Flight 93 crash fantasy

Whenever a skeptic gets a chance, can you please explain to me how Flight 93 could crash and 95% of it be recovered when photos of the scene shortly after shows at best 10% of a 757 scattered about? That's a lot of debris missing.

can you please explain why you expect it should not be recovered from the crash scene. :cuckoo:
What the fock are you talking about? Talk about :cuckoo:


where do you expect 95% of the plane to be recovered from if not the crash site? :cuckoo:

once you answer this we will get to my next point....
Whenever a skeptic gets a chance, can you please explain to me how Flight 93 could crash and 95% of it be recovered when photos of the scene shortly after shows at best 10% of a 757 scattered about? That's a lot of debris missing.
You read too much into photographs.

It means one of three things:

  • The debris wasn't there and it wasn't photographed.
  • The debris was there and it was photographed but the photos were not released to the general public
  • The debris was there but wasn't photographed.

I tend to think it was option 3 (the last one).

I believe it was largely because of the rural area where the plane landed.

The lack of photographs is also a symptom of the area where it landed; small town, rural area...fewer CSI types.
:lol: Now I know you skeptics are clearly insane!

There were plenty of photos taken that spanned the whole area, including aerials and photos of inside the forest, that would have shown were all this missing debris was. :cuckoo:
And there are plenty of photographs of that wreckage.

But you just said "The debris was there but wasn't photographed" you fruitloop. Make up your friggin mind! :lol:
Fuck you.

You were talking about the supposed discrepancy in 95% of the plane being recovered vs. your belief that there should be photographs of 95% of the recovered plane. I was trying to enlighten you. It's a lost cause obviously but hey, I tried.

There were NO BODIES reported at the Shanksville scene, you friggin idiot! The coroner reported he didn't even se a drop of blood!!! :lol:\
Plenty of DNA and remains; all were collected and returned to the next of kin. Again, fuck you.

and those bodies didn't deserve to be photographed and have their memories continuously trampled upon.
Like these taken at the Pentagon?...
Graphic pics are not tolerated on this board. Leave a link and flag the pics as being graphic.--Meister

Obviously you're too dense to know what I wrote in my 100% bulletproof retort to your bizarre stance.

You deserve to die of a very painful disease. I wish we would put people like you in Gitmo with the terrorists and you could practice youre bending toward Mecca. I'm sure you'd enjoy it and it would be your first shot at intimacy; ever.

PS: Fuck you.
the Pentagon was not located in a RUAL town
another FAIL

bot it shows there is no sensitivity to taking and publishing pictures of bodies if there are any to take pictures of
the difference being small town in PA vs the nations capitol
So it's OK for the government to post gruesome pics of the deceased from the capitol, but not from a small town. Got it. :cuckoo:
where do you expect 95% of the plane to be recovered from if not the crash site? :cuckoo:

once you answer this we will get to my next point....
I'm still waiting for you sheep to prove 95% of a 757 was recovered there! :lol:
candycorn loves to dish it out, but can't stand to get any dished back in return.

What a hypocrite! :lol:
bot it shows there is no sensitivity to taking and publishing pictures of bodies if there are any to take pictures of
the difference being small town in PA vs the nations capitol
So it's OK for the government to post gruesome pics of the deceased from the capitol, but not from a small town. Got it. :cuckoo:

No fucktard;

Try to keep up.

I'm guessing that the small town photographer used some discretion. You don't know anything about it because it comes from maturity.

Had he/she taken some; the government would have used them in prosecuting Moussaui as they did with the pictures of the bodies at the Pentagon and the shockingly horrifying video of the bodies falling out of the twin towers.

Now that is a guess about why we see bodies in two places and not in a third. Its likely a function of discretion and probably staffing as well.

All DNA from passengers was verified. The Coroner says so. You quoted him. Gee, was he lying when you quoted him?

Plenty of pictures of the wreckage exist. You can find them in many places. This site:

U.S.D.C. Eastern District of Virginia

Is from the Moussaui exhibits and all are public record entered into Federal District Court. They were not challenged by the defense attorneys.
the difference being small town in PA vs the nations capitol
So it's OK for the government to post gruesome pics of the deceased from the capitol, but not from a small town. Got it. :cuckoo:

No fucktard;

Try to keep up.

I'm guessing that the small town photographer used some discretion. You don't know anything about it because it comes from maturity.

Had he/she taken some; the government would have used them in prosecuting Moussaui as they did with the pictures of the bodies at the Pentagon and the shockingly horrifying video of the bodies falling out of the twin towers.

