Florida Passes “Anti-Science” Law

The state sets the curriculum, dope.
It doesn't matter if it's public, private or homeschool. They all are required to meet the same standards.

You've only proven that you're full of shit.

Dumbass a honor student isnt just about grades. Sweet Jebus you're stupid...and never was a honor student. Take it to the bank.
Teen Ink

Yes, dope. Grades under a given curriculum. A student cannot make up their own answers to questions and still score well enough to be an honor student.

Excuse us?

Maybe this is why parents pull their kids out of school

View attachment 136576


He's clueless, private schools set their own curriculums and honor student is much more than just grades.

Not clueless just indocterated child..he does what he is told and don't qustion nothing...

No critical thinking skills.

Lost art I guess


Critical thinking is not simply making up shit to believe.
Decisions on environmental issues should be based on facts. One doesn't choose to "believe" facts; they are not supposed to be viewed as opinions. In this country, our decisions that will impact the future and how to prepare for a warming planet and the changes that is bringing and will bring more of need to be as fact based as possible or we will make a mistake.
Don't treat scientific facts as if they were an opinion on which is the best movie. Or the best religion. That is a really frightening stance.

Don't you know? It's not proven that human organs can be transplanted to another. Or that parts of the electromagnetic spectrum can be modulated so as to carry information that can be received and decoded remotely.

This is all very much theory.

Cell phones will fail because it's not proven science.

It's not theory because we do it every day, moron. When has the global warming cult ever been right about anything? When have the ever predicted the temperature 10 years ahead of time?

Climatologists measure the changes everyday.

All over the globe? For the past thousands of years?

Sure, dope. :laugh2:

That's what you want us to believe dumb ass

Maybe a left tard's child. Three honor students here, you don't get that for not knowimg shit

Only because they FOLLOWED the curriculum, dope.

You obviously are not nor ever was a honor student. Ours also attend private schools. It's a joy to watch when they debate public school children. They are light years ahead of them. They haven't been indoctrinated, they know how to think on their own

An honor student by definition is one who followed the curriculum better than others.
Private school or not, the curriculum is set by the state.

You made the argument that your kids are conformists.

Apparently it skips a generation. :laugh2:

Again, you have no clue what a honor student is nor do you know the first thing about private school curriculum.

There is a reason they run circles around your little indocrinated tykes. They can think outside the box

Here, learn something

Teen Ink

You know nothing about me.
I, on the other hand, know that a minimum GPA is required for honors.
Tell us some more how your children were able to make up their own ideas about science and yet were honor students. :laugh2:

Read links provided, you've lost this one badly, clown.

You didn't even know private schools choose their own curriculums. No fed money...their house their rules.

Now step off, kid. Ya lost
Dumbass a honor student isnt just about grades. Sweet Jebus you're stupid...and never was a honor student. Take it to the bank.
Teen Ink

Yes, dope. Grades under a given curriculum. A student cannot make up their own answers to questions and still score well enough to be an honor student.

Excuse us?

Maybe this is why parents pull their kids out of school

View attachment 136576


He's clueless, private schools set their own curriculums and honor student is much more than just grades.

Not clueless just indocterated child..he does what he is told and don't qustion nothing...

No critical thinking skills.

Lost art I guess


Critical thinking is not simply making up shit to believe.

Who is making up shit?

That would be you..saying a man wearing a dress is a girl.

Only because they FOLLOWED the curriculum, dope.

You obviously are not nor ever was a honor student. Ours also attend private schools. It's a joy to watch when they debate public school children. They are light years ahead of them. They haven't been indoctrinated, they know how to think on their own

An honor student by definition is one who followed the curriculum better than others.
Private school or not, the curriculum is set by the state.

You made the argument that your kids are conformists.

Apparently it skips a generation. :laugh2:

Again, you have no clue what a honor student is nor do you know the first thing about private school curriculum.

There is a reason they run circles around your little indocrinated tykes. They can think outside the box

Here, learn something

Teen Ink

You know nothing about me.
I, on the other hand, know that a minimum GPA is required for honors.
Tell us some more how your children were able to make up their own ideas about science and yet were honor students. :laugh2:

Read links provided, you've lost this one badly, clown.

You didn't even know private schools choose their own curriculums. No fed money...their house their rules.

Now step off, kid. Ya lost

They are required to take the same standardized tests as everyone else.
Dumbass a honor student isnt just about grades. Sweet Jebus you're stupid...and never was a honor student. Take it to the bank.
Teen Ink

Yes, dope. Grades under a given curriculum. A student cannot make up their own answers to questions and still score well enough to be an honor student.

Excuse us?

Maybe this is why parents pull their kids out of school

View attachment 136576


He's clueless, private schools set their own curriculums and honor student is much more than just grades.

Not clueless just indocterated child..he does what he is told and don't qustion nothing...

No critical thinking skills.

Lost art I guess


Critical thinking is not simply making up shit to believe.

So what's next you going to amuse i
us and post your a dinosaur because you say so?


You obviously are not nor ever was a honor student. Ours also attend private schools. It's a joy to watch when they debate public school children. They are light years ahead of them. They haven't been indoctrinated, they know how to think on their own

An honor student by definition is one who followed the curriculum better than others.
Private school or not, the curriculum is set by the state.

You made the argument that your kids are conformists.

Apparently it skips a generation. :laugh2:

Again, you have no clue what a honor student is nor do you know the first thing about private school curriculum.

