Flashback. Obama asks Ukraine to investigate Manafort during the election.

Did he? Did Obama call the Ukrainian President, asking for a favor and withhold promised assistance? Was Manafort a political rival?

'A lot of it started with Ukraine': Why the Trump-Zelensky call isn't just about Joe Biden
he seemed to have been when it suited the lefts purpose as his campaign manager.

whatever the rules are - i just want all sides accountable to them. at this point we are WAY past bill's "what does "is" mean" as we micro-slice intent all to hell and find some caveat to hide under so we're "different".

this and this alone is causing our huge divide.
I agree, but I also think we need to be careful in comparing app,es with apples.

What disturbs me, assuming it is all true, is the way Trump used the power of his office to pressure the Ukrainian President for a “favor”, that favor being find political dirt on a political rival for personal benefit, and, his staff scurried to hide the transcript of that call in another location for national security material, and apparently other non-national security phone calls have been treated in a similar manner.

If the US president can use his office in this manner, the ramifications are horrible. No president should be allowed to do this, and until now, we would not, as the citizenry have tolerated it. We did not with Nixon.

In this case, it isn’t a matter of being fair to all sides. It is a matter of one individual possibly putting himself above the law and instead of tackling it we are hearing a spate of what about and a concerted effort to smear all involved, including the whistle blower who we know nothing about but apparently we THINK we do. Too it with the fringe media spawning a storm of conspiracy theories.

I just want to say THINK people, beyond partisan politics. Is this what we really want?

My personal opinion? We are seeing a president who exists in a world of deals, and winners and losers, and who feels the law does not apply him. This is scary.

If it was so important tantrum to investigate corruption allegations against the Bidens, there are legal, above board and transparent means of doing so. They were not used.

I am worried for our democratic principles,es, Iceberg, very worried :(
I'm worried because we are making emotional decisions.

To get "Trump" long term democracy is being sacraficed.
Annnnnnnnnd...look where Manafort is now?
Nailed for tax evasion.........No Russia.........doesn't matter...........he was a campaign manager of the opposition political party..............and it was done to get dirt on Trump for Hillary unless you live under a rock.

Was Manafort a tax evader...........yup..............but given the standards that libs have been using trying to Impeach Trump for.............well OBAMA DID THE SAME DAMNED THING........

Let that sink in..........................

Then go to my links that you will say are BS...........and click on the court documents laying out how they used FIsa Warrants to illegally spy on everyone...............The Admiral shut that operation down with the NSA..............

The Obama abuse of power with Federal Agencies is LEGENDARY................

Psst, ignoramus:

In D.C. Manafort was also charged with failure to register as a foreign agent and for making false statements about his foreign lobbying work.

These charges, which he avoided by accepting a plea deal, center around lobbying work that Manafort was doing for the since-toppled Ukranian President Viktor Yanukovych since 2006. It has been revealed recently in court filings that Manafort continued this work even while serving on President Trump’s campaign team.

Here's what you need to know about indictments against Paul Manafort
Flashback: Obama Admin Asked Ukraine to Investigate Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort | Breitbart

Former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy noted at National Review on Thursday that then-President Barack Obama’s administration asked Ukraine to investigate Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, in 2016.
McCarthy notes the double standard — that Democrats want to impeach Trump for doing what Obama did — and which they have been telling the world for years was necessary to do to protect American national security.

McCarthy notes the glaring double standard: “When the Obama administration leans on Ukraine for help in an investigation of political opponents, the Democrats and the media say, “But look how corrupt Paul Manafort was!” When the Trump administration leans on Ukraine for help in an investigation of political opponents, the Democrats and the media say, “Abuse of power — impeach him!”
So lay out exactly what the Obama administration did and why... let’s take a deeper look.
What part of it "asked Ukraine to investigate Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, in 2016" didn't you understand?
Who asked who to do what and why? Come on, I said dig deeper, that means learning the specifics and not feeding off headline propaganda. If you can’t answer those questions then you don’t know the situation
Then how did you "dig into" changing the requirement for firsthand whistleblower info ONLY to be a "legal" change, allowing 2nd hand?

