Florida Passes “Anti-Science” Law

Students should question things they are skeptical about,

Only up until the point of being deemed special needs.
If a teacher cannot demonstrate scientifically that a science fact is a fact, why is it being taught as a fact?

If a teacher cannot demonstrate scientifically that a science fact is a fact, why is it being taught as a fact?

They do it every day.

And they need to. That's how you change society, not by jetting around the globe in a massive jet, riding around in a massive limo, yelling that everyone is burning too much fuel, then going home to a massive mansion that consumes more power than that used by 99% of the people on earth, ala Algore.

So schools aren't teaching ' junk science ' then?

The real problem is Al Gore?

I don't think the schools are deliberately teaching "junk science", no. They teach outdated information, yes, but that's more a function of the rapid advances in knowledge than anything else. It still is incumbent on them, however, to encourage children to challenge what they're being taught, not to just passively accept it because a "scientist" said so. What we need are students who grow up with questions who then successfully overturn scientific orthodoxy. They need to be shown HOW scientists arrive at a conclusion, WHAT their experimental methodology was, and the questions their peers raised. They also need to be shown the difficulties surrounding some of the conclusions science has come to, and how predetermined biases can influence outcomes. IOW, show scientists as humans, not demi-gods.
And you look foolish for doing so.

... says the person who had their ass handed to them by the dumbass conservatives!

By whom?

You idiots just talk in circles and get nowhere.

You, are an idiot without comparison. You forget so easily!

Give examples and we'll discuss.

No. I am done with your stupid games. there are plenty of examples in this thread. Go find a child to read it for you!

Talking in circles I see.
You have a point somewhere but are unable to articulate it. Typical.

I already showed my willingness to discuss your points. You aren't even willing to do that.
Only up until the point of being deemed special needs.
If a teacher cannot demonstrate scientifically that a science fact is a fact, why is it being taught as a fact?

If a teacher cannot demonstrate scientifically that a science fact is a fact, why is it being taught as a fact?

They do it every day.

And they need to. That's how you change society, not by jetting around the globe in a massive jet, riding around in a massive limo, yelling that everyone is burning too much fuel, then going home to a massive mansion that consumes more power than that used by 99% of the people on earth, ala Algore.

So schools aren't teaching ' junk science ' then?

The real problem is Al Gore?

I don't think the schools are deliberately teaching "junk science", no. They teach outdated information, yes, but that's more a function of the rapid advances in knowledge than anything else. It still is incumbent on them, however, to encourage children to challenge what they're being taught, not to just passively accept it because a "scientist" said so. What we need are students who grow up with questions who then successfully overturn scientific orthodoxy. They need to be shown HOW scientists arrive at a conclusion, WHAT their experimental methodology was, and the questions their peers raised. They also need to be shown the difficulties surrounding some of the conclusions science has come to, and how predetermined biases can influence outcomes. IOW, show scientists as humans, not demi-gods.

That's exactly what they do. The assertions made on this thread are unfounded.
If a teacher cannot demonstrate scientifically that a science fact is a fact, why is it being taught as a fact?

If a teacher cannot demonstrate scientifically that a science fact is a fact, why is it being taught as a fact?

They do it every day.

And they need to. That's how you change society, not by jetting around the globe in a massive jet, riding around in a massive limo, yelling that everyone is burning too much fuel, then going home to a massive mansion that consumes more power than that used by 99% of the people on earth, ala Algore.

So schools aren't teaching ' junk science ' then?

The real problem is Al Gore?

I don't think the schools are deliberately teaching "junk science", no. They teach outdated information, yes, but that's more a function of the rapid advances in knowledge than anything else. It still is incumbent on them, however, to encourage children to challenge what they're being taught, not to just passively accept it because a "scientist" said so. What we need are students who grow up with questions who then successfully overturn scientific orthodoxy. They need to be shown HOW scientists arrive at a conclusion, WHAT their experimental methodology was, and the questions their peers raised. They also need to be shown the difficulties surrounding some of the conclusions science has come to, and how predetermined biases can influence outcomes. IOW, show scientists as humans, not demi-gods.

That's exactly what they do. The assertions made on this thread are unfounded.

How do you know this to be true?
And you look foolish for doing so.

... says the person who had their ass handed to them by the dumbass conservatives!

By whom?

You idiots just talk in circles and get nowhere.

You, are an idiot without comparison. You forget so easily!

Give examples and we'll discuss.

Why? You'll ignore facts and keep on blabbering about things you know nothing of

I'm not the elitist, honor student mother ignoring facts for the sake of shameless self promotion.

