Florida revokes liquor license of hotel that put on a sexually explicit show with kids present

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during the growth of the nazis, there were different factions. One was lead by Otto Strasser, and was the socialism you refer to.

Hilter opposed it, and leaded a different faction. The strasser faction was defeated in 1926, and the strassers were expelled in 1930 and went undergound. Hitler was a capitalist, but a german national capitalist. The nazi name was orignally made to appeal to the working class.
Hitler is quoted saying "We are socialists".
There are drag shows that are adult themed that aren't in any way intended to groom children. I would agree that they're still probably unsuitable for young audiences, but then again, so are movies on HBO and Cinemax and they aren't threatening to censor that - at least not yet.

This legal action looks like a political stunt. In most jurisdictions I know of it's a crime to show obscene material to children, and people can go to jail for it. If it was really obscene or lewd, then there should have been a criminal complaint, not a symbolic revocation of a venue's liquor license - especially when they're not even alleging they sold alcohol to underage attendees. It just doesn't pass the bullshit test, regardless of whatever anyone thinks of drag queens in front of minors.

I'm sure the state has better things to do than to judge what is lewd or obscene behavior. That's why there is this law. No children allowed in anyplace having weirdos perform and that's it. All bases are covered that way.

The job of a representative is to represent the views of the people. Apparently DeSantis is doing just that based on his popularity in that state and country alike. If the Democrats don't like it, move to California. I understand U-Haul rates for truck are cheap going there since everybody is moving out of the state and nobody is moving back in. U-Haul would love it too since there is a drastic shortage of trucks for more people trying to get the hell out of there.
I'm sure the state has better things to do than to judge what is lewd or obscene behavior.

That's right, dumbass, and normally a local DA would take care of something like that. Someone calls the police. The police gather evidence and turn it over to the DA in the form of a criminal complaint, and then the local DA weighs whether or not there's enough evidence to prosecute and convict. In this case, there wasn't. So...shut down the liquor license of the venue that probably hosts several different events on any given day?

That's why there is this law. No children allowed in anyplace having weirdos perform and that's it. All bases are covered that way.

The job of a representative is to represent the views of the people. Apparently DeSantis is doing just that based on his popularity in that state and country alike. If the Democrats don't like it, move to California. I understand U-Haul rates for truck are cheap going there since everybody is moving out of the state and nobody is moving back in. U-Haul would love it too since there is a drastic shortage of trucks for more people trying to get the hell out of there.

DeSantis is trying to augment his manhood. It won't work though because he has no spine. He can only bully people who are vulnerable.
That's right, dumbass, and normally a local DA would take care of something like that. Someone calls the police. The police gather evidence and turn it over to the DA in the form of a criminal complaint, and then the local DA weighs whether or not there's enough evidence to prosecute and convict. In this case, there wasn't. So...shut down the liquor license of the venue that probably hosts several different events on any given day?

DeSantis is trying to augment his manhood. It won't work though because he has no spine. He can only bully people who are vulnerable.

DeSantis is ruling based on normalcy. If up to you leftists, our country would look like a giant freak show. The left are for weirdos, freaks, and people who can't even provide a definition of a woman.

For the longest time I've supported dividing our nation into two countries instead: one for the left and the other for the right. Freaks, weirdos and normal people simply can't live together. We've drifted too far apart and will never come back again, and this topic is a perfect example. Others are topics like the lying Don't Say Gay Bill (even though nobody can find the word "gay" in the law) and the law that permits motorists to drive through any crowd trying to block the roads in protests.

Again, too far apart. It's time to split up once and for all.
I wonder if '80s hair metal rock gods would qualify for the drag race. The kids are brought to the shows by their parents. It's really just entertainment after all.

It's like, aw Hell; we caint pick on queers anymore, what else is there? Most drag Queens are straight men. It's just a different clown suit.

We’re they claiming to be women?

You are really confused.
DeSantis is ruling based on normalcy.

Pfff, bwahahahahaha

If up to you leftists, our country would look like a giant freak show.

A freak show ain't an insurrection at least.

The left are for weirdos, freaks, and people who can't even provide a definition of a woman.

Awwww, what's the matter -insecure about the size of your wing wang?

For the longest time I've supported dividing our nation into two countries instead: one for the left and the other for the right. Freaks, weirdos and normal people simply can't live together. We've drifted too far apart and will never come back again, and this topic is a perfect example. Others are topics like the lying Don't Say Gay Bill (even though nobody can find the word "gay" in the law) and the law that permits motorists to drive through any crowd trying to block the roads in protests.

Again, too far apart. It's time to split up once and for all.

