Florida revokes liquor license of hotel that put on a sexually explicit show with kids present

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Whose moral base? Mine, yours, Trumps, Bidens? You get the issue right? Do your own moral policing of your kids. I'll do mine. This is America.. at least it is where i am posting. There are a million things to protect your kids from. Do that. In in the trial of life your kids will be up against a lot but I guarantee you they have nothing to worry about from drag shows. Protect them from drugs, internet porn, drinking and driving, getting pregnant... but save the drag queen outrage for your Fox Fake News outrage. You'll be a better parent.

Bull, you’re head would blow up if we had “black face” shows stereotyping that race! Even though some might find it gives them shits and giggles.

But your fine degrading women.

Those double standards are crazy.
Just responding to nonsense with nonsense. Where do you work? From prision? I bet you clean the toilets there in your free time. See.... insults are easy and utterly irrelevant.
They love a good witch hunt. Especially when it's one they can jerk off to.
Bull, you’re head would blow up if we had “black face” shows stereotyping that race! Even though some might find it gives them shits and giggles.

But your fine degrading women.

Those double standards are crazy.

Seems fine to your fearless leaders. Even entertaining to some. You arent objecting on any basis other than you dislike gay folks.

Seems fine to your fearless leaders. Even entertaining to some. You arent objecting on any basis other than you dislike gay folks.


Is that you on the left?

So, are you pre op or post op. Look in your pants, that’ll tell you
INCELs have hard lives. I am sorry you are short fat and poor. It makes getting a partner hard.

None of the above Suzy. But I’m thinking your a skinny pre op with thick glasses and because of the puberty blockers, a micro dick.

I nailed it, right?
None of the above Suzy. But I’m thinking your a skinny pre op with thick glasses and because of the puberty blockers, a micro dick.

I nailed it, right?
You guys have some seriously disturbing sexual fixations.
Yeah, liking the opposite sex is disturbing these days.
I'm just talking about your preoccupation with what other people do sexually. You claim it's all about children - classic political cover - but you're not fooling anyone. You want to control what other people do via government. Standard authoritarian statism.
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