Pick up where we left off.
Fact: the entire world's emissions of CO2 is measured from :
Where do we measure atmospheric carbon dioxide?
Cape Grim is a key international monitoring facility, operated by the Bureau of Meteorology, and is where much of CSIRO’s international global atmospheric research is centred. Measurements have been made here since 1976.

Cape Grim is one of three key sites identified by the World Meteorological Association for long-term carbon dioxide measurements.
The others are Mauna Loa in Hawaii (since 1956), which last week measured daily recordings exceeding the 400ppm benchmark,

and Barrow in Alaska (since 1973).

CSIRO has also measured Southern Hemispheric carbon dioxide over the past 2000 years in air trapped in Antarctic surface ice - called firn - and deeper ice cores.
How is atmospheric CO2 measured in the Southern Hemisphere?

YET we have how many temperature recording stations around the world?
The number of land surface weather stations in the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) drops off in recent years.
This fact is an indication of our success in adding historical data.
Every month data from over 1,200 stations from around the world are added to GHCN as a result of monthly reports transmitted over the Global Telecommunication System. This number is up from what it was a decade ago due to systematic efforts by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) and others to encourage countries to send in CLIMAT reports. If NCEI relied solely on such data that would be the maximum number of stations available
Monitoring Global and U.S. Temperatures at NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information | Monitoring References | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

The majority of weather stations in the U.S. Cooper- ative Observing Network (and therefore in HCN) are staffed by volunteers.
Consequently, the network has no mandatory time at which daily measurements must be taken. Most individuals prefer observing times other than midnight, resulting in an observation day that differs from the standard calendar day

Screen Shot 2017-07-02 at 9.38.01 AM.png
They do it every day.

And they need to. That's how you change society, not by jetting around the globe in a massive jet, riding around in a massive limo, yelling that everyone is burning too much fuel, then going home to a massive mansion that consumes more power than that used by 99% of the people on earth, ala Algore.

So schools aren't teaching ' junk science ' then?

The real problem is Al Gore?

I don't think the schools are deliberately teaching "junk science", no. They teach outdated information, yes, but that's more a function of the rapid advances in knowledge than anything else. It still is incumbent on them, however, to encourage children to challenge what they're being taught, not to just passively accept it because a "scientist" said so. What we need are students who grow up with questions who then successfully overturn scientific orthodoxy. They need to be shown HOW scientists arrive at a conclusion, WHAT their experimental methodology was, and the questions their peers raised. They also need to be shown the difficulties surrounding some of the conclusions science has come to, and how predetermined biases can influence outcomes. IOW, show scientists as humans, not demi-gods.

That's exactly what they do. The assertions made on this thread are unfounded.

How do you know this to be true?

The obvious response is, how do you know it's not true?

I have dozens of friends and acquaintances that are educators. I have also been involved with parent organizations as well as my own children since my kids have been in school.
I see the books, the handouts and assist my children with their studies.

Is that a reasonable answer?
And they need to. That's how you change society, not by jetting around the globe in a massive jet, riding around in a massive limo, yelling that everyone is burning too much fuel, then going home to a massive mansion that consumes more power than that used by 99% of the people on earth, ala Algore.

So schools aren't teaching ' junk science ' then?

The real problem is Al Gore?
I don't think the schools are deliberately teaching "junk science", no. They teach outdated information, yes, but that's more a function of the rapid advances in knowledge than anything else. It still is incumbent on them, however, to encourage children to challenge what they're being taught, not to just passively accept it because a "scientist" said so. What we need are students who grow up with questions who then successfully overturn scientific orthodoxy. They need to be shown HOW scientists arrive at a conclusion, WHAT their experimental methodology was, and the questions their peers raised. They also need to be shown the difficulties surrounding some of the conclusions science has come to, and how predetermined biases can influence outcomes. IOW, show scientists as humans, not demi-gods.

That's exactly what they do. The assertions made on this thread are unfounded.
How do you know this to be true?

The obvious response is, how do you know it's not true?

I have dozens of friends and acquaintances that are educators. I have also been involved with parent organizations as well as my own children since my kids have been in school.
I see the books, the handouts and assist my children with their studies.

