For all the people concerned about 40% of Americans believing in Creationism


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
First, I agree that Creationism is silly. However, no one seems concerned about things like 50% of Americans believing in ESP and 34% of scientists believing in ESP.

The following article defines ESP as:

Telepathy - mind to mind
Clairvoyance- perceive at distance
Precognition- predict future
Psychokinesis- mind/matter, bending spoon with mind.

Additionally, belief in reincarnation, astrology and the evil eye is on the rise, particularly among millennials. For all the constant wailing on about the religious right, the country seems to be turning a blind eye to the rise in irrational beliefs in other areas. I personally blame the rising anti-Logical Empiricist movement in academia.

We criticize people for not believing in something, except do not apply the same standard when criticizing people for actually believing in something. Creationists are mocked only because they don't believe in evolution. We don't seem to be as harsh about criticizing people who do believe in something and are trying to coerce others into it. Gullibility is how cults get started.

Science and technology show us they work. They predict events, they produce knowledge and inventions, and they demonstrate their usefulness. The evidence is persuasive. In contrast, basing life decisions on your horoscope is a bad idea. Belief in things with absolutely no verifiable evidence is dangerous.
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First, I agree that Creationism is silly. However, no one seems concerned about things like 50% of Americans believing in ESP and 34% of scientists believing in ESP.

The following article defines ESP as:

Telepathy - mind to mind
Clairvoyance- perceive at distance
Precognition- predict future
Psychokinesis- mind/matter, bending spoon with mind.

Additionally, belief in reincarnation, astrology and the evil eye is on the rise, particularly among millennials. For all the constant wailing on about the religious right, the country seems to be turning a blind eye to the rise in irrational beliefs in other areas.
ESP IS real. I like to believe in the IDEA of reincarnation, and I believe astrology is uncannily accurate at times. And I'm NO millennial, I was born in 1961. I have no strong feelings about Creationism.
First, I agree that Creationism is silly. However, no one seems concerned about things like 50% of Americans believing in ESP and 34% of scientists believing in ESP.

The following article defines ESP as:

Telepathy - mind to mind
Clairvoyance- perceive at distance
Precognition- predict future
Psychokinesis- mind/matter, bending spoon with mind.

Additionally, belief in reincarnation, astrology and the evil eye is on the rise, particularly among millennials. For all the constant wailing on about the religious right, the country seems to be turning a blind eye to the rise in irrational beliefs in other areas. I personally blame the rising anti-Logical Empiricist movement in academia.

We criticize people for not believing in something, except do not apply the same standard when criticizing people for actually believing in something. Creationists are mocked only because they don't believe in evolution. We don't seem to be as harsh about criticizing people who do believe in something and are trying to coerce others into it. Gullibility is how cults get started.

Science and technology show us they work. They predict events, they produce knowledge and inventions, and they demonstrate their usefulness. The evidence is persuasive. In contrast, basing life decisions on your horoscope is a bad idea. Belief in things with absolutely no verifiable evidence is dangerous.
Meh, hit me up when the Astrological lobby is so powerful that politicians are trying to put astrology in public science classes.
I have no problem if you believe in Creationism. But, I do have a problem with my child going to a public school and Creationists wanting to have Science courses include Creationism as if it were actually a science, which it really isn't. The religious are always trying to get prayer into public schools, even though the parents are the ones who determine what they are to hear, or not hear when it comes to religion. Religion belongs ONLY in private religious schools, churches, temples, mosques, synagogues and among those that want to hear such nonsense. If you are one of those that don't want your kids hearing about Evolution and that the Earth is billions of years old, simply put them in a private religious school; our kids are not to be exposed to your nonsense.
My other complaint about religion is that religion always seeks to have all people obey laws claimed in their so-called religious books. Superstitious books that were written down even before the Dark Ages.
I have no problem if you believe in Creationism. But, I do have a problem with my child going to a public school and Creationists wanting to have Science courses include Creationism as if it were actually a science, which it really isn't. The religious are always trying to get prayer into public schools, even though the parents are the ones who determine what they are to hear, or not hear when it comes to religion. Religion belongs ONLY in private religious schools, churches, temples, mosques, synagogues and among those that want to hear such nonsense. If you are one of those that don't want your kids hearing about Evolution and that the Earth is billions of years old, simply put them in a private religious school; our kids are not to be exposed to your nonsense.
My other complaint about religion is that religion always seeks to have all people obey laws claimed in their so-called religious books. Superstitious books that were written down even before the Dark Ages.

