Flyers about women and Islam get people all up in arms

Why not? Women's equality is not connected to any religious group. Is it true that you think better than a person with a vagina when you get an erection? Do you have a holy and wise penis?
Jews are entirely behind feminism. To destroy the family unit and that means less children for whites since whites are the ones who usually work and are not on welfare like Hispanics and Blacks.


Why would a group of people who are equal be a threat or a problem? Nobody can "destroy the family unit" except for the people in it to begin with. It cannot be destroyed from without. It is up to the people within the family unit to maintain it by their mutual endeavors, love, and respect. Your racial stuff is your own disgusting business. I get the impression from what you write that you do not love your wife and children, and regard them as your slaves.
Read HOW Jews have and are still destroying America AND the Family unit.

How The Jews Destroyed America | Real Jew News
How Jewish Supremacism Is Destroying America
The Jewish War on White Europe
Tards dont know how to deal with this.

They dont want to offend islam, but they KNOW in their heart Islam treats women as property. They always BELONG to some man.
Why don’t women in Islam do something about it? Feminists talk about equality well here is you chance ladies. Like Nat turner went on a rampage these Muslim women need to start carrying out suicide bombs and smuggle your husbands AK47 under your burka and start blowing away the taliban in your towns.

Women who’s husbands are particularly brutal need to kill him then cut and shove his dick down his throat.

Arabic men need to start fearing their women like we fear ours. Our women went through the sufferage so too will thes Arab women.
Why don’t women in Islam do something about it?
Because they are under threat of violence and, at the very least, would be ostracized by and would lose all their friends and family. Where would they go? What would they do next?
Oh a few of them would definitely have to sacrifice themselves.

Good point though. How did our women Chang us? I think it first started with teaching us how to be polite to a lady. Bow. Kiss their hands. Open doors.

What woman started that? She is the true hero for women. Long before women started demanding equal rights they got us to respect them. To care about their feelings. Arabs are centuries behind us mentally
Islam is 100% correct about women and how to treat them. ... :thup:

Islam: Adultery and Stoning
Good. Adultery is disgusting,immoral and should be punished by death.
Islam has some great ideas on morality and women in general. I saw where a woman was whipped for pre marti al sex the other day...I think that's a great idea. Cutting off hands of thieves love that. Women shouldn't be allowed to vote either.

And you are supposed to be heterosexual??? Do you hate your bed partner that much that you are willing to treat her like a lower animal?
Indeed I am straight. I love my wife but I am the man of the house I make the final decisions.

your candid statements are disgustingly refreshing, odious
We may not agree on much but I have ALWAYS been brutally need to sugarcoat shit now is there?
Islam is 100% correct about women and how to treat them. ... :thup:

Islam: Adultery and Stoning
Good. Adultery is disgusting,immoral and should be punished by death.
Islam has some great ideas on morality and women in general. I saw where a woman was whipped for pre marti al sex the other day...I think that's a great idea. Cutting off hands of thieves love that. Women shouldn't be allowed to vote either.

And you are supposed to be heterosexual??? Do you hate your bed partner that much that you are willing to treat her like a lower animal?
Indeed I am straight. I love my wife but I am the man of the house I make the final decisions.

Why? Because you have a penie? You must love your penie very much. You think with it, too.
Because men are the stronger sex,its our job to protect and defend our women and children that's our jobs we are a traditional family no jewish feminism in this family.

You, as you call yourselves "men," are only physically stronger. I don't think that you can think with your penis. It's not connected to your brain any more than a woman's vagina is connected with her brain. What in the hell is "jewish feminism"? Are you this nuts?

I is a JEW{ESS} There is a jewish feminism. Feel free to ask
Tards dont know how to deal with this.

They dont want to offend islam, but they KNOW in their heart Islam treats women as property. They always BELONG to some man.
Why don’t women in Islam do something about it? Feminists talk about equality well here is you chance ladies. Like Nat turner went on a rampage these Muslim women need to start carrying out suicide bombs and smuggle your husbands AK47 under your burka and start blowing away the taliban in your towns.

Women who’s husbands are particularly brutal need to kill him then cut and shove his dick down his throat.

Arabic men need to start fearing their women like we fear ours. Our women went through the sufferage so too will thes Arab women.
Are you saying Islam is NOT right? You question Muhammad?
Why don’t women in Islam do something about it?
Because they are under threat of violence and, at the very least, would be ostracized by and would lose all their friends and family. Where would they go? What would they do next?

booboo is right-----it is UP TO THE WOMEN-----Islamic oppression of women is
perpetuated by MUSLIM WOMEN-------specifically---MOTHERS
Oh a few of them would definitely have to sacrifice themselves.
More than a few. Go ahead, ask for volunteers.

How did our women Chang us? I think it first started with teaching us how to be polite to a lady. Bow. Kiss their hands. Open doors.
By being empowered. When you can hold out the giney when you want to do so, it gives you more power.

The muslim women in oppressive muslim socities dont have this option.
Tards dont know how to deal with this.

They dont want to offend islam, but they KNOW in their heart Islam treats women as property. They always BELONG to some man.
Why don’t women in Islam do something about it? Feminists talk about equality well here is you chance ladies. Like Nat turner went on a rampage these Muslim women need to start carrying out suicide bombs and smuggle your husbands AK47 under your burka and start blowing away the taliban in your towns.

Women who’s husbands are particularly brutal need to kill him then cut and shove his dick down his throat.

Arabic men need to start fearing their women like we fear ours. Our women went through the sufferage so too will thes Arab women.
Are you saying Islam is NOT right? You question Muhammad?

chas v' chalila it is a capital crime in the BEAUTY OF SHARIAH LAW
Why don’t women in Islam do something about it?
Because they are under threat of violence and, at the very least, would be ostracized by and would lose all their friends and family. Where would they go? What would they do next?

booboo is right-----it is UP TO THE WOMEN-----Islamic oppression of women is
perpetuated by MUSLIM WOMEN-------specifically---MOTHERS
Stockholm Syndrome

not exactly-----the "TIME" for muslim women is when they become "MOTHER-IN-LAW" They get to RULE over a woman-------their daughters-in-law and DIRECTLY UNDER THEIR THUMBS------they RULE for the first time in their lives
Tards dont know how to deal with this.

They dont want to offend islam, but they KNOW in their heart Islam treats women as property. They always BELONG to some man.
Islam has some great ideas on morality and women in general. I saw where a woman was whipped for pre martial sex the other day...I think that's a great idea. Cutting off hands of thieves love that. Women shouldn't be allowed to vote either.
Well, thank goodness archaic idiots like you are quickly dying off.
Oh we have only heard that what...for 50 years? Pal I am 35 years old,have soon to be 5 kids and ALL of them are being raised in a traditional household...we aren't going anywhere but BACK to the top.
all women have POWER over their sons-
Clearly they do not. Your platitudes and embroidered pillow sayings aren't going to help them. In fact, they do more harm than good, as they distract from the discussion that we should be having.

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