Is that a reasonable answer?
That is when and where education is done properly. Note that I am not saying we don't do this today, I'm saying that it is important that we do, and some posters apparently don't agree.
The left's anger over the Florida law is a microcosm of what the world would be like if the radical left was in charge. It's absolutely crazy that lefties want the option to kick smart kids out of school for questioning a theory when the same lefties used to preach the concept of "questioning authority" forty years ago. It seems that the only authority the hypocrites questioned was the authority of people who didn't agree with them. Meanwhile absolute proven science of DNA is ignored or cast aside by the same hypocrite lefties who want to lock up people who use the correct pronoun when referring to gender confused people.
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And they need to. That's how you change society, not by jetting around the globe in a massive jet, riding around in a massive limo, yelling that everyone is burning too much fuel, then going home to a massive mansion that consumes more power than that used by 99% of the people on earth, ala Algore.

So schools aren't teaching ' junk science ' then?

The real problem is Al Gore?
I don't think the schools are deliberately teaching "junk science", no. They teach outdated information, yes, but that's more a function of the rapid advances in knowledge than anything else. It still is incumbent on them, however, to encourage children to challenge what they're being taught, not to just passively accept it because a "scientist" said so. What we need are students who grow up with questions who then successfully overturn scientific orthodoxy. They need to be shown HOW scientists arrive at a conclusion, WHAT their experimental methodology was, and the questions their peers raised. They also need to be shown the difficulties surrounding some of the conclusions science has come to, and how predetermined biases can influence outcomes. IOW, show scientists as humans, not demi-gods.

That's exactly what they do. The assertions made on this thread are unfounded.
How do you know this to be true?

The obvious response is, how do you know it's not true?

I have dozens of friends and acquaintances that are educators. I have also been involved with parent organizations as well as my own children since my kids have been in school.
I see the books, the handouts and assist my children with their studies.

Is that a reasonable answer?

Yet, every time we say that some of our best friends are black or Jewish or gay, you liberals dismiss that immediately! Why should we not do the same?
Kids SHOULD be encouraged to challenge scientific facts. Encourage them to do research and find out for themselves, or give them experiments that demonstrate the facts. That's far better than teaching them to accept everything uncritically just because a "scientist" said so.

Exactly. Science always challenges ideas and demands proof.

But AGW is a religion, not science; hence the reliance upon dogma rather than verifiable fact.
So schools aren't teaching ' junk science ' then?

The real problem is Al Gore?
I don't think the schools are deliberately teaching "junk science", no. They teach outdated information, yes, but that's more a function of the rapid advances in knowledge than anything else. It still is incumbent on them, however, to encourage children to challenge what they're being taught, not to just passively accept it because a "scientist" said so. What we need are students who grow up with questions who then successfully overturn scientific orthodoxy. They need to be shown HOW scientists arrive at a conclusion, WHAT their experimental methodology was, and the questions their peers raised. They also need to be shown the difficulties surrounding some of the conclusions science has come to, and how predetermined biases can influence outcomes. IOW, show scientists as humans, not demi-gods.

That's exactly what they do. The assertions made on this thread are unfounded.
How do you know this to be true?

The obvious response is, how do you know it's not true?

I have dozens of friends and acquaintances that are educators. I have also been involved with parent organizations as well as my own children since my kids have been in school.
I see the books, the handouts and assist my children with their studies.

Is that a reasonable answer?

Yet, every time we say that some of our best friends are black or Jewish or gay, you liberals dismiss that immediately! Why should we not do the same?

Speak to the points rather than simply argue.
Do you have kids in school? What is your personal experience on the subject?
How does it differ?

I thought you had an open mind. Afraid of the results?

Those afraid of the results are the ones saying "science cannot be challenged."

But what you follow is a two bit religion, there is nothing even remotely scientific about it. Jehovah's Witness kooks are more based on legitimate scientific research than you AGW cultists are..

Is that the way it's presented in schools?
What is your personal experience if any?

Are you saying that children should be able to make up any answer they like on a test and not be held to account?
Kids SHOULD be encouraged to challenge scientific facts. Encourage them to do research and find out for themselves, or give them experiments that demonstrate the facts. That's far better than teaching them to accept everything uncritically just because a "scientist" said so.

Exactly. Science always challenges ideas and demands proof.

But AGW is a religion, not science; hence the reliance upon dogma rather than verifiable fact.

AGW denial is the religion. The Religion of stupid, ignorant, feeble minded people.

AGW is based on science.
Science is 100% correct to conservatives if it's a doctor or engineer building the bridge they travel over, but 100% wrong on anything that conflicts with their internal belief system.

And this is the great thing about science, it reveals reality which is not subject to anyone's internal interpretations except at the very cutting knife edge of exploration like the Big Bang and String Theory.

Physics for someone that adheres to this hardcore fundamentalist view of the world (and yes that excludes many Christians who actually accept scientific fact as fact and who just want to be left alone to practice their religion) is an opinion. As is chemistry, biology, paleontology, zoology, microbiology...

