For all you hardliners who blame Fentanyl deaths on the person who OD-ed.

Apparently you didn't read the entire article before posting:

"Dr. Bahl says the fact that the Narcan was effective in treating Bannick’s condition is an indication that she was in fact experiencing a fentanyl overdose."

Are you suggesting that she took fentanyl deliberately?

I am simply posting what the experts have noted. I never argued she didn't OD. So your condemnation of me not reading the entire article is worthless.
yes they have & will Grumbly one

One huge dividen being Congress will never and a day bite the hand that feeds, in this case talk pottymouth of Big Pharma

ergo, the bait switch to China, Mexico, and any other of their 3rd world sweatshops magically crossing from licit to illicit via their toadies

The bait/switch goes on for immigration, where our POLICY is the crux of the issue

Until we force the issue. I check my email and Ralph's planning a Zoom meeting about
Corporate predators are preying on our children—tempting them with junk foods, violent programming, isolating virtual reality and social media, overmedication and much more. Parents and teachers are being routinely undermined as a result. These corporate hucksters believe they can get away with anything when it comes to marketing to children.
That while I listen to Jimmy Dore go off the deep end again with an otherwise charming guest

Typhoid's gonna squirt listening to that.
I am simply posting what the experts have noted. I never argued she didn't OD. So your condemnation of me not reading the entire article is worthless.
No, you posted HALF of the article which might lead the reader to a different conclusion than if they had read the WHOLE article.
Lying by omission is still lying.
No, you posted HALF of the article which might lead the reader to a different conclusion than if they had read the WHOLE article.
Lying by omission is still lying.

I posted the link. One is not supposed to post an entire argument. Does it offend you when something you would like to remain hidden isn't?

You accused me of something I never did. She OD'd. The only question is around why.
How much do pharmaceutical companies pay for lobbying?

Annual Lobbying on Pharmaceuticals/Health Products

Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America$22,382,000
Pfizer Inc$11,580,000
Biotechnology Innovation Organization$9,510,000
Roche Holdings$8,635,000


That is not the topic of this thread. Maybe you could return to the topic at hand.

What are you hoping to accomplish by changing the subject?
I posted the link. One is not supposed to post an entire argument. Does it offend you when something you would like to remain hidden isn't?

You accused me of something I never did. She OD'd. The only question is around why.
Agree. "Does it offend you when something you would like to remain hidden isn't?" -- excellent question/retort.
What the hell are you talking about?
Lying by omission is still lying.
Maybe, maybe not. Clearly not in this case.
Death from drug overdoses is the inevitable, and unavoidable, effect of using drugs.

It doesn't matter if the drugs are OTC, prescription, or illicit ... if you use them against medical advice, you're risking injury and or death.

You can't blame drug makers, or doctors, politicians or pushers for what people choose to do with drugs against medical advice.

Fentanyl means a better quality of life for millions of Americans suffering from chronic or post-operative pain. It would be a shame for those Americans to lose their ability to manage that pain because of foolish people using the same drug against medical advice.
Quality prescription drugs are one thing. Illegal drugs manufactured in Mexico with ingredients provided by China are another.

The object should be to stop the flow of the illegal drugs, not to do away with the legal drugs.
It doesn't matter if the drugs are OTC, prescription, or illicit ... if you use them against medical advice, you're risking injury and or death.
Example: When Jimmy Dore vehemently argues that (quoting from memory only) "The cult still say Ivermectin is for deworming horses. A Nobel Prize winning drug that has saved not just millions, but billions" -- he's gone off the deep end. Billions of animals? Sure, that's likely. Billions of people who ate products of those animals? Unlikely. Regardless, "if you use them against medical advice, you're risking injury and or death." Medical facts are: It is a common horse deworming medicine. It is used most widely to kill livestock parasites, perhaps even for fungal issues, but far less to treat human problems. Never (intelligently) to treat viral infections.
The drug ivermectin, used to treat or prevent parasites in animals and in humans, isn't a drug used to treat viruses. The FDA hasn't approved use of this drug to treat or prevent COVID-19. Taking large doses of this drug can cause serious harm. Don't use medications intended for animals on yourself to treat or prevent COVID-19.
Will Jimmy ever say or admit that? Not likely.. and that's a real shame, not to mention hypocritical as hell while blaming "the government", "the media", "the Democratic Party"... He's so sharp so much of the time, and then ~~~wheeeee~~~ off into the twilight zone.
The object should be to stop the flow of the illegal drugs, not to do away with the legal drugs.