Did you read my post? "First, I agree that Creationism is silly." I'm agnostic and have no interest in Creationism. I have never encountered these legions of screaming far-right creationists who want to put creationism in schools. I live next to a church and its members have never once tried to coerce me into attending. I have no interest in what they are doing. When people start harassing me and trying to coerce me into believing their bullshit, then I get angry.

In my experience, the far left contains some of the most irrational people on the planet and I find it frustrating when people who are obsessed with the religious right turn a blind eye to hippie retards who plan on treating their child's cancer holistically with herbs and spices, acupuncture, and spiritual energy.
I have no problem if you believe in Creationism. But, I do have a problem with my child going to a public school and Creationists wanting to have Science courses include Creationism as if it were actually a science, which it really isn't. The religious are always trying to get prayer into public schools, even though the parents are the ones who determine what they are to hear, or not hear when it comes to religion. Religion belongs ONLY in private religious schools, churches, temples, mosques, synagogues and among those that want to hear such nonsense. If you are one of those that don't want your kids hearing about Evolution and that the Earth is billions of years old, simply put them in a private religious school; our kids are not to be exposed to your nonsense.
My other complaint about religion is that religion always seeks to have all people obey laws claimed in their so-called religious books. Superstitious books that were written down even before the Dark Ages.
Just stop taxing people for all the results of not obeying laws in those religious books. It will bring the issues to a forefront real fast.
I have no problem if you believe in Creationism. But, I do have a problem with my child going to a public school and Creationists wanting to have Science courses include Creationism as if it were actually a science, which it really isn't. The religious are always trying to get prayer into public schools, even though the parents are the ones who determine what they are to hear, or not hear when it comes to religion. Religion belongs ONLY in private religious schools, churches, temples, mosques, synagogues and among those that want to hear such nonsense. If you are one of those that don't want your kids hearing about Evolution and that the Earth is billions of years old, simply put them in a private religious school; our kids are not to be exposed to your nonsense.
My other complaint about religion is that religion always seeks to have all people obey laws claimed in their so-called religious books. Superstitious books that were written down even before the Dark Ages.
Just stop taxing people for all the results of not obeying laws in those religious books. It will bring the issues to a forefront real fast.
Churches are actually a business. They bring in money for profit, hence, their ability to fund more churches and programs. Religion should be taxed. As for your tax dollars going towards those public schools, those schools were set up to teach young people, the basics to get ahead in the world, reading, writing, mathematics, literature, history and "science," which includes Evolution, which is based upon the examination of fossil evidence and carbon and radiographic dating. Before you complain that such things are just a "theory," research the difference between your average gut theory and scientific theory.
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First, I agree that Creationism is silly. However, no one seems concerned about things like 50% of Americans believing in ESP and 34% of scientists believing in ESP.

The following article defines ESP as:

Telepathy - mind to mind
Clairvoyance- perceive at distance
Precognition- predict future
Psychokinesis- mind/matter, bending spoon with mind.

Additionally, belief in reincarnation, astrology and the evil eye is on the rise, particularly among millennials. For all the constant wailing on about the religious right, the country seems to be turning a blind eye to the rise in irrational beliefs in other areas. I personally blame the rising anti-Logical Empiricist movement in academia.

We criticize people for not believing in something, except do not apply the same standard when criticizing people for actually believing in something. Creationists are mocked only because they don't believe in evolution. We don't seem to be as harsh about criticizing people who do believe in something and are trying to coerce others into it. Gullibility is how cults get started.

Science and technology show us they work. They predict events, they produce knowledge and inventions, and they demonstrate their usefulness. The evidence is persuasive. In contrast, basing life decisions on your horoscope is a bad idea. Belief in things with absolutely no verifiable evidence is dangerous.
Also, I think it is important to better define your terms.

"Creationism" itself is just the belief that the gods made everything. One doesn't have to come into conflict with any evidence based knowledge in order to be a creationist.

The ones to worry about are the creationists who also cling to specific dogma from their respective religions that DOES come into conflict with evidence-based knowledge.

