Florida Passes “Anti-Science” Law

AGW denial is the religion. The Religion of stupid, ignorant, feeble minded people.

AGW is based on science.

AGW is based on the dogma of your shit eating church. AGW appeals to ignorant fools such as yourself, who believe they can appear wise by merely reciting the holy scriptures of your moronic cult. No need for study or experimentation, just spew forth the majik words of your shamans.
Don't you know? It's not proven that human organs can be transplanted to another. Or that parts of the electromagnetic spectrum can be modulated so as to carry information that can be received and decoded remotely.

This is all very much theory.

Cell phones will fail because it's not proven science.

Actually stupid, both of those are proven.

Proven through demonstrable and repeatable experimentation and in actual practice.

You don't even know what the words mean, yet you fancy yourself qualified to speak on the subject? :eek:
It's not theory because we do it every day, moron. When has the global warming cult ever been right about anything? When have the ever predicted the temperature 10 years ahead of time?

Are you saying that NY City is not completely submersed as predicted? Are you saying that there is still snow in the Himalayas, despite the demand of the AGW shamans that it would all be melted?

"I believe a magic being flies through the air and created everything and any evidence that proves that wrong has to be wrong, obviously"

"I have proof that the sun is 93 million miles from Earth, the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second, the universe is 13.72 billion years old, the Earth is round, and men evolved from apes when one of our chromosomes fused and we went from having 48 chromosomes which apes have, to having 46 chromosomes which humans have."

"Well I don't believe any of that but let's debate it ok?"

"These things are proven already, the rigorous debate took place during the last 100 years between PH.D's in each field of study."

"Oh they don't know anything, I do because I say I do. And in America my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

"No, you are free to be ignorant, but you aren't free to force that ignorance to be taught to children. The Flat Earth Society is meeting this week near you, why don't you go and 'debate them' about their beliefs. Certainly you would say their beliefs are just as valid as yours yes? Good, have fun!"

Is the sun really 93 million miles from Earth TODAY versus 4 billion years ago?
Based on your above I assume you say it is because it is proven science.
But have you considered this?
There is another effect which is also small, but somewhat bigger than the tidal effect. The Sun is powered by nuclear fusion, which means the Sun is continuously transforming a small part of its mass into energy. As the mass of the Sun goes down, our orbit gets proportionally bigger. However, over the entire main sequence lifetime of the Sun (about 10 billion years), the Sun will only lose about 0.1% of its mass, which means that the Earth should move out by just ~150,000 km (small compared to the total Earth-Sun distance of ~150,000,000 km). If we assume that the Sun's rate of nuclear fusion today is the same as the average rate over those 10 billion years (a bold assumption, but it should give us a rough idea of the answer), then we're moving away from the Sun at the rate of ~1.5 cm (less than an inch) per year. I probably don't even need to mention that this is so small that we don't have to worry about freezing.
Is the distance from the Earth to the Sun changing? (Advanced) - Curious About Astronomy? Ask an Astronomer
So assuming the Earth is 4 billion years old and the Sun is loosing it's mass due to fusion, then 4 billion inches equals 63,131 miles farther away then
92,955,807 miles it is today. That means the Sun was 92,892,676 miles 4 billion years ago then it is today.
The distance from Earth to the sun is called an astronomical unit, or AU, which is used to measure distances throughout the solar system. The AU has been defined as 149,597,870,700 meters (92,955,807 miles). Astronomers use the AU for measuring distances throughout the solar system.Sep 17, 2012
How Far is Earth from the Sun?

So how sure are you about your "constants" in your above comments???

This addresses one of the huge flaws in scientific theory. That things work the same today that they did thousands of years ago. Obviously we can't test things back then so assuming its the same is a logical way of dealing with it. But the fact is it's still an assumption.

What factors do you imagine to have changed that would have a significant effect on most scientific principle?

I don't see this as a huge flaw, a minor flaw, or even a flaw at all.
Hypocrite lefties don't want to lock up criminals but they want the option to arrest the parents of kids who speak out against the establishment or carry a Bible. God help us if they ever get in charge.
Students should question things they are skeptical about,

Only up until the point of being deemed special needs.
If a teacher cannot demonstrate scientifically that a science fact is a fact, why is it being taught as a fact?

