Florida mom accused of kidnapping child to avoid learning black history

This is the problem when we allow teaper scum to reproduce. They destroy a kid and its future over their hate for black people. When found, the kid should become a ward of the state.
Thats a simple statement made by a simpleton. Of course its my business.

Yeah yeah it takes a village we get it Leftytoon. You should be able to tell everyone else what to do. When you start paying my bills we can talk about what is your business. That aside this whole thing seems to have started with the vaccination thing. No one should be forced to give their kids that poison if they don't want to. As far as the rest of the story goes we don't know the whole story. We certainly won't get it from this rag.

Who says I'm telling everyone what to do? I posted the story because I think she is a Righty Looney bird. I do pay your bills. Where do you think the money comes from in your welfare check? The moment that un vaccinated child exposes other children to some disease, it becomes everyones business you retard.

If you are making a clueless statement about my political affiliation just say so. I have never taken a dime of welfare. So no you have never paid one of my bills you fucking Leftytoon piece of garbage. Until you do I don't give a shit what you think. So stop taking the thread off topic.
Yeah yeah it takes a village we get it Leftytoon. You should be able to tell everyone else what to do. When you start paying my bills we can talk about what is your business. That aside this whole thing seems to have started with the vaccination thing. No one should be forced to give their kids that poison if they don't want to. As far as the rest of the story goes we don't know the whole story. We certainly won't get it from this rag.

Who says I'm telling everyone what to do? I posted the story because I think she is a Righty Looney bird. I do pay your bills. Where do you think the money comes from in your welfare check? The moment that un vaccinated child exposes other children to some disease, it becomes everyones business you retard.

If you are making a clueless statement about my political affiliation just say so. I have never taken a dime of welfare. So no you have never paid one of my bills you fucking Leftytoon piece of garbage. Until you do I don't give a shit what you think. So stop taking the thread off topic.

I dont care about your political affiliation. Stop lying. You are on welfare now. Since I pay taxes, I give you free money. You obviously care what I think. Thats why you are trying so hard to convince me you are not on welfare. Practically anyone with a brain can see that.

Now back to the thread you took off topic. This ditzy woman kidnapped her child and you think thats no ones business? She wants her child to only learn about the filthy confederate pigs and you think thats going to produce a child that is a benefit to society?
The freaking Country is going down the drain and the FBI's resources are spent tracking down a mother and her child for the crime of not submitting to a vaccination. Waite till the little army of IRS agents gets started tracking down people who don't buy health insurance.

Well kidnapping is actually a crime. I think you forgot that in your haste.

How do you kidnap your own child

It literally has to be spelled out for you huh
Well kidnapping is actually a crime. I think you forgot that in your haste.

How do you kidnap your own child

It literally has to be spelled out for you huh

Teapers like to play dumb to hide their racism...

Here is how they think: it isn't kidnapping because the mother is doing the righteous thing and keeping the child away from black people and learning black history.

(Let me know if you have any questions, I stole the teaper playbook from their grand wizard)
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"One of the issues we had was, she wanted to home-school my daughter," said Baumann. "I didn't want that to happen. She didn't want Lilly to learn about black history. She just wanted her to learn about the Confederacy."

To be honest, I'm shocked the racist teabagger actually sent the kid to school.

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