Fluke enjoyed a "lovely trip to Barcelona" before asking for free birth control.

Fluke is going to go into politics. I doubt she'll spend much time in a courtroom, except to testify.
One of the health insurance companies on the list of recommended insurers for Fluke's school is Kaiser Permanente:
I've had stellar luck with Kaiser, despite what people have told me about their experiences. I've run into a few pretty nasty health issues since being onboard at KP, and each time, I have been dealt with in a kind, caring and yet reassuringly high-tech and forward-thinking manner.

When I developed a rash from an antibiotic my KP provider supplied, all of my follow-up care was covered. When I had to go to the ER for a fever, I only had to pay a $150 copay. My birth control pills are deeply discounted ($41 for two months, for a name brand, not a generic. Killer.). And all preventative care is covered %100, no copay required.

Kaiser Permanente Health Care Program - Northeast - Denver, CO

And here is a prescription drug coverage list containing a long list of contraception drugs you can elect for in your coverage.
The point here is that the OP (presumably) argued that because Fluke was able to afford a trip to Spain, she, personally, herself herself, does not need to have her contraceptives covered on her insurance. Regardless of any other considerations, regardless of whether you agree with Fluke that insurance companies should be required to cover contraceptives, her own personal situation is completely irrelevant and that argument is utterly bogus, because Fluke is seeking benefits for ALL WOMEN, not for HERSELF PERSONALLY.

That's all I'm saying.
What I'm laughing at, Dragon...is that if you READ Fluke's testimony...she admits that her "friend" IS covered for that prescription under Georgetown's health insurance policy.

You still don't get it at all.

Look, remember Martin Luther King's famous speech, the "I have a dream" speech? In that speech, he talked about a world where one day his children would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

Now, is it your impression that he was talking ONLY about his kids? If somehow a special dispensation against the provisions of Jim Crow could have been issued to the King family, do you think he'd have been satisfied with that? Or do you think maybe, just maybe, he was trying to accomplish something for ALL African-Americans?

If you can make that mind-stretch in regard to King and civil rights, why can't you make it in regard to Fluke and reproductive rights? Whether you agree with her or not, can't you see that whether SHE HERSELF can afford birth control and family planning services DOESN'T MEAN SQUAT?

I'm having a hard time figuring out what Ms. Fluke is even talking about in regards to her friend with ovarian cysts, Dragon. She brings her up as this "example" of how badly women are being treated by Georgetown's healthcare plan but then turns around and admits in passing that woman IS covered...but she "represents" other women who might not be. Come on...are you kidding me? Good luck to Fluke if she ever tries to take silly shit like that into a court of law...she'll get laughed out of court.

And between you and me? Bringing up the civil rights struggle that MLK led in comparison to THIS is almost laughable. You want me to make a "mind-stretch" on that?

when one is prescribed birth control pills for something other than birth control, it is not coded as biurth control...it is coded (ICD-9 medical insurance codes) as a porescription for the ailment...and, depending on the policy, it is covered....

The whoile argumebnt that BC is ALSO for health ailments is empty....many insurance policies do not cover birth control pills for bith control, but cover them for other uses....

Democrastic politicians and Fluke who say otherwise are full of shit...and sadly, they know it...but also know the left is so ready to believe anything, they can get away with saying anything,
So what do we have?

We have a one percenter attending a Jesuit law school whining that she can't get birth control from her school's insurance.

Somehow, some people believe she is paying for birth control coverage and yet they have NEVER provided evidence she is. They just ASSUME she is. So when you point out that out, suddenly YOU are the liar. BWA-HA-HA!

And we have several alternate health insurance companies helpfully pointed out to the students on the web site for Fluke's school.

Quickly examing one of them, we find that it offers birth control coverage, and according to one customer, her birth control pills are incredibly cheap!

This tells us that someone is a big, fat, lying scumbag, all right. Sandra Fluke.

She clearly has another goal in mind, and it has nothing to do with birth control. Birth control is just the vehicle she is using to achieve her goal. And she will even go so far as to use sick people as human shields to get there.

This is one disgusting human being.
The point here is that the OP (presumably) argued that because Fluke was able to afford a trip to Spain, she, personally, herself herself, does not need to have her contraceptives covered on her insurance. Regardless of any other considerations, regardless of whether you agree with Fluke that insurance companies should be required to cover contraceptives, her own personal situation is completely irrelevant and that argument is utterly bogus, because Fluke is seeking benefits for ALL WOMEN, not for HERSELF PERSONALLY.