If a teacher cannot demonstrate scientifically that a science fact is a fact, why is it being taught as a fact?

They do it every day.

And they need to. That's how you change society, not by jetting around the globe in a massive jet, riding around in a massive limo, yelling that everyone is burning too much fuel, then going home to a massive mansion that consumes more power than that used by 99% of the people on earth, ala Algore.

The Al Gore lie continues. If Al Gore relies on renewable low emission generated power, so what?

Algore moves around the world in high polluting, high energy use ways. There is no denying that.
Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


View attachment 136518

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.


‘Florida Passes “Anti-Science” Law’

Such is the idiocy that is the bane of conservativism.

Just because conservatives who fear facts and the truth want to remain ignorant doesn’t mean they should compel others to be ignorant as well.
‘Florida Passes “Anti-Science” Law’

Such is the idiocy that is the bane of conservativism.

Just because conservatives who fear facts and the truth want to remain ignorant doesn’t mean they should compel others to be ignorant as well.

But the right and conservatives took all your power away, why do you think that is? Could it be America rejected you?
‘Florida Passes “Anti-Science” Law’

Such is the idiocy that is the bane of conservativism.

Just because conservatives who fear facts and the truth want to remain ignorant doesn’t mean they should compel others to be ignorant as well.
How does one reply to such sheer obstinate wilfullness to deny fact? The predictions, yes, I can see people disagreeing with that, or with what to do about it.
I was going to reply to a few posts, but it's really not worth talking to anyone that "out there." I don't argue with Dale Smith and I'm not going to waste my time arguing with these people either. It's actually depressing to think our populace has been bent and twisted by so much false information that they are supporting a stance that will not do them any good.
What are the "Facts" YOU DON"T KNOW THE FACTS!!! It is sad that so many people have been indoctrinated by targeted propaganda that is designed to take trillions of dollars from the working class public, make it harder for them to get jobs, and slow the rate of business expansion JUST to feed the wealth of political regalist class of scum.
What are the "Facts" YOU DON"T KNOW THE FACTS!!! It is sad that so many people have been indoctrinated by targeted propaganda that is designed to take trillions of dollars from the working class public, make it harder for them to get jobs, and slow the rate of business expansion JUST to feed the wealth of political regalist class of scum.
Temperature and other climate information, such as onset of the seasons, ocean levels, are not up for debate. You put your finger on the deniers' real motive, though--at least the political regalists who first postured with it: It's about Big Oil and Big Business losing money. They have managed to convince a lot of people, apparently, of an unbelievably uninformed stance. I trust scientific, world wide FACTS collected by careful practitioners of science over the decades. If you don't, you're starting from the wrong platform. If all you care about is staying rich, why don't you just say so?
Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


View attachment 136518

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.


It's the liberal solution they are fighting. Liberals want to redistribute billions of tax payer money when it will have no effect on anything. Pumping money into socialist and communist countries who have run out of money has nothing to do with climate change.

And it has not been proven. Many scientists have come forth to say that the science is flawed, skewed and some it just plain made up bullshit.

The purpose is to have an excuse to take control over all energy sources and be able to attack capitalism and take more money from people.

Either come up with a real solution, after proving we can change anything, or shut the fuck up.
Industries hurt by reducing emissions pay for their own "science" & then dupe the feeble minded to believe their "science" is right.

How many is "many" ? 2? 5? 10? The vast majority say global warming is real & man made emissions are a factor.

Solar & wind & geothermal are capitalistic. Companies make panels & companies install panels. Companies manufsacture geothermal HVAC units & drilling companies drill hoes & companies install these systems.

That asswipe is capitalism.

The fact is that the higher the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere the high the greenhouse effect & that makes it warmer.

If we can lower the CO2 concentration, the greenhouse effect will be less.

Why can't you morons get that?

The solution is lower emissions.

Then stop posting on the internet fuck head.. practice what you preach.


I've cut my emissions by over 50%. What have you done?
I still drive a car that gets 13mpg. I drink water from bottles and do not recycle. I switched coffee makers to a Keurig so I can throw away the little plastic cups and exclusively use paper plates and plastic utensils. I won't walk to the store a block away.

