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Florida Senators Totally Triggered The Gays By Telling Them The Truth

Lol my thought exactly. That sort of crap would’ve never crossed my mind at that age. Unless I was TAUGHT it.

It's exactly like I said.

No preadolescent child is ever going to manifest any interest in any depraved sexual perversions, such as homosexuality, transsexuality, or whatever, unless some sick fuck like TheOppressiveFaggot is putting that shit in the child's head.

Any anyone who would fuck with a young child in such a manner is someone who needs to be permanently removed from free society. Preferably put to death.
It's exactly like I said.

No preadolescent child is ever going to manifest any interest in any depraved sexual perversions, such as homosexuality, transsexuality, or whatever, unless some sick fuck like TheOppressiveFaggot is putting that shit in the child's head.

Any anyone who would fuck with a young child in such a manner is someone who needs to be permanently removed from free society. Preferably put to death.
You’re right. Life is still so new for them at that age. They’re trying to figure things out like riding a bike, learning to count and write, (in my case) cooking, gardening, and doing chores. If there is a child who truly thinks much on these things without it being taught them, they are not being kept busy enough.

I’ve taken care of lots of children and they’re so much happier if they are kept busy.
Quoted from Kqed.com

UCSF’s Diane Ehrensaft, one of the leading proponents of socially transitioning transgender children, believes there is no minimum age, really, to pursue such a change.'For all of these interventions, our model is stages not ages,” she said. 'When a child is at the place in their life that they can get themselves in focus, help us see them, and are clear, consistent, and stable in both their representation of themselves, and also can express their desires of how they want to live their gender, that's the age.'We have seen some kids as young as two whose parents are bringing them in because they're beginning to say, ‘Me not boy. Me girl.’ Social transition can happen as soon as a child has language or the ability to communicate to us who they are.'
Yeah. This is SICK shit. This woman should be strung up by her lying nipples.

TWO years old? This woman is a child abuser. She should be behind bars.

This is not advocacy, it's murder !

The fact that my generation is 20% lgbtq says something to me about bad parenting and indoctrination in schools. These kids needed kept busy and taught real life skills and DISCIPLINE.
OK. I'll share. I do not have biological children. However, I have step children and step grand children as well as nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews. They range in age from pre teens to teens to young adults and older. We are a family that talks about things and issues including things involving gay and transgender people,, usually initiated by the younger people.

Two of these young people, both 18 and in college were at our house on Sunday. They are very aware of these issues and have been at least since high school. They know gay and trans kids and have no problem with them. They agree with me -that we should be accepting and supportive of them. It is not a taboo subject and in fact it is just part of the social landscape.

No one indoctrinated them or pushed anything on them. They are just living life in an environment where these things are actually normal. They represent a new breed, and more evolved and accepting type of person than you people never can be. They understand that there is nothing to freak out about and that gays and trans people are no threat to anyone, and that they should have the same rights as everyone else.. For them it is just another subject- another aspect of their reality. At the same time, there is no indication that they were ever steered or "groomed" to be anything other than who they are

Lastly, I will add that their parents are moderately conservative and religious, but not controlling or extreme .These young ladies were allowed to grow and develop as they have without being steered in any particular direction in terms of their gender identity or sexual orientation and they both appear to be comfortable as heterosexual women. ( as far as I can tell)

They are who they are, not because they were shamed or brainwashed, but simply because that is who they are. Their strength is that they understand that there is not just one way of being normal and do not judge others for their differences. The day will come when people like them will prevail and there will be no one left who can understand the hysteria about the subject that is all too prevalent today
Okay. Sounds good.

But ... teenagers. Not 3 year olds. Right?

EVERY child goes through phases and stages of sexual development.

It is absolutely WRONG and highly unscientific to take a snapshot of a child - ANY child - at age 3 and say "look, she's transgender". I'll bet you ten thousand million dollars that whoever said that was NOT an MD and did NOT have a medical degree. Probably one of these dumbass clueless social workers who passed for a psychologist. Unlike my wife who has an actual MD on her wall and works daily with troubled teens.
Are you so stupid as to not understand the difference between being taught about transgender people as a way to instill acceptance and respect for others, as opposed to being taught about HOW TO BR transgender.?
This is a FALSE claim.

That's not at all what happens in these classrooms.

