Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

Shocked to see that you agree with such things
I'm not. The mandates were a big power push. The vaccinated were no different than the unvaxed and yet the left wanted everyone vaccinated and threatened livelihoods. Vaxxed or unvaxxed, you could get Covid, vaxxed or unvaxxed you could spread covid. The unvaxxed got sicker but everyone should of had a choice and still should. Anywhere with masks, required, I won't go. Anywhere where vaccines are required, I won't go, I could but I choose not to give out my personal information.
LOL wait until Florida has to start paying for all the Disney infrastructure. They will rue the day they went down this road. That is why they did this to begin with---to avoid those costs by making Disney pay them out of pocket themselves.
Or not pay for shit but just collect more taxes from the sonofabitches.

Fuck Disney.

First, I am in complete agreement with the legislation which keeps teachers from talking to young kids about sexual identity issues. That shouldn't happen.

I don't know how comfortable I am with the State punishing Disney for their opposition to that legislation, though. Unless there's something in Disney's current agreements with the State which would allow them to ignore that legislation (and I don't think there is), I just don't see the reason to punish them.

I'll admit to not being fully versed on this issue so, if I'm missing something, please tell me. But I just think it's wrong to punish someone simply because they have a different opinion...
If it Disney holding an opinion, I would agree with you. However, Disney has been using their corporate power in opposition, bowing down to the woke crowd, when they should simply stay out of the fight. If they are going to get in the fight, they are going to get fought by the other side. Such is the nature of politics.
Going to be fun the watch the two counties try and come up with the equipment and personnel to provide fire and police service to all 25,000 acres by next year
Now that they are no longer self administering, does that mean that the county or city has to hire the police and fire personnel and pay them? Why do I get the feeling it's going to cost the government more than the extra tax revenue?
The County will just assess more taxes.

Democrats run Orlando and Orange County. Like all Democrats they believe in big taxation and big spending. They will look at Disney as a source of revenue.

Disney fucked themselves with that sorry ass Hollywood queer woke shit. DeSantis did the right thing. That will teach the sonofabitches to not bring their sorry ass California queer ass kissing to Florida.
Or not pay for shit but just collect more taxes from the sonofabitches.

Fuck Disney.
So when there is a crime or a fire on the property, who responds? Not Disney, because they are no longer allowed to hire cops and a fire department.
That can be said for so much today, not just with DeSantis.
Dissent is punished, just look at the social media we have
There is a huge difference between the government stifling dissent and a private company doing so.

One is protected by the Constitution...the other not so much.

Guess which is which
So when there is a crime or a fire on the property, who responds? Not Disney, because they are no longer allowed to hire cops and a fire department.

As I said above....Going to be fun the watch the two counties try and come up with the equipment and personnel to provide fire and police service to all 25,000 acres by next year

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