Flyers about women and Islam get people all up in arms

I’m saying a few of them need to get fed up and go on a suicid mission.
A few? And that will accomplish...what?

More than a few are killed and disfigured every single day by the fanatics. So, i gotta say, that won't make much of an impression.

I would love to hear a woman pulled an ak47 out of her burka and took out ten taliban that were about to harass her for no reason. And then hear again next week that it happened again. And again. Until one day the taliban stopped approaching and abusing women for no reason.

Those burkas are good for one thing. Concealing a weapon.

But a few women got to man up.
So you support the 2nd and concealed carry


Islam isn’t particularly known for its fairness to women. In fact, it’s well known to be a society that treats them a second class and below, forbidding them to learn basic things such as reading and math. They’re used more like servants and breeding stock in many Islam dominated countries and are punished severely for violating any of the strict Sharia laws set for them.

This is a fact that is typically overlooked by a lot of the left, especially feminists. When it comes to Islam’s treatment of women, you’ll find many a blind eye among the social justice warriors who often go so far as to defend Islam as the “religion of peace” the left claims it is.

So when flyers began going up around Winchester, Massachusetts, that stated “Islam is right about women,” the outrage was present, but nobody wanted to say why.
booboo is right-----it is UP TO THE WOMEN---
Obviously it is not. They have very little power in any aspect.

all women have POWER over their sons-----the greatest time of POWER for a
muslim woman is when she is a MOTHER-IN-LAW to her victim-----the
Good point though. Mothers in America changed in my generation. In the 80s they trained us to be sensitive and different than our fathers. Back then men were the boss of the home but our mothers treated us to treat women as our equals

yes---women have changed a bit------but the muslim ladies have a BIGGER mountain to climb
You guys have a point.

Isn’t it interesting the comparson between how Asian, Muslim, Mexican, European, Russian African etc. couples are all different.

The western world women have it the best but still in small ways are controlled by men. For example a woman with a beautiful pair of breasts can’t lay out topless at a beach but a fat guy with floppy tits can. It’s not as bad as making women wear burkas but it’s something.
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Islam isn’t particularly known for its fairness to women. In fact, it’s well known to be a society that treats them a second class and below, forbidding them to learn basic things such as reading and math. They’re used more like servants and breeding stock in many Islam dominated countries and are punished severely for violating any of the strict Sharia laws set for them.

This is a fact that is typically overlooked by a lot of the left, especially feminists. When it comes to Islam’s treatment of women, you’ll find many a blind eye among the social justice warriors who often go so far as to defend Islam as the “religion of peace” the left claims it is.

So when flyers began going up around Winchester, Massachusetts, that stated “Islam is right about women,” the outrage was present, but nobody wanted to say why.

But doesn’t the religious right say the same things about young women today? Since when is it ok in Christian America for women to have several partners before she chooses a husband? Pretty sure they believe in abstinence before marriage.

And look at our divorce rate and fatherless children?

Doesn’t the modern day conservative man believe he is the head of the home?
Since when is it ok in Christian America for women to have several partners before she chooses a husband? Pretty sure they believe in abstinence before marriage
It's only an issue if the left can score political points with a Republican First Lady. Other than that, most people mind their own business. Of course people have OPINIONS, but nobody FORCES anything.


Islam isn’t particularly known for its fairness to women. In fact, it’s well known to be a society that treats them a second class and below, forbidding them to learn basic things such as reading and math. They’re used more like servants and breeding stock in many Islam dominated countries and are punished severely for violating any of the strict Sharia laws set for them.

This is a fact that is typically overlooked by a lot of the left, especially feminists. When it comes to Islam’s treatment of women, you’ll find many a blind eye among the social justice warriors who often go so far as to defend Islam as the “religion of peace” the left claims it is.

So when flyers began going up around Winchester, Massachusetts, that stated “Islam is right about women,” the outrage was present, but nobody wanted to say why.

But doesn’t the religious right say the same things about young women today? Since when is it ok in Christian America for women to have several partners before she chooses a husband? Pretty sure they believe in abstinence before marriage.

And look at our divorce rate and fatherless children?