Now that is a guess about why we see bodies in two places and not in a third. Its likely a function of discretion and probably staffing as well.

All DNA from passengers was verified. The Coroner says so. You quoted him. Gee, was he lying when you quoted him?

Plenty of pictures of the wreckage exist. You can find them in many places. This site:

U.S.D.C. Eastern District of Virginia

Is from the Moussaui exhibits and all are public record entered into Federal District Court. They were not challenged by the defense attorneys.
troofer are too fucking stupid to understand that simple concept
the difference being small town in pa vs the nations capitol
so it's ok for the government to post gruesome pics of the deceased from the capitol, but not from a small town. Got it. :cuckoo:

no fucktard;

try to keep up.

I'm guessing that the small town photographer used some discretion. You don't know anything about it because it comes from maturity.

Had he/she taken some; the government would have used them in prosecuting moussaui as they did with the pictures of the bodies at the pentagon and the shockingly horrifying video of the bodies falling out of the twin towers.

Now that is a guess about why we see bodies in two places and not in a third. Its likely a function of discretion and probably staffing as well.

All dna from passengers was verified. The coroner says so. You quoted him. Gee, was he lying when you quoted him?

Plenty of pictures of the wreckage exist. You can find them in many places. This site:

u.s.d.c. Eastern district of virginia

is from the moussaui exhibits and all are public record entered into federal district court. They were not challenged by the defense attorneys.

so this would be your theory then ?..a candycornsporacy ?...that small town photographers conspired to not fully photograph the scene or bodies ...because it was insensitive ??
so it's ok for the government to post gruesome pics of the deceased from the capitol, but not from a small town. Got it. :cuckoo:

no fucktard;

try to keep up.

I'm guessing that the small town photographer used some discretion. You don't know anything about it because it comes from maturity.

Had he/she taken some; the government would have used them in prosecuting moussaui as they did with the pictures of the bodies at the pentagon and the shockingly horrifying video of the bodies falling out of the twin towers.

Now that is a guess about why we see bodies in two places and not in a third. Its likely a function of discretion and probably staffing as well.

All dna from passengers was verified. The coroner says so. You quoted him. Gee, was he lying when you quoted him?

Plenty of pictures of the wreckage exist. You can find them in many places. This site:

u.s.d.c. Eastern district of virginia

is from the moussaui exhibits and all are public record entered into federal district court. They were not challenged by the defense attorneys.

so this would be your theory then ?..a candycornsporacy ?...that small town photographers conspired to not fully photograph the scene or bodies ...because it was insensitive ??
holy shit you are dumb
so it's ok for the government to post gruesome pics of the deceased from the capitol, but not from a small town. Got it. :cuckoo:

no fucktard;

try to keep up.

I'm guessing that the small town photographer used some discretion. You don't know anything about it because it comes from maturity.

Had he/she taken some; the government would have used them in prosecuting moussaui as they did with the pictures of the bodies at the pentagon and the shockingly horrifying video of the bodies falling out of the twin towers.

Now that is a guess about why we see bodies in two places and not in a third. Its likely a function of discretion and probably staffing as well.

All dna from passengers was verified. The coroner says so. You quoted him. Gee, was he lying when you quoted him?

Plenty of pictures of the wreckage exist. You can find them in many places. This site:

u.s.d.c. Eastern district of virginia

is from the moussaui exhibits and all are public record entered into federal district court. They were not challenged by the defense attorneys.

so this would be your theory then ?..a candycornsporacy ?...that small town photographers conspired to not fully photograph the scene or bodies ...because it was insensitive ??
You tin foil hat crowd post "maybe this happened" and "it could've been" crap ALL of the time!! Thanks for proving just how biased YOU are, little boy.:lol::lol:
Whenever a skeptic gets a chance, can you please explain to me how Flight 93 could crash and 95% of it be recovered when photos of the scene shortly after shows at best 10% of a 757 scattered about? That's a lot of debris missing.

90 % of the plane morphed into little molebots due to the force of impact. They dug themselves deep into the core of the earth. But not all of the bots transformed into burrowing bots...some of them changed into cleanerbots that polished up some of the debris including the flight recorder. Oh..and others emerged as charcoal eating bots that munched on the remnants of the fire until the recovery crew arrived.
The funny thing is that is about as believable as the official story! :lol:
After I get home and have a chance to look into this...

Is that really that difficult to understand?

I want to know what the good Doctor said in full, so I understand the context. When he said it, and to what reporter. Then of course I want to reread where different parts of the aircraft was actually found. This all has bearing on the actual facts vs remarks made to some reporter somewhere.
Ever going to get around to this?
After I get home and have a chance to look into this...

