Fluke enjoyed a "lovely trip to Barcelona" before asking for free birth control.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011

too funny.

Sandra Fluke Says She May Run For Office… (But Only If You Pay For It?) | The Gateway Pundit
I don't get your point?

Well, a lot of conservatives here seem to be confused, and think that Fluke was asking for "free" birth control FOR HERSELF.

She was not, of course. Which means how much money Fluke makes is completely irrelevant. I know that, you know that, but apparently conservatives haven't figured it out.
I don't get your point?

Well, a lot of conservatives here seem to be confused, and think that Fluke was asking for "free" birth control FOR HERSELF.

She was not, of course. Which means how much money Fluke makes is completely irrelevant. I know that, you know that, but apparently conservatives haven't figured it out.

fucking naive partisan asshole.

Read her testimony. If that is too difficult for you, then listen to it.

Then make a comment.

I don't get your point?

Well, a lot of conservatives here seem to be confused, and think that Fluke was asking for "free" birth control FOR HERSELF.

She was not, of course. Which means how much money Fluke makes is completely irrelevant. I know that, you know that, but apparently conservatives haven't figured it out.

Seems odd doesnt it?

Conservatives seem to think that people go to congress to ask for legislation that applies only to themselves
She never asked for free birth control.

My girlfriend and I were having a good laugh this morning over rightwingers believing things that are patently false.

As someone once said,

there's what people want to believe, and what people like to believe,

and then there's the truth.
She never asked for free birth control.

My girlfriend and I were having a good laugh this morning over rightwingers believing things that are patently false.

As someone once said,

there's what people want to believe, and what people like to believe,

and then there's the truth.

Fact she misrepresented herself.

Degrading whatever ends up with this sitcom.
I don't get your point?

Well, a lot of conservatives here seem to be confused, and think that Fluke was asking for "free" birth control FOR HERSELF.

She was not, of course. Which means how much money Fluke makes is completely irrelevant. I know that, you know that, but apparently conservatives haven't figured it out.

Ah, yes...the old "it's not me, but a FRIEND that I know" story? So you've got spoiled little rich girl, Ms. Fluke who jets off for expensive vacations to Italy but then goes in front of Congress to wail about how her FRIEND can't afford her monthly prescription for birth control pills. Gee, if you're that concerned about it, Sandra...why don't you help your FRIEND out with a little cash? Oh, no...you need that money for your vacations so you think that someone who doesn't know your FRIEND should pony up the money to keep those pills coming...namely, we taxpayers? Does the term "limo liberal" seem appropriate here? Nice to know that Sandra will undoubtably be spending the next twenty or so years litagating what we taxpayers should be liable for when it comes to HER pet projects while she takes vacations to other swell spots.

What I find even MORE amusing is that if you read Ms. Flukes testimony carefully you'll see that she admits that her friend with ovarian cysts IS covered by the Georgetown health plan because it isn't considered birth control. If that's the case...then why even bring her up? Oh, because she "represents" women that might not be covered elsewhere? Are you kidding me? If there ARE women elsewhere that aren't covered for that then please NAME THEM and not your friend!!!
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She never asked for free birth control.

My girlfriend and I were having a good laugh this morning over rightwingers believing things that are patently false.

As someone once said,

there's what people want to believe, and what people like to believe,

and then there's the truth.

Listen to the testimony...or read it if you have the ability.

Then make a comment on it.

Becuase you are quite wrong.

FYI....2 things...

1) you are a partisna hack and not worthy of my response
2) She discussed how much she makes in a summer and compared it to how much she spends on contraception. She included herself as one who would need free contraception.

As for your giurlfriend having a laugh?

My guess is she would stop once you pulled your pants up.
I don't get your point?

Well, a lot of conservatives here seem to be confused, and think that Fluke was asking for "free" birth control FOR HERSELF.

She was not, of course. Which means how much money Fluke makes is completely irrelevant. I know that, you know that, but apparently conservatives haven't figured it out.

Seems odd doesnt it?

Conservatives seem to think that people go to congress to ask for legislation that applies only to themselves

you are pathetic.
I don't get your point?

Well, a lot of conservatives here seem to be confused, and think that Fluke was asking for "free" birth control FOR HERSELF.

She most certainly was, and she used sick people as human shields to ask for free birth control for herself.

She is a most disgusting person.

I attend a Jesuit law school that does not provide contraceptive coverage in its student health plan. And just as we students have faced financial, emotional, and medical burdens as a result, employees at religiously-affiliated hospitals and institutions and universities across the country have suffered similar burdens.

What part of "we students" do you not understand?

Poor baby. She has suffered financial, emotional, and medical burdens. So terrible that she had to escape to Barcelona.

Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school. For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary.

What part of "like me" do you not understand?

She was NOT asking for medical coverage for women who need the pill for medical reasons. She quite clearly was not.

She was USING women who need the pill for medical reasons as human shields to get free birth control for herself and EVERY woman at the religious law school.

Poor, poor little miss one percenter.

"Roll out the cancer lady!"

Christ, you are easily fooled by smoke, mirrors, and misdirection!
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Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school. For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary.

Transcript of testimony by Sandra Fluke

She was asking that the insurance that she.........and other women pay for...........include coverage for birth control. She was not asking for anything for free.

Stop lying. Please. Stop lying.
Hey Conservatives...

If a diabetic goes to Spain, does that mean he should not get "free insulin" from his insurance company?
We're talking about public policy, what's good for the country, morons/haters...
I don't get your point?

Well, a lot of conservatives here seem to be confused, and think that Fluke was asking for "free" birth control FOR HERSELF.

She was not, of course. Which means how much money Fluke makes is completely irrelevant. I know that, you know that, but apparently conservatives haven't figured it out.

Seems odd doesnt it?

Conservatives seem to think that people go to congress to ask for legislation that applies only to themselves

Exactly. The only reason I can think as to why that would be, is because that's what they would do themselves. In their own lives, being wholly selfish and self-centered people, it's all about them, so that's the only terms they can think in and they automatically project the same attitude onto everyone else.

I could be wrong about that, but it's the only explanation that comes to mind offhand.
Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school. For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary.

Transcript of testimony by Sandra Fluke

She was asking that the insurance that she.........and other women pay for...........include coverage for birth control. She was not asking for anything for free.

Stop lying. Please. Stop lying.

Jesus, you really do not know how insurance works, do you?

The problem is I am not lying, and that you are an idiot.

If your insurance does not cover birth control, YOU ARE NOT CHARGED FOR IT.

If you ADD birth control, the COST GOES UP.


Also, I am going to let you in on a little secret that is damn well known to Ms. Fluke. Ready?


No, really!

You don't have to buy your insurance from them! If you want insurance that covers birth control, you can go right ahead and buy that health insurance and not use Georgetown's insurance.

Amazing, huh?

Feeling manipulated yet? Because you are being manipulated, you know.
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