Florida GOP wants Jeb to challenge Nelson....


I'll help:

According to usconstitution.net, "A. The Constitution doesn't say that they cannot be from the same state. However, the 12th Amendment does say that electors may not vote for a President from their state and a Vice President also from their state. This issue came up in the 2000 presidential campaign when Texas Governor George W. Bush chose fellow Texas resident Richard Cheney to be his running mate. Cheney, who had served in Congress as a Representative from Wyoming, quickly changed his legal residence back to Wyoming to avoid the possible conflict for electors from Texas. Court challenges to Cheney's change of residency were denied.
It is unlikely that two people from the same state would ever be nominated by a major political party. It is constitutionally possible however. If it ever came to pass, the party that won the ticket's state would likely suggest to the electors that their votes for the President go to the presidential nominee and that the votes for the Vice President be given in honor of a party official. Electors in all other states, as mentioned above, would be free to vote for both of the party's nominees."

Answers.com - Can the vice president and president come from the same state
answers.com is a poor source
at least for a definitive answer
I don't know if he wants to be a senator. They tried to draft him in the last race but he turned them down.

Nelson's a weak candidate but if the GOP nominates someone weak as well - like they did with that Kathy chick with all the make-up who was responsible for the vote count in 2000 - then Nelson will win.

Jeb is done with politics, I predict. He's making too much money, cashing in from his Governorship. Jeb has always been more about money than politics. He's more like his brother Neil than his father.

Plus, who the hell in his right mind would ever vote for another Bush? Of course, if he did run, the Right-tards here would fawn all over him, swearing that this Bush is a conservative. No...really...he's a conservative...not like his brother...this time it's for real...not like his father...nope...he's the real deal!!! :lol:
Bush asked former Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney to head up a team to help select a running mate for him, but ultimately, Bush decided that Cheney should be the vice presidential nominee. While the U.S. Constitution does not specifically disallow a president and a vice president from the same state, it 'does' prohibit electors from casting both of his or her votes for persons from his or her own state. Accordingly, Cheney—who had been a resident of Texas for nearly 10 years—changed his voting registration back to Wyoming. Had Cheney not done this, either he or Bush would have forfeited their electoral votes from the Texas electors.
i know its wiki, but that is a better source
United States presidential election, 2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't know if he wants to be a senator. They tried to draft him in the last race but he turned them down.

Nelson's a weak candidate but if the GOP nominates someone weak as well - like they did with that Kathy chick with all the make-up who was responsible for the vote count in 2000 - then Nelson will win.

Jeb is done with politics, I predict. He's making too much money, cashing in from his Governorship. Jeb has always been more about money than politics. He's more like his brother Neil than his father.

Plus, who the hell in his right mind would ever vote for another Bush? Of course, if he did run, the Right-tards here would fawn all over him, swearing that this Bush is a conservative. No...really...he's a conservative...not like his brother...this time it's for real...not like his father...nope...he's the real deal!!! :lol:
actually, based on his actions as Governor, Jeb is far more conservative than his brother or his dad

I'll help:

According to usconstitution.net, "A. The Constitution doesn't say that they cannot be from the same state. However, the 12th Amendment does say that electors may not vote for a President from their state and a Vice President also from their state. This issue came up in the 2000 presidential campaign when Texas Governor George W. Bush chose fellow Texas resident Richard Cheney to be his running mate. Cheney, who had served in Congress as a Representative from Wyoming, quickly changed his legal residence back to Wyoming to avoid the possible conflict for electors from Texas. Court challenges to Cheney's change of residency were denied.
It is unlikely that two people from the same state would ever be nominated by a major political party. It is constitutionally possible however. If it ever came to pass, the party that won the ticket's state would likely suggest to the electors that their votes for the President go to the presidential nominee and that the votes for the Vice President be given in honor of a party official. Electors in all other states, as mentioned above, would be free to vote for both of the party's nominees."
Answers.com - Can the vice president and president come from the same state
answers.com is a poor source
at least for a definitive answer
All it's saying is that voters from that particular vote can;t vote for *both*.
So the VP wouldn't carry that state. 56 other states to choose from.

All I can really say is either accept that source or provide a better, more "definitive", one
I don't know if he wants to be a senator. They tried to draft him in the last race but he turned them down.

Nelson's a weak candidate but if the GOP nominates someone weak as well - like they did with that Kathy chick with all the make-up who was responsible for the vote count in 2000 - then Nelson will win.