What happens in these classrooms, is the "teacher" tears down the American flag and replaced it with the Gay Pride flag, and forced the kids to pledge allegiance. Brainwash much?
It's exactly like I said.

No preadolescent child is ever going to manifest any interest in any depraved sexual perversions, such as homosexuality, transsexuality, or whatever, unless some sick fuck like TheOppressiveFaggot is putting that shit in the child's head.

Any anyone who would fuck with a young child in such a manner is someone who needs to be permanently removed from free society. Preferably put to death.
Death is a step too far.

That's what we're trying to prevent. Suicides, and homicides

Trans gender suicide is a TRAGEDY.

I mean, these liberals are truly nuts. The idea that transgender individuals can be seamlessly integrated into society is unrealistic. It's already difficult for "plain old gays", it's a bloody nightmare for transgenders. Trying to claim transgenderism is socially normal is like trying to import Syrian Muslims into Germany. The integrability is highly questionable.

Just so you know you're not dealing with a complete ignoramus, I used to work briefly in the laboratory of a scientist named Simon LeVay. Know who he is?
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The fact that my generation is 20% lgbtq says something to me about bad parenting and indoctrination in schools. These kids needed kept busy and taught real life skills and DISCIPLINE.

There's no such thing as 20% of society being gay. That doesn't happen.

The biological numbers peak at about 12%, there's only one exception in nature which is bonobo monkeys.

In humans the numbers are in the 6% range, give or take. And it doesn't vary, by generation or by year.

People HAVE tried to make a distinction between "true biologicals" and "acquired", but the biology is way to complex to really know in humans.
Conservatives aren't even bothering to hide their bigotry and hate.
This kind of assholiness is counterproductive.

Trans individuals need a SUPPORT STRUCTURE, just like alcoholics and people who've suffered a stroke.

PP touched on it in the post about family. That's what was being described. A support structure. Social support. It usually begins with family or close friends, and the idea is to "grow it" by networking.

But that's something different from dropping a bomb in a childrens' classroom. The latter thing is indoctrination, plain and simple.
Yeah. This is SICK shit. This woman should be strung up by her lying nipples.

TWO years old? This woman is a child abuser. She should be behind bars.

This is not advocacy, it's murder !

This is run of the mill stuff in the Netherlands/Belgium and a couple other countries. Of course, these are the same countries that wanted open drug use as a SOLE solution to the "war on drugs".. Some folks are just slow learners and have to TOUCH the stove to learn.

Much like the slow learners here with such brainfarts as Defund the Police..

There's no such thing as 20% of society being gay. That doesn't happen.

The biological numbers peak at about 12%, there's only one exception in nature which is bonobo monkeys.

In humans the numbers are in the 6% range, give or take. And it doesn't vary, by generation or by year.

People HAVE tried to make a distinction between "true biologicals" and "acquired", but the biology is way to complex to really know in humans.
So are you saying people who truly have gender dysphoria and are biologically gay are in and about 6%? Cuz I’ve been trying to find numbers on the percentage of people with a true mental illness and not just “acquired taste”.
So are you saying people who truly have gender dysphoria and are biologically gay are in and about 6%? Cuz I’ve been trying to find numbers on the percentage of people with a true mental illness and not just “acquired taste”.

It's not mental illness, it's a choice. The "tell" is the "B" in LGBT. BIsexuals could make a constant choice every month about "partnering up". They are NOT disposed to preferring one cisgender over the other. MAYBE for awhile, but they wouldn't DECLARE as "bi" if they weren't OPEN to choice.
So are you saying people who truly have gender dysphoria and are biologically gay are in and about 6%? Cuz I’ve been trying to find numbers on the percentage of people with a true mental illness and not just “acquired taste”.

It does not have to be "mental illness".
The physical genitals can be wrong.
Damaged chromosomes, pesticide poisoning, or lots of things can cause the genitals to not match the DNA.
It's not mental illness, it's a choice. The "tell" is the "B" in LGBT. BIsexuals could make a constant choice every month about "partnering up". They are NOT disposed to preferring one cisgender over the other. MAYBE for awhile, but they wouldn't DECLARE as "bi" if they weren't OPEN to choice.

