Florida revokes liquor license of hotel that put on a sexually explicit show with kids present

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A paedophile is a person who is sexually attracted to young children who have not reached puberty.

Hebephilia is the term used to describe a preferential sexual interest in pubescent (i.e. early adolescent) individuals, rather than adult partners.

Ephebophilia is the primary sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19
So you're saying different levels of pedophilia needs to be okay?
So the arrests were false as well? Are you saying the Boy Scout leaders and the Catholic priests didn't abuse the children?????

This is how stupid you are. Going after drag queens and letting child abusers go free.
I've said many times, all those people should be executed. You agree? Yes or no? If a civil society did that, sexual abuses would end .
So the arrests were false as well? Are you saying the Boy Scout leaders and the Catholic priests didn't abuse the children?????

This is how stupid you are. Going after drag queens and letting child abusers go free.
Did you read the lyrics to the songs?
Next cable tv in your home will be monitored by DeSantis if you have children, and R rated movies can't be viewed with your parents if a teen, and the internet banned from any child under 18 with DeSantis Marshall's hired to jail parents.... :rolleyes:

As long as the adults are given warning, like they would be warned with anything not appropriate for children and unless accompanied by an adult warning, is given by the performing arts center, it really should be up to the parents on whether they believe their under 18 year old could attend with a mature mindset or not. I'm not talking X rated shit or full nudity or sexual acts or anything like that...but other stuff, should be up to parents, not the State, to raise their children.

Parents are responsible for raising their children, NOT THE STATE GOVT.... It's a slippery slope the govt telling parents what they can or can not do when it comes to raising their child.

I wouldn't bring my children if I had any, but some other parent may feel their under 18 year old is mature enough and can handle it.

This whole thing is confusing in Florida.... First it is parents who should have a say in what is taught to their kids in school and shown and stored in school libraries because parents raise their children not teachers and need a say....blah blah blah blah etc....

To now this, where parents have no say in bringing their 16 year old to a show that likely would not even be rated R in a movie theater, and only the State does.... is kinda hypocritical, no?

Where do you leftists get this idea that these kids caught in the show had any parental supervision at all? The OP didn't say that.

If a child goes into the store with his father and asks for a pack of cigarettes, the clerk will refuse to sell it to him. He will say the father can buy the cigarettes but not the boy. That's the law in most if not all states.
Where do you leftists get this idea that these kids caught in the show had any parental supervision at all? The OP didn't say that.

If a child goes into the store with his father and asks for a pack of cigarettes, the clerk will refuse to sell it to him. He will say the father can buy the cigarettes but not the boy. That's the law in most if not all states.
I bought cigarettes for my dad at Cumberland farms or wawa, or 7/11 when a child...back then no one cared or thought they were unhealthy....it was more of a fad....he quit smoking at 65, and is now 91, no problem from 50 + years of smoking alleged cancer sticks, praise the Lord!

This Christmas Drag Show, played at the performing arts center in Broward county and a Miami Theatre and an Arts Center in Tampa, and this Hyatt Hotel....DeSantis threatened to take their liquor licences away also, even though these theaters gave warning.... they told customers it was an adult venue with under age children allowed in with adult/parents only.....

Jebus Ray....why do republicans like to control other people and force them to think and be just like them? For goodness sake! First you want to force pregnancy, even if it kills or mangles the mother.... Then you want to force your opinion of peachy keen slavery on to white and black kids, then you won't let kids take a college course for credit that is about black history from a black persons perspective because it doesn't match up with yours....Stop already!

What is wrong with you guys?
So much ignorance and stupidity in this post.

Drag performers are not "groomers", and drag shows aren't sexual, unless it's for a restricted by age.

For years, I took my kids to these Christmas shows: Every Christmas, Ross and his wife [ballerina Karen Kain], would destroy a well loved children's story with song dance, and men playing some of the women's parts - like the ugly step sisters in Cinderella; the Nurse, in Romeo and Juliet, Aladdin's Mother [a homely woman from Newfoundland].

These delightful shows would be illegal in Florida.

Therin lies another problem. Odds are Jeshua came to be in late summer.
Christamessy is great for end of year "profit" statements. That's all.
The sun will cross the equator shortly. Please input your email for coupons 20%
Organic, gluten free, Esther egg tints that are also UV resistant will be available.
OH. On another note. April 15/midnight. Y'all know the deal.
I bought cigarettes for my dad at Cumberland farms or wawa, or 7/11 when a child...back then no one cared or thought they were unhealthy....it was more of a fad....he quit smoking at 65, and is now 91, no problem from 50 + years of smoking alleged cancer sticks, praise the Lord!

This Christmas Drag Show, played at the performing arts center in Broward county and a Miami Theatre and an Arts Center in Tampa, and this Hyatt Hotel....DeSantis threatened to take their liquor licences away also, even though these theaters gave warning.... they told customers it was an adult venue with under age children allowed in with adult/parents only.....

Jebus Ray....why do republicans like to control other people and force them to think and be just like them? For goodness sake! First you want to force pregnancy, even if it kills or mangles the mother.... Then you want to force your opinion of peachy keen slavery on to white and black kids, then you won't let kids take a college course for credit that is about black history from a black persons perspective because it doesn't match up with yours....Stop already!

What is wrong with you guys?

