For all Trump's hoopla about kneeling and how it takes away from the game....


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
...what has the man had to say about the actual football game that is the single biggest one of the entire season?

One'd think were Trump so concerned about the game itself, he'd have at least aired his thoughts about whom he wants to see win.
And if attendance and poll results be the determining factors, 21st century football greatly surpasses baseball in the contest to be American's favorite sport.
Given those two major factors -- the kneeling furor he caused and football's status as Americans' favorite pastime -- but especially the first one one'd think Trump would have at least have announced his pick for the Bowl. Alas, we see yet again, Trump is all and only about saying what he thinks will profit him politically and that there's not an iota of principle underlying what that man says and does.
Wouldn't you think lefties would be concerned about the game itself rather than defending spoiled brats who decided to disrespect the National Anthem?
Trump obviously is a Patriot fan because he is a patriot.

Isn't he supposedly close with Belichick and Brady? Didn't he host them at the White House last time they won?
Where I live, Dianne Black who is running for Governor of Tennessee had a commercial targeting NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem.
...what has the man had to say about the actual football game that is the single biggest one of the entire season?

One'd think were Trump so concerned about the game itself, he'd have at least aired his thoughts about whom he wants to see win.
And if attendance and poll results be the determining factors, 21st century football greatly surpasses baseball in the contest to be American's favorite sport.
Given those two major factors -- the kneeling furor he caused and football's status as Americans' favorite pastime -- but especially the first one one'd think Trump would have at least have announced his pick for the Bowl. Alas, we see yet again, Trump is all and only about saying what he thinks will profit him politically and that there's not an iota of principle underlying what that man says and does.

for Donald it was a win win... he got to play to his trumptards and he got to give a little pain to the NFL which rejected his bids to own a team multiple times. they wanted nothing to do with him.
Trump is all and only about saying what he thinks will profit him politically and that there's not an iota of principle underlying what that man says and does.
A common trait among politicians. Kind of like how Obama was for marriage being defined as a union between a man and a woman when he was running in 2008, later to evolve to include same sex marriages. It also why Trump ran on building a wall an having Mexico pay for it.
Wouldn't you think lefties would be concerned about the game itself rather than defending spoiled brats who decided to disrespect the National Anthem?

I'd be more concerned about the bigoted spoiled brat in the White House.
Trump is all and only about saying what he thinks will profit him politically and that there's not an iota of principle underlying what that man says and does.
A common trait among politicians. Kind of like how Obama was for marriage being defined as a union between a man and a woman when he was running in 2008, later to evolve to include same sex marriages. It also why Trump ran on building a wall an having Mexico pay for it.

at some point there are degrees of BS.

Donald is a proven liar who chooses things to lie about which are easily verifiable....
Wouldn't you think lefties would be concerned about the game itself rather than defending spoiled brats who decided to disrespect the National Anthem?
I can't say what they'd be concerned about. I can only say that part of the Trump's rhetoric deriding the knee thing was that it detracted from the game and now that we have the most important NFL game of the season happening, Trump has been mum about the game itself.
Wouldn't you think lefties would be concerned about the game itself rather than defending spoiled brats who decided to disrespect the National Anthem?
I can't say what they'd be concerned about. I can only say that part of the Trump's rhetoric deriding the knee thing was that it detracted from the game and now that we have the most important NFL game of the season happening, Trump has been mum about the game itself.

he hates the owners in the NFL... they rejected him for years. they saw him as a joke.
Trump is all and only about saying what he thinks will profit him politically and that there's not an iota of principle underlying what that man says and does.
A common trait among politicians. Kind of like how Obama was for marriage being defined as a union between a man and a woman when he was running in 2008, later to evolve to include same sex marriages. It also why Trump ran on building a wall an having Mexico pay for it.
Kind of like how Obama was for marriage being defined as a union between a man and a woman when he was running in 2008, later to evolve to include same sex marriages.
Tu quoque

I'm not comparing or contrasting Trump's behavior/rhetoric to anyone's other than his own. I'm not because nobody but he is POTUS.