That's all I'm saying.

If that's the case, Dragon then Ms. Fluke would be best served not to make statements like the following: “I attend a Jesuit law school that does not provide contraceptive coverage in its student health plan. And just as we students have faced financial, emotional, and medical burdens as a result, employees at religiously-affiliated hospitals and institutions and universities across the country have suffered similar burdens."
That isn't her talking about others...that's her representing herself as indicative of the "burden" that this rule has placed on students. If she's going to represent herself in such a manner than she's fair game to be ridiculed for her own "personal situation". It's quite obvious from her Facebook page that the "burden" she was under didn't preclude her from taking an expensive vacation to Italy.
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Or from getting it free from any of the family planning clinics in her area.

Are there family planning clinics in every city of the United States?

There are county health departments in every county, and those county health departments all have access to free contraception.

Anyway, logical fallacy. Has nothing to do wtih anything.
Or from getting it free from any of the family planning clinics in her area.

Are there family planning clinics in every city of the United States?

here we go again.

A pathetic attempt to make it "geographical.

"they cant afford to take the bus to get free birth control"

THen fucking move.

Its like that documentary about the tribe in Africa that has to walk 3 miles each way to get water.

Or from getting it free from any of the family planning clinics in her area.

Are there family planning clinics in every city of the United States?

here we go again.

A pathetic attempt to make it "geographical.

"they cant afford to take the bus to get free birth control"

THen fucking move.

Its like that documentary about the tribe in Africa that has to walk 3 miles each way to get water.


What happens when you move too close to the river, Mr. Big Brain ?

Yes, truly you are smarter than them.
Are there family planning clinics in every city of the United States?

here we go again.

A pathetic attempt to make it "geographical.

"they cant afford to take the bus to get free birth control"

THen fucking move.

Its like that documentary about the tribe in Africa that has to walk 3 miles each way to get water.


What happens when you move too close to the river, Mr. Big Brain ?

Yes, truly you are smarter than them.

you are a fucking asshole.

You trulyu are a fucking asshole.

You are a pathetic asshole that does not know how to engage in an honest debate.

You are truly a pathetic scum sucking piece of shit.

FYI.....9 million poeple in NYC alone live within 3 miles of two rivers and a harbour.....mnost iof them within a hjalf mile of both rivers.

Fucking dick....learn to debate.
Are there family planning clinics in every city of the United States?

here we go again.

A pathetic attempt to make it "geographical.

"they cant afford to take the bus to get free birth control"

THen fucking move.

Its like that documentary about the tribe in Africa that has to walk 3 miles each way to get water.


What happens when you move too close to the river, Mr. Big Brain ?

Yes, truly you are smarter than them.

So, everybody who lives close to a river dies in a flood? I've lived close to the Mississippi, the Hudson, the Potomac and the East rivers.... I guess I'm cheating death huh?

There's something wrong with you, there really is.
Do CONZ still think that you have to eat a birth control pill every time you have sex?

you are a fucking child.

No one ever said that....except you.

But you dont even know what sex is yet...to you sex is masturbation.
Or from getting it free from any of the family planning clinics in her area.

Are there family planning clinics in every city of the United States?

There are county health departments in every county, and those county health departments all have access to free contraception.

Anyway, logical fallacy. Has nothing to do wtih anything.

I'm afraid it shoots holes in your "free contraception is available everywhere" argument
This is from Sandra Fluke's testimony:
I attend a Jesuit law school that does not provide contraceptive coverage in its student health plan. And just as we students have faced financial, emotional, and medical burdens as a result, employees at religiously-affiliated hospitals and institutions and universities across the country have suffered similar burdens.

This is the basis of her entire gripe. That her school's health plan does not provide birth control coverage. Her entire testimony is built on this gigantic lie of omission.

What she neglected to tell Congress is that her school does allow you to buy insurance from SEVERAL OTHER plans:


Georgetown Student Health Insurance Website or call (202) 687-4883. Also see Description of Benefits Brochure for a description of 2008-2009 benefits.


Carefirst BlueCross Blueshield

Assurant Health

Kaiser Permanente

And as I have irrefutably proven, Fluke is able to get birth control coverage from at least one of those plans.

So her integrity is completely shot.

She's a liar.

It's a good thing they didn't put her under oath to tell the WHOLE truth, because she most assuredly lied to Congress.
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What did conz say about libs when Romney made offhand comments about his wealth?

Oh...yeah....I remember now.


How LOW you've sunk. You're as bad as LIBS now.

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