Personally, yes, I worry about the other faith based nonsense too, for the same reason. Antivaxxers, anti fluoride nuttiness, straight chiropractic, homeopathic nonsense, astrology, all of that garbage. But it is totally fair to show a concern that matches the scale of the problems these things actually cause.
First, I agree that Creationism is silly. However, no one seems concerned about things like 50% of Americans believing in ESP and 34% of scientists believing in ESP.

The following article defines ESP as:

Telepathy - mind to mind
Clairvoyance- perceive at distance
Precognition- predict future
Psychokinesis- mind/matter, bending spoon with mind.

Additionally, belief in reincarnation, astrology and the evil eye is on the rise, particularly among millennials. For all the constant wailing on about the religious right, the country seems to be turning a blind eye to the rise in irrational beliefs in other areas. I personally blame the rising anti-Logical Empiricist movement in academia.

We criticize people for not believing in something, except do not apply the same standard when criticizing people for actually believing in something. Creationists are mocked only because they don't believe in evolution. We don't seem to be as harsh about criticizing people who do believe in something and are trying to coerce others into it. Gullibility is how cults get started.

Science and technology show us they work. They predict events, they produce knowledge and inventions, and they demonstrate their usefulness. The evidence is persuasive. In contrast, basing life decisions on your horoscope is a bad idea. Belief in things with absolutely no verifiable evidence is dangerous.
Also, I think it is important to better define your terms.

"Creationism" itself is just the belief that the gods made everything. One doesn't have to come into conflict with any evidence based knowledge in order to be a creationist.

The ones to worry about are the creationists who also cling to specific dogma from their respective religions that DOES come into conflict with evidence-based knowledge.

Personally, yes, I worry about the other faith based nonsense too, for the same reason. Antivaxxers, anti fluoride nuttiness, straight chiropractic, homeopathic nonsense, astrology, all of that garbage. But it is totally fair to show a concern that matches the scale of the problems these things actually cause.
Creationism helped the Western World to become wealthier then the rest of the world. Very basic rights that have expanded and still being fought for are entrenched here.
First, I agree that Creationism is silly. However, no one seems concerned about things like 50% of Americans believing in ESP and 34% of scientists believing in ESP.

The following article defines ESP as:

Telepathy - mind to mind
Clairvoyance- perceive at distance
Precognition- predict future
Psychokinesis- mind/matter, bending spoon with mind.

Additionally, belief in reincarnation, astrology and the evil eye is on the rise, particularly among millennials. For all the constant wailing on about the religious right, the country seems to be turning a blind eye to the rise in irrational beliefs in other areas. I personally blame the rising anti-Logical Empiricist movement in academia.

We criticize people for not believing in something, except do not apply the same standard when criticizing people for actually believing in something. Creationists are mocked only because they don't believe in evolution. We don't seem to be as harsh about criticizing people who do believe in something and are trying to coerce others into it. Gullibility is how cults get started.

Science and technology show us they work. They predict events, they produce knowledge and inventions, and they demonstrate their usefulness. The evidence is persuasive. In contrast, basing life decisions on your horoscope is a bad idea. Belief in things with absolutely no verifiable evidence is dangerous.
Also, I think it is important to better define your terms.

"Creationism" itself is just the belief that the gods made everything. One doesn't have to come into conflict with any evidence based knowledge in order to be a creationist.

The ones to worry about are the creationists who also cling to specific dogma from their respective religions that DOES come into conflict with evidence-based knowledge.

Personally, yes, I worry about the other faith based nonsense too, for the same reason. Antivaxxers, anti fluoride nuttiness, straight chiropractic, homeopathic nonsense, astrology, all of that garbage. But it is totally fair to show a concern that matches the scale of the problems these things actually cause.

My biggest problem with religion is that the evidence supporting it is so non-persuasive that people have to be coerced with threats of eternal damnation in order to spread its belief. That should be considered a major red flag in my opinion. Also, I'd rather have someone who doesn't believe in evolution as a neighbor than an anti-vaxxer.
Also, I'd rather have someone who doesn't believe in evolution as a neighbor than an anti-vaxxer.
Ha! I suppose good arguments can be made for that. For instance, the evolution denier is all talk. He will still likely take advantage of our knowledge of evolution and use modern medicine. Like, vaccines.
First, I agree that Creationism is silly. ...

