Florida Court Rules “Off Grid” Living Illegal


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Another example of government demanding to control your life. This time by public utilities. She has a home not connected to water, sewage, or electricity so the city of Cape Coral gives her a “notice to vacate.” She relies on rain water and solar panels.

Even though the judge said the ruling was unfair, she still has to fight for her rights.

Read more @ Court Rules Off-The-Grid Living Is Illegal Off The Grid News
Another example of government demanding to control your life. This time by public utilities. She has a home not connected to water, sewage, or electricity so the city of Cape Coral gives her a “notice to vacate.” She relies on rain water and solar panels.

Even though the judge said the ruling was unfair, she still has to fight for her rights.

Read more @ Court Rules Off-The-Grid Living Is Illegal Off The Grid News
Par for the course. It wasn't that long ago that a Vet was ordered to remove a flag ( American flag ) and flag pole from his yard in Florida. I laugh every time someone says that there's freedom in America. Our lives are dictated by the government, and if you think differently, then you're living in a fairy tale world.
Another example of government demanding to control your life. This time by public utilities. She has a home not connected to water, sewage, or electricity so the city of Cape Coral gives her a “notice to vacate.” She relies on rain water and solar panels.

Even though the judge said the ruling was unfair, she still has to fight for her rights.

Read more @ Court Rules Off-The-Grid Living Is Illegal Off The Grid News

I think this case was posted here sometime in the past -- WinterBorn possibly? Don't remember the name but it was in Florida, so either the same person or a similar situation...

“I am in compliance,” Speronis told the News-Press. “I’m in compliance of living … you may have to hook-up, but you don’t have to use it. Well, what’s the point?”
Clearly the point is creating citizen dependence on an institution, that individual choice might be paved over in favor of Control.

NOBODY in this neighborhood is connected to a municipal water network; we have a local spring. And that's common throughout these mountains. And guess what -- it works fine.

Btw you might wanna go for a more credible source than "Off The Grid News". This is the same site cited (along with Alex Jones) for that Naugler family living in Squalor, Kentucky and we remember how that worked out, so it's not exactly known for vetting its stories.
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There are probably codes related to habitable living quarters. She should move to the country.
Another example of government demanding to control your life. This time by public utilities. She has a home not connected to water, sewage, or electricity so the city of Cape Coral gives her a “notice to vacate.” She relies on rain water and solar panels.

Even though the judge said the ruling was unfair, she still has to fight for her rights.

Read more @ Court Rules Off-The-Grid Living Is Illegal Off The Grid News
Par for the course. It wasn't that long ago that a Vet was ordered to remove a flag ( American flag ) and flag pole from his yard in Florida. I laugh every time someone says that there's freedom in America. Our lives are dictated by the government, and if you think differently, then you're living in a fairy tale world.
Sounds like an HOA issue...usually run by old Nazi RWrs.
Another example of government demanding to control your life. This time by public utilities. She has a home not connected to water, sewage, or electricity so the city of Cape Coral gives her a “notice to vacate.” She relies on rain water and solar panels.

Even though the judge said the ruling was unfair, she still has to fight for her rights.

Read more @ Court Rules Off-The-Grid Living Is Illegal Off The Grid News
Par for the course. It wasn't that long ago that a Vet was ordered to remove a flag ( American flag ) and flag pole from his yard in Florida. I laugh every time someone says that there's freedom in America. Our lives are dictated by the government, and if you think differently, then you're living in a fairy tale world.
Sounds like an HOA issue...usually run by old Nazi RWrs.
I can't remember now whether it was in an HOA subdivision or not. It could've been. I'd have to research it. It's been awhile since the story was on the news.

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