Florida revokes liquor license of hotel that put on a sexually explicit show with kids present

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This is already the law in nearly every place in America. Kids can't go into strip clubs, adult video stores, legal brothels, or sex shops. This is no different, but for some reason there's a certain segment of gay men who are compelled to perform sexually in front of children, and another segment of leftist adults who support it.
I suggest that if you haven't seen a drag show you should you not comment, because right wing propaganda guess what is total hateful divisive garbage...
We need 49 more Ron Desantis' in this country if we want to keep our kids safe from groomers, pedophiles, and child molesters.

A hotel in Miami is about to lose its liquor license because it hosted a sexually explicit show called a Drag Queen Christmas with children present, a violation of law in Florida.
Bravo, Florida!
I suggest that if you haven't seen a drag show you should you not comment, because right wing propaganda guess what is total hateful divisive garbage...
Stay away from the children is not a big ask. And I have been. They degrade womens role in our society at best.
That works for me. Treat them like strip clubs. No minors, period.

I don't understand the compulsion these drag queens have for performing in front of children.
There have been a lot of very famous movies with people in drag, that a lot of childern have seen,
not even to mention the sex and violence.
Is there any sex or violence in a drag show??
How many parents do take childern to these shows?
Am not sure how you know as fact that drag performers have a compulsion about performing for childern.
I just like to ask questions about things that are made into HUGE deals,
and how much impact these kind of things have on real everyday life?
The pedophiles are making themselves easy to identify.
you people are out of your tiny little brainwashed minds. Every single thing your pundits have said has been totally discredited on the subject AND IN GENERAL.. meanwhile you are totally distracted by total BS while your heroes rob you and the country blind for the greedy idiot lying GOP mega rich, and look to overturn elections. Go back to Russia with your orange oligarch....
That works for me. Treat them like strip clubs. No minors, period.

I don't understand the compulsion these drag queens have for performing in front of children.
These filthy deranged sicko Libtards think transsexuals, drag queens, homosexuality, etc are all "normal behavior" and should be acceptable for our children.

They are really sick in the head.
What journalists do you recommend?
anything but murdoch incorporated and Internet nut jobs.... i'll just say any real newspaper from the start as opposed to your fake GOP newspaper newspapers like the examiner. Or any TV network in the modern world. PBS has the BBC and France 24 and DW the German station. Just change the channel You only have one in the entire world. Ditto news papers. Murdoch owns the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal So its editorial stuff is total garbage now. And that is what you call the echo chamber....
anything but murdoch incorporated and Internet nut jobs.... i'll just say any real newspaper from the start as opposed to your fake GOP newspaper newspapers like the examiner. Or any TV network in the modern world. PBS has the BBC and France 24 and DW the German station. Just change the channel You only have one in the entire world. Ditto news papers. Murdoch owns the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal So its editorial stuff is total garbage now. And that is what you call the echo chamber....
You just proved how stupid you really are.
These filthy deranged sicko Libtards think transsexuals, drag queens, homosexuality, etc are all "normal behavior" and should be acceptable for our children.

They are really sick in the head.
that's exactly what expert psychologists and psychiatrists and scientists say. And they are pedophiles just as often as people like you are, brain washed functional bigot. change the damn channel...
You just proved how stupid you really are.
how so, Super Duper of the greedy idiot GOP rich lying class. Journalists have been spending centuries trying to get the truth, and Fox and Internet nuts are the worst thing that has happened to American politics ever, along with seditionist idiots like you..... thanks for the Democratic landslide of 2024
None of the morons posting on here about saving the children actually have children.

My kids have never accidentally ended up at an inappropriate performance.

Wife and I were in Paris with my 17 and 11 year old pre pandemic. Received tix to a cabaret show from hotel. Went and found out from the waiter there was topless dancing in it. Not a prude but who wants to be looking at boobs around their kids?

So get this.. you ready? We simply left. Bam! Problem solved.
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