Florist Sued for Refusing Service to Gay Couple Pens Defiant Letter Rejecting Gov’t Settlement Offer

So...let's see if I can get a response from you instead of you running away again......If I am a florist and I get an order from you to do a floral arrangement for your wedding......and the address is a Catholic it legal for me to announce that I will not take your order because you are Catholic? How would you respond?

If you are a Muslim Florist you will be immune from any requirement to offer flowers to the Crusaders. Didn't you listen the prayer breakfast speech by fuckwad Obama?

So...let's see if I can get a response from you instead of you running away again......If I am a florist and I get an order from you to do a floral arrangement for your wedding......and the address is a Catholic it legal for me to announce that I will not take your order because you are Catholic? How would you respond?

I don't run away, I have children that are far more important than your whiny demands. With that said, I've already addressed this somewhere, I could care less if you were a florist that didn't want to deliver to a Catholic church, I'd simply find a florist that would instead of whining, gnashing my teeth and filing stupid lawsuits
Even tho what that florist did was against the law? Even tho that florist discriminated against you and all other Catholics? have no backbone.

Your analogy is silly, but then you are silly. If a business doesn't want my business I find one that does. Simple as that.
Even tho what that business did, reject you based on your religion, is illegal? You wouldn't stand up for your faith and the 1st Amendment?

You have no backbone. No wonder you cannot understand people who have one.
Makes you wonder what all her victim whining is about since she would not stand up for herself.

Another one who has gotten herself all confused.

She won't even stand up for her fellow Catholics who might end up illegally discriminated against next.
What is wrong with that?

Why should the government tell you who you have to serve at your lunch counter? Is this Nazi Germany?

My, my, my, you sure have gotten yourself confused. Nazi Germany was all about Whites Only. No homosexuals allowed, either, mein little fuehrer.

Hitler liked the Muslims
He would...he liked the Catholics too. He was one.

Non practicing. The Nazi's belief was the State was the church.
So all those pictures of Catholic Priests giving the Nazi salute don't exist?

And the things Hitler himself said? They don't count?

The Church was on dangerous ground, they risked expulsion from Germany and the Vatican was threatened if they didn't "conform". Hitler had one goal, complete control of Europe, he didn't give a damn who got in the way
This is the exact same debate our country had 60 years ago about WHITE ONLY lunch counters.

What is wrong with that?

Why should the government tell you who you have to serve at your lunch counter? Is this Nazi Germany?
Because of laws.

Laws are sometimes oppressive. The 1964 Civil Rights Act is a great example. It took away freedom from Americans.
There it is again. Fine are in fine company.

Hey, tell us about the day you chose not to be gay. Were you, like, staring at another guy's ass and getting a hardon and then said, "Nah. I think I will be straight instead"? Was it like that?

Tell us.

Tell us about the day you chose not to be a falling down drunk?

Oh wait - did you choose the other way?
My, my, my, you sure have gotten yourself confused. Nazi Germany was all about Whites Only. No homosexuals allowed, either, mein little fuehrer.

Hitler liked the Muslims
He would...he liked the Catholics too. He was one.

Non practicing. The Nazi's belief was the State was the church.
So all those pictures of Catholic Priests giving the Nazi salute don't exist?

And the things Hitler himself said? They don't count?

The Church was on dangerous ground, they risked expulsion from Germany and the Vatican was threatened if they didn't "conform". Hitler had one goal, complete control of Europe, he didn't give a damn who got in the way not only do YOU have no backbone, the Catholic church had no backbone either......between that and they hiding pedophile've got yourself quite a winner there.
This is the exact same debate our country had 60 years ago about WHITE ONLY lunch counters.

What is wrong with that?

Why should the government tell you who you have to serve at your lunch counter? Is this Nazi Germany?
Because of laws.

Laws are sometimes oppressive. The 1964 Civil Rights Act is a great example. It took away freedom from Americans.
Here I thought it gave freedom to Americans. You got a link?
Hitler liked the Muslims
He would...he liked the Catholics too. He was one.

Non practicing. The Nazi's belief was the State was the church.
So all those pictures of Catholic Priests giving the Nazi salute don't exist?

And the things Hitler himself said? They don't count?

The Church was on dangerous ground, they risked expulsion from Germany and the Vatican was threatened if they didn't "conform". Hitler had one goal, complete control of Europe, he didn't give a damn who got in the way not only do YOU have no backbone, the Catholic church had no backbone either......between that and they hiding pedophile've got yourself quite a winner there.

Yawn, you are a catholicphobe, I've heard them all lady, you're just old news thinking you're fresh
So...let's see if I can get a response from you instead of you running away again......If I am a florist and I get an order from you to do a floral arrangement for your wedding......and the address is a Catholic it legal for me to announce that I will not take your order because you are Catholic? How would you respond?

If you are a Muslim Florist you will be immune from any requirement to offer flowers to the Crusaders. Didn't you listen the prayer breakfast speech by fuckwad Obama?

And you said you didn't lie........

A Muslim Florist in Washington obligated by the same law to serve a Christian.....and a homosexual.
I am serious about wanting this "choose to be gay" thing explained. For me, there was no choice about preferring women. It just happened that way. I couldn't be gay if I tried. The same way I didn't decide whether or not I like broccoli. I can't make myself want to smoke a pole any more than I can make myself want to chow down on ten pounds of broccoli.

Therefore, people who think gays choose to be gay must have had a moment in their lives where they could have gone either way, and I want to hear about it so I can understand. This is something completely unfamiliar to me.

