flotus is huge hypocrit

Show me a case where anyone was ever hurt because of rap music. I can show you where people committed acts of violence because of Black Sabbath. I guess rock music and more importantly, white people are the cause of our problems.

What's your point? Oh yea I forgot you don't have one... flotus was campaigning and being hypocritical...
No, just referring to the sleaze bag words of the man who wants to be President. Is there ANYTHING that Trump could do or say that would change your mind about voting for him? Is there ny lie he could tell, any person he could trash that would turn you off

Michelle Obama Says She's Never Heard Anything Like Trump?
"It's not locker room talk. I don't know men who talk that way. Decent men do not talk that way. What Trump was talking about was sexual assault," she said. "Donald Trump was acting out sexual assault, and it is intolerable." Something... You know, Trump said... If you go back to this audiotape, he said, "When you're a celebrity, they let you do anything." How can there can be assault if somebody's granting permission?

WOW... How pious! How pure. How f...king TWO FACED.

Yesterday, we learned that Kendrick Lamar fulfilled a wish he's had ever since the "Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe" remix ("In the White House with a mink/Running through that bitch like it's my house," although he didn't seem to be wearing any fur at the time), paying a visit to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave as a guest of one of his biggest fans, President Obama. He and his crew were given a tour, hitting a rap squat along the way, and making for a pretty historic moment. Knowing the Obama family's love for hip hop, though, he's far from the first MC to earn an invite to their home.

Or did poor offended Michelle have ANY problems when the pastor of her church said the following about Bill Clinton from the pulpit in front of all the congregation: Yeah, I guess Michelle Obama wasn't there when the Reverend Wright was talking about Bill Clinton. You remember what Reverend Wright said about Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky? "And Bill and Monica Lewinsky was riding dirty. Yeah, chickens have come home to roost, baby." "Bill was riding dirty," and the population, the congregation went nuts.

She is perfectly OK with her husband displaying his erection to a group of news ladies though.
Alicia Keys, Nicki Minaj, Busta Rhymes, Ludacris, Chance the Rapper, Wale, DJ Khaled, J. Cole, and Janelle Monae.
Obama Invites Rapper to White House, Despite Indictment for Violence
Rick Ross, who was just indicted for assaulting and kidnapping two workers he caught throwing a party at his 235-acre Fayetteville, Georgia home.

Some lyrics from the above rappers that I'm sure Michelle never ever listened to!!!
Quality songs with deep meanings to Michelle I'm sure as she was so deeply offended by Trump!

Ludacris lyrics..
You doin ho activities

With ho tendencies
Hos are your friends, hoes are your enemies
With ho energy to do whacha do
Blew whacha blew
Screw whaha screw
Theres hoes in tha room, theres hoes in tha car
theres hoes on stage, theres hoes by tha bar
hos by near, an hos by far
Ho! (But can i getta ride?!)
NO! (Cmon, nigga why?!)
Cuz youza
Muthafuckas im so tiired of yall niggaz always talkin
bout hos this, hos that, you tha muthafuckin ho nigga
I wasnt no ho last night

So offended was Michelle she had to invite Ludacris to the White House and further degrade the place!

I'll just plug in a rapper putting a melodic rhythm over a Jeremiah Wright speech

Mochelle the belle is forgetting the hip hop and rap people who have graced the Whitehouse since her move into Government housing...

Michelle Obama Says She's Never Heard Anything Like Trump? - The Rush Limbaugh Show
She was referring specifically to Presidential candidates. Its time to stop repeating what Rush tell you, think for yourself, or even better listen to her speech
no actually she was not just singling out the Presidential candidate.
She said this.
This is not how decent human beings behave
so the premise that she/he is a hypocrite stands. The rappers are cool enough to be invited to the white house so they can rap about the denigration of women, but somehow it brings her to tears, she cant even speak after hearing Donald Trump say it.
And she claims this while trying to campaign for someone that turned a rape case back around to be a 12 year old girls fault and protecting that same person who's husband is a known rapist/womanizer.
Her words are as worthless as everything else about her.
Mochelle the belle is forgetting the hip hop and rap people who have graced the Whitehouse since her move into Government housing...

Michelle Obama Says She's Never Heard Anything Like Trump? - The Rush Limbaugh Show
She was referring specifically to Presidential candidates. Its time to stop repeating what Rush tell you, think for yourself, or even better listen to her speech

Michelle, the tranny and anything it says means nothing to me.
Why kind of hypocrites are these people?
Look at these lyrics that were sung IN the WH by these despicable people held UP by Obama as ROLE MODELs!
Move bitch, get out the way
Get out the way bitch, get out the way
Move bitch, get out the way
Get out the way bitch, get out the way

OH NO! The fight's out
I'ma 'bout to punch yo...lights out
Get the FUCK back, guard ya grill

Wales lyrics...
Doing shit on your own but it's fact: you never know much
Life's a bitch I put my arm on her shoulder
Tell her I'm the realest and I whisper 'you go girl'
I embrace her, I never chase her
I make her chase me 'cuz of the way I taste her
Hmm, girl you finger licking wonderful
Bet I make you cum until a significant muscle pull
It's not a metaphor, this is Metal Gear on a swimming pool of Red Bull
You could get your head blown off
And I'm so bomb I should be thrown to a Moss
And I'm so gorgeous couldn't throw me in a Masque-rade, they'd rage, they'd say
Take off your mask boo, I gotta see your face!

