For all those who think we should be more like Europe

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Is this really what you want?

Tell me again how the US is a hotbed of racism compared to Europe. While there has been some vandalism here, I haven't noticed riots in the streets or chants of "Gas the Jews" here.

July’s headlines have been grim.
The eruption of conflict this month between Israeli Defense Forces and Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip has brought the worst out of some Europeans (and a few Americans, too).
Thousands of Germans took to the streets of Berlin where they apparently sought out a fight with the city’s Jews and Israeli sympathizers: “Jew, Jew, cowardly pig, come on out and fight on your own,” they reportedly chanted.
In Italy, the resurgence of anti-Semitism is not even thinly veiled as protesters vandalized Jewish-owned businesses and synagogues. “ Phrases like ‘Anne Frank Was a Liar,’ ‘Dirty Jews,’ ‘Jews your end is near,’ and ‘Israel executioner’ were written in spray paint alongside Celtic crosses and rows and rows of swastikas,” the Daily Beast reported.
“Thousands had gathered to demonstrate against the Israeli bombardment of Gaza. But the protest soon turned violent – and against Jews in general,” read a Newsweek cover story datelined France. “Two weeks later, 400 protesters attacked a synagogue and Jewish-owned businesses in Sarcelles, in the north of Paris, shouting “Death to the Jews”. Posters had even advertised the raid in advance, like the pogroms of Tsarist Russia.”
The headlines from the Old World leads one to wonder just how committed the West is to ensuring that the human experience of the mid-20th Century is “never again” permitted to occur. At least, that is what the unsophisticated rabble would think. Fortunately, our erudite superiors in the press corps know better – or, at least, they knew better just a few weeks ago when the consensus opinion was to mock and deride those who are conscious of the tides of history.

As Jews flee Europe, the sneering media admonished again « Hot Air
The LAST thing I want to be is "like Europe".

I can't stand the EURO-WEINIES. Why the USA saved Europe TWICE from German aggression will never make sense to me.
I think it is a GREAT idea!

Which state should play the part of Greece? (Bancrupt)
And Hungary? (Abolished freedom of speech)

"We" are countries - "you" are states. I bet you can find european countries being closer to some american state than other countries in europe. And the other way around.
Those who think the US should be more like Europe, all 6 of them?

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