Florida mom accused of kidnapping child to avoid learning black history

The freaking Country is going down the drain and the FBI's resources are spent tracking down a mother and her child for the crime of not submitting to a vaccination. Waite till the little army of IRS agents gets started tracking down people who don't buy health insurance.

noooooooo....the FBI is involved because it is believed she took the child across state borders. Try reading the article first next time, ok?

Depends on the custody agreement. And since the couple is not married nor had they been married, this is actually a civil matter.
As long as the child has not been harmed and is being cared for in a proper manner, the FBI is out of it's jurisdiction. The FBI does not enforce matters of the civil courts.
I bet she is part of the Tea Party movement...those damned teapers REALLY hate black people.
You cant make up stuff like this. This dummy kidnaps her kid so she cant go to school and hear about Black history or be vaccinated. Why would you want to raise your child to believe in the confederacy and it is dead?

Anti-vaccination kidnapping: Police looking for Megan Everett and daughter - Sun Sentinel

The simple answer is that it's her kid and none of your business.

It's also the father's child...per court order.
WRONG....The story states it is shared 50-50 custody.
Kidnapping, no need for any other charges. She's stupid obviously, but that isn't a crime.

If you believe in preserving liberty, you've got to agree.
You cant make up stuff like this. This dummy kidnaps her kid so she cant go to school and hear about Black history or be vaccinated. Why would you want to raise your child to believe in the confederacy and it is dead?

Anti-vaccination kidnapping: Police looking for Megan Everett and daughter - Sun Sentinel

"One of the issues we had was, she wanted to home-school my daughter," said Baumann. "I didn't want that to happen. She didn't want Lilly to learn about black history. She just wanted her to learn about the Confederacy."

So let's get this straight.
The estranged father is pissed off presumably because his parental rights were being interfered with, at the child's mother. He decides to make a remark. One with no video or audio. Because this makes the story more juicy, the reporter makes no effort to verify the veracity of the quote, decides to write it and the editor falls for it and gives the story a "go".
This is not about the woman's alleged statement. My issue is once again the garbage that passes for journalism. And the gullibility of some who believe everything they hear, read or see as long as it serves a particular political agenda or narrative..
Is it too much to ask our news people whose job it is to serve the public interest?

Does that mean that the paper lied when it quoted the father as saying this? If so you should have a link because no one believes you know what you are talking about without proof.
The freaking Country is going down the drain and the FBI's resources are spent tracking down a mother and her child for the crime of not submitting to a vaccination. Waite till the little army of IRS agents gets started tracking down people who don't buy health insurance.

Well kidnapping is actually a crime. I think you forgot that in your haste.

She hasn't been formally charged with kidnapping. A Prosecutor has not yet convened a Grand Jury to seek an indictment.
At worst, the mother can be found guilty of custodial interference.

So what she hasnt been formally charged. She also hasnt been formally found yet either. You dont have a clue as to what you are talking about. If she violated the custody order which she did by disappearing with her daughter she will be charged with kidnapping dummy.

Broward Circuit Judge Michele Towbin Singer signed a warrant on May 19 to arrest Everett on charges of kidnapping, interference with custody and concealing a minor contrary to a court order. The federal charge accused Everett of crossing state lines to avoid prosecution for the state charges.

Everett and Lilly are still missing.
The freaking Country is going down the drain and the FBI's resources are spent tracking down a mother and her child for the crime of not submitting to a vaccination. Waite till the little army of IRS agents gets started tracking down people who don't buy health insurance.

noooooooo....the FBI is involved because it is believed she took the child across state borders. Try reading the article first next time, ok?

Depends on the custody agreement. And since the couple is not married nor had they been married, this is actually a civil matter.
As long as the child has not been harmed and is being cared for in a proper manner, the FBI is out of it's jurisdiction. The FBI does not enforce matters of the civil courts.
Noooooooooo stupid. They already have a custody agreement.

Megan Elizabeth Everett, 22, disappeared on May 6th after Robert Baumann—with whom she shares custody of their daughter, Lilly—dropped Lilly off at her home. Everett was supposed to return Lilly a week later, in compliance with a shared custody agreement, but never showed up.
hmmm....I couldn't find the kid on the Amber Alert website.

BTW...definintely a teaper nutter. I hope they find the kid before she is brainwashed by the teaper nutters or killed in their 'revolution'.

You cant make up stuff like this. This dummy kidnaps her kid so she cant go to school and hear about Black history or be vaccinated. Why would you want to raise your child to believe in the confederacy and it is dead?

Anti-vaccination kidnapping: Police looking for Megan Everett and daughter - Sun Sentinel

The simple answer is that it's her kid and none of your business.

Thats a simple statement made by a simpleton. Of course its my business.

