Florida man begs for donations

While a catastrophic hurricane rips through Florida, this guy wants more money. The last time I checked, his cult had already sent him $280 million dollars because they think an election was stolen. :auiqs.jpg:

And where was xiden when the hurricane was ripping through FL, OH RIGHT!!!!!!!!!! A fund raiser. So STFU.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.”
― Donald J. Trump, Trump: The Art of the Deal

Yet, we were much much better off under Trump than the democrats. America was becoming great again.

Despite anything you say or think, Trump was the best for our country.

The Democrats opening our borders and giving free healthcare to illegal aluens has destroyed our emergency rooms. We literally suffer pain because of the Demicrats border policy.

Trump was reversing that, sadly the Democrats made it near impossible.

There is nothing good you can say about the Democrat president.

Trump, we can compare all day, Trump wins everytime.
Facts are pesky, afghanistan was stable under Trump, women actually worked, married who they want, and thier daughters went to school.

that's a suck ass reality that stone age country will always impose on females & at what cost to us as far as being occupiers to keep all that going?

under trump - he installed 3 SC justices who have just stripped women HERE of THEIR inate rights. so save it trump humper. THAT argument you have is not gonna fly.

Under Trump's leadership, we had 18 months of no US deaths.

'cept for the hundreds of thousands of AMERICAN lives - due to his failure & incompetency dealing with covid.

Democrats foreign policy, drop all our weapons and run, retreat, surrender, leave the women and children behind, leave billions in weapons behind. Then send in the marines to try and save the americans left behind, getting them killed with the same weapons we left behind.

Facts are not pesky at all, except for you.

lol ... donny wrote in stone when we were getting out.
Yet, we were much much better off under Trump than the democrats. America was becoming great again.

Despite anything you say or think, Trump was the best for our country.

The Democrats opening our borders and giving free healthcare to illegal aluens has destroyed our emergency rooms. We literally suffer pain because of the Demicrats border policy.

Trump was reversing that, sadly the Democrats made it near impossible.

There is nothing good you can say about the Democrat president.

Trump, we can compare all day, Trump wins everytime.


Trump is a civilian in case TDS lefties haven't noticed. He is under no obligation to deal with Florida's catastrophic event. The current president, however, has a duty to address events like this but he chose to attend a fund raising event and forgot about the hurricane.
Yes, 13 of my brothers, the democrats brought them back dead.

Shocking is Biden and the Democrats taking over afghanistan which saw zero american deaths in the last year of Trump's leadership to having 13 deaths because the democrats are that bad at foreign policy
One of the Conditions of the Doha Accordswas the Taliban had to crack down on other Terrorist organizations operation out of their territory. ISIS continued attacking Afghans throughout the timeframe with no apparent effort by the Taliban to stop them, Why did Benedict Donald continue withdrawing our troops while the Taliban was ignoring this and most all of the Condition of Donnies Conditional withdrawal?
Afghanistan? I would say, stay there as long as we stay in South Korea, Japan, or Germany.
We didn't have to fight the South Korean, Japanese or the Germans insurgent nutjobs.
Gasoline has tripled in price due to democrat green energy policies. Now that hurts.
Nope. That was the pandemic driven oil glut, followed by a cut in worldwide production in 2020, topped off with a huge surge in demand as the Covid bug wore off.
Facts are pesky, afghanistan was stable under Trump,
Nope again. It appeared stable for US and our EU allies because of the truce. The rest of Afghanistan was on fire
Under Trump's leadership, we had 18 months of no US deaths.
Biden had no combat deaths. Only those killed in an ISIS suicide bombing, not fighting the Taliban. Why didn't Trump enforce more than one out of seven conditions on the Taliban before he withdrew so many of our troops? Had he forced them to deal with ISIS could that have stop them from trying to attack our forces? We'll never know.
America was becoming great again.
America was never not great.
Trump is a civilian in case TDS lefties haven't noticed. He is under no obligation to deal with Florida's catastrophic event. The current president, however, has a duty to address events like this but he chose to attend a fund raising event and forgot about the hurricane.
Are you saying during a one hour event he forgot about the hurricane or that attending the event would somehow hinder the response after the storm is over? Plenty of time to hunker down and watch Jim Cantore and other weathermen (and women) get blown around.
And why not, under Democrat rule, it hurts so much, how do I describe it.

Democrat green energy policies and the public funding of these massive projects has drove up the price of home insulation. The price has more than doubled. Now that hurts.

Gasoline has tripled in price due to democrat green energy policies. Now that hurts.

Going to a simple restaruant, is now a luxury, that hurts.

Price of food, health care, feeding a dog, clothing, it really hurts.

Democrats take until it hurts. And when we cry for relief, they give us all a block of government cheese.

Cool story bro. Don't stop at half. Man the fuck up and send him more money. Quite holding out on the God/King, send more.
elektra needs one of these:

View attachment 703638

One of the Conditions of the Doha Accordswas the Taliban had to crack down on other Terrorist organizations operation out of their territory. ISIS continued attacking Afghans throughout the timeframe with no apparent effort by the Taliban to stop them, Why did Benedict Donald continue withdrawing our troops while the Taliban was ignoring this and most all of the Condition of Donnies Conditional withdrawal?