People that cling to their religion AND reject anything outside their religion are the problem. Normal people, regardless of their religion, trust a doctor knows something more than the patient when he prescribes something. Abnormal people are suspicious even of doctors and PH.D's which are doctors in a field other than medicine. And it is these arrogantly ignorant people that are the most determined to force their religion on the rest of society. Why? Because their faith is shaky. They NEED society to reflect back to them that THEY are right and ok and when society doesn't do that they refuse to change their beliefs and instead force their beliefs on that society whenever they gain power.

Science is a process, a method of systematic discovery. Uneducated dolts such as yourself turn it into majik so that you can imagine yourselves wise should you recite the majik words.

Someone like you, too fucking ignorant to grasp that Isaac Newton, the father of the calculus, when you could not finish 5th grade math, was a deeply Christian man, as you shit on what he held dear, adopts his name from you stupidity thinking that you can gain respect without effort by hijacking the accomplishments of others.
Students should question things they are skeptical about,

Only up until the point of being deemed special needs.
If a teacher cannot demonstrate scientifically that a science fact is a fact, why is it being taught as a fact?

If a teacher cannot demonstrate scientifically that a science fact is a fact, why is it being taught as a fact?

They do it every day.

And they need to. That's how you change society, not by jetting around the globe in a massive jet, riding around in a massive limo, yelling that everyone is burning too much fuel, then going home to a massive mansion that consumes more power than that used by 99% of the people on earth, ala Algore.

The Al Gore lie continues. If Al Gore relies on renewable low emission generated power, so what?
Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


View attachment 136518

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.


It's the liberal solution they are fighting. Liberals want to redistribute billions of tax payer money when it will have no effect on anything. Pumping money into socialist and communist countries who have run out of money has nothing to do with climate change.

And it has not been proven. Many scientists have come forth to say that the science is flawed, skewed and some it just plain made up bullshit.

The purpose is to have an excuse to take control over all energy sources and be able to attack capitalism and take more money from people.

Either come up with a real solution, after proving we can change anything, or shut the fuck up.
Industries hurt by reducing emissions pay for their own "science" & then dupe the feeble minded to believe their "science" is right.

How many is "many" ? 2? 5? 10? The vast majority say global warming is real & man made emissions are a factor.

Solar & wind & geothermal are capitalistic. Companies make panels & companies install panels. Companies manufsacture geothermal HVAC units & drilling companies drill hoes & companies install these systems.

That asswipe is capitalism.

The fact is that the higher the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere the high the greenhouse effect & that makes it warmer.

If we can lower the CO2 concentration, the greenhouse effect will be less.

Why can't you morons get that?

The solution is lower emissions.

Then stop posting on the internet fuck head.. practice what you preach.


I've cut my emissions by over 50%. What have you done?
I don't think the schools are deliberately teaching "junk science", no. They teach outdated information, yes, but that's more a function of the rapid advances in knowledge than anything else. It still is incumbent on them, however, to encourage children to challenge what they're being taught, not to just passively accept it because a "scientist" said so. What we need are students who grow up with questions who then successfully overturn scientific orthodoxy. They need to be shown HOW scientists arrive at a conclusion, WHAT their experimental methodology was, and the questions their peers raised. They also need to be shown the difficulties surrounding some of the conclusions science has come to, and how predetermined biases can influence outcomes. IOW, show scientists as humans, not demi-gods.

That's exactly what they do. The assertions made on this thread are unfounded.
How do you know this to be true?

The obvious response is, how do you know it's not true?

I have dozens of friends and acquaintances that are educators. I have also been involved with parent organizations as well as my own children since my kids have been in school.
I see the books, the handouts and assist my children with their studies.

Is that a reasonable answer?

Yet, every time we say that some of our best friends are black or Jewish or gay, you liberals dismiss that immediately! Why should we not do the same?

Speak to the points rather than simply argue.
Do you have kids in school? What is your personal experience on the subject?
How does it differ?

I am a teacher, dumbass!

Is that the way it's presented in schools?
What is your personal experience if any?

Are you saying that children should be able to make up any answer they like on a test and not be held to account?

AGW is presented to children as sacred truth to never be questioned. The real crime is that in our universities, where science once flourished, any research that would call into question the faith and scriptures is outlawed. Thou shalt not study the climate, only the scriptures ABOUT the climate.

Real science is not religion, and real scientists, I have a Ph.D. and count myself as one, don't blindly follow dogma.

Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis

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