For 2 years the dems have promised impeachment

What justice was obstructed?
Doesn't mattter. Just that obstruction was attempted. Attempting to have investigators fired fits.
  1. U.S. Code
  3. Part I. CRIMES
  5. Section 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees
Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress—

Shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both.
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
Just because a wing of the party has the horrible idea of impeachment doesn’t mean all Dems support it. The title of your OP is misleading

It's a matter of taking the necessary steps. Most Democrats know he deserves impeachment, but it would be a waste to do it before the voters are convinced of Trump's unlawful behavior
The election is next year. I say let the voters do the speaking and the impeaching. Let’s not make a martyr out of Donald Trump. Best to reject him at the ballot box and turn the “winner” into a big loser.

You, and the country might change your mind after his crimes are revealed.
Democrats are pussies... all they know how to do is cry mantras when they aren’t currently getting their way.. The latest is “Impeach”.
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?
Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
Well, isn't that what Pelosi's been saying? More Republicans need to be on board or it'll just be an exercise in futility, causing even more division in the country than Trump has already caused. If Painter really believes Trump should be impeached, he should be rounding up others to go to the WH with him, like was done with Nixon.
No Republican will impeach with no evidence......
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
It would be a waste of time. The Senate is in his pocket. They will lie, cheat, and steal at his direction. Better to push the investigations. Bring every dirty little secret out into the sun for all to see. The court of public opinion will remove him even though the toadies in the Senate will not.
The dirty little democratic secrets are coming out.

So keep investigating
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief

Why are you so obsessed with this? You make multiple threads a day about this one topic.
Because the Americans who voted for dems deserve the impeachment that they were promised

Dont you deserve the truth?
I would like nothing more than to impeach and remove trump from office.
Since trump pretty much owns the senate, it won’t do any good.

Best to remove him in the next election.

I plan to vote for the Democratic candidate, for the first time in my life.

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But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
It would be a waste of time. The Senate is in his pocket. They will lie, cheat, and steal at his direction. Better to push the investigations. Bring every dirty little secret out into the sun for all to see. The court of public opinion will remove him even though the toadies in the Senate will not.
The dirty little democratic secrets are coming out.

So keep investigating

Weaponization of the Courts is one.
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
It would be a waste of time. The Senate is in his pocket. They will lie, cheat, and steal at his direction. Better to push the investigations. Bring every dirty little secret out into the sun for all to see. The court of public opinion will remove him even though the toadies in the Senate will not.
The dirty little democratic secrets are coming out.

So keep investigating

Weaponization of the Courts is one.
The courts have always been weapons for the govt. A select few beat the odds of wrongful conviction. Trump is one
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
Just because a wing of the party has the horrible idea of impeachment doesn’t mean all Dems support it. The title of your OP is misleading
I support it, it just isn't one of the available options at the moment.
So you think that trump colluded with Russia but that he can not be impeached at this time
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?
Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief
Well, isn't that what Pelosi's been saying? More Republicans need to be on board or it'll just be an exercise in futility, causing even more division in the country than Trump has already caused. If Painter really believes Trump should be impeached, he should be rounding up others to go to the WH with him, like was done with Nixon.
No Republican will impeach with no evidence......
They won't be fooled again like with Nixon. Progs will never impeach one of their own. Progs have changed people to think more like them. When McVeigh did his nasty, it bothered a lot of people on the side you don't like. Not anymore. If it happens again, it will be funny. Any tragedy with you is funny now. Just like you feel against us. That is the difference today. Get it.
The Democrats and the Media will keep pushing Russia, Obstruction, Collusion, etc even with no facts, nor evidence. This will continue through the election, and possibly after unless they can come up with a new, fresh LIE to dupe the low information types.
But before the Muller report even came out Pelosi said no impeachment. How is this fair to the American people? Is Pelosi working for Trump?

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief

Why are you so obsessed with this? You make multiple threads a day about this one topic.
Because the Americans who voted for dems deserve the impeachment that they were promised

Dont you deserve the truth?

The Americans that voted for the Repubs deserve to see “her locked up”, yet you do not start 10 threads a day on that topic.

Do you right wingnuts not deserve truth?

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