Flyers about women and Islam get people all up in arms

booboo is right-----it is UP TO THE WOMEN---
Obviously it is not. They have very little power in any aspect.

all women have POWER over their sons-----the greatest time of POWER for a
muslim woman is when she is a MOTHER-IN-LAW to her victim-----the
Good point though. Mothers in America changed in my generation. In the 80s they trained us to be sensitive and different than our fathers. Back then men were the boss of the home but our mothers treated us to treat women as our equals
Mothers in America changed in my generation.
And they could vote, get divorced, wear what they wanted without fear of violence, and had laws in place,for the most part, to protect them from violence from men.

Not a good comparison.
I’m saying a few of them need to get fed up and go on a suicid mission.
A few? And that will accomplish...what?

More than a few are killed and disfigured every single day by the fanatics. So, i gotta say, that won't make much of an impression.
booboo is right-----it is UP TO THE WOMEN---
Obviously it is not. They have very little power in any aspect.

all women have POWER over their sons-----the greatest time of POWER for a
muslim woman is when she is a MOTHER-IN-LAW to her victim-----the
Good point though. Mothers in America changed in my generation. In the 80s they trained us to be sensitive and different than our fathers. Back then men were the boss of the home but our mothers treated us to treat women as our equals
My mother AND father taught me to treat others with respect. Nothing about "equals," just respect others.

Later I learned America hating tards deserve no respect
I’m saying a few of them need to get fed up and go on a suicid mission.
A few? And that will accomplish...what?

More than a few are killed and disfigured every single day by the fanatics. So, i gotta say, that won't make much of an impression.
If I was a disfigured women I’d put as many of my brothers guns under my burka and go to town until I was taken out. And hope I inspire another woman and hope she inspires another and so on until one day the husbands start treating their women better.

What do you suggest we or they do?
Tards dont know how to deal with this.

They dont want to offend islam, but they KNOW in their heart Islam treats women as property. They always BELONG to some man.

What about the pigs in fundie "Christianity"? I saw some slutty preacher from the southern baptist cult bragging during an interview that he won disagreements with his wife because he has a dick. I'm not making this up. He actually said this on television. Clean up your own house before you go attacking anyone else.
So do you agree with Islam or not?

Why is this a question? This has nothing to do with Islam. This slut came from some "Christian" cult that treats women like property. You don't have to look any farther than your own front door. This slut claimed to be a member of the southern baptist cult.

Tertullian, supposedly a "christian" writer"wrote that women were a "temple built upon a sewer." Care to explain what that was all about?
Sounds like you’re using the anecdotal to qualify an entire religion while you excuse an entire religion that views its women as property as reflected by their required headgear in all circumstances. They don’t want their women-property’s hair to be seen because it generates coveting and that covetousness threatens the man’s female property.
As I have said, no one is "required" to wear headgear except among Muslim fundies in a few places like Saudi Arabia (our loving friends), and tribal Afghanistan. This does not involve an "entire religion."

What was this "a woman is a temple built upon a sewer" thing about? How do you answer? What about these "Christian" dick-shakers? It's time for men of all religions to cleanse themselves of their terrible treatment of their sisters and reform and repent of it.

And no more treating our biology, including menstruation and pregnancy, superstitiously. Yes, women menstruate, shed the blood in our uteri every month, built up to create a safety net for a potential fetus, if we are not pregnant, and we carry the fetus created by ourselves and our male partners. This is the way the human race reproduces itself. Face it, accept it. Respect it. Stop denigrating one half of the human race for our biology.
Muslim women are still required to wear headgear. That’s a property thing.
It’s rare when they don’t.
Estimated 5% of Muslims worldwide are involved in Muslim terrorism. That’s about 80 million! Biggest army in the world.
I’m saying a few of them need to get fed up and go on a suicid mission.
A few? And that will accomplish...what?

More than a few are killed and disfigured every single day by the fanatics. So, i gotta say, that won't make much of an impression.

I would love to hear a woman pulled an ak47 out of her burka and took out ten taliban that were about to harass her for no reason. And then hear again next week that it happened again. And again. Until one day the taliban stopped approaching and abusing women for no reason.

Those burkas are good for one thing. Concealing a weapon.

But a few women got to man up.
Mothers in America changed in my generation.
And they could vote, get divorced, wear what they wanted without fear of violence, and had laws in place,for the most part, to protect them from violence from men.

Not a good comparison.
I just watched ghandi. Should they do it the peaceful way like he did?

Interesting vignette-----when my baby was in the NAVY his ship often docked
on an OIL EMIRATE port--------he went ashore---with his sailor pals and noted-----
observant baby that he is. He said "if all the HINDUS who work in the oil emirates-----would ONE DAY ----sit down and refuse to work as per Gandhi----
I’m saying a few of them need to get fed up and go on a suicid mission.
A few? And that will accomplish...what?

More than a few are killed and disfigured every single day by the fanatics. So, i gotta say, that won't make much of an impression.

I would love to hear a woman pulled an ak47 out of her burka and took out ten taliban that were about to harass her for no reason. And then hear again next week that it happened again. And again. Until one day the taliban stopped approaching and abusing women for no reason.

Those burkas are good for one thing. Concealing a weapon.

But a few women got to man up.

the woman would be dead along with all her clan
I would love to hear a woman pulled an ak47 out of her burka and took out ten taliban that were about to harass her for no reason.
Neat! But I think there are more important ideas here than pleasing you.

A "few women", eh? So, just so i am clear: these women invite their ongoing victimization by a few of them not carrying out ineffectual suicide missions.

Do I have that right?
booboo is right-----it is UP TO THE WOMEN---
Obviously it is not. They have very little power in any aspect.

all women have POWER over their sons-----the greatest time of POWER for a
muslim woman is when she is a MOTHER-IN-LAW to her victim-----the
Good point though. Mothers in America changed in my generation. In the 80s they trained us to be sensitive and different than our fathers. Back then men were the boss of the home but our mothers treated us to treat women as our equals

yes---women have changed a bit------but the muslim ladies have a BIGGER mountain to climb

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