Florida pizza shop owner powerlifts Obama - 100% BULLSHIT!


One was an organized boycott and the other, which I don't even recall, was an attempt to address the stupidity of the right because of it.


WTF? Altering the name to show disapproval of France refusing airspace is a "boycott?"

We should have listened to them, it's obvious now.

If you want a boycott, look at the attack of the left on Chick-fil-a for not bowing to PC dogma.


One was an organized boycott and the other, which I don't even recall, was an attempt to address the stupidity of the right because of it.


WTF? Altering the name to show disapproval of France refusing airspace is a "boycott?"

We should have listened to them, it's obvious now.

If you want a boycott, look at the attack of the left on Chick-fil-a for not bowing to PC dogma.

You're barking up the wrong tree, I've never said the left doesn't initiate any boycotts. However, to say it's more of a tactic of the left than the right, as the comment I was responding to stated, is stupid.

I will reiterate though, you're wrong, any counter to the boycott by the left wasn't a boycott. I don't know why you think it was.
This is how stupid Republicans are. They actually changed the names on the House's menu to read Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast.

All because France had some sense and saw what a disaster in the making invading Iraq was going to be.

There was an outstanding French restaurant by me that was boycotted and driven out of business. Sadly, the owner was actually from Quebec.
It was an embarrassing situation to witness.

Now that it's all said and done it looks even worse.
What do you think Ayn Rand would say about blood donation? That is this guy's favorite charity.

If you ever read Rand, you would stop sticking your foot in your mouth; which looks really strange since your head is up your ass....

Charity is a great thing. Government pointing a gun at you and taking blood by force isn't charity.

My views on charity are very simple. I do not consider it a major virtue and, above all, I do not consider it a moral duty. There is nothing wrong in helping other people, if and when they are worthy of the help and you can afford to help them. I regard charity as a marginal issue. What I am fighting is the idea that charity is a moral duty and a primary virtue.​

“Playboy’s Interview with Ayn Rand,” March 1964
Yep, and check this out...

Colossians 3:14 (King James Version) said:
And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.
Colossians 3:14 KJV - And above all these things put on - Bible Gateway

This comes directly from the inspired Word of our Lord via His apostle Paul.

Paul Ryan worships Ayn Rand.

He is also a self-professed Christian.

You do the math.

Florida pizza shop owner Scott Van Duzer lifted President Barack Obama a solid foot off the ground in a bear hug during an unscripted stop at his Fort Pierce, Fla., store. Literally.

Florida pizza shop owner powerlifts Obama | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Total lie.

There's no way - NO FUCKING WAY - that the Secret Service would allow the President - ANY PRESIDENT- to be physically accosted in any manner in such an "unscripted" moment.

Do both Boiking and the lamestream media think that we're all blooming idiots?

I smell desperation.

Of course it was scripted.

But still, seeing you get your seriously "non-partisan" vagina all sandied up over this sure is funny as hell. :lol:
so Obama has to go around and prove to the "little" people he's comforatable in his skin?

Does the man ever work?

good grief:lol:

Florida pizza shop owner Scott Van Duzer lifted President Barack Obama a solid foot off the ground in a bear hug during an unscripted stop at his Fort Pierce, Fla., store. Literally.

Florida pizza shop owner powerlifts Obama | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Total lie.

There's no way - NO FUCKING WAY - that the Secret Service would allow the President - ANY PRESIDENT- to be physically accosted in any manner in such an "unscripted" moment.

Do both Boiking and the lamestream media think that we're all blooming idiots?

I smell desperation.

Of course it was scripted.

But still, seeing you get your seriously "non-partisan" vagina all sandied up over this sure is funny as hell. :lol:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1ijPmtTHo8]Obama bear hugged by huge pizza shop owner in Florida - YouTube[/ame]
You mean the Quarter when the Stock Market, and Business all knew Obama had won and Big Government Solutions were on the way.

Funny how you guys don't want any of that to fall on Obama's Shoulders.


Funny where the market is today, isn't it moron?

Now he's blaming the stock market collapse--that happened in 2008---on Obama. Were Republicans always THIS dishonest?

You know...when I read about him saying he's had people tell him they are boycotting, I expected some Righties to say he was lying.....but no.....they support a boycott....over a hug.

The pettiness of many Righties here never fails to live up to the Pettiness standards they've set.

The right just gets nastier and nastier. If you don't agree with you, they threaten to put you out of business.

Interview with the pizza guy today, he said the Secret Service had already been in and done their usual security check and sweep but that a couple of big burly guys sat up and took notice when he hugged the president.

Our president seemed genuinely good natured and tickled at the man's unbridled enthusiasm.

If it had been Romney, he would have insulted the guy's pizza and then said he knows several people who own entire chains of pizza shops.

I cringe every time Romney opens his mouth because I know he's gonna say something stupid - or - just outright lie. That foot-in-mouth idiot would have us at war with Russia within a year. And, he'd probably name $arah (I can see it from my porch) Palin as some sort of ambassador.
It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

But actually, it's still pretty damned funny.

so Obama has to go around and prove to the "little" people he's comforatable in his skin?

Does the man ever work?

good grief:lol:

It's something Presidential candidates of both parties have been doing for some time now, going amongst all the common folk (but hey, we all know that you know that, too).

Obama seems to be doing a bit better at it, dontcha think?

I don't eat at Chick-fil-A....


I'm not into the grease and the money to anti-gay groups. There is one in our town so there is actually something nearby I boycott.


There is no hypocrisy like demopocrisy.

You are boycotting a pizza place....why?

Yeah Shortbus, from my home in Yorba Linda I'm not driving to Florida for a Pizza.

Yer just amazingly bright...

how far from your home?

:lol::lol::lol:YOu have NO idea that you just proved my point, do you? :lol::lol::lol:

Florida pizza shop owner Scott Van Duzer lifted President Barack Obama a solid foot off the ground in a bear hug during an unscripted stop at his Fort Pierce, Fla., store. Literally.

Florida pizza shop owner powerlifts Obama | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Total lie.

There's no way - NO FUCKING WAY - that the Secret Service would allow the President - ANY PRESIDENT- to be physically accosted in any manner in such an "unscripted" moment.

Do both Boiking and the lamestream media think that we're all blooming idiots?

I smell desperation.

Bwahh BWahh Bwahh
so Obama has to go around and prove to the "little" people he's comforatable in his skin?

Does the man ever work?

good grief:lol:

It's something Presidential candidates of both parties have been doing for some time now, going amongst all the common folk (but hey, we all know that you know that, too).

Obama seems to be doing a bit better at it, dontcha think?


Yeah he seems to be doing a fine job of never working
below was from A YEAR AGO..we still have THIS YEAR...good grief

Obama Is Fundraiser in Chief

He's held more events than the last five guys
By Kevin Spak, Newser Staff

Posted Aug 19, 2011 9:22 AM CDT

(Newser) – Barack Obama has held more fundraising events in his first term than any of the last five presidents—and it’s not terribly close. According to new research reported by USA Today, Obama has held a whopping 127 fundraising events so far, outpacing George W. Bush (88), Bill Clinton (76), and their predecessors. Of those, 37 were for his own campaign, with the rest benefiting congressional Democrats; by contrast, Bush had only held 11 events for himself at this stage.

all of it
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