Fentanyl has become a panic word. People hear the word on the news every night next to pictures of millions of dead teenagers who would otherwise be down at the malt shop or dancing shoeless at the sock hop (I assume that's what teenagers still do).


When people are in a panic, they don't deal with issue logically, they demand something, anything, be done and right now!


So, now that we are in panic mode over the newest outrage, Fentanyl ... millions of Americans who depend on that drug for the management of severe pain are going to suffer.

It's inevitable.
Fentanyl has become a panic word. People hear the word on the news every night next to pictures of millions of dead teenagers who would otherwise be down at the malt shop or dancing shoeless at the sock hop (I assume that's what teenagers still do).

View attachment 739239

When people are in a panic, they don't deal with issue logically, they demand something, anything, be done and right now!

View attachment 739241

So, now that we are in panic mode over the newest outrage, Fentanyl ... millions of Americans who depend on that drug for the management of severe pain are going to suffer.

It's inevitable.
Should fentanyl NOT be a panic word?

Automobile crashes kill fewer than 40,000 people a year.

The entire Vietnam war killed about 55,000 peopled.

Opioid overdoses are now killing 100,000 a year.

In MY OPINION, the government is responsible for that figure in many ways. First, government regulations have made it much for difficult for folks needing opioid medication to obtain them from legal sources. Not impossible but far more difficult. The result is that folks resort to buying it on the street. Many falsely believe that what they are buying is the same as what they get from their pharmacist.

The second is a wide open border for the Mexican Cartels to haul their poison across the border.
She WAS wearing gloves! Did you not read the link?

Since nitrile gloves don't leak (unless ripped), the she either removed them improperly, OR place her gloved (contaminated) fingers in her mouth or nose.

Police are trained in the proper use of disposable gloves, I can only suspect that she made an honest, but serious mistake.
There’s no possible way you could get a lethal dose from touching a dollar bill.

Lots of people die from injecting large doses into their veins. That’s nothing like touching a bill.
Wrong answer, buffalo breath!

In its pure form, overdoses are only moderately unpredictable, with most overdose deaths occurring at serum concentrations of between 150 and 250 ng/mL.
Since nitrile gloves don't leak (unless ripped), the she either removed them improperly, OR place her gloved (contaminated) fingers in her mouth or nose.

Police are trained in the proper use of disposable gloves, I can only suspect that she made an honest, but serious mistake.

I am sure since you were there at the time, you know exactly what happened.
The fentanyl on the street comes from China into this country carried by invaders who work for the cartels.

It's what the drug addicts want to legalize.

Bullshit. Fentanyl exists because heroin is illegal.

I blame it on Biden's open border. Wonder how much kick back he gets from the smugglers.

I recall it's a standard 10% for The Big Guy.

Example: When Jimmy Dore vehemently argues that (quoting from memory only) "The cult still say Ivermectin is for deworming horses. A Nobel Prize winning drug that has saved not just millions, but billions" -- he's gone off the deep end. Billions of animals? Sure, that's likely. Billions of people who ate products of those animals? Unlikely. Regardless, "if you use them against medical advice, you're risking injury and or death." Medical facts are: It is a common horse deworming medicine. It is used most widely to kill livestock parasites, perhaps even for fungal issues, but far less to treat human problems. Never (intelligently) to treat viral infections.

Will Jimmy ever say or admit that? Not likely.. and that's a real shame, not to mention hypocritical as hell while blaming "the government", "the media", "the Democratic Party"... He's so sharp so much of the time, and then ~~~wheeeee~~~ off into the twilight zone.

Are you...drunk?

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