Depends how to see the "problems" in this context and how to ask philosophically. The natural laws are for example created <=> they existed since the very first moment of the universe. All energy of the universe is created too <=> no one is able to create or to destroy energy and so on and so on. Other things "evolve" - what's in general only possible in islands of the nature, where locally the entropy is able to sink - because "to evolve" means in a most simple view things become more complex. But in general is the use of the biological idea "evolution" also often used very "silly". For example are cars or clothings or tools or anything else what human beings are doing not evolving biologically (=without human intentions or human plans). What human beings are doing ("creating") follows ideas, plans, traditions, opinions and so on and so on is "teleologically" - but biology and natural laws in general have no intentions. They are not teleologically. They are - but they are not "our way" - although we are not able to go without them. The sun shines with everyone. The rain falls on everyone.

The whole "discussion" of the English speaking world "creation vs evolutiuon" is more a kind of religious war from believers in science (or the pseudo-philosophers of empirism) against pseudo-beliefers in god and/or wrong spiritual calculators.

Example: When someone constructs a driller then someone needs a lot of knowledge about the materialistic world - but when his 4 years old child dies then it's for the same man in most cases much more important to find a spiritual connection to the might or mights, which make everything real for us and fills us always again with new hope - specially when we are very desperated. The question "Why did you create me and my son and everything all around us to give us such an unbelievable joy of life - and why do you take him now to you and let me suffer so deep?" is for example not a silly question. It is just simple a question no one ever likes to have really to ask.

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Creationism is a straw man used to plug the gaps in evolution theory.
Creationism is a straw man used to plug the gaps in evolution theory.

And flat nonsense is flat nonsense and leads not to a way over the mountains in the spaceship "Santa Maria".

Eroberung des Paradieses


Es scheint ein Licht im Herzen der Menschen,
es trotzt dem Dunkel der Mitternacht,
ein Strahl, der in jeder Seele glüht
wie Flügel der Hoffnung den Flug aufnehmend.

Ein sonniger Tag, wenn ein Baby geboren wird,
die kleinen Dinge, die wir nennen,
ein ungewöhnliches Funkeln in jemandes Augen,
ganz einfache Gaben, an jedem Tag.

Irgendwo ist ein Paradies,
wo jedermann Befreiung findet,
es ist hier auf Erden und zwischen deinen Augen,
ein Ort, wo wir alle unseren Frieden finden.

Komm - öffne dein Herz,
greif nach den Sternen,
glaube an deine eigene Kraft,
jetzt - hier an diesem Ort,
hier auf dieser Erde,
zu dieser Stunde.

Es ist einfach ein Ort, den wir Paradies nennen,
jeder von uns hat sein eigenes,
es hat keinen Namen, nein, es hat keinen Preis,
es ist einfach ein Ort, den wir Heimat nennen.

Ein Traum, der bis jenseits der Sterne reicht,
das endlose Blau des Himmels,
immer sich fragend: wer sind wir?
Immer die Frage stellend: warum?


Es scheint ein Licht im Herzen der Menschen,
es trotzt dem Dunkel der Mitternacht,
ein Strahl, der in jeder Seele glüht
wie Flügel der Hoffnung den Flug aufnehmend.

Wie Flügel der Hoffnung den Flug startend.


La conquête du paradis

Hmm ...
... ... ...

Une lumière brille dans le coeur de l'homme,
qui défie le coeur de la nuit,
une lueur qui palpite dans chaque âme
comme les ailes de l'espoir prenant leur essor.

Un jour radieux lorsqu'un enfant naît,
les petites choses que l'on dit,
une lueur au coin d'un regard,
les cadeaux que chaque jour nous offre.

Il existe un paradis quelque part
où chacun trouve le réconfort,
sur cette Terre et sous nos yeux,
un endroit où nous trouvons tous la paix.

(refrain : )

Laisse parler ton coeur

Envole-toi vers les étoiles

Aie confiance dans ta force.

C'est ici

C'est maintenant

Sur cette Terre

Le paradis n'est qu'un endroit
différent pour chacun de nous.
Il n'a pas de nom, il n'a pas de prix,
c'est simplement l'endroit où l'on se sent chez soi.

