Flynn Gets No Prison Time

Should Flynn have served "some" time for his unprofessional behavior?

  • Yes, probably for the rest of his life

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, minimal time even though he cooperated fully

    Votes: 9 32.1%
  • No time indicated since he was so forthcoming

    Votes: 19 67.9%

  • Total voters
I remember Flynn chanting Lock her up, Lock her up about Hillary

HIllary didn’t get locked up and she didn’t even have to spill her guts to a prosecutor

If Hilly did nothing wrong and has nothing to hide, why did she say:
“if that bastard wins, we'll all hang from nooses”?
Flynn is (was) a super connected powerful and wealthy man. A former General !

You think he was bullied into pleading guilty to felony crimes he didn’t commit ?!?

LMAO!!!!! how much do you think a General makes a year? must be kidding.....

Generals live like Kings .

Micheal Flynn Net Worth
Micheal is a retired Lieutenant General of United States Army whose annual income is $900,000 USD and as a National Security Advisor, he has around $172,200 per years.In 2015 Flynn was paid over $65,000 by companies connected to Russia including $11,250 from both Volga-Dnepr Ariles and U.S. subsidairy of Kaspersky Lab.

His net worth of approximately $7 million.

Michael Flynn Net Worth, Military Career & Personal Life

Lt. Generals don’t make $900,000. Not sure where he worked to make that scratch.

Trump thought they made $5M a year. LOL

Thats chicken scratch compared to the millions mueller was steering over to comey.
all american court systems now will fall like a rock.... because of UNEQUAL JUSTICE the democrats were caught red handed with rigging the election against the voters ......the media with giving the questions of the debate to one candidate and the democrat party caught rigging the elections against the voters for the same candidate hillary against sanders

caught rigging the elections....

then the witch hunt came to work like blackmail to try to stop trump from going after the treason of the democrats and media

the speed of one investigation with less evidence of any crimes and the no speed of no investigation of the real crimes with real evidence..... that brings unequal justice no matter how one looks at this

this unequal justice will now totally destroy the jury system...and the wise will flee and the nation will fall
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free! That was the recommendation file within the last half hour or so! I think it's a scandal regardless of his openness! He was a military intel officer who was out of control, conspiring with Russia and Saudi Arabia, and was implicated in the kidnapping of a foreign dissident residing here in the States for a fee to be paid on delivery! :102: :14: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:
If he puts Trump in prison then hell, send him to Disney World as punishment.

Again, for the slow, trump wasn't under investigation. You guys are a laugher.

The fraud media brainwashed the voters to think Trump was under investigation in order to right thd election with fake poison news

The fake media should be charged with treason

MSM is worse than russias old propaganda machine. I havent watched in over 20 years.
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free! That was the recommendation filed within the last half hour or so! I think it's a scandal regardless of his openness! He was a military intel officer who was out of control, conspiring with Russia and Saudi Arabia, and was implicated in the kidnapping of a foreign dissident residing here in the States for a fee to be paid on delivery! :102: :14: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:
He's a big rat. This is how our justice system works. If you rat everyone out you get off.

Mannafort is the key. He knows where all the bodies are buried. It looks like he isn't going to rat Trump out and he is going to get like 20-30 years, I guarantee Trump pardons him.
all american court systems now will fall like a rock.... because of UNEQUAL JUSTICE the democrats were caught red handed with rigging the election against the voters ......the media with giving the questions of the debate to one candidate and the democrat party caught rigging the elections against the voters for the same candidate hillary against sanders

caught rigging the elections....

then the witch hunt came to work like blackmail to try to stop trump from going after the treason of the democrats and media

the speed of one investigation with less evidence of any crimes and the no speed of no investigation of the real crimes with real evidence..... that brings unequal justice no matter how one looks at this

this unequal justice will now totally destroy the jury system...and the wise will flee and the nation will fall
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free! That was the recommendation file within the last half hour or so! I think it's a scandal regardless of his openness! He was a military intel officer who was out of control, conspiring with Russia and Saudi Arabia, and was implicated in the kidnapping of a foreign dissident residing here in the States for a fee to be paid on delivery! :102: :14: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:
If he puts Trump in prison then hell, send him to Disney World as punishment.

Again, for the slow, trump wasn't under investigation. You guys are a laugher.