Is that really that difficult to understand?

I want to know what the good Doctor said in full, so I understand the context. When he said it, and to what reporter. Then of course I want to reread where different parts of the aircraft was actually found. This all has bearing on the actual facts vs remarks made to some reporter somewhere.
Ever going to get around to this?

Don't be mad at DiveyDowner. He just wants everyone to respect the Gubmint...unless of course it is headed by a black guy...:lol:

The main obsticle one faces in unravelling this "whodunit" is the thousands of items that cannot be reconciled so the amature detectives start off looking crazy as if THEY came up with the mountain of disinformation and missing facts. All we know fo sho is that two planes crashed into the WTC. Everything else has been plowed so deep under that the only rational path to take is to take the easy path and just let it go.

We will NEVER know the truth any more than what we know for sure about a simple assacination as Kennedy's. This thing is a thousand times more complicated and buried a thousand times deeper.
After I get home and have a chance to look into this...

Is that really that difficult to understand?

I want to know what the good Doctor said in full, so I understand the context. When he said it, and to what reporter. Then of course I want to reread where different parts of the aircraft was actually found. This all has bearing on the actual facts vs remarks made to some reporter somewhere.
Ever going to get around to this?

Don't be mad at DiveyDowner. He just wants everyone to respect the Gubmint...unless of course it is headed by a black guy...:lol:

The main obsticle one faces in unravelling this "whodunit" is the thousands of items that cannot be reconciled so the amature detectives start off looking crazy as if THEY came up with the mountain of disinformation and missing facts. All we know fo sho is that two planes crashed into the WTC. Everything else has been plowed so deep under that the only rational path to take is to take the easy path and just let it go.

We will NEVER know the truth any more than what we know for sure about a simple assacination as Kennedy's. This thing is a thousand times more complicated and buried a thousand times deeper.

I'm not sure who your "we" is but my "we" knows much more about 9/11. My "we" knows 4 planes crashed, who hi jacked them, who was on the planes, how they pulled it off, where they crashed, and that there were no survivors. Your "we we" is full of morons, anti-semites, and people who just are looking for attention by acting foolish.

I'll agree that your "we" has zero facts and only innuendo. But conspiracies only work when they are not complex; any and all theories trotted out by your we (when someone on your "we" has the stones to actually write down what they think happened) involve a laundry list of players. Unless you would like to spell out what your "we" believes happened
Ever going to get around to this?

Don't be mad at DiveyDowner. He just wants everyone to respect the Gubmint...unless of course it is headed by a black guy...:lol:

The main obsticle one faces in unravelling this "whodunit" is the thousands of items that cannot be reconciled so the amature detectives start off looking crazy as if THEY came up with the mountain of disinformation and missing facts. All we know fo sho is that two planes crashed into the WTC. Everything else has been plowed so deep under that the only rational path to take is to take the easy path and just let it go.

We will NEVER know the truth any more than what we know for sure about a simple assacination as Kennedy's. This thing is a thousand times more complicated and buried a thousand times deeper.

I'm not sure who your "we" is but my "we" knows much more about 9/11. My "we" knows 4 planes crashed, who hi jacked them, who was on the planes, how they pulled it off, where they crashed, and that there were no survivors. Your "we we" is full of morons, anti-semites, and people who just are looking for attention by acting foolish.

I'll agree that your "we" has zero facts and only innuendo. But conspiracies only work when they are not complex; any and all theories trotted out by your we (when someone on your "we" has the stones to actually write down what they think happened) involve a laundry list of players. Unless you would like to spell out what your "we" believes happened

Why do you bother to respond to a post of mine when you know that I am much smarter than you and have far more experience in "The Field" being a pilot. I just got done saying that the intelligent path is to just let it go. That does not mean buying your hack bullshit. I rarely come around to these threads because it just depresses me to think of how stupid people like you are.
Don't be mad at DiveyDowner. He just wants everyone to respect the Gubmint...unless of course it is headed by a black guy...:lol:

The main obsticle one faces in unravelling this "whodunit" is the thousands of items that cannot be reconciled so the amature detectives start off looking crazy as if THEY came up with the mountain of disinformation and missing facts. All we know fo sho is that two planes crashed into the WTC. Everything else has been plowed so deep under that the only rational path to take is to take the easy path and just let it go.

We will NEVER know the truth any more than what we know for sure about a simple assacination as Kennedy's. This thing is a thousand times more complicated and buried a thousand times deeper.

