Florida Student Knocks Out, Pounds Unconscious Teacher Into Floor Over Nintendo Switch

That's kinda what I was asking you. Do you thinks students should be able to attack teachers?
I highly doubt attacking anyone is a good learning environment, even when it was done in basic training in the army.
^^^ Ever notice that Dems resort to silly jokes when there’s no defense for the consequences of their policies?
This is an event that is past tense, you understand what past tense is? I don't have to justify what is history since it already happened. I do suggest everyone learn self-defense to protect themselves. Policy? What policy makes people violent or it is the person themselves who are violent, maybe it was a possession by a demon or a revenge use by God, who knows?!
sooo ya think with anti abortions laws and more bastards born...things will get better...do tell?

the only answer is Zero Tolerance. all problems can be solved. One way or another. only need a plan and the will to implement. Grade school paddlings for starters. Get them straight early….or removed.

Since it seems perfectly fine to only report on whites hurting blacks it should be fine to talk about blacks beating whites.

So some black guy had his Nintendo switch taken away by a female white teacher in class and his answer was to knock her out, continue to beat on her, spit on her and say he would kill her.

Wish our society would remove savages.
Back a few years ago, these events hardly happened because most but not all people were content with their lives. But i warned everyone that when Joe Biteme would be installed as President (By the big steal) that this country would go into 3rd world status and people would be in fear for their lives. Guess what? You dumbass Marxists came through with my prediction. Slap yourselves on the back, and may a 200lb savage beat the shit out of you for voting for Joe Biteme....Karma is a bitch...
The first dude on the scene, the white guy walking up nonchalantly while women are rushing over to help, needs to have his mancard permanently stripped with prejudice & dishonors.
That needs to be burnt in the same pit where he disposed his balls

I'm sure all the MSM will feature this story & ask serious questions like "why is this type thing happening so often now".
Right, they'll say this proves we need "gun control" & it's because of "systemic racism"

Since it seems perfectly fine to only report on whites hurting blacks it should be fine to talk about blacks beating whites.

So some black guy had his Nintendo switch taken away by a female white teacher in class and his answer was to knock her out, continue to beat on her, spit on her and say he would kill her.

Wish our society would remove savages.
Note the anti-American anti-Christian weak response from Beta male Democrats… If that was their mom or their wife who is getting beaten let’s just hope that there was a strong conservative woman to fight back against that large 17 year old male Who was beating the living hell out of that teacher.

We can’t rely on weak men who are Democrats. And more and more male Democrat voters are showing themselves to be weak, also racist to which is all the more interesting.

We will only hear briefly about this from CNN if at all. We will only hear very briefly if at all about the story in the mass media. Tucker Carlson might be the one to talk about it and he’s probably the best journalist we have right now.
This is an event that is past tense, you understand what past tense is? I don't have to justify what is history since it already happened. I do suggest everyone learn self-defense to protect themselves. Policy? What policy makes people violent or it is the person themselves who are violent, maybe it was a possession by a demon or a revenge use by God, who knows?!
Brainwashing kids that blacks are oppressed victims of evil whitey. We really need to cut the crap.

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