Flashback: FBI Dir Comey Said No Prosecution of Hillary Because She Didn’t Know Documents Labeled TOP SECRET on Her Private Were Classified

It was grandfathered in. All these things are easily explained but never are on your ridiculous anti American propaganda channel, super duper. Your idiocy starts with her being a criminal and all the things she does to cover it up. Absolute idiocy, hater dupe.
there you go, nothing to see here!!!!! the beat goes on for the law breakers.
So…. Like I said then, intent has never been an excuse for violating the law. Speed limit goes from 55 to 35 and you missed the sign, too bad. Here’s your ticket. The entire issue of her mishandling secret information on her personal server was wiped clean - like with a cloth.
Your vacuous analysis contains all the hallmarks of the kind of simplistic thinking that makes you a perfect fit for Trumpworld.

So…. Like I said then, intent has never been an excuse for violating the law. Speed limit goes from 55 to 35 and you missed the sign, too bad. Here’s your ticket. The entire issue of her mishandling secret information on her personal server was wiped clean - like with a cloth.

So…. DOJ knew this historical raid on a President who may seek office again would be a shitstorm. Why didn’t they prepare a statement and release it the second the warrant was served? Why are they keeping the warrant secret from the public? Has to be a monumental reason. So monumental Trump hasn’t been arrested. Seeing the warrant will have zero impact upon any possible case. It’s going to say we are looking for X, Y and Z.

A lot of Democrats know this looks really suspicious politically. And how the Swamp handled Hillary compared to Trump and the total secrecy is damning.

They dont care that there is a double standard. In fact, they LOVE it! They could not be happier about it.
The left and their hypocrisy is mind boggling
change the channel and try reality. All these things have been investigated and just like your election fraud and vax fraud etcetera etcetera conspiracy theories etcetera, all pure crap...
Dude you’re boring
reality is like that, unlike your endlessly imaginative total BS hate and lies baloney over on the murdoch conspiracy nut channel. HATE and garbage as entertainment is a disgrace... I'm not crazy about CNN and MSNBC either, they don't have news they just sit around talking about the most divisive garbage around endlessly.... We don't have real news offices and foreign reporters anymore except on nightly news barely.
reality is like that, unlike your endlessly imaginative total BS hate and lies baloney over on the murdoch conspiracy nut channel. HATE and garbage as entertainment is a disgrace... I'm not crazy about CNN and MSNBC either, they don't have news they just sit around talking about the most divisive garbage around endlessly.... We don't have real news offices and foreign reporters anymore except on nightly news barely.
Naw boring demofk talking points are.

Makes you boring.

Sam Murdock your Johnson
Absolutely not. She did nothing wrong nothing criminal and everything you know is wrong, brainwashed functional moron. Figure it out. For God's sake. If she had, she would be going to jail just like your orange lying scumbag con man hero...
Comey said she broke the law. And if you want to insist people can put top secret Intel on home servers, you’ve got nothing on Trump
reality is like that, unlike your endlessly imaginative total BS hate and lies baloney over on the murdoch conspiracy nut channel. HATE and garbage as entertainment is a disgrace... I'm not crazy about CNN and MSNBC either, they don't have news they just sit around talking about the most divisive garbage around endlessly.... We don't have real news offices and foreign reporters anymore except on nightly news barely.
It was grandfathered in. All these things are easily explained but never are on your ridiculous anti American propaganda channel, super duper. Your idiocy starts with her being a criminal and all the things she does to cover it up. Absolute idiocy, hater dupe.
OP has the ABC article explaining to everyone with a room temperature IQ that Hillary broke the law.
change the channel and try reality. All these things have been investigated and just like your election fraud and vax fraud etcetera etcetera conspiracy theories etcetera, all pure crap...
What was the raid about?

Other than 1954 Bolivian political games.
reality is like that, unlike your endlessly imaginative total BS hate and lies baloney over on the murdoch conspiracy nut channel. HATE and garbage as entertainment is a disgrace... I'm not crazy about CNN and MSNBC either, they don't have news they just sit around talking about the most divisive garbage around endlessly.... We don't have real news offices and foreign reporters anymore except on nightly news barely.
“What kind of evidence was the FBI looking for yesterday? Classified material.

So, now, conservatives and Trump supporters are enraged, while liberals and leftists on social media – specifically Twitter – are saying that we are hypocrites, since, after all, we have been shouting “lock her up” ever since it was acknowledged by this very same FBI that Hillary Clinton commissioned an unsecured server to be built in her Chappaqua, NY home and allowed classified material to be routed through it so that anyone, anywhere could have access to it.

Same crime, right? Probably not.

Consider these things. Assuming that Trump did have allegedly classified material in his possession, when did he acquire it? It had to be sometime before Inauguration Day 2021, meaning when he was still the POTUS.

And guess what! Any sitting POTUS has the intrinsic authority to declassify any classified material. That’s right.

Therefore, I’m guessing that Trump declassified any previously classified material that may have been in his possession in 2022.

Authority. And Power. That’s what separates these cases. He had [sic] it and she didn’t. “

The boxes of documents that the FBI went to find and found and have taken back to Washington. They told him they knew he had boxes and told them to lock them up about six months ago, but now a judge has said they have good reason to want to see them. Too bad you don't know anything factual about it all, super duper .
Felony possession of boxes?
Non recyclable?

Judge who signed off the FBI raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago mansion donated $2,000 to Barack Obama’s campaign and represented Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express pilots, his scheduler and ‘Yugoslavian sex slave.’

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