I'm not sure who your "we" is but my "we" knows much more about 9/11. My "we" knows 4 planes crashed, who hi jacked them, who was on the planes, how they pulled it off, where they crashed, and that there were no survivors. Your "we we" is full of morons, anti-semites, and people who just are looking for attention by acting foolish.

I'll agree that your "we" has zero facts and only innuendo. But conspiracies only work when they are not complex; any and all theories trotted out by your we (when someone on your "we" has the stones to actually write down what they think happened) involve a laundry list of players. Unless you would like to spell out what your "we" believes happened

Why do you bother to respond to a post of mine when you know that I am much smarter than you and have far more experience in "The Field" being a pilot. I just got done saying that the intelligent path is to just let it go. That does not mean buying your hack bullshit. I rarely come around to these threads because it just depresses me to think of how stupid people like you are.

It frightens me that others trust their life to someone like you who can't put 2 and 2 together.

Lets see, Flight 77 is missing but we have a debris field at the Pentagon.... What does that tell you? It tells the rest of the world that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon but if you want to go in a different direction, thats your business. You sound as dumb as your avatar looks.

To continue on...all of the wreckage...100%...EN-TOTO...EVERY FUCKING BIT...matches AA77 all the way down to the paint of the plane. What does that tell you? It tells the rest of the world that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon but if you want to go in a different direction, thats your business. You sound as dumb as your avatar looks.

To continue on...all of the DNA gathered there, 100%...EN-TOTO...EVERY FUCKING IT...matches victims at the Pentagon or the passengers save for 5 sets belonging to the five hi-jackers. What does that tell you? It tells the rest of the world that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon but if you want to go in a different direction, thats your business. You sound as dumb as your avatar looks.

To continue on...Air Traffic Controllers--you may have heard of them--all of them there, 100%..EN-TOTO...EVERY FUCKING ONE tracked AA77 into the Pentagon airspace but not leaving it. What does that tell you? It tells the rest of the world that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon but if you want to go in a different direction, thats your business. You sound as dumb as your avatar looks.

That you don't come around spreading your "wisdom" cheapens the experience of posting here not one iota. There is nothing you can teach me about this subject. Save yourself further embarrassment and turn off your computer Sheila.
I'm not sure who your "we" is but my "we" knows much more about 9/11. My "we" knows 4 planes crashed, who hi jacked them, who was on the planes, how they pulled it off, where they crashed, and that there were no survivors. Your "we we" is full of morons, anti-semites, and people who just are looking for attention by acting foolish.

I'll agree that your "we" has zero facts and only innuendo. But conspiracies only work when they are not complex; any and all theories trotted out by your we (when someone on your "we" has the stones to actually write down what they think happened) involve a laundry list of players. Unless you would like to spell out what your "we" believes happened

Why do you bother to respond to a post of mine when you know that I am much smarter than you and have far more experience in "The Field" being a pilot. I just got done saying that the intelligent path is to just let it go. That does not mean buying your hack bullshit. I rarely come around to these threads because it just depresses me to think of how stupid people like you are.

It frightens me that others trust their life to someone like you who can't put 2 and 2 together.

Lets see, Flight 77 is missing but we have a debris field at the Pentagon.... What does that tell you? It tells the rest of the world that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon but if you want to go in a different direction, thats your business. You sound as dumb as your avatar looks.

To continue on...all of the wreckage...100%...EN-TOTO...EVERY FUCKING BIT...matches AA77 all the way down to the paint of the plane. What does that tell you? It tells the rest of the world that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon but if you want to go in a different direction, thats your business. You sound as dumb as your avatar looks.

To continue on...all of the DNA gathered there, 100%...EN-TOTO...EVERY FUCKING IT...matches victims at the Pentagon or the passengers save for 5 sets belonging to the five hi-jackers. What does that tell you? It tells the rest of the world that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon but if you want to go in a different direction, thats your business. You sound as dumb as your avatar looks.

To continue on...Air Traffic Controllers--you may have heard of them--all of them there, 100%..EN-TOTO...EVERY FUCKING ONE tracked AA77 into the Pentagon airspace but not leaving it. What does that tell you? It tells the rest of the world that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon but if you want to go in a different direction, thats your business. You sound as dumb as your avatar looks.

That you don't come around spreading your "wisdom" cheapens the experience of posting here not one iota. There is nothing you can teach me about this subject. Save yourself further embarrassment and turn off your computer Sheila.

Been flying since 76 cupcake.. I'll stand on my safety record.

But since YOU brought it up... your sig line spills the beans as to what you are really here for and what you are all about.

Think you obssess about conspiracies much?

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