No one has a "choice".
It is all chemistry.
Depends on testosterone or estrogen.
Nothing else.
The only problem is the genitalia and mental gender orientation of puberty are 13 years apart, so can be not aligned.
It's not mental illness, it's a choice. The "tell" is the "B" in LGBT. BIsexuals could make a constant choice every month about "partnering up". They are NOT disposed to preferring one cisgender over the other. MAYBE for awhile, but they wouldn't DECLARE as "bi" if they weren't OPEN to choice.
True but I just meant the few who are truly confused as to their gender. Gender dysphoria is a real thing but it’s a small percentage of trans people. Those are the people who would be that way even without indoctrination.

But even then, I don’t support them just being affirmed in their confusion. If I’m suicidal, does a therapist say, “your feelings are right.” Instead they should tell me why I’m needed here and why my desire to hurt myself is wrong.

I heard a detransitioner talking about his experience. He said he was raised in an abusive childhood and was unhappy and confused as he got older. He started dressing like a girl and started hormone therapy. The state he was in didn’t allow surgeries until he was 18. As he got closer to 18 he realized how much he wanted to just be what he was biologically and was so grateful he hadn’t got surgery. He asked his therapist why she never even tried to help him thru his confusion rather than put him thru that crap. She said “we don’t offer that.”
Seek professional help. Or an interior decorator.., :hyper:
You said the magic word. "Help".

That's really what we're talking about here, right?

First, (I will speak only for myself) "I" would like to help transgender individuals, not commit suicide, and feel comfortable in their own skin and around people (even people who don't understand them).

And, PP has expressed an interest in helping children become better human beings. I think we all want that, I certainly do. it's why we send our kids to schools and churches and summer camps, so they can socialize.

I support goal #1, and I support goal #2.

And really, both of those goals should be attainable.

The only thing that says they're somehow antagonistic or mutually exclusive, is the politics. And, I don't "believe" the politics, and I don't "like" the politics.

The politics, is what brings this stuff into the kindergarten classroom.

Teachers, are supposed to be IMPARTIAL. Equal application of the law. When bullying is happening, the teacher will step in because bullying is happening, not because it's being done "to" a black girl or a transgender.

Kids learn THIS: as long as you TREAT people differently, they will be PERCEIVED differently. If you're always bending over backwards to help the transgender kids, all the other kids will learn that transgender kids need special help. And that perception will probably last a lifetime, with a few exceptions.

We "help" trans kids by helping to build a support structure. We "don't" help them by putting them in the spotlight.

"Gender dysphoria" is much like anxiety. Everyone has some, sometime. "Most" little girls are tomboys at some point And, some people have more than others, sometimes it's temporary and manageable and sometimes it's a persistent clinical condition. The incidence of "persistent clinical condition" is VERY rare, less than 1%.

Same with authentic biological mysgender, it's VERY rare. Again considerably less than 1%.

The PROBLEM from a political and parental standpoint, is that authentic biological gender dysphoria gets lumped into the POLITICAL entity called LGBTQ, which includes... y'know... musicians who claim to be "pansexual" which just means they have no boundaries and they'll fuck anything that moves (ie this condition is "non-biological").
Bullshit. Spare me your morality crap. Should in this context means what children should be exposed to in order to facilitate their emotional and social development and well being. It's not my problem that you people can't see beyond the sex or understand the wider issues,

Well, in this context - kids in K-3rd grade - what they should be exposed to regarding sex is NOTHING. Children that age have no need or use for knowledge that sex even exists. It's not OUR problem that you people can't see beyond the sex to understand the wider issues.

People whose children you are desperate to "teach" don't NEED to see beyond the sex, because your agenda starts being evil at that point, and nothing about your "wider issues" makes that different.
Okay. Sounds good.

But ... teenagers. Not 3 year olds. Right?

EVERY child goes through phases and stages of sexual development.

It is absolutely WRONG and highly unscientific to take a snapshot of a child - ANY child - at age 3 and say "look, she's transgender". I'll bet you ten thousand million dollars that whoever said that was NOT an MD and did NOT have a medical degree. Probably one of these dumbass clueless social workers who passed for a psychologist. Unlike my wife who has an actual MD on her wall and works daily with troubled teens.

I can remember all three of my children going through phases where they identified strongly with me, and then with their father, then back to me. (For reference, I have a girl and two boys.) This did not mean they were informing me about their "gender identities"; it means they were exploring and learning who and what they were in the context of their own sex and in relation to the opposite sex. I can't even imagine a poor child today trying to make those mental connections and having their nutty parents trying to take it as a mandate.

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