Doesn’t the modern day conservative man believe he is the head of the home?
Why try to change the subject? I mean, granted, we aren't changing the world with this thread. But it seems like every time a topic like this about Islam comes up, 5 minutes don't pass before someone is changing the subject, or conplaining that we aren't having the same dicussion about christianity or the western world.
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Islam isn’t particularly known for its fairness to women. In fact, it’s well known to be a society that treats them a second class and below, forbidding them to learn basic things such as reading and math. They’re used more like servants and breeding stock in many Islam dominated countries and are punished severely for violating any of the strict Sharia laws set for them.

This is a fact that is typically overlooked by a lot of the left, especially feminists. When it comes to Islam’s treatment of women, you’ll find many a blind eye among the social justice warriors who often go so far as to defend Islam as the “religion of peace” the left claims it is.

So when flyers began going up around Winchester, Massachusetts, that stated “Islam is right about women,” the outrage was present, but nobody wanted to say why.

But doesn’t the religious right say the same things about young women today? Since when is it ok in Christian America for women to have several partners before she chooses a husband? Pretty sure they believe in abstinence before marriage.

And look at our divorce rate and fatherless children?

Doesn’t the modern day conservative man believe he is the head of the home?
Why try to change the subject? I mean, granted, we aren't changing the world with this thread. But it aeems like ebery time a topic like this about Islam comes up, 5 minutes don't pass before someone is changing the subject, or conplaining that we aren't having the same dicussion about christianity or the western world.

It's a kneejerk reaction. Programmed behavior. Say something about the behavior of group X and inevitably a lefty drone will show up and start complaining about white people.
He said, "dick" on television?

No. He said that he was the "man" in his household, which, I assume, meant that he was the one with the dick. How else could this be interpreted?

If a man feels he is 100% in control of what happens with his wife or his family, he's totally clueless.

It's a delusion that some men feel they need to believe for the sake of their own self-esteem.
I think that two people can love each other and run a household together with respect and honor. Good grief. We are talking about people who have intimate sexual relations with each other! They share a bed! They beget children together by uniting their bodies.

It's been my experience that for two people to stay together, one of them, the man or the woman, has to be willing to let things slide for the sake of the relationship.

Resentments are the death by 1,000 cuts that destroys marriages. Slights, insults, neglects, unfair compromises, accumulate until they destroy the relationship.

Ideally, both should do that, but I fear that people are so rarely matched.

You are right. But I think that part of the problem is that we are not raised together, boys and girls, and religion plays a large part in keeping us separated as we grow up, fostering no idea of the unity and friendship upon which we can found families. We are kept strangers and foreigners from each other, when we should be partners. Each one of the partners must be willing to "let things slide" and neither can be so full of himself or herself as to try to rule the relationship. I would put forward the concept of humility here.

Been married for 36 yrs! Some of them happily.. Being able to make compromises and not bicker over the ridiculous things like religion and who's beliefs are more important has helped. I am always right in my own mind ! You are free to be right in yours!
Tards dont know how to deal with this.

They dont want to offend islam, but they KNOW in their heart Islam treats women as property. They always BELONG to some man.
Grab them by the pussy is worse. 1 in 4 women experience sexual harassment record rspe numbers in the US....if your house is from glass....
Pretending that Christians treat women like Islam treats women is a mental disease. MILLIONS of Muslim women are treated as slaves and second class peole no rights no property rights no freedom and you MORONS claim this is the same as Christians. Keep lying and ignoring reality, perhaps you won't become enslaved but your descendants will if you keep it up.
I'm a Muslim and what you said is untrue. Is like someone saying all americsn women are sluts, most Americans are fat, and shootings are everywhere. Oh and worst, Americans are the dumbest.
Just about every one of the world's religions include sick cults that mistreat women and characterize us as second-class citizens. The bimbos who put these signs up are trying to abuse our concerns for our freedom and safety to use women in their ignorant religious battles with each other. No dice. Not falling for it.
Tards dont know how to deal with this.

They dont want to offend islam, but they KNOW in their heart Islam treats women as property. They always BELONG to some man.

What about the pigs in fundie "Christianity"? I saw some slutty preacher from the southern baptist cult bragging during an interview that he won disagreements with his wife because he has a dick. I'm not making this up. He actually said this on television. Clean up your own house before you go attacking anyone else.
Islam tells you to shut your mouth woman. Women have no rights under Islam. Lol, if they take over you will be a second hand citizen. And I bet feminist would get stoned to death, but keep sticking up for them.
I'm a Muslim
Great! We could use your input.

