FLASHBACK: Biden Tells Migrants To 'Surge to the Border'

Trump sent the message out that migrants were not going to be allowed to simply waltz in as they please.
I guarantee you, our border patrol right now, would have loved to have the extra tool of having a wall. Dimocrats of course did everything they could to stop any attempt to secure our border.
Then all he had to do was kick all of those families out of the country right away. Or send the children out of the country after a month.

No. He kept all of those children, some of them babies, separated from their families for three years.

Trump and the Republicans, and apparently that includes you, do not know and do not care about being cruel to others, while claiming that they are Christians .
Then all he had to do was kick all of those families out of the country right away. Or send the children out of the country after a month.

No. He kept all of those children, some of them babies, separated from their families for three years.

Trump and the Republicans, and apparently that includes you, do not know and do not care about being cruel to others, while claiming that they are Christians .

Do you get a little framed certificate or a trophy for always being on the wrong side of an argument?

That must be awesome. How many of them do you have now? :laughing0301:
Then all he had to do was kick all of those families out of the country right away. Or send the children out of the country after a month.

No. He kept all of those children, some of them babies, separated from their families for three years.

Trump and the Republicans, and apparently that includes you, do not know and do not care about being cruel to others, while claiming that they are Christians .

The whole "Seeking Asylum" thing is illegitimate.
These illegal aliens are seeking to be on the American welfare gravy train.
We are providing them with free housing, free food, free healthcare, and free education.
There is a reason Joey Xiden has been referred to as the Cartel President. Everything he has done on the border and with immigration has been to their benefit...he's literally handed Cartels the Southern Border.

Internal assessments reviewed by Reuters — based on testimony and intelligence gathering — state that Mexican gangs have been growing their clientele and keeping tabs on US measures that would encourage migration. Additionally they have developed a new tracking system to move migrants across the US-Mexico border.

One Mexican official, who requested anonymity, told Reuters the cartels have been using sophisticated smuggling methods “from the day Biden took office,”

Those strategies include keeping migrants up to date on the latest immigration rules, using technology to thwart authorities, and disguising smuggling operations as travel agencies, according to the assessments.

Reuters also reported that plastic wristbands, some labeled “arrivals” or “entries” in Spanish, were seen discarded near Penitas, Texas after illegal immigrants crossed the border.

“Migrants have become a commodity,” the official told the outlet. “But if a packet of drugs is lost in the sea, it’s gone. If migrants are lost, it’s human beings we’re talking about.”

Exclusive: 'Migrant president' Biden stirs Mexican angst over boom time for gangs​

Higher concentrations of migrants in border areas have encouraged gangs to recruit some as drug mules, and kidnap others for money, said Cesar Peniche, attorney general of Chihuahua, the state with the longest stretch of U.S. frontier.

Xiden and his demafascist admin doesn't care...they don't care that these are human beings we are talking about...
More lies, misinformation, and partial quotes. he said, "We must surge to the border, all those people coming to the border deserve to be heard".

He sent the message out LOUD and CLEAR that should he become president, they should head for the border!
The proof is in the record #'s of invaders we are now seeing!!!
How quickly the MEGA-Republicons forget

Origins of the Statue of Liberty

Around 1865, as the American Civil War drew to a close, the French historian Edouard de Laboulaye proposed that France create a statue to give to the United States in celebration of that nation’s success in building a viable democracy. The sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, known for largescale sculptures, earned the commission; the goal was to design the sculpture in time for the centennial of the Declaration of Independence in 1876. The project would be a joint effort between the two countries–the French people were responsible for the statue and its assembly, while the Americans would build the pedestal on which it would stand–and a symbol of the friendship between their peoples.

Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Statue of Liberty - Height, Location & Timeline (history.com)


How quickly the MEGA-Republicons forget

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