Florida Contemplates Legalizing Driving Over Rioters

Killing someone in self-defense is not murder, Einstein. Is it even manslaughter? Maybe in some states?
Only a RWNJ would come up with a legal way of murdering people who's views they don't agree with.
Resisting unlawful detention or kidnaping is not 'murder', nor is it done merely due to disagreement over ideology.

These thugs are surrounding people and pounding on their vehicles which obscures anyone who might be approaching with a gun, and it is illegal to unlawfully detain anyone anyway.

And running them over is very unlikely to actually kill them anyway.
Anybody here in the PNW who is up to a road trip?

I just can't drive all night and then all day like I used to.
The law in Virginia regarding unlawful detention:

Generally speaking, false imprisonment, including false arrest, has two elements:
  1. an intentional restriction of a person's freedom of movement without legal right; and
  2. the intentional use of force, words, or acts which the person restrained is afraid to ignore, or to which he reasonably believes he must submit.
The asshole should not have run her down.

If the asshole didn't want to be run over, then she shouldn't have been in the street.
Bob, that's wrong and you know it. He did it on purpose and that is why James Alex Fields Jr. was tried, convicted and sentence to life plus 419 years. Are you a racist Bob or just bat $hit crazy?
Bob, that's wrong and you know it. He did it on purpose and that is why James Alex Fields Jr. was tried, convicted and sentence to life plus 419 years. Are you a racist Bob or just bat $hit crazy?

Florida will almost certainly be a hot bed of riots come election day. But there are some good news, new laws are being passed to help Americans defend themselves against BLM and Antifa.

"Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Monday introduced legislation that could remove legal repercussions for those "fleeing" from a "mob" by using their cars to run over protesters at demonstrations.

DeSantis included the provision as part of a new law dubbed the Combatting Violence, Disorder and Looting and Protecting Law Enforcement Act. One part of the law aims to criminalize certain protests occurring on roads, creating a third-degree felony for those who "obstruct traffic during an unpermitted protest, demonstration or violent or disorderly assembly,""

Floridans will have a fine time getting to the polling booths during the Biden riots.
Every state needs to pass a “shoot looters and rioters” law. Did you see the car in LA get attacked today? They were trying to pull the driver out to beat his ass down like Reginald Denny. Thankfully the driver fled and got away. Time to end this shit.
Its already legal if you are being attacked....if a mob surrounds your vehicle and begins breaking glass and smashing fenders you have a right to escape your attackers even if they are climbing on your car....even if you end up killing a few you have a right to escape danger.....
Yes but some prosecutors won't look at it in that light.

And they shouldn't. That opens the door to legalized murder.
Global Warming was predicted to end the world in 2016,
It’s absolutely true. The pollution levels were so high it killed the brain cells of enough voters to get Trump elected. That’s one step closer to ending the world as we know it.
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Florida will almost certainly be a hot bed of riots come election day. But there are some good news, new laws are being passed to help Americans defend themselves against BLM and Antifa.

"Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Monday introduced legislation that could remove legal repercussions for those "fleeing" from a "mob" by using their cars to run over protesters at demonstrations.

DeSantis included the provision as part of a new law dubbed the Combatting Violence, Disorder and Looting and Protecting Law Enforcement Act. One part of the law aims to criminalize certain protests occurring on roads, creating a third-degree felony for those who "obstruct traffic during an unpermitted protest, demonstration or violent or disorderly assembly,""

Floridans will have a fine time getting to the polling booths during the Biden riots.
Every state needs to pass a “shoot looters and rioters” law. Did you see the car in LA get attacked today? They were trying to pull the driver out to beat his ass down like Reginald Denny. Thankfully the driver fled and got away. Time to end this shit.
Wow, you are unaware. Car jacking has been going on for decades, regardless. Maybe that’s a new phenom for Trump Humpers. Now you want to be able to shoot criminals car jackers ? Trump will lose a fking big load of supporters.
wrong. If Floor E. Da, is supposed to be flooded in a few years, why do the progs like Obammy buy up property on the beach? Because idiots actually believe the progs...
Of course you never produced any proof that was ever said by anyone but FOx News bubble heads.
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Florida will almost certainly be a hot bed of riots come election day. But there are some good news, new laws are being passed to help Americans defend themselves against BLM and Antifa.

"Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Monday introduced legislation that could remove legal repercussions for those "fleeing" from a "mob" by using their cars to run over protesters at demonstrations.

DeSantis included the provision as part of a new law dubbed the Combatting Violence, Disorder and Looting and Protecting Law Enforcement Act. One part of the law aims to criminalize certain protests occurring on roads, creating a third-degree felony for those who "obstruct traffic during an unpermitted protest, demonstration or violent or disorderly assembly,""

Floridans will have a fine time getting to the polling booths during the Biden riots.
Every state needs to pass a “shoot looters and rioters” law. Did you see the car in LA get attacked today? They were trying to pull the driver out to beat his ass down like Reginald Denny. Thankfully the driver fled and got away. Time to end this shit.
Wow, you are unaware. Car jacking has been going on for decades, regardless. Maybe that’s a new phenom for Trump Humpers. Now you want to be able to shoot criminals car jackers ? Trump will lose a fking big load of supporters.
Florida will almost certainly be a hot bed of riots come election day. But there are some good news, new laws are being passed to help Americans defend themselves against BLM and Antifa.

"Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Monday introduced legislation that could remove legal repercussions for those "fleeing" from a "mob" by using their cars to run over protesters at demonstrations.

DeSantis included the provision as part of a new law dubbed the Combatting Violence, Disorder and Looting and Protecting Law Enforcement Act. One part of the law aims to criminalize certain protests occurring on roads, creating a third-degree felony for those who "obstruct traffic during an unpermitted protest, demonstration or violent or disorderly assembly,""

Floridans will have a fine time getting to the polling booths during the Biden riots.
Every state needs to pass a “shoot looters and rioters” law. Did you see the car in LA get attacked today? They were trying to pull the driver out to beat his ass down like Reginald Denny. Thankfully the driver fled and got away. Time to end this shit.
I didn't hear about that one, is there a link?
The asshole should not have run her down.

If the asshole didn't want to be run over, then she shouldn't have been in the street.
Bob, that's wrong and you know it. He did it on purpose and that is why James Alex Fields Jr. was tried, convicted and sentence to life plus 419 years. Are you a racist Bob or just bat $hit crazy?
We are in that fuzzy area between protests and riots and they getting away with everything and proper survival responses by the people they affect. As this continues the people with vehicles and carrying weapons will be exonerated or the nation will fly into anarchy. They are slowly responding now. And the Prog Socialist Judges and local attorney government leader prosecutors are in charge...for now. All people living in cities. Move if you can. Businesses...move out if you can.

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