Did you choose to be sober Jake? If not, then do alcoholics have no choice and we should rescind laws against driving drunk and force stores to serve drunks?

The shit you Communists think is clever....
Why does the filthy ass government tell me who I have to serve

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

A Liberal quoting the Constitution is always a joke. Liberals woulnd't know what the Constitution was if it bit them in the ass, Justice is being able to live your life without the government telling you what you have to do.

Once again a racist unable to understand the Constitution.
So...let's see if I can get a response from you instead of you running away again......If I am a florist and I get an order from you to do a floral arrangement for your wedding......and the address is a Catholic it legal for me to announce that I will not take your order because you are Catholic? How would you respond?

If you are a Muslim Florist you will be immune from any requirement to offer flowers to the Crusaders. Didn't you listen the prayer breakfast speech by fuckwad Obama?
I guess the only way you can make some kind of "point" is to make stuff up, eh?
You can tell when he realizes his logic is exposed. He starts deflecting in hopes you will argue with him on some obscure point and divert the conversation elsewhere.
So...let's see if I can get a response from you instead of you running away again......If I am a florist and I get an order from you to do a floral arrangement for your wedding......and the address is a Catholic it legal for me to announce that I will not take your order because you are Catholic? How would you respond?

I don't run away, I have children that are far more important than your whiny demands. With that said, I've already addressed this somewhere, I could care less if you were a florist that didn't want to deliver to a Catholic church, I'd simply find a florist that would instead of whining, gnashing my teeth and filing stupid lawsuits
Even tho what that florist did was against the law? Even tho that florist discriminated against you and all other Catholics? have no backbone.

Your analogy is silly, but then you are silly. If a business doesn't want my business I find one that does. Simple as that.
Even tho what that business did, reject you based on your religion, is illegal? You wouldn't stand up for your faith and the 1st Amendment?

You have no backbone. No wonder you cannot understand people who have one.

Unlike you I don't let it control my life and little time for that sort of nonsense. If a business doesn't want my business there are two dozen others that do. Making a stink about it only makes me look like a whiny homosexuals

How dare homosexuals actually ask for the law to be enforced! They are getting so uppity!
And you said you didn't lie........

A Muslim Florist in Washington obligated by the same law to serve a Christian.....and a homosexual.

Yeah, sure.
And you said you didn't lie........

A Muslim Florist in Washington obligated by the same law to serve a Christian.....and a homosexual.

Yeah, sure.

Yeah sure- here once again- feel free to look up any words that have you stumped:

Under Washington State law prohibit discrimination by business's based upon the following:
  • Race
  • Honorably discharged veteran or military status
  • Color
  • HIV, AIDS, and Hepatitis C status
  • National Origin
  • Pregnancy or maternity
  • Sex • Sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Creed
  • Use of a guide dog or service animal by a person with a disability
  • Disability
I am serious about wanting this "choose to be gay" thing explained. For me, there was no choice about preferring women. It just happened that way. I couldn't be gay if I tried. The same way I didn't decide whether or not I like broccoli. I can't make myself want to smoke a pole any more than I can make myself want to chow down on ten pounds of broccoli.

Therefore, people who think gays choose to be gay must have had a moment in their lives where they could have gone either way, and I want to hear about it so I can understand. This is something completely unfamiliar to me.

Did you choose to be sober Jake? If not, then do alcoholics have no choice and we should rescind laws against driving drunk and force stores to serve drunks?

The shit you Communists think is clever....
An alcoholic has no choice in being an alcoholic. An alcoholic is never cured. They can be in recovery (remission), but once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. There is no going back.

Did you not know this?

The difference is that alcoholism is a disease and homosexuality is not.

You really need to get this false analogy problem of yours under control. I'm starting to think you have no choice but to constantly use them...
just another reason to keep your business under the table away from the governments long arm. memo to gay men and women freedom is for all.
Oh, I appreciate your admission that you are okay with returning to the dark days of WHITE ONLY signs, and for being okay with STRAIGHTS ONLY signs on businesses.

I support civil rights - you do not.

Whom one person trades with is none of my business. I am not a slave owner who has the authority to dictate to others whom they may trade with. Now you clearly view others as your property, bound to obey you as master.

I will not trade with a business that has a whites only policy - but that business does not belong to me - nor does the owner. My only legitimate method of showing displeasure is not to trade.

You don't grasp this because you are a leftist and hostile to civil liberty.

It's just too bad that the other bigots on this forum are not as brave to admit it. SassyIrishLass and koshergrl have fought tooth and nail to deny that STRAIGHTS ONLY florists and bakeries are the same bullshit, different decade.

They put me on Ignore rather than find the guts to admit it. It scares them to admit they are just like the racists of the past.

Supporting civil rights is not bigotry. Demagoguery is not legitimate discussion. But you are a leftist - one cannot expect you to be rational.
Again, state and local public accommodations laws are predicated on Commerce Clause jurisprudence, where the Constitution authorizes government to enact regulatory measures to safeguard the markets; to allow businesses to discriminate based on race, religion, or sexual orientation causes instability in the local market and all other interrelated markets (see, e. g., Wickard v. Filburn, Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US.) Public accommodations laws are a facet of modern economic regulatory policy, policy that is necessary, proper, and Constitutional.

Consequently, public accommodations laws in no way 'violate' a business owner's civil rights or religious liberty, just as requiring safe working conditions or paying a minimum wage in no way 'violates' a business owner's rights.

Opposing public accommodations laws is not 'supporting' civil rights, and ignoring the Commerce Clause jurisprudence that authorizes such laws is utterly irrational.

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