So, do you believe women should be forced, under threat, to wear traditional headdresses?

If do you square that with the holy texts of Islam? Do you simply write those parts off as archaic and unnecessary?
booboo is right-----it is UP TO THE WOMEN---
Obviously it is not. They have very little power in any aspect.

all women have POWER over their sons-----the greatest time of POWER for a
muslim woman is when she is a MOTHER-IN-LAW to her victim-----the
Good point though. Mothers in America changed in my generation. In the 80s they trained us to be sensitive and different than our fathers. Back then men were the boss of the home but our mothers treated us to treat women as our equals

yes---women have changed a bit------but the muslim ladies have a BIGGER mountain to climb
You guys have a point.

Isn’t it interesting the comparson between how Asian, Muslim, Mexican, European, Russian African etc. couples are all different.

The western world women have it the best but still in small ways are controlled by men. For example a woman with a beautiful pair of breasts can’t lay out topless at a beach but a fat guy with floppy tits can. It’s not as bad as making women wear burkas but it’s something.

Ha! I mentioned topless women and here you go

Topless women win big as Colorado city drops ban

Officials in Fort Collins decided it's not worth the money to fight for its ordinance banning women from appearing topless in public.

Kia Sinclair stands topless on Hampton Beach in Hampton, N.H. on July 30, 2015. Three New Hampshire women are asking the US Supreme Court to declare that a city ordinance banning women from appearing topless in public violates the Constitution by treating men and women differently. The Supreme Court will likely announce in early October whether it will hear the case.R


Islam isn’t particularly known for its fairness to women. In fact, it’s well known to be a society that treats them a second class and below, forbidding them to learn basic things such as reading and math. They’re used more like servants and breeding stock in many Islam dominated countries and are punished severely for violating any of the strict Sharia laws set for them.

This is a fact that is typically overlooked by a lot of the left, especially feminists. When it comes to Islam’s treatment of women, you’ll find many a blind eye among the social justice warriors who often go so far as to defend Islam as the “religion of peace” the left claims it is.

So when flyers began going up around Winchester, Massachusetts, that stated “Islam is right about women,” the outrage was present, but nobody wanted to say why.

But doesn’t the religious right say the same things about young women today? Since when is it ok in Christian America for women to have several partners before she chooses a husband? Pretty sure they believe in abstinence before marriage.

And look at our divorce rate and fatherless children?

Doesn’t the modern day conservative man believe he is the head of the home?
Why try to change the subject? I mean, granted, we aren't changing the world with this thread. But it seems like every time a topic like this about Islam comes up, 5 minutes don't pass before someone is changing the subject, or conplaining that we aren't having the same dicussion about christianity or the western world.

Muslim men are no doubt worse to their women but women are still fighting for equality here at home.

So people in glass houses should not throw stones.

Topless women win big as Colorado city drops ban

In February the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a federal judge's conclusion that the law amounted to unconstitutional discrimination. It was based on "negative stereotypes depicting women's breasts, but not men's breasts, as sex objects," the court concluded.

The ruling rejected the city's concern that striking down the ordinance would lead to women "parading in front of elementary schools or swimming topless in the public pool."

The nearby communities of Boulder and Denver allow female toplessness, but there was no evidence of "any harmful fallout" in those cities, the court said.

Fort Collins decided this month not to appeal the decision, having spent more than $300,000 defending the law. And now the city has formally removed the law from its public nudity statutes. The prohibition on public exposure of breasts by women and girls over 10 years old is now gone from the city code as of this week.

With no guarantee of success in the Supreme Court, the city council concluded "that the money was just better spent on other city priorities," said Tyler Marr, a Fort Collins government spokesman. The decision not to fight the ban effectively makes it legal for women to go topless in the six states that fall under the 10th Circuit: Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma.
Pretending that Christians treat women like Islam treats women is a mental disease. MILLIONS of Muslim women are treated as slaves and second class peole no rights no property rights no freedom and you MORONS claim this is the same as Christians. Keep lying and ignoring reality, perhaps you won't become enslaved but your descendants will if you keep it up.
I'm a Muslim and what you said is untrue. Is like someone saying all americsn women are sluts, most Americans are fat, and shootings are everywhere. Oh and worst, Americans are the dumbest.
I would like to believe you.

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