Un rêve qui va plus loin que les étoiles,
que le bleu infini du ciel,
qui se demande éternellement
qui nous sommes, et pourquoi.


Une lumière brille dans le coeur de l'homme,
qui défie le coeur de la nuit,
une lueur qui palpite dans chaque âme
comme les ailes de l'espoir prenant leur essor.

Comme les ailes de l'espoir prenant leur essor.

Cucerirea paradisului


In inima omului straluceste o lumina
Sfideaza taria noptii
O raza ce straluceste in fiecare suflet
Precum aripile sperantei

O zi insorita, cand un copil se naste
Lucrurile neinsemnate pe care le spunem
O scanteie in ochii cuiva
Darurile simple, zi de zi

Undeva exista un paradis
Unde fiecare-si gaseste eliberarea
Este aici, pe pamant si intre ochii vostri
Un loc unde cu totii gasim pacea

Hai, deschide-ti inima
Atinge stelele
Crede in tine
Acum - acesta este locul
Aici, pe pamant,
Acesta este momentul.

Este doar un loc pe care il numim paradis
Fiecare dintre noi il are
Nu are nume, nu, nu are nici pret
Este doar un loc pe care il numim acasa

Un vis ce ajunge dincolo de stele
Dincolo de cerul nesfarsit
Mereu mirandu-ne: cine suntem?
Mereu intrebandu-ne: de ce?


In inima omului straluceste o lumina
Sfideaza taria noptii
O raza ce straluceste in fiecare suflet
Precum aripile unei sperante in zbor

Precum aripile unei sperante in zbor.


La Conquista del Paraiso

Hmm ...
... ... ...

Hay una luz que brilla en el corazón del hombre
que desafia la muerte de la noche
un resplandor que brilla entre toda alma
como alas de esperanza tomando vuelo .

Un dia soleado, cuando un bebe ,
las pequeñas cosas que decimos
una chispa especial en los ojos de alguien
simples regalos de cada dia .

En algún lado hay un paraiso
donde todos encuentran libertad
es aqui sobre la tierra y entre tus ojos
un lugar donde todos nosotros encontramos paz.

vamos - abre tu corazón
busca las estrellas,
cree en tu propio poder,
ahora - aquì en este lugar,
aquì en la tierra,
este es el momento

Es solo un lugar al que llamamos paraiso,
cada uno de nosotros tiene el suyo
no tiene nombre, no, no tiene precio
es solo un lugar al que llamamos hogar .

Un sueño que busca mas haya de las estrellas
el interminable azul de los cielos,
siempre pregunto : Quienes somos?
siempre cuestiono : Porquè ?

{Coro }

Hay una luz que brilla en el corazón del hombre
que desafia la muerte de la noche,
un resplandor que brilla en toda alma
como alas de esperanza tomando vuelo

como alas de esperanza tomando vuelo,


Vangelis hódítás 1492

mindig marad egy fénysugár
bár a halált hozza az éj
a lélek így is utat talál
a remény szárnyain

már az élet kezdetén
az évek hajnalán
lágy szemünk tisztán ragyog
ha a lélekhez ér

már közel ide a széles part
hol kínunk végre véget ér
a nagy föld csendben vár reánk
míg hajónk hozzá elér

jöjj tárd ki szíved
a csillagok
nyúlnak te érted
most és örökké
az út a nagy vízen
ezen órán partot ért

egy nagy föld mely nekünk oly mesés
mindig róla álmodtunk
örömünk most már végtelen
mától itt lesz otthonunk

egy álom a csillagok fölött
hol végtelen a víz és a föld.
és ez most már mind miénk
az egész vidék

jöjj tárd ki szíved
a csillagok
nyúlnak te érted
most és örökké
az út a nagy vízen
ezen órán partot ért

mindig marad egy fénysugár
bár a halált hozza az éj
a lélek így is utat talál
a remény szárnyain

a remény szárnyain

fordította Gaál György István

... ... ...

source: Dana Winner - Liedtext: Conquest of Paradise - DE

Conquest of Paradise

Hmm ...

There shines a light in the heart of man,
Defies the dead of the night,
A beam that glows within every soul
Like wings of hope taking flight.

A sunny day, when a baby's born,
The little things that we say,
A special sparkle in someone's eye,
Simple gifts, every day.

