Florida revokes liquor license of hotel that put on a sexually explicit show with kids present

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We need 49 more Ron Desantis' in this country if we want to keep our kids safe from groomers, pedophiles, and child molesters.

Hit them where it hurts. You groom kids? Say bye-bye to your liquor license, business license, or occupancy permit.

A hotel in Miami is about to lose its liquor license because it hosted a sexually explicit show called a Drag Queen Christmas with children present, a violation of law in Florida.

Freedom of speech.

They don't know how to give it a rest.

They must win, by any means necessary. This is what happens to a child when you never tell it, "No".

They will squeal like little piglets as long as there's a breath in them. Think of that child in WalMart which squeals until it gets the candy bar, because it knows it can.

Anything newer than seven years ago And from a respected source? crimany look at that guy- doesn't doesn't look like any trans person I ever heard of.... why don't you tell us about the lie about the guy in Virginia who supposedly was a trans attacking a girl And it turned out to be her boyfriend kidding around.... gave you a Republican governor in Virginia based on total baloney....
Anything newer than seven years ago And from a respected source? crimany look at that guy- doesn't doesn't look like any trans person I ever heard of.... why don't you tell us about the lie about the guy in Virginia who supposedly was a trans attacking a girl And it turned out to be her boyfriend kidding around.... gave you a Republican governor in Virginia based on total baloney....

You're bending over backwards to defend this shit

Everyone take notes
Anything newer than seven years ago And from a respected source? crimany look at that guy- doesn't doesn't look like any trans person I ever heard of.... why don't you tell us about the lie about the guy in Virginia who supposedly was a trans attacking a girl And it turned out to be her boyfriend kidding around.... gave you a Republican governor in Virginia based on total baloney....
Why do you support sexualizing children?
Why do you support sexualizing children?
I don't. why are you afraid through pure ignorance? And of course the hate brain wash... it's like the right wing ignoramuses for Brexit, the farther you are from immigrants the more you are misinformed and hate them et cetera et cetera... these parents with kids are not scared. It's not a national threat and it's not Marxism LOL
We need 49 more Ron Desantis' in this country if we want to keep our kids safe from groomers, pedophiles, and child molesters.

Hit them where it hurts. You groom kids? Say bye-bye to your liquor license, business license, or occupancy permit.

A hotel in Miami is about to lose its liquor license because it hosted a sexually explicit show called a Drag Queen Christmas with children present, a violation of law in Florida.

The parents and those in charge of security who allwed the kids in should be arrested.
Pedophiles should be executed, leave children under 18 alone.


A paedophile is a person who is sexually attracted to young children who have not reached puberty.

Hebephilia is the term used to describe a preferential sexual interest in pubescent (i.e. early adolescent) individuals, rather than adult partners.

Ephebophilia is the primary sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19
We need 49 more Ron Desantis' in this country if we want to keep our kids safe from groomers, pedophiles, and child molesters.
A hotel in Miami is about to lose its liquor license because it hosted a sexually explicit show called a Drag Queen Christmas with children present, a violation of law in Florida.

How comforting to know that next year Trump will be running again, but that if he somehow fails that there is Ron in the wings who might run too as a fallback and what a good fallback he is.
Next cable tv in your home will be monitored by DeSantis if you have children, and R rated movies can't be viewed with your parents if a teen, and the internet banned from any child under 18 with DeSantis Marshall's hired to jail parents.... :rolleyes:

As long as the adults are given warning, like they would be warned with anything not appropriate for children and unless accompanied by an adult warning, is given by the performing arts center, it really should be up to the parents on whether they believe their under 18 year old could attend with a mature mindset or not. I'm not talking X rated shit or full nudity or sexual acts or anything like that...but other stuff, should be up to parents, not the State, to raise their children.

Parents are responsible for raising their children, NOT THE STATE GOVT.... It's a slippery slope the govt telling parents what they can or can not do when it comes to raising their child.

I wouldn't bring my children if I had any, but some other parent may feel their under 18 year old is mature enough and can handle it.

This whole thing is confusing in Florida.... First it is parents who should have a say in what is taught to their kids in school and shown and stored in school libraries because parents raise their children not teachers and need a say....blah blah blah blah etc....

To now this, where parents have no say in bringing their 16 year old to a show that likely would not even be rated R in a movie theater, and only the State does.... is kinda hypocritical, no?
I don't. why are you afraid through pure ignorance? And of course the hate brain wash... it's like the right wing ignoramuses for Brexit, the farther you are from immigrants the more you are misinformed and hate them et cetera et cetera... these parents with kids are not scared. It's not a national threat and it's not Marxism LOL
Yes, you do support sexualizing children. You're a liar.
I never said they all were. Some may be. Some probably not, as just see themselves as entertainers. For those that may be "Just an entertainer", I can see where they would want as many tickets sold as possible. Still, this kind of performance is not a good influence on kids, and usually not in compliance with community standards, some are downright indecent. So, taking kids is and will be in most places regarded as a non-starter, just as it was here in Jackson. Mind you, I wasn't going, and did not go to the public meeting or give views. I did and do agree with the outcome, as my standards and standards of the "not that political" community I live in are in sync. If that is ignorance, don't move here. You probably would not enjoy living here. I raise 3 kids and they are fine, not traumatized by lack of going to drag shows, at least before they were over 18 and not living at home anymore, due to college work or both, actually. When yours are in their mid 30s, let us know if all your decisions, guidance and restrictions while they grew up, were correct and effective. Mine turned out pretty good.

This was a family event at a big chain hotel, not a drag show at Le Cage.

I googled drag queens arrested for child sex abuse and I got one hit - a drag queen in Great Britain was arrested for possession of kiddie porn. Not one case of child sexual abuse by drag queens.

Then I did the same search for Boy Scouts. 92,000 children filed claims of child sex abuse filed.

Then there's the Catholic Church

Why aren't these groups being legislated against????
This was a family event at a big chain hotel, not a drag show at Le Cage.
I googled drag queens arrested for child sex abuse and I got one hit - a drag queen in Great Britain was arrested for possession of kiddie porn. Not one case of child sexual abuse by drag queens.
Then I did the same search for Boy Scouts. 92,000 children filed claims of child sex abuse filed.
Then there's the Catholic Church

Why aren't these groups being legislated against????

Of course the ambulance chasers are going to go after the Boy Scouts and the Catholic Church.
This was a family event at a big chain hotel, not a drag show at Le Cage.

I googled drag queens arrested for child sex abuse and I got one hit - a drag queen in Great Britain was arrested for possession of kiddie porn. Not one case of child sexual abuse by drag queens.

Then I did the same search for Boy Scouts. 92,000 children filed claims of child sex abuse filed.

Then there's the Catholic Church

Why aren't these groups being legislated against????

Did you read the lyrics to the songs?
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