Florida revokes liquor license of hotel that put on a sexually explicit show with kids present

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Wow. Do you know how stupid and degenerate you are showing yourself to be right now? Stay away from kids and quit trying to force this crap on them. Period.
Let's leave your fantasies out of it.

Listen closely: if you give this kind of power to the government when your side is in power, what will the other side do with it when the pendulum swings the other way? Mandatory "equal time" for the gender alphabet soup? "Woke clauses" in all business licenses?

Wake up. Pun intended.
Let's leave your fantasies out of it.

Listen closely: if you give this kind of power to the government when your side is in power, what will the other side do with it when the pendulum swings the other way? Mandatory "equal time" for the gender alphabet soup? "Woke clauses" in all business licenses?

Wake up. Pun intended.
Hey retard, YOU are the one defending this shit, not me, Ray, Sassy or any other conservative. So shove that lie right back into the orifice you pulled it from. No, YOU can stay woke and disgusting. Stay away from the kids. Period.
Having laws prohibiting a business that's putting on adult content entertainment from letting children participate is authoritarianism?

I worked in a bar many years ago and I had to show a snotty Canadian woman our license where it clearly states no minors on premises, when she demanded that she be allowed to bring a child on the premises. That was right before I called the law and had them drag her pushy ass out.

And thus has it always been.

That works for me. Treat them like strip clubs. No minors, period.

I don't understand the compulsion these drag queens have for performing in front of children.
sexually explicit my ****, And these kids went with their parents. it's just like the garbage propaganda that makes you think that girls are being assaulted by men in dresses across the country when in actual fact there hasn't been a single attack of a trans on a girl anywhere ever. they are as dangerous as kittens and no more pedophile than you are on average.... The usual GOP political stunts hate and baloney...
sexually explicit my ****, And these kids went with their parents. it's just like the garbage propaganda that makes you think that girls are being assaulted by men in dresses across the country when in actual fact there hasn't been a single attack of a trans on a girl anywhere ever. they are as dangerous as kittens and no more pedophile than you are on average.... The usual GOP political stunts hate and baloney...


sexually explicit my ****, And these kids went with their parents. it's just like the garbage propaganda that makes you think that girls are being assaulted by men in dresses across the country when in actual fact there hasn't been a single attack of a trans on a girl anywhere ever. they are as dangerous as kittens and no more pedophile than you are on average.... The usual GOP political stunts hate and baloney...

How do you know they went with their parents?

My parents used to get together with other family members to attend polka dances. We kids went along of course. Nothing much to do but explore what the hotels had to offer. If they had a swimming pool we were there. If they had a game room, that's where we hung out if our parents gave us any money to play games. Not much to do for a kid since there wasn't even cable television back then.

So if there was weirdos performing inside a bar, we probably would have went there too not knowing any better as long as they let us in.
To add to Sassy’s takedown of your blatant lie...

Good, I'm glad they pulled their license, maybe these woke-ass establishments will think twice about it going forward.
so you hate Drag and gays and Asians and blacks and Jews- anybody else?
these guys don't seem to be transgender really, just perverted men who dress up just to get in there and attack them. these are seven years old, perhaps there has been some change like drugs to be taken when you're serious about transgendering.... I would certainly feel better if there were real journalists reporting these things, not fox or south Carolina Local LOL seven years ago..... that's a long time ago in the trans situation.
so you hate Drag and gays and Asians and blacks and Jews- anybody else?

these guys don't seem to be transgender really, just perverted men who dress up just to get in there and attack them. these are seven years old, perhaps there has been some change like drugs to be taken when you're serious about transgendering.... I would certainly feel better if there were real journalists reporting these things, not fox or south Carolina Local LOL seven years ago..... that's a long time ago in the trans situation.

Give it a rest. You lied and got caught
Give it a rest. You lied and got caught

They don't know how to give it a rest.

They must win, by any means necessary. This is what happens to a child when you never tell it, "No".

They will squeal like little piglets as long as there's a breath in them. Think of that child in WalMart which squeals until it gets the candy bar, because it knows it can.

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