The fraud media brainwashed the voters to think Trump was under investigation in order to right thd election with fake poison news

The fake media should be charged with treason

The fake media rigged the election by reporting fake news of trump under real and serious investigations.
all american court systems now will fall like a rock.... because of UNEQUAL JUSTICE the democrats were caught red handed with rigging the election against the voters ......the media with giving the questions of the debate to one candidate and the democrat party caught rigging the elections against the voters for the same candidate hillary against sanders

caught rigging the elections....

then the witch hunt came to work like blackmail to try to stop trump from going after the treason of the democrats and media

the speed of one investigation with less evidence of any crimes and the no speed of no investigation of the real crimes with real evidence..... that brings unequal justice no matter how one looks at this

this unequal justice will now totally destroy the jury system...and the wise will flee and the nation will fall
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free! That was the recommendation file within the last half hour or so! I think it's a scandal regardless of his openness! He was a military intel officer who was out of control, conspiring with Russia and Saudi Arabia, and was implicated in the kidnapping of a foreign dissident residing here in the States for a fee to be paid on delivery! :102: :14: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:
If he puts Trump in prison then hell, send him to Disney World as punishment.

Again, for the slow, trump wasn't under investigation. You guys are a laugher.

The fraud media brainwashed the voters to think Trump was under investigation in order to right thd election with fake poison news

The fake media should be charged with treason

That’s even stupider than your old theory that actually, Mueller is investigating Clinton and Podesta! :lmao:
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free! That was the recommendation filed within the last half hour or so! I think it's a scandal regardless of his openness! He was a military intel officer who was out of control, conspiring with Russia and Saudi Arabia, and was implicated in the kidnapping of a foreign dissident residing here in the States for a fee to be paid on delivery! :102: :14: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:
Actually, it was from 0 to six months.

Depends on what the judge decides.

Let's get the facts straight.
At the Supreme Court level? :muahaha:
all american court systems now will fall like a rock.... because of UNEQUAL JUSTICE the democrats were caught red handed with rigging the election against the voters ......the media with giving the questions of the debate to one candidate and the democrat party caught rigging the elections against the voters for the same candidate hillary against sanders

caught rigging the elections....

then the witch hunt came to work like blackmail to try to stop trump from going after the treason of the democrats and media

the speed of one investigation with less evidence of any crimes and the no speed of no investigation of the real crimes with real evidence..... that brings unequal justice no matter how one looks at this

this unequal justice will now totally destroy the jury system...and the wise will flee and the nation will fall
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free! That was the recommendation file within the last half hour or so! I think it's a scandal regardless of his openness! He was a military intel officer who was out of control, conspiring with Russia and Saudi Arabia, and was implicated in the kidnapping of a foreign dissident residing here in the States for a fee to be paid on delivery! :102: :14: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:
If he puts Trump in prison then hell, send him to Disney World as punishment.

Again, for the slow, trump wasn't under investigation. You guys are a laugher.

The fraud media brainwashed the voters to think Trump was under investigation in order to right thd election with fake poison news

The fake media should be charged with treason

That’s even stupider than your old theory that actually, Mueller is investigating Clinton and Podesta! :lmao:
You'd think they can't outdo themselves but they do
all american court systems now will fall like a rock.... because of UNEQUAL JUSTICE the democrats were caught red handed with rigging the election against the voters ......the media with giving the questions of the debate to one candidate and the democrat party caught rigging the elections against the voters for the same candidate hillary against sanders

caught rigging the elections....

then the witch hunt came to work like blackmail to try to stop trump from going after the treason of the democrats and media

the speed of one investigation with less evidence of any crimes and the no speed of no investigation of the real crimes with real evidence..... that brings unequal justice no matter how one looks at this

this unequal justice will now totally destroy the jury system...and the wise will flee and the nation will fall
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free! That was the recommendation file within the last half hour or so! I think it's a scandal regardless of his openness! He was a military intel officer who was out of control, conspiring with Russia and Saudi Arabia, and was implicated in the kidnapping of a foreign dissident residing here in the States for a fee to be paid on delivery! :102: :14: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:
If he puts Trump in prison then hell, send him to Disney World as punishment.

Again, for the slow, trump wasn't under investigation. You guys are a laugher.

The fraud media brainwashed the voters to think Trump was under investigation in order to right thd election with fake poison news

The fake media should be charged with treason
Please do not reward Russian trolls
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free!

More likely, because Flynn has NOT committed any crimes.

Dear Americans, aren't you tired of fake "investigations" of innocent people in your country while bunch of real crooks like Clintons, Obama, Soros and many others are running free and keep influencing your country's politics, your life, your future?

These aren't "fake investigations". Just ask the MAGA hat wearing juror in the Manafort trial. She believed this investigation was a witch hunt, but, she voted "guilty" on all 18 counts because the physical evidence of Manifort's crimes was "overwhelming".

Cooperating witnesses aren't just "making up stuff". Nor are people who plead guilty.