Somewhere there's a paradise
Where everyone finds release,
It's here on earth and between your eyes,
A place we all find our peace.

Come - open your heart,
Reach for the stars,
Believe your own power.
Now - here in this place,
Here on this earth,
This is the hour.

It's just a place we call paradise,
Each of us has his own,
It has no name, no, it has no price,
It's just a place we call home.

A dream that reaches beyond the stars
The endless blue of the skies,
Forever wondering: who we are?
Forever questioning: why?


There shines a light in the heart of man,
Defies the dead of the night,
A beam that glows within every soul
Like wings of hope taking flight,

Like wings of hope taking flight.
... ... ...
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I did some time in a rural high school in California's Bible Belt ... the community was major league church-goers ... the biology classroom/lab had a bookcase with maybe a couple hundred reference books ... including the Bible ... that made a big impression on me, I asked and the teacher said he wasn't afraid of it, go ahead and read it if you like, that's why he keeps a copy there ...

Creationism isn't that difficult ... it's a fairly simple story and somewhat clearly explained ... teach the child to read and the schools have done their job ...

Baylor University ... that stalworth of Christian identity and premier Theological institute ... teaches evolution, publicly says so and they refuse to apologize ...
The Big Bang is the creation of all matter out of nothing. Most people railing against Creationism are fanatical Creationists. They believe in the big bang theory invented by a Jesuit creationist, and are disturbed anyone could believe something else or have a different creation date other than 5,400,000,000 years ago
The Big Bang is the creation of all matter out of nothing.
Not necessarily true.

Also, your attempt to characterize big bang theory by the religion of the first person to hypothesize it is fallacious and not worthy of posting in the science section. Save that for the Rubber Room.

And the universe is believed to be about 14 billion years old. You are free to dispute that using evidence and argument. No, religious beliefs are not good arguments.
First, I agree that Creationism is silly. However, no one seems concerned about things like 50% of Americans believing in ESP and 34% of scientists believing in ESP.

The following article defines ESP as:

Telepathy - mind to mind
Clairvoyance- perceive at distance
Precognition- predict future
Psychokinesis- mind/matter, bending spoon with mind.

Additionally, belief in reincarnation, astrology and the evil eye is on the rise, particularly among millennials. For all the constant wailing on about the religious right, the country seems to be turning a blind eye to the rise in irrational beliefs in other areas. I personally blame the rising anti-Logical Empiricist movement in academia.

We criticize people for not believing in something, except do not apply the same standard when criticizing people for actually believing in something. Creationists are mocked only because they don't believe in evolution. We don't seem to be as harsh about criticizing people who do believe in something and are trying to coerce others into it. Gullibility is how cults get started.

Science and technology show us they work. They predict events, they produce knowledge and inventions, and they demonstrate their usefulness. The evidence is persuasive. In contrast, basing life decisions on your horoscope is a bad idea. Belief in things with absolutely no verifiable evidence is dangerous.

"Creationists are mocked only because they don't believe in evolution. We don't seem to be as harsh about criticizing people who do believe in something and are trying to coerce others into it. Gullibility is how cults get started."


the problem with people like you is you KNOW SO MUCH that just aint so....; › articles › big_lie_exposed

The Big Lie of Evolution - Darwin's doctrine of delusion ...
So the Devil was smart with Evolution. He told the big lie: "In the beginning, God didn't create the Heavens and the Earth; it just happened by some kind of a big ... › evolution-the-big-lie-of-atheists-and-agn...

EVOLUTION-The BIG LIE Of Atheists And Agnostics! – Garner ...
Here, you will discover the astonishing truth about evolution's big lie! There are literally thousands of proofs that a Creator God exists. The Bible says we can ... › evolution › big_lie

Koko the Gorilla Proves Evolution is a Lie! ... Adolf Hitler was a big fan of Charles Darwin, because THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES gave him the justification he ...

Prominent conservative christians with INFLUENCE and POWER (many of them republican politicians, many of them have weekly meetings with Hair Trump)

believe and STATE that "evolution is a lie!"

they do NOT want it taugh at all!

(do YOU want lies taught in school?)

They would LOVE to silence and bannish evolution and present creation or intelligent design (god) as the ONLY options.

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