None of what you said was in the OP so I don't know if there is any truth to that or not. My point about cigarettes is that it's a major thing today and regardless what a parent says, they will not sell a child cigarettes even with the parent there. Hell, they card my 87 year old mother for crying out loud, but apologize saying that's the law and nothing they can do about it. The won't even allow a cashier under the age of 21 sell alcohol or cigarettes to any customer.

Apparently the law in Florida is you can't allow minors into shows with weirdos performing. You either obey the law or you don't. If you don't like the law, then change it. If you don't like the law and can't change it, move the hell out of the state. After all, it's you that told me if I don't like your mail-in ballot laws, don't move to your state.

When you break the law, there is a penalty to pay for it. Why do you object to law and order so much? Why do you object to states rights except when it's your own state and own issue? Tens of thousands of first responders, police officers, men and women serving our military were kicked out of their jobs (or will be) for not taking Dementia's vax. But I bet you have no problem with laws like that.
Anything newer than seven years ago And from a respected source? crimany look at that guy- doesn't doesn't look like any trans person I ever heard of.... why don't you tell us about the lie about the guy in Virginia who supposedly was a trans attacking a girl And it turned out to be her boyfriend kidding around.... gave you a Republican governor in Virginia based on total baloney....

Figure out whom you are talking to before you run your big mouth.

sexually explicit my ****, And these kids went with their parents. it's just like the garbage propaganda that makes you think that girls are being assaulted by men in dresses across the country when in actual fact there hasn't been a single attack of a trans on a girl anywhere ever. they are as dangerous as kittens and no more pedophile than you are on average.... The usual GOP political stunts hate and baloney...

Wait, what? It’s not sexually explicit if a parent is present?

Moron much?
I don't. why are you afraid through pure ignorance? And of course the hate brain wash... it's like the right wing ignoramuses for Brexit, the farther you are from immigrants the more you are misinformed and hate them et cetera et cetera... these parents with kids are not scared. It's not a national threat and it's not Marxism LOL

Wait, just a minute ago you said it can’t be explicit if a parent is present, now this defense?
None of what you said was in the OP so I don't know if there is any truth to that or not. My point about cigarettes is that it's a major thing today and regardless what a parent says, they will not sell a child cigarettes even with the parent there. Hell, they card my 87 year old mother for crying out loud, but apologize saying that's the law and nothing they can do about it. The won't even allow a cashier under the age of 21 sell alcohol or cigarettes to any customer.

Apparently the law in Florida is you can't allow minors into shows with weirdos performing. You either obey the law or you don't. If you don't like the law, then change it. If you don't like the law and can't change it, move the hell out of the state. After all, it's you that told me if I don't like your mail-in ballot laws, don't move to your state.

When you break the law, there is a penalty to pay for it. Why do you object to law and order so much? Why do you object to states rights except when it's your own state and own issue? Tens of thousands of first responders, police officers, men and women serving our military were kicked out of their jobs (or will be) for not taking Dementia's vax. But I bet you have no problem with laws like that.
That penalty should be spelled out in this particular law. What is the penalty attached? A fine for a first time offense, A week or month closure for the second??! Or the penalty varies by whom DeSantis hates most?

Or can DeSantis choose to do anything he wants that he can find to punish them?

What happened in that show that a 16 year old with parent couldn't see?

17 year olds are allowed in to R rated movies for goodness sake, with actors naked and F-ING ON THE SCREEN, without parental supervision?

I have no problems with following laws in place, with defined penalties upfront....

I do have problems singling out a group of RuPaul actors who likely do no more than scanty straight actors, on the stage.... And DeSantis making it all for political showmanship... Since when is a governor the head law enforcement officer and getting involved in every little crime and not working on State problems that are huge problems?


Not letting parents make this decision for their older teen daughter kind of thing...
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That penalty should be spelled out in this particular law. What is the penalty attached? A fine for a first time offense, A week or month closure for the second??! Or the penalty varies by whom DeSantis hates most?

Or can DeSantis choose to do anything he wants that he can find to punish them?

What happened in that show that a 16 year old with parent couldn't see?

17 year olds are allowed in to R rated movies for goodness sake, with actors naked and F-ING ON THE SCREEN, without parental supervision?

I have no problems with following laws in place, with defined penalties upfront....

I do have problems singling out a group of RuPaul actors who likely do no more than scanty straight actors, on the stage.... And DeSantis making it all for political showmanship... Since when is a governor the head law enforcement officer and getting involved in every little crime and not working on State problems that are huge problems?

I bought cigarettes for my dad at Cumberland farms or wawa, or 7/11 when a child...back then no one cared or thought they were unhealthy....it was more of a fad....he quit smoking at 65, and is now 91, no problem from 50 + years of smoking alleged cancer sticks, praise the Lord!

This Christmas Drag Show, played at the performing arts center in Broward county and a Miami Theatre and an Arts Center in Tampa, and this Hyatt Hotel....DeSantis threatened to take their liquor licences away also, even though these theaters gave warning.... they told customers it was an adult venue with under age children allowed in with adult/parents only.....

Jebus Ray....why do republicans like to control other people and force them to think and be just like them? For goodness sake! First you want to force pregnancy, even if it kills or mangles the mother.... Then you want to force your opinion of peachy keen slavery on to white and black kids, then you won't let kids take a college course for credit that is about black history from a black persons perspective because it doesn't match up with yours....Stop already!

What is wrong with you guys?

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