"Real crooks" are people like Donald Trump who run real estate scams, launder money for Russian oligarchs, and don't care what they do to "win", because "winning" makes it right.

What the American people are tired of is Russian trolls promoting lies, and the idea that Trump isn't a treasonous crook.
Process crimes and indictments on personal lives from 20 years ago. Lol. Keep on with that fantasy.

Let me educate you.

There is no such animal as a "process crime" and check your timelines

Yes, it happens when a prosecutor doesn't have anything on a person so he/she just perjury traps. Mueller has to show something and this is all he has.
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free!

More likely, because Flynn has NOT committed any crimes.

Dear Americans, aren't you tired of fake "investigations" of innocent people in your country while bunch of real crooks like Clintons, Obama, Soros and many others are running free and keep influencing your country's politics, your life, your future?

These aren't "fake investigations". Just ask the MAGA hat wearing juror in the Manafort trial. She believed this investigation was a witch hunt, but, she voted "guilty" on all 18 counts because the physical evidence of Manifort's crimes was "overwhelming".

Cooperating witnesses aren't just "making up stuff". Nor are people who plead guilty.

"Real crooks" are people like Donald Trump who run real estate scams, launder money for Russian oligarchs, and don't care what they do to "win", because "winning" makes it right.

What the American people are tired of is Russian trolls promoting lies, and the idea that Trump isn't a treasonous crook.

The fake media is the one making the lies

Got caught rigging the election to stop the voters with a rigged debate with one candidate getting the questions before the questions were asked

That is rigging the election and that is high treason
Process crimes and indictments on personal lives from 20 years ago. Lol. Keep on with that fantasy.

Let me educate you.

There is no such animal as a "process crime" and check your timelines

Yes, it happens when a prosecutor doesn't have anything on a person so he/she just perjury traps. Mueller has to show something and this is all he has.

Everything you just posted is a Trumpian lie.

There is no such thing as a "perjury trap". All you have to do is tell the truth, and such a trap can't work. And as for the guilty pleas, defendants also have to provide proof of their crimes. You can't just walk into court, and say "I did it", and implicate others without proof. Cohen has provided tapes, letters, emails, signed agreements, and other documentation to back up his guilty plea about lying about Trump Tower Moscow, and in implicating Trump and his children, he provided copies of emails providing instruction and direction from the Trump family members, a Letter of Intent signed by Trump even as he was telling people he had no business deals in Russia, and tape recordings of conversations.

THAT's what Mueller has. And he has it from all cooperating witnesses. Their cell phones, their emails - all evidence and documentation proving the crimes of Donald J. Trump and his family. The President is now the subject of an FBI investigation. This week, several Republican lawyers have opined that Trump's tweets castigating Cohen for cooperating and dangling pardons to those who don't, are open witness tampering and obstruction of justice.

Mueller has a shit ton of evidence, and the collusion is now out in the open. Trump wasn't going for the win. It was all an elaborate scam to get Trump Tower Moscow built. This selfish greedy man never gave a rat's ass about the country, and that's why he's been running it into the ground.

The bull market is over, expect more pain ti follow.
all american court systems now will fall like a rock.... because of UNEQUAL JUSTICE the democrats were caught red handed with rigging the election against the voters ......the media with giving the questions of the debate to one candidate and the democrat party caught rigging the elections against the voters for the same candidate hillary against sanders

caught rigging the elections....

then the witch hunt came to work like blackmail to try to stop trump from going after the treason of the democrats and media

the speed of one investigation with less evidence of any crimes and the no speed of no investigation of the real crimes with real evidence..... that brings unequal justice no matter how one looks at this

this unequal justice will now totally destroy the jury system...and the wise will flee and the nation will fall
After being very cooperative; early and often, Mueller's letting Michael Flynn off SCOTT-free! That was the recommendation file within the last half hour or so! I think it's a scandal regardless of his openness! He was a military intel officer who was out of control, conspiring with Russia and Saudi Arabia, and was implicated in the kidnapping of a foreign dissident residing here in the States for a fee to be paid on delivery! :102: :14: :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:
If he puts Trump in prison then hell, send him to Disney World as punishment.

Again, for the slow, trump wasn't under investigation. You guys are a laugher.

The fraud media brainwashed the voters to think Trump was under investigation in order to right thd election with fake poison news

The fake media should be charged with treason
Please do not reward Russian trolls
the media caught rigging the election by rigging the debate and no high treason charges now will have all people cheating and all juries will be just a chest fest This destroys a nation

How can a person say guilty during a trial when there was no charges for real high treason harm

The whole jury system will now fall apart and the nation falls

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