That came straight out of your ass sn. Or show the legality of the move.
iceberg have you heard the IGs recent explanation of the form change? Thoughts??
Ukraine was a bi partisan honey pot with everyone's fingers in the pot....

Then the Cocksucker, trying to keep his CLOSET DOOR SHUT, spilled out Manafort.

Hopefully, not only will this result in a fresh new investigation of all foreign aid during the Cocksucker in Chief, but also a fresh look as to why the US

What disturbs me, assuming it is all true, is the way Trump used the power of his office to pressure the Ukrainian President for a “favor”, that favor being find political dirt on a political rival for personal benefit, and, his staff scurried to hide the transcript of that call in another location for national security material, and apparently other non-national security phone calls have been treated in a similar manner.

I don't know why you on the left don't read the transcript yourself instead of letting CNN read it for you. Words mean things, and what Trump said is clear.

He didn't pressure anybody. He asked for a favor. Apples and oranges. If you don't believe me, there are many sites (yes, even leftist sites) that quotes Zelensky stating he felt no pressure at all by Trump.

You are even using MSM terminology. Dig up dirt? Why is it when the left investigates somebody on the right, it's a matter of justice, but when the right investigates the left, it's digging up dirt?

Do you know why I can't "dig up dirt" in my driveway? Because it's asphalt and there is no dirt there.

The Democrats are in panic mode, and that alone makes me very suspicious. For them to take something so innocuous as a phone call to try and impeach Trump tells me they feel the heat on their asses. They are trying to stop Trump before Zelensky actually finds out what really went on with the Biden's.
What disturbs me, assuming it is all true, is the way Trump used the power of his office to pressure the Ukrainian President for a “favor”, that favor being find political dirt on a political rival for personal benefit, and, his staff scurried to hide the transcript of that call in another location for national security material, and apparently other non-national security phone calls have been treated in a similar manner.

I don't know why you on the left don't read the transcript yourself instead of letting CNN read it for you. Words mean things, and what Trump said is clear.

He didn't pressure anybody. He asked for a favor. Apples and oranges. If you don't believe me, there are many sites (yes, even leftist sites) that quotes Zelensky stating he felt no pressure at all by Trump.

You are even using MSM terminology. Dig up dirt? Why is it when the left investigates somebody on the right, it's a matter of justice, but when the right investigates the left, it's digging up dirt?

Do you know why I can't "dig up dirt" in my driveway? Because it's asphalt and there is no dirt there.

The Democrats are in panic mode, and that alone makes me very suspicious. For them to take something so innocuous as a phone call to try and impeach Trump tells me they feel the heat on their asses. They are trying to stop Trump before Zelensky actually finds out what really went on with the Biden's.

I read it. Lotta subtle pressure in it.

You do realize it is not a transcript right?
Did he? Did Obama call the Ukrainian President, asking for a favor and withhold promised assistance? Was Manafort a political rival?

We will never know because the deep state would never record a phone call by DumBama yet alone reveal anything.
What disturbs me, assuming it is all true, is the way Trump used the power of his office to pressure the Ukrainian President for a “favor”, that favor being find political dirt on a political rival for personal benefit, and, his staff scurried to hide the transcript of that call in another location for national security material, and apparently other non-national security phone calls have been treated in a similar manner.

I don't know why you on the left don't read the transcript yourself instead of letting CNN read it for you. Words mean things, and what Trump said is clear.

He didn't pressure anybody. He asked for a favor. Apples and oranges. If you don't believe me, there are many sites (yes, even leftist sites) that quotes Zelensky stating he felt no pressure at all by Trump.

You are even using MSM terminology. Dig up dirt? Why is it when the left investigates somebody on the right, it's a matter of justice, but when the right investigates the left, it's digging up dirt?

Do you know why I can't "dig up dirt" in my driveway? Because it's asphalt and there is no dirt there.

The Democrats are in panic mode, and that alone makes me very suspicious. For them to take something so innocuous as a phone call to try and impeach Trump tells me they feel the heat on their asses. They are trying to stop Trump before Zelensky actually finds out what really went on with the Biden's.

I read it. Lotta subtle pressure in it.

You do realize it is not a transcript right?

Subtle? The left are arguing it's the end of the world.

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