Flavored E-cigs - big surprise - cause a horrible disease


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
N'Awlins Mid-City
Turns out 3 out of 4 flavored E-cigs contain a chemical that is known to cause popcorn lung, an irreversible disease of the lung.


At this point, I think its appropriate to congratulate the e-cig industry on their profits. They have shown how much success a company can attain when it sells a product that is largely unaffected by pesky Big Government regulations. Well done!!!

Just think - if Big Meanie Government had stepped into regulate these things, people wouldn't be able to get a crazy disease. Its cool to have popcorn lung, the ladies think its hard core!
"Fruit Squirts" is a positively ugly name for an E-cig flavor. Iol.
"Fruit Squirts" is a positively ugly name for an E-cig flavor. Iol.
I would never put that near my mouth

Those vape contraptions are pretty queer looking as well. lol. I think it is a craze that will likely die down as more studies are published about it's usage; however, they are presently raking in the cash. I swear there is a store on every other block now.
"Fruit Squirts" is a positively ugly name for an E-cig flavor. Iol.
I would never put that near my mouth

Those vape contraptions are pretty queer looking as well. lol. I think it is a craze that will likely die down as more studies are published about it's usage; however, they are presently raking in the cash. I swear there is a store on every other block now.
One of ym dads friends has one. He makes his own liquid. One of them is redbull something. Yes, he uses actual redbull in it. How is that good for your lungs?
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"Fruit Squirts" is a positively ugly name for an E-cig flavor. Iol.
I would never put that near my mouth

Those vape contraptions are pretty queer looking as well. lol. I think it is a craze that will likely die down as more studies are published about it's usage; however, they are presently raking in the cash. I swear there is a store on every other block now.
One of ym dads friends has one. He makes his own liquid. One of them is redbull something. Yes, he uses actual redbull in it. How is that good for your lungs?

God, that's fucking gross. Red Bull is hardly potable in a shot. I can't imagine what it would like be like in your lungs. Those poor alveoli! lol
Turns out 3 out of 4 flavored E-cigs contain a chemical that is known to cause popcorn lung, an irreversible disease of the lung.


At this point, I think its appropriate to congratulate the e-cig industry on their profits. They have shown how much success a company can attain when it sells a product that is largely unaffected by pesky Big Government regulations. Well done!!!

Just think - if Big Meanie Government had stepped into regulate these things, people wouldn't be able to get a crazy disease. Its cool to have popcorn lung, the ladies think its hard core!

They contain the chemical linked to said disease, the study doesn't go into if the concentrations are high enough to be considered dangerous. All they conclude is that more research is needed.

The original link between the chemical and the disease was found in people that worked in factories that made butter flavoring for popcorn. Their exposures were probably exponentially higher than those seen in E-cig smokers.
Turns out 3 out of 4 flavored E-cigs contain a chemical that is known to cause popcorn lung, an irreversible disease of the lung.


At this point, I think its appropriate to congratulate the e-cig industry on their profits. They have shown how much success a company can attain when it sells a product that is largely unaffected by pesky Big Government regulations. Well done!!!

Just think - if Big Meanie Government had stepped into regulate these things, people wouldn't be able to get a crazy disease. Its cool to have popcorn lung, the ladies think its hard core!

Who in the hell is "Gizmodo", and exactly why are we supposed to just take what they say as gospel truth?

Don't you people ever get tired of scare tactics and simplistic generalizations? Ever get curious and actually go out and find out what you're talking about? (This is completely rhetorical, Pooh Poo, since I know perfectly well you avoid all that messy thinking stuff in favor of having your opinions given to you.)

Who is "the e-cig industry", exactly? 3 out of 4 of WHICH e-cigs? WHAT are they going to regulate? Regulate how, exactly? Do you know the answers to any of these questions, or did you just see a fantastic opportunity to trot out your worldview of "We need more government! Ehrmagerd, people are making their own decisions! The GOVERNMENT must do that for them!"?
Not all liquid use this chemical. Use a liquid that doesn't. Simple.

If you buy the cheap-ass pre-filled garbage made by tobacco companies and sold in gas stations, you deserve to get dangerous crap, and shouldn't be surprised that that's what it is. But ignoramuses like Pooh Poo pretending that all vapor cigarettes are exactly alike and DESPERATELY need the government to step in and tell us what to do because we're all too damned stupid to come in out of the rain without a benevolent government agency to take our hand and lead us indoors just make me tired.
Anybody who thinks the habitual inhaling of anything but air is O.K. is a fool.

Yeah, because you don't ALREADY habitually inhale "anything but air". Since the vast majority of us are not wandering around with a mask on, pumping in pure oxygen (which isn't good for you either, FYI), it's a good thing the lungs don't work as simplistically or delicately as you presume they do.

God save us from this whole "pure body, organic EVERYTHING" mindset.
In a sane world anyone who has to enter an environment such as the toxic cloud that E-cigs produce would wear some sort of mask or breathing device that prevents inhaling toxic chemicals contained in water vapor. Most people wouldn't even want to inhale the quantity of water vapor that these things produce. Isn't it common sense that subjecting the delicate lining of the lungs to the habitual inhaling of water vapor and water vapor containing toxic chemicals is not a good idea?
I've I smoked cigarettes since I was a teen..
not long ago I decided to stop
now I only use E-cigs without nicotine ... I like it and I feel just fine it works for me.
I won't be stopping that any time soon

and let me tell you...a thermonuclear bomb will kill me before my e-cig stick.

In a sane world anyone who has to enter an environment such as the toxic cloud that E-cigs produce would wear some sort of mask or breathing device that prevents inhaling toxic chemicals contained in water vapor. Most people wouldn't even want to inhale the quantity of water vapor that these things produce. Isn't it common sense that subjecting the delicate lining of the lungs to the habitual inhaling of water vapor and water vapor containing toxic chemicals is not a good idea?

Water vapor doesn't hurt your lungs. People do it all the time when they're sick in order to get well. Haven't you ever taken a hot shower while you have a cold in order to have the water vapor loosen up the phlegm in your respiratory system? Or just taken a hot shower to relax, for that matter?

Whether or not there are "toxic chemicals" in the vapor from an e-cigarette depends entirely on the e-juice the vaper is using.
I've I smoked cigarettes since I was a teen..
not long ago I decided to stop
now I only use E-cigs without nicotine ... I like it and I feel just fine it works for me.
I won't be stopping that any time soon

and let me tell you...a thermonuclear bomb will kill me before my e-cig stick.


Hell, I live in a metropolitan area with almost a million people living in it. Anyone who thinks the air I breathe in general is cleaner and less toxic than the vapor from my e-cig is a lunatic.

I had a guy at a bus stop attack me for vaping once because I was "polluting the air he was trying to breathe". I turned and looked at the cars, trucks, and SUVs roaring past on the street about two feet away from us, then looked back at him and told him he was crazy.

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