babbling about Clyde? Prove "scientific fundamentals" ???? It's plotting a fucking graph and running a simple trend line fit on it.. DID YOU READ THE OP ?? It's a 10th grade pre-algebra homework assignment..

As for my claims above about the dicking with the USHCN data set in General, All ya gotta do is to use the Internet Time Machine and go back to read the changes.. Folks have been WATCHING the data get cooked for almost 20 years now. And Temperatures from the 1930s are STILL getting cooler today.. It AINT' science, it's detective work.. It's a freaking set of TEMPERATURES...


That's just the amount of dicking done between the 1998 version and somewhere about 2004.. The dicking goes on and the 30s are getting cooler.

So you can't. That's what i said.

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