Jeb is done with politics, I predict. He's making too much money, cashing in from his Governorship. Jeb has always been more about money than politics. He's more like his brother Neil than his father.

Plus, who the hell in his right mind would ever vote for another Bush? Of course, if he did run, the Right-tards here would fawn all over him, swearing that this Bush is a conservative. No...really...he's a conservative...not like his brother...this time it's for real...not like his father...nope...he's the real deal!!! :lol:
actually, based on his actions as Governor, Jeb is far more conservative than his brother or his dad
Like I said . . .

Jeb is done with politics, I predict. He's making too much money, cashing in from his Governorship. Jeb has always been more about money than politics. He's more like his brother Neil than his father.

Plus, who the hell in his right mind would ever vote for another Bush? Of course, if he did run, the Right-tards here would fawn all over him, swearing that this Bush is a conservative. No...really...he's a conservative...not like his brother...this time it's for real...not like his father...nope...he's the real deal!!! :lol:
actually, based on his actions as Governor, Jeb is far more conservative than his brother or his dad
Like I said . . .

i voted for Jeb when i lived there
you know nothing about him, fuck off
actually, based on his actions as Governor, Jeb is far more conservative than his brother or his dad
Like I said . . .

i voted for Jeb when i lived there
you know nothing about him, fuck off
I don't??? I drove past the Governors Mansion every day he lived there (and usually yelled something out my car window.) I've lived here in Florida's capital since 1989. I know a great number of the power players in this town, from lobbyists to politicians to aides to public relations, and everyone in between, and have been hired by all of them.

Pretty fucking stupid thing to say, even for you. Stop talking out of your ass.
Like I said . . .

i voted for Jeb when i lived there
you know nothing about him, fuck off
I don't??? I drove past the Governors Mansion every day he lived there (and usually yelled something out my car window.) I've lived here in Florida's capital since 1989. I know a great number of the power players in this town, from lobbyists to politicians to aides to public relations, and everyone in between, and have been hired by all of them.

Pretty fucking stupid thing to say, even for you. Stop talking out of your ass.
if you dont think he is a conservative then you know nothing about him
I agree that I don't think the nation will vote for another Bush.

I do think he would have been a pretty good President however. He was a decent governor.
I'll agree that it should have been him instead of his moron brother.
And now the country is Bush-whacked to such a degree I don't see it happening either.
Depends on how good of a publicist he gets.
if a frog had wings, Granny said........
I don't see Jeb as President, but Senator, yeah I like him there. Funny thing is, had Charlie Crist dropped out of the 2010 Senate race and conceded to Rubio, he would have been a shoe-in for Nelson's seat. Now, he's done in politics.
I don't know if he wants to be a senator. They tried to draft him in the last race but he turned them down.

Nelson's a weak candidate but if the GOP nominates someone weak as well - like they did with that Kathy chick with all the make-up who was responsible for the vote count in 2000 - then Nelson will win.

Jeb is done with politics, I predict. He's making too much money, cashing in from his Governorship. Jeb has always been more about money than politics. He's more like his brother Neil than his father.

Plus, who the hell in his right mind would ever vote for another Bush? Of course, if he did run, the Right-tards here would fawn all over him, swearing that this Bush is a conservative. No...really...he's a conservative...not like his brother...this time it's for real...not like his father...nope...he's the real deal!!! :lol:
actually, based on his actions as Governor, Jeb is far more conservative than his brother or his dad

Thats not saying much..... :eusa_eh:
God, why couldn't that jap gunner in WWII have aimed a little better and prevented this from ever happening?
Not funny. Not appropriate. GHW Bush is a great American hero, with his actions and bravery in WWII. And he was a pretty damn good president, too, especially compared to the guy right before him. Reagan's horrible policies started to come home to roost under Bush's term. He's a victim of prior incompetence in the same way Obama is, only to a much, much, much, much lesser degree.
This speculation is a great way to waste time on a forum, but in reality it makes zero sense. Consider:

If you are not already rich, becoming Senator can/will lead to riches, but the Senate is a stepping stone to the presidency if you are a very, very rich person with political ambition. Jeb is no dummy. He knows that America won't elect another Bush as President. So why would he ever want to deal with any of that nonsense, moving to Washington from Miami, dealing with the little people voters, taking a MASSIVE pay cut . . . for WHAT?!?

My logic is unassailable on this one, folks.

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