If you want to discuss what you construe as Obama's duplicitousness, by all means create your own thread to do do. In this thread, however, I'd appreciate your sticking to the topic, which is Trump's.

Remember, the existential quality of one's character stands or falls on the coherence and consistency among one's own collective words and deeds, and the existential merit of one's words/deeds stand or fall on the intrinsic merit of the idea/actions themselves. The existential merit of neither depends on of what other folks think, say, or do.
Trump is all and only about saying what he thinks will profit him politically and that there's not an iota of principle underlying what that man says and does.
A common trait among politicians. Kind of like how Obama was for marriage being defined as a union between a man and a woman when he was running in 2008, later to evolve to include same sex marriages. It also why Trump ran on building a wall an having Mexico pay for it.
Kind of like how Obama was for marriage being defined as a union between a man and a woman when he was running in 2008, later to evolve to include same sex marriages.
Tu quoque

I'm not comparing or contrasting Trump's behavior/rhetoric to anyone's other than his own. I'm not because nobody but he is POTUS.

If you want to discuss what you construe as Obama's duplicitousness, by all means create your own thread to do do. In this thread, however, I'd appreciate your sticking to the topic, which is Trump's.

Remember, the existential quality of one's character stands or falls on the coherence and consistency among one's own collective words and deeds, and the existential merit of one's words/deeds stand or fall on the intrinsic merit of the idea/actions themselves. The existential merit of neither depends on of what other folks think, say, or do.
I do not see pointing out the dupicitousness of politicians/presidents in general as being off topic as that is now the group that Trump is now a member. Had I posted a long diatribe about Obama, that would be a different story.
...what has the man had to say about the actual football game that is the single biggest one of the entire season?

One'd think were Trump so concerned about the game itself, he'd have at least aired his thoughts about whom he wants to see win.
And if attendance and poll results be the determining factors, 21st century football greatly surpasses baseball in the contest to be American's favorite sport.
Given those two major factors -- the kneeling furor he caused and football's status as Americans' favorite pastime -- but especially the first one one'd think Trump would have at least have announced his pick for the Bowl. Alas, we see yet again, Trump is all and only about saying what he thinks will profit him politically and that there's not an iota of principle underlying what that man says and does.
The left: Trump is a horrible person that can’t be trusted!

Also the left: Oh my god! I have to know who Trump picked to win a football game!

More of the left: Trump is so unpresidential.

Even more of the left: Why isn’t Trump doing stupid useless non presidential shit like picking a team for a football game?
...what has the man had to say about the actual football game that is the single biggest one of the entire season?

One'd think were Trump so concerned about the game itself, he'd have at least aired his thoughts about whom he wants to see win.
And if attendance and poll results be the determining factors, 21st century football greatly surpasses baseball in the contest to be American's favorite sport.
Given those two major factors -- the kneeling furor he caused and football's status as Americans' favorite pastime -- but especially the first one one'd think Trump would have at least have announced his pick for the Bowl. Alas, we see yet again, Trump is all and only about saying what he thinks will profit him politically and that there's not an iota of principle underlying what that man says and does.

Did you forget about the part that says ,keep politics out of the game? :)
By the way the NFL has always been Marxist. But they too have been driven over the edge by Trump Derangment Syndrom and thus become more obvious about it. In the past the NFL has

threatened to boycott states which enforce immigration law
Arizona’s experience with controversial laws and boycotts

Threatened states which refused a holiday for MLK
Why the NFL moved the Super Bowl from Arizona in 1990

Threatened states which have laws to keep men out of little girls bathrooms
A transgender bathroom bill could keep Dallas from getting the 2018 NFL draft

Threatened states which protect speech homosexuals dont like
NFL threatens Atlanta with losing Super Bowl over bill protecting gay ‘marriage’ objectors

The NFL has all the same ingredients which made Hollywood celebutards into amoral socialists. Lots and lots of money, government subsidies, an insular culture, lack of work experience and interaction with working Americans, and idolization by a low IQ fan base.
Republicans have hated civil rights for decades.

Their feeling: How dare blacks complain about unarmed blacks being shot. They were freed weren't they? What else do they want?

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