Chance the Rapper
Motherfucker money dance, hundreds zan, gotta lean
Make a joke bout Leno's hair then piggy back on Fallon's spleen
Balancing on sporadicity and fucking pure joy
Nightly searches for a bed and I just came off tour with Troy
But I can't complain I got some motherfucking business
How many lab partners have I fucked since I got suspended?
Mr. Bennett, you done did it, you did it, you did it
You did a good ass job, you did a good ass job
And I'm good

All these good upstanding role models in the White House using the above language to influence people and this idiot
MICHELLE is Offended by Trump????

Give me a f....king BREAK!!!
Oh shit, there are negroes in the white house, everyone be upset.

What I'm grossly offended is that these NEGROES are suppose to be ROLE MODELS?
And Michelle was NEVER EVER offended by those lyrics sung in the White House?
How hypocritical to criticize Trump when SHE brings these language into OUR WHITE HOUSE!
What kind of classy people go around having people in OUR White House that sing about...
"How many lab partners have I fucked since I got suspended?" Classy!
Muthafuckas im so tiired of yall niggaz always talkin bout hos this, hos that, you tha muthafuckin ho nigh I wasnt no ho last night

Are any of them RUNNING for President?

I know it is difficult for some of you special members to comprehend exactly what the OP was about, maybe you could have your legal guardian to explain it to you... Her hypocrisy was feigning outrage at language that she lets her children listen to on their I phones...
Are any of them RUNNING for President?

I know it is difficult for some of you special members to comprehend exactly what the OP was about, maybe you could have your legal guardian to explain it to you... Her hypocrisy was feigning outrage at language that she lets her children listen to on their I phones...

How do you know what her children listen to? And - beyond that - there is a huge world of difference between musicians carrying on and a president engaging in that. You do realize that don't you? THAT is the outrage.
Are any of them RUNNING for President?

I know it is difficult for some of you special members to comprehend exactly what the OP was about, maybe you could have your legal guardian to explain it to you... Her hypocrisy was feigning outrage at language that she lets her children listen to on their I phones...

How do you know what her children listen to? And - beyond that - there is a huge world of difference between musicians carrying on and a president engaging in that. You do realize that don't you? THAT is the outrage.
THE WH invited these "entertainers"
Alicia Keys, Nicki Minaj, Busta Rhymes, Ludacris, Chance the Rapper, Wale, DJ Khaled, J. Cole, and Janelle Monae.
Obama Invites Rapper to White House, Despite Indictment for Violence
Rick Ross, who was just indicted for assaulting and kidnapping two workers he caught throwing a party at his 235-acre Fayetteville, Georgia home.
These "rappers" performed lyrics like these ..
Muthafuckas im so tiired of yall niggaz always talkin
bout hos this, hos that, you tha muthafuckin ho nigga
But I can't complain I got some motherfucking business
How many lab partners have I fucked since I got suspended?

These are the "qualities" the WH put on display? You've truly got to be kidding then when Michelle hypocritically accuses Trump!
You can cherry pick the same shit from country music . But since it's white people it's ok.

Hell, take any famous successful musician . Name one and we can dig out naughty lyrics . Elvis , Beatles , stones .

Pick anyone . It'll be a fun game .
brummelben are you denying that rap and hip hop lyrics are not full of very demeaning and derogatory words that could be verbal assault and leading to physical assault?

That's right, not one person has ever been assaulted, hurt or anything remotely close due to rap music.
Obviously, you couldn't care less what she had to say. But once again, is this the type of speech you want for our next president? A president who tells us its OK to refer to his daughter as a piece of ass

I was being sarcastic. These idiots love to create strawmen so I was arguing what they wanted to hear. These people don't know how to have intelligent discussions so once you accept that and realize this site is purely for comedic relief, it all becomes much easier.

This is "intelligent"???

But I can't complain I got some motherfucking business
How many lab partners have I fucked since I got suspended?
Muthafuckas im so tiired of yall niggaz always talkin
bout hos this, hos that, you tha muthafuckin ho nigga
I wasnt no ho last night
All lyrics from performers Michelle and Obama admire and asked to the WH?
You've got to be kidding that any civilized person would want to listen to the above!
Let me repeat, once again, Michelle was referring to the words of a man , a presidential candidate, who wants to assume the highest office in the world. Is this the kind of creature that you want to represent our country? Not me
He's better than someone we can't trust storing secret documents on a private server.
You can cherry pick the same shit from country music. But since it's white people it's ok.

NO YOU CAN"T you idiot!
First of all NO country singer could EVER get away with using the term "niggaz"! Or "Hos" or "muthafuckas"!
ONLY black rappers are allowed to use that language!

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