We didn't have to fight the South Korean, Japanese or the Germans insurgent nutjobs.

Nope. That was the pandemic driven oil glut, followed by a cut in worldwide production in 2020, topped off with a huge surge in demand as the Covid bug wore off.

Nope again. It appeared stable for US and our EU allies because of the truce. The rest of Afghanistan was on fire

Biden had no combat deaths. Only those killed in an ISIS suicide bombing, not fighting the Taliban. Why didn't Trump enforce more than one out of seven conditions on the Taliban before he withdrew so many of our troops? Had he forced them to deal with ISIS could that have stop them from trying to attack our forces? We'll never know.

America was never not great.
Yet, Biden and the Democrats surrendered, leaving behind Americans, leaving billions of dollars in weapons behind, weapons the terrorists used to kill 13 Marines murdered.

Just like Benghazi, not Biden's and Obama's fault, democrats with their fake news are pathetic, you should get out of this country, and if you are already out, you should give us all that technology that you enjoy.

America was never not great? Even during slavery? Now you are simply contradicting yourself.
For all I dont respond to, it is cause you all said the same thing, it is like you copied exactly what the first response to my comment was.

so I give you this, ha ha ha, figure it out dumbasses

the bird.jpg
donny made a deal with the taliban to release 5000 prisoners. their guys.


Yes, the Trump administration in 2020 agreed to the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners​

Peace talks between the Afghanistan government and the Taliban, which never made substantial progress, didn’t begin until after the release of the prisoners.


Did the Trump administration agree to the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners?



This is true.

Yes, as part of a deal made with the Taliban in 2020, the Trump administration agreed to the release of up to 5,000 Taliban prisoners in exchange for the release of up to 1,000 prisoners “of the other side.”

There were several conditions as part of the agreement. They included pledges that the U.S. would withdraw its troops by May 1, 2021, and that the Taliban would not “allow any of its members, other individuals or groups, including al-Qaida, to use the soil of Afghanistan to threaten the security of the United States and its allies.” The Taliban and al-Qaida still maintain a relationship, according to the U.S. and United Nations.
Another condition of the agreement was that the U.S. would work on a plan for the release of combat and political prisoners “as a confidence-building measure with the coordination and approval of all relevant sides.”
“Up to five thousand (5,000) prisoners of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and up to one thousand (1,000) prisoners of the other side will be released by March 10, 2020,” the agreement said.

Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of America February 29, 2020 which corresponds to Rajab 5, 1441 on the Hijri Lunar calendar and Hoot 10, 1398 on the Hijri Solar calendar


The United States is committed to withdraw from Afghanistan all military forces of the United States, its allies, and Coalition partners, including all non-diplomatic civilian personnel, private security contractors, trainers, advisors, and supporting services personnel within fourteen (14) monthsfollowing announcement of this agreement, and will take the following measures in this regard:


damn, facts are pesky little things, 'eh?

The 5000 prisoners were released in September of 2020. That's on Trump.
Don't be stupid.

During the Bush administration 13 US embassies were attacked and 60 people were killed.
Why can't I be stupid, only you are allowed to be stupid.

Bush? Okay, Carter and Obama got ambassadors killed, Carter got our ambassador killed in Afghanistan, and now Biden got 13 marines killed in afghanistan. Seems like Afghanistan is a mess that Democrats really fuck up.

Obama sent an openly gay man into the part of the world where the least tolerant homophobes are. Not only was our Ambassador openly gay, in a Moslem hell hole, and it was every bit a hell hole. Not only was Obama and Hillary so stupid that they sent an openly gay man into the wolf's den, his name was Christopher, which pretty much translates into, The Bearer of Christ. Imagine the complete stupidity to send an openly gay man named Christopher into the Moslems lawless, stronghold! There is no dumber foreign policy decision in our history.

And just to show how much I know, and how I am not partisan, I will educate you on the stupidity of Bush, and you for not being smart enough to know. Bush sr certainly was stupid, for a CIA, and president. Bush Sr. appointed a woman to be ambassador to Iraq, which when SHE told an ARAB not to do something, not to attack Kuwait, that Arab, to save face, had to do the opposite and attack Kuwait.

Any person with a tiny bit of knowledge of the Middle East knows that a woman can not speak to a man let alone tell him what to do. Which is clear if you read history such as the history Israel, Golda Meier, Moshe Dayan, and the King of Jordan.

Bush forced Saddam to save face.

Either way, we need to kick you democrats out of this country and the bush family with you.
that's a suck ass reality that stone age country will always impose on females & at what cost to us as far as being occupiers to keep all that going?

Such a nice rant that rings of bigotry, certainly you have nothing in common with those stone age peoples
Were lefties in a freaking coma when Brandon attended a democrat fund raiser while the hurricane was ripping across Florida?
I didn`t know that you kiddies were still embarrassing yourselves with that `Brandon` thing. He`s not the guy who will be indicted, is he?

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