I try to make as many small changes as I can because I have to make up for nut bars like you.
Conservatives in Florida got their wish last Monday when their governor, Rick Scott signed a bill into law guaranteeing scientific facts taught in public schools can be challenged if they offend an individual’s personal beliefs.

Climate change tops the list of such facts denied by conservatives. But will they be as happy about this law when they find their homes waste-deep in seawater? Or, when they are finally forced to tread water 24/7 if they wish to remain in Florida?

The oceans ARE rising, and Florida’s conservatives will eventually discover how burying their head’s in the sand will have them drowning much sooner. This is going to make being a devoted Republican much, much more difficult.

Two Sad Ironies In Florida Passing Its 'Anti-Science' Law


View attachment 136518

Debating a conservative is like playing chess with a pigeon, they wander around the board aimlessly, sh!t on everything, and still believe they won. And they prove this over and over and over.


It's the liberal solution they are fighting. Liberals want to redistribute billions of tax payer money when it will have no effect on anything. Pumping money into socialist and communist countries who have run out of money has nothing to do with climate change.

And it has not been proven. Many scientists have come forth to say that the science is flawed, skewed and some it just plain made up bullshit.

The purpose is to have an excuse to take control over all energy sources and be able to attack capitalism and take more money from people.

Either come up with a real solution, after proving we can change anything, or shut the fuck up.
Industries hurt by reducing emissions pay for their own "science" & then dupe the feeble minded to believe their "science" is right.

How many is "many" ? 2? 5? 10? The vast majority say global warming is real & man made emissions are a factor.

Solar & wind & geothermal are capitalistic. Companies make panels & companies install panels. Companies manufsacture geothermal HVAC units & drilling companies drill hoes & companies install these systems.

That asswipe is capitalism.

The fact is that the higher the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere the high the greenhouse effect & that makes it warmer.

If we can lower the CO2 concentration, the greenhouse effect will be less.

Why can't you morons get that?

The solution is lower emissions.

Then stop posting on the internet fuck head.. practice what you preach.


I've cut my emissions by over 50%. What have you done?
I still drive a car that gets 13mpg. I drink water from bottles and do not recycle. I switched coffee makers to a Keurig so I can throw away the little plastic cups and exclusively use paper plates and plastic utensils. I won't walk to the store a block away.

I try to make as many small changes as I can because I have to make up for nut bars like you.

I totally believe that you are that big of an ass.
What are the "Facts" YOU DON"T KNOW THE FACTS!!! It is sad that so many people have been indoctrinated by targeted propaganda that is designed to take trillions of dollars from the working class public, make it harder for them to get jobs, and slow the rate of business expansion JUST to feed the wealth of political regalist class of scum.
Yet another dumbass who is too ignorant to do research & learn about Global Warming.
‘Florida Passes “Anti-Science” Law’

Such is the idiocy that is the bane of conservativism.

Just because conservatives who fear facts and the truth want to remain ignorant doesn’t mean they should compel others to be ignorant as well.

But the right and conservatives took all your power away, why do you think that is? Could it be America rejected you?
Why? Because you people are dumber than shit. You elected a business cheat, liar, woman gropper, accused child raper whose goal is to use the Presidency to make money for himself.
‘Florida Passes “Anti-Science” Law’

Such is the idiocy that is the bane of conservativism.

Just because conservatives who fear facts and the truth want to remain ignorant doesn’t mean they should compel others to be ignorant as well.

But the right and conservatives took all your power away, why do you think that is? Could it be America rejected you?
Why? Because you people are dumber than shit. You elected a business cheat, liar, woman gropper, accused child raper whose goal is to use the Presidency to make money for himself.

Well no, you were rejected...over and over and over again.
It's not theory because we do it every day, moron. When has the global warming cult ever been right about anything? When have the ever predicted the temperature 10 years ahead of time?

Are you saying that NY City is not completely submersed as predicted? Are you saying that there is still snow in the Himalayas, despite the demand of the AGW shamans that it would all be melted?


First, who said NYC would be underwater in 2017.

Second, when a lot of predictions were made it was not "it will" but "it could be".

Third, these predictions were made in the 70's * & 80s & a lot has been dine to reduce emissions.

Fourth, you're a fucking idiot as you doom your own grandchildren to a more difficult life because you are an ignorant fuck.

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