Yeah yeah it takes a village we get it Leftytoon. You should be able to tell everyone else what to do. When you start paying my bills we can talk about what is your business. That aside this whole thing seems to have started with the vaccination thing. No one should be forced to give their kids that poison if they don't want to. As far as the rest of the story goes we don't know the whole story. We certainly won't get it from this rag.
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The simple answer is that it's her kid and none of your business.

Thats a simple statement made by a simpleton. Of course its my business.

Yeah yeah it takes a village we get it Leftytoon. You should be able to tell everyone else what to do. When you start paying my bills we can talk about what is your business. That aside this whole thing seems to have started with the vaccination thing. No one should be forced to give their kids that poison if they don't want to. As far as the rest of the story goes we don't know the whole story. We certainly won't get it from this rag.

Who says I'm telling everyone what to do? I posted the story because I think she is a Righty Looney bird. I do pay your bills. Where do you think the money comes from in your welfare check? The moment that un vaccinated child exposes other children to some disease, it becomes everyones business you retard.
Does anyone take that garbage rag of a newspaper seriously? I don't live in Florida so no idea..The mom did right. She gave birth to the child no asshole in a robe should be allowed to tell her who the kids lives with or what she must do. Seems the father was breaking the rules in going against what the mother wants and harming the child. If you don't want to be a dad and take care of your kid then give up custody! I hope they never find her. "black history" what gangsta rap and learning how to wear pants below your ass? Its just more white guilt garbage forced on us. I always loved pissing off my teachers in school because I was an unreconstructed rebel. :D

A judge didn't have the right to give the father joint/primary custody?

You must be of low intellect. Everyone knows being a rebel is a sure sign you are stuck in adolescence trying to get away from the influence of your elders.

Nope he didn't.Did he give birth to the child? Nope. She did. They gonna bounce the kid between homes for 18 years? Different schools etc? Different rules? 1 parent wanting to harm her with vaccines the other not wanting them,1 wanting her in day care another not wanting her in there...Love how they make it sound like an agreement but in reality its a court order for custody.

You just confirmed my speculation you are of low intellect. Half of the childs DNA is due to the father. The child was not conceived via immaculate conception.

Typically numbnuts like you even know the child is not going to bounce between households and schools. One parent will be given primary physical custody when the child begins attending school. The other parent will have joint legal custody which means they have to be consulted on legal decision. Your failure to comprehend this ranks you as an imbecile of the highest order.
Why would anybody want to learn about "black history"? Tribal leaders in Africa sold slavers anybody they could outrun and shipped them over here to work as livestock. Then Lincoln freed them after hundreds of thousands soldiers died for them in our first Civil War. They weren't really free of course until the Civil Rights Act in the 60's.....and then affirmative action. All this was torpedoed first by the public housing prisons and then by rap music. Now they have welfare, crack cocaine, and the knockout game. That's about it, despite PBS "negrologists" continuing to rip the scabs off the old wounds to keep blacks voting for the Rats. Nothing to set your hair on fire about.....:doubt:

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Nope he didn't.Did he give birth to the child? Nope. She did. They gonna bounce the kid between homes for 18 years? Different schools etc? Different rules? 1 parent wanting to harm her with vaccines the other not wanting them,1 wanting her in day care another not wanting her in there...Love how they make it sound like an agreement but in reality its a court order for custody.

You just confirmed my speculation you are of low intellect. Half of the childs DNA is due to the father. The child was not conceived via immaculate conception.

Typically numbnuts like you even know the child is not going to bounce between households and schools. One parent will be given primary physical custody when the child begins attending school. The other parent will have joint legal custody which means they have to be consulted on legal decision. Your failure to comprehend this ranks you as an imbecile of the highest order.

Why not do that now? I don't need some shitskin mud trying to explain a damn thing to me. I obviously knew that this idiotic judges ruling would be a problem and would have fixed it BEFORE hand.

Because the child is not yet in school you cave simian. You have no choice but to become educated when i explain things to you. Your ignorance of the law is no excuse. it is what it is.
The freaking Country is going down the drain and the FBI's resources are spent tracking down a mother and her child for the crime of not submitting to a vaccination. Waite till the little army of IRS agents gets started tracking down people who don't buy health insurance.

Well kidnapping is actually a crime. I think you forgot that in your haste.

How do you kidnap your own child
How can you be so stupid. My bet, if black history wasn't mentioned, you would have a different attitude you teaper pussy
The freaking Country is going down the drain and the FBI's resources are spent tracking down a mother and her child for the crime of not submitting to a vaccination. Waite till the little army of IRS agents gets started tracking down people who don't buy health insurance.

Well kidnapping is actually a crime. I think you forgot that in your haste.

How do you kidnap your own child

By taking them outside the specified times in your custody agreement.

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