Florida Man Co., Ltd. Hit With 1.6 Million Dollar Fine For 17 Tax Felonies...

With anybody who has any allegiance to the truth and grasps the fact that words do have meaning — regardless of the fact that this bothers you.

Face it HorseShit. You’re a joke.
You're kinda bitter, even for a loser.

You should have that looked at.
You're kinda bitter, even for a loser.

You should have that looked at.
Nah, you douchetard. I’m a happy guy. But I remain kind of intolerant of lying shit stains like you.

If you weren’t such a dullard, you might not like lying shit stains like you, either.
What do you know about it?
The only relevant fact here is that Corporations ARE "persons" according to law. Hoping for criminal or personal charges, even civil charges, let alone criminal, against a business owner is something you just aren't going to get. It would require creating a precedent that went against decades of precedent and it would devastate the ability to do business.
There are magaturds. There are republicans. :dunno:
You mean republicrats, and your magaturd bull shite is something created in your head, and it's all due to the rarest case of raw TDS syndrome. It's the worst kind to have. Get help before it's to late.

You mean republicrats, and your magaturd bull shite is something created in your head, and it's all due to the rarest case of raw TDS syndrome. It's the worst kind to have. Get help before it's to late.

Thanks, i'll just put that screed in the circular file of mental trophys magaturds like you leave on USMB's doorstep on the daily. :113:
Sentences are often times jail time and a fine. Are you really not aware of this?

Do we simply fine the bank robber and let him go home?

What a deal. Steal $500,000, get fined $300,000 if caught and go home.

Wow do you actually consider not paying taxes on par with bank robbery?

Are you aware that bank robbers steal other peoples money? Tax cheats simply KEEP MORE OF THEIR OWN.
Got nothing to rebut what I said.

Thanks for playing.

That was an easy win.
You seem to believe tax cheats, the assholes that grift more for themselves from the trough of tax payer money we ALL pay into isn't theft? If so, then you are fundamentally stupid.

It's no different than robbing a bank, or another person individually.

You are fundamentally stupid.
Link where the Florida man was indicted and convicted............Names please.
Nah, you douchetard. I’m a happy guy. But I remain kind of intolerant of lying shit stains like you.

If you weren’t such a dullard, you might not like lying shit stains like you, either.
Is this why you won't say whether or not you voted for Grifty?
The only relevant fact here is that Corporations ARE "persons" according to law. Hoping for criminal or personal charges, even civil charges, let alone criminal, against a business owner is something you just aren't going to get. It would require creating a precedent that went against decades of precedent and it would devastate the ability to do business.
It's called "piercing the corporate veil".

But you are trying too hard...Grifty's is a private company, with a very flat management "structure". We don't need a criminal conviction to understand that this is consistent with Grifty's publicly stated SOP.

In every aspect of his life, Grifty is a grifter...
Trump Organization fined $1.6 million for tax fraud

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump’s company was fined $1.6 million Friday as punishment for a scheme in which the former president’s top executives dodged personal income taxes on lavish job perks....

This should further complicate any plans Grifty might have to return to public capital markets....clearly he is unfit to participate.

Remarkably, to some so-called Americans he remains good enough for the Oval Office..
/---/ So, some execs cheated on their taxes. Trump didn't, and how would he know? I worked for companies large and small for 50+ years. Not one ever checked my tax reurns - ever.
Please don't.

Do you know what a Conservation Easement is?
/---/ Nope. I had to look it up. What does this have to do with Trump?
A conservation easement is a voluntary agreement that permanently limits the use of the land to protect its conservation values. Placing a conservation easement on a piece of land allows the owner to continue to control it (but usually not develop it) and also take advantage of a tax deduction.
Trump Organization fined $1.6 million for tax fraud

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump’s company was fined $1.6 million Friday as punishment for a scheme in which the former president’s top executives dodged personal income taxes on lavish job perks....

This should further complicate any plans Grifty might have to return to public capital markets....clearly he is unfit to participate.

Remarkably, to some so-called Americans he remains good enough for the Oval Office..

Remarkably people like you are allowed to comment on such things even though you know nothing about the presidential history of this nation.

If you think of Pope would do better in that position I suggest you begin casting your vote for the Vatican.

Once Biden's personal affairs have been made public I think you'll see that there's no moral high ground to be had even though you continue to climb up that slippery slope like a clueless lemming.

By the way how's your electric bill?
Grocery bill?

How's all that working out for you?

Remarkably people like you are allowed to comment on such things even though you know nothing about the presidential history of this nation.

If you think of Pope would do better in that position I suggest you begin casting your vote for the Vatican.

Once Biden's personal affairs have been made public I think you'll see that there's no moral high ground to be had even though you continue to climb up that slippery slope like a clueless lemming.

By the way how's your electric bill?
Grocery bill?

How's all that working out for you?

/——-/ Thanks for putting that blowhard in his place.
/---/ Nope. I had to look it up. What does this have to do with Trump?
A conservation easement is a voluntary agreement that permanently limits the use of the land to protect its conservation values. Placing a conservation easement on a piece of land allows the owner to continue to control it (but usually not develop it) and also take advantage of a tax deduction.
Now add Trump to your search string.

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