Florida revokes liquor license of hotel that put on a sexually explicit show with kids present

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It seems both sides can at least agree on one thing: government should be making the call, in all things. All hail the ubiquitous state!
Wife and I were in Paris with my 17 and 11 year old pre pandemic. Received tix to a cabaret show from hotel. Went and found out from the waiter there was topless dancing in it. Not a prude but who wants to be looking at boobs around their kids?

So get this.. you ready? We simply left. Bam! Problem solved.
Wife and I were in Paris with my 17 and 11 year old pre pandemic. Received tix to a cabaret show from hotel. Went and found out from the waiter there was topless dancing in it. Not a prude but who wants to be looking at boobs around their kids?

So get this.. you ready? We simply left. Bam! Problem solved.


The states elected officials have every right to tell businesses they must limit children from
offensive content. WE ELECTED THEM.

So the arrests were false as well? Are you saying the Boy Scout leaders and the Catholic priests didn't abuse the children?????

This is how stupid you are. Going after drag queens and letting child abusers go free.
The problem with the church and religion in general is it hates freedom and is used as a tool of force to destroy peoples freedom. There's a reason that the rich and the church stood together against the little guy in history.
The freedom loving way of dealing with these perverts would be for freedom loving protective adults drag the drag queens shaking their junk in front of children out into the streets and hanging them by their thumbs. Anyone who objects is an authoritarian Nazi .

The perverts are, of course, correct. Allow them drag shows this year and next year it's live sex shows with adult men and ten year old boys. Perversion only grows and spreads.
The freedom loving way of dealing with these perverts would be for freedom loving protective adults drag the drag queens shaking their junk in front of children out into the streets and hanging them by their thumbs. Anyone who objects is an authoritarian Nazi .

The perverts are, of course, correct. Allow them drag shows this year and next year it's live sex shows with adult men and ten year old boys. Perversion only grows and spreads.

Don’t they want government out of this? I don’t think they realize what they’re saying.
Does your INCEL self actually have kids? I'd bet a whole lot that you dont.
I have 2 kids and 3 grandkids which of course is none of your business. And if my daughter EVER took her kids to such a show I would lay into her. As for Gays and transgender as long as they keep their sexual perversions to themselves and behind closed doors, I have no problem with them. I say the same thing about heterosexual sex too. Keep it out of our face and behind closed doors.
I bought cigarettes for my dad at Cumberland farms or wawa, or 7/11 when a child...back then no one cared or thought they were unhealthy....it was more of a fad....he quit smoking at 65, and is now 91, no problem from 50 + years of smoking alleged cancer sticks, praise the Lord!

This Christmas Drag Show, played at the performing arts center in Broward county and a Miami Theatre and an Arts Center in Tampa, and this Hyatt Hotel....DeSantis threatened to take their liquor licences away also, even though these theaters gave warning.... they told customers it was an adult venue with under age children allowed in with adult/parents only.....

Jebus Ray....why do republicans like to control other people and force them to think and be just like them? For goodness sake! First you want to force pregnancy, even if it kills or mangles the mother.... Then you want to force your opinion of peachy keen slavery on to white and black kids, then you won't let kids take a college course for credit that is about black history from a black persons perspective because it doesn't match up with yours....Stop already!

What is wrong with you guys?
You know you’re showing yourself to be just another degenerate defending this shit. What’s wrong with YOU? Leave the kids alone. What part of that is too much for you and your fellow leftards to understand?
I have 2 kids and 3 grandkids which of course is none of your business. And if my daughter EVER took her kids to such a show I would lay into her. As for Gays and transgender as long as they keep their sexual perversions to themselves and behind closed doors, I have no problem with them. I say the same thing about heterosexual sex too. Keep it out of our face and behind closed doors.
Now you get it. That is exactly how it’s supposed to work. If someone takes their kids to an objectionable show.. it ain’t the shows fault and the person who should handle it is the parents not the state. We agree!
Now you get it. That is exactly how it’s supposed to work. If someone takes their kids to an objectionable show.. it ain’t the shows fault and the person who should handle it is the parents not the state. We agree!
No the law makes certain things illegal and sex shows with minors present is an acceptable regulation to bar minors.
Perverts certainly do not want government to tell them that parents who do not want their children marinated in degeneracy will be protected. What they do want is for the full force of the government brought to stop any interested adult from standing between perverts and their victims.
Perverts certainly do not want government to tell them that parents who do not want their children marinated in degeneracy will be protected. What they do want is for the full force of the government brought to stop any interested adult from standing between perverts and their victims.

All this talk about us needed government to run interference on our behalf is childish. They are the ones wanting the government to protect their fetishes. We are certainly capable of handling this on our own.
Report away, douchebag. I've not attacked anyone's family members. Pull your head out.
Honestly, you have been course with me, and that’s fine, I’ve got, as they say, a rather big pair. But I’ve not felt you’ve attacked my family.
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