Whatever, toots.
You know you’re showing yourself to be just another degenerate defending this shit. What’s wrong with YOU? Leave the kids alone. What part of that is too much for you and your fellow leftards to understand?
Stop lying and exaggerating about everything.... The problem resides there....
DeSantis is ruling based on normalcy.

DeSantis is a spineless prick.

If up to you leftists, our country would look like a giant freak show.

Maybe it would. What the hell, why not make it a little more interesting, lol?

For the longest time I've supported dividing our nation into two countries instead: one for the left and the other for the right. Freaks, weirdos and normal people simply can't live together. We've drifted too far apart and will never come back again, and this topic is a perfect example. Others are topics like the lying Don't Say Gay Bill (even though nobody can find the word "gay" in the law) and the law that permits motorists to drive through any crowd trying to block the roads in protests.

Again, too far apart. It's time to split up once and for all.

You all tried that once. Didn't work.
Drag shows degrade womens roles in our society. No exaggeration
Did the service guys in world war two, performing in drag on stage for their military buddies degrade women?

Why would men performing in drag degrade women? We are stronger about our own identities than it seems you think we are....?

These people have been around forever and a day....they were just ignored if their behavior or wig bothered you...

You guys constantly berating them and bringing them front and center in your political games is only glorifying them or normalizing them by constantly putting them in the spotlight.... Imo.

I don't think parents should bring their young children to any skit that is sexual in nature, straight or drag... Most all parents would not, but some silly brain dead one, may....?

As far as parents and teen children, I likely wouldn't do that either.... But that decision should lie with parents... imo.

Some parents may mess up, and make all kinds of wrong decisions during their child rearing years.....but it's their mistakes to make and learn from.... again...Imo.
Did the service guys in world war two, performing in drag on stage for their military buddies degrade women?

Why would men performing in drag degrade women? We are stronger about our own identities than it seems you think we are....?

These people have been around forever and a day....they were just ignored if their behavior or wig bothered you...

You guys constantly berating them and bringing them front and center in your political games is only glorifying them or normalizing them by constantly putting them in the spotlight.... Imo.

I don't think parents should bring their young children to any skit that is sexual in nature, straight or drag... Most all parents would not, but some silly brain dead one, may....?

As far as parents and teen children, I likely wouldn't do that either.... But that decision should lie with parents... imo.

Some parents may mess up, and make all kinds of wrong decisions during their child rearing years.....but it's their mistakes to make and learn from.... again...Imo.

People used to think black face performances were fun too. Some have progressed past that.

But black folks can, and do make fun of their own race. We are all good with that.

But degrade women at drag shows? Acceptable.

And why? As always. Because gay
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Drag queen paranoia gets the childish responses it deserves. You guys are like little children afraid to look under your bed at night because you're afraid you might find a drag queen there.

Paranoia is you leave me the hell alone and I'll leave you the hell alone? We just don't want to be around you weirdos, that's all. You want to dress up like a sissy, do it at home. There is no reason for you to bug everybody else with it.
Paranoia is you leave me the hell alone and I'll leave you the hell alone? We just don't want to be around you weirdos, that's all. You want to dress up like a sissy, do it at home. There is no reason for you to bug everybody else with it.
I don't want to be around fascist Trumpster goons. Can we get law passed keeping them at home as well? If I can rally a majority vote for such a law, would you accept it?

You probably don't get my point. In a diverse society (which we have, like it or not) the ONLY way to get along is mutual tolerance - live and let live. If we start using the government to enforce societal norms, everyone with an agenda fights passionately to control the process. And the winners won't always be on "your side". If we want to preserve a free society, if we want to save the country, we've got to give up on all the social-engineering, culture-war shitbagging and get back to "liberty and justice for all".
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I don't want to be around fascist Trumpster goons. Can we get law passed keeping them at home as well? If I can rally a majority vote for such a law, would you accept it?

You probably don't get my point. In a diverse society (which we have, like it or not) the ONLY way to get along is mutual tolerance - live and let live. If we start using the government to enforce societal norms, everyone with an agenda fights passionately to control the process. And the winner won't always be your peeps running your agenda. If we want to preserve a free society, if we want to save the country, we've got to give up on all the social-engineering, culture-war shitbagging and get back to "liberty and justice for all".

Sure, let’s focus on equality for all and those ramifications using the broad brush you propose.

The Obergfell ruling on same sex marriage made it clear that “similarly situated” adults must be treated the same.

Using that argument, equal treatment means straight males are “similarly situated” to biological males that identify as women. Correct?
It seems both sides can at least agree on one thing: government should be making the call, in all things. All hail the ubiquitous state!

Haha! Where were you during the mask and vaccine mandates, the business shutdowns, the school closures, and the firings over "covid non-compliance"?
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