There is a reason they run circles around your little indocrinated tykes. They can think outside the box

Here, learn something

Teen Ink

You know nothing about me.
I, on the other hand, know that a minimum GPA is required for honors.
Tell us some more how your children were able to make up their own ideas about science and yet were honor students. :laugh2:

Read links provided, you've lost this one badly, clown.

You didn't even know private schools choose their own curriculums. No fed money...their house their rules.

Now step off, kid. Ya lost

They are required to take the same standardized tests as everyone else.

No wonder why you passed the 12 th grade.. your teacher just wanted your ass out of there.

As I've shown earlier the Earth is farther away today then it was 4 billion years ago.
Which pretty will blows one of the earlier comments about "constants" i.e. the Earth is 93 million miles from the Sun.
It seems no one though understands that "constant" is NOT constant. Was the Earth ever "flat". YES it was. Before we learned that it was not!
But people before we learned all were told they would fall off it they sailed too far.
So it is with the global warming crowd. The difference though between them and the early flat earthiers at some point "flat earth" proponents were proven wrong
when people that sailed to the edge of the world...didn't fall off but returned.
So to with the "global warming" crowd. At some point they too are going to have to admit the EARTH is constantly changing. Evolving. And Climate Change
has occurred from the first "big bang". Everything daily changes. Babies change into adults. Adults lose skin elasticity and eventually die.
The EARTH is slowing down in the revolution about the Sun. Why? many reasons but the proof it is slowing down. Every now and then a leap second is added to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in order to synchronize clocks worldwide with the Earth's ever slowing rotation.
How Often Are Leap Seconds Added?
Before the first leap second was added in 1972, UTC was 10 seconds behind Atomic Time.
So far, a total of 27 leap seconds have been added. This means that the Earth has slowed down an additional 27 seconds compared to atomic time since then.
However, this does NOT mean that the days are 27 seconds longer nowadays. The only difference is that the days a leap second was added had 86,401 seconds instead of the usual 86,400 seconds.
What's a Leap Second?

So to the "global warming" crowd. if the Earth has slowed down 27 seconds since 1972, wouldn't that mean that there is some other factors that haven't been considered? My point is we CAN"T look at the "constants"... A day is 24 hours long. A year 365.25??? So why all the hustle and bustle about "global warming"?
The Earth is constantly changing and so does the atmosphere, troposphere, etc....
But to adamantly condemn people like me that QUESTION almost everything I read in the MSM as in my lifetime they have been so wrong about things...
Yes I remember we were to have another "Ice age"... now we are have parts of the US under water in 2000! Wait has that happened?
Dumbass a honor student isnt just about grades. Sweet Jebus you're stupid...and never was a honor student. Take it to the bank.
Teen Ink

Yes, dope. Grades under a given curriculum. A student cannot make up their own answers to questions and still score well enough to be an honor student.

Excuse us?

Maybe this is why parents pull their kids out of school

View attachment 136576


He's clueless, private schools set their own curriculums and honor student is much more than just grades.

Not clueless just indocterated child..he does what he is told and don't qustion nothing...

No critical thinking skills.

Lost art I guess


Critical thinking is not simply making up shit to believe.
It is when leftists use the term.
Facts cannot be challenged.

The sky is blue and water boils at 100c. Period.


The sky at night is black, not blue.

Water does not boil at 100 degrees Celsius. It depends on the atmospheric pressure. Water boils at 95 degrees Celsius in Denver!

There were your facts and I just challenged it. I demand you retract your statement.
Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


View attachment 136518

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.


It's the liberal solution they are fighting. Liberals want to redistribute billions of tax payer money when it will have no effect on anything. Pumping money into socialist and communist countries who have run out of money has nothing to do with climate change.

And it has not been proven. Many scientists have come forth to say that the science is flawed, skewed and some it just plain made up bullshit.

The purpose is to have an excuse to take control over all energy sources and be able to attack capitalism and take more money from people.

Either come up with a real solution, after proving we can change anything, or shut the fuck up.
Facts cannot be challenged.

The sky is blue and water boils at 100c. Period.
Not to be a smart ass but water boils at 100c only at sea level. I can make water boil at temps as low as 26c. This is provable because we can repeat it and get consistent results.

Mans effect on the enviroment is a completely different can of worms. In order to accept their conclussions one must do it based on faith. It should not be taught as facts.

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It's obvious what standard I used when I said 100c , dope.
I just challenged your fact, asshole

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Me thinks that those who oppose the science of global warming/climate change/ or climate disruption, what ever is the de jour name for it point out that the atmospheric CO2 has been much higher in the past and life flourished. Does that mean that the climate, or at least one aspect of climate, temperature, is not changing? No, what it means is that instead of taking expensive job losing action we should be preparing for the inevitable not trying to change that which will not make a difference. The science shows us that CO2 concentration lags temperature not the other way around. Yes, there is a convoluted explanation of how that is possible but I have a real hard time believing that explanations have to be so convoluted.

The science of the body, and plain logic, teaches that the unborn child is always an unborn child. It is never something else, never.

The theory of evolution teaches that it is pretty much driven by survival of the fittest. In other words reproduction and producing off spring more fitting to the environment. Which goes completely against homosexuality.

And which side of these issues fall the left wing? You would be correct to say they are falling on the wrong side of science.
water boils at 100c. Period.
Depends on your altitude.

Water boiling point is a couple of degrees lower in Denver, Colorado. ... :cool:
The boiling point also Depends on the impurities in the water.
Then it isn't water. It's water with shit added.
Right on. But I think the idea being related is that saying "water" without qualification is technically incorrect. To boil at 100 dg C or freeze